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On Border Soldiers doing fights with there rivals and some of soldiers dieing in rivals bullets. Some of soldiers have wound but they are still fighting for there Country . They didn't stop. They didn't have any care of there life . They only know that they doing that for there country . They can do anything for there country.

On that time One young boy doing fights with the rivals . When he saw rivels bullets going infront of him another soldier . He shot that rival and that soldier fall in ground. He run to him.

Boy : sir you are ok na?

Old man : Yeah sid Iam ok. Thank you so much my child for saving me.

Boy : Sir you are one second call me child and one second thanking me why? I think you didn't me as your child

Sir : Sid you are like child. You know na how much I love you. You are my best soldier. Iam gald that I was Your time teacher.

Sid : Sir No Iam gald to got teacher like you. You are my idol Major Alakh

Suddenly Enemies going to shot sid. Then Major Alakh pushed sid and saved him. Then they again start there fight with enemies . In Morning to night to Morning day did fight atlast It's been 3 days passed but there fight didn't stop yet. In last Soldiers win.

Now they are in camp

All soldiers doing treat of there wound. But All is really happy Just Because of that's happiness they didn't thinking about there Pain. They forgot there pain for country.

Then Major Alakh come. Then he give hand to sid's Shoulder and say

Alakh : Iam proud of you sid. From 6 months you are in this border and saving your country. Doing fights to rivals. You got lots of wound in this fights but you didn't moved and manly you are new new soldier but your love for country. I really love you. But I think you should need take Rest . So Iam giving you somedays vacation now go and meet your family I know how Much you missed your family. Your parents. Your brother and bhabhi.

Sid : But sir I will go then who will take of my country. I know how much I missed my family. My Dada and my bhabi and my Mom. But that's why I can't forgot my Country. My country is my Motherland. My first love. My world.

Alakh : Iam really happy that you more then yourselfe and your family. You only think about your country. Proud of you my child. But I think you should take some rest. So now go to your family and live some time with your family and It's my order (Smilling)

Sid : Yes sir (Smilling)

Sid give Salut to Alakh and start doing packing bags to go to meet his family. He is really happy to meet his family . Epically his Mother and His brother. They are life.

Then Sid is travelling start his journey to meet his family. He was only thinking about his family. When he will meet them? How will be his this surprise for them? How will they react? He is really happy
Now It's time really close to meet his family . He is really Close.When he enter in his Own city . His city Punjab.All people was staring him. All was really happy to saw there sid. Sid come From car and start meeting all people. Start taking blessing from all peoples and hugging them. On this some of people gone to his house and say

Girl : Abhi bhai where are you? Aunt Where are you? Bhabi Where are you? . Sid bhai is come in Punjab. All is meeting him. You guys also come

All was shocked to heard that sid is come

Sid 's MoM : What? Is it really my sid. My sid is in (Tears come from eyes)

Girl : Yeah Aunt.sid bhai is in (Smilling)

Then girl gone

Sid's Mom : Heyy all of you guys where gone? My sid. My son is back. My sid is back.

Then Suddenly Sid bhabi Vaishnavi come.

Vaish : Really Mom. Sid back (tears fall from eyes)

Sid's Mom : Yeah

Vaish : Mom Then Iam calling Abhi and dad. They will be also happy. (Smalling)

Sid's mom : Yeah (Smalling)

Then Vaish call them

In call

Call is in speekar

Vaish called them but she is Crying in call.

Abhi : Vaish what happened? Why are you Crying?(worried)

Vaish : Abhi sid (crying)

Abhi : what happened to sid?(worried) why are you crying?tell please don't scare me

Sid's Mom : It's happiness crying

Abhi : Mean Mom

Sid's Mom : Sid is back. My son is back

Abhi : what? Really mom my chota is back (tears fall from eyes)

Vaish : Yeah now you come and take Dad also with you. We are waiting

Abhi : Ok (tears fall from eyes)

Then call cut

Then Sid's dad in come to abhi and say

Sid's dad : what happened abhi? Why are you crying my son? (Worried)

Abhi : Dad dad my chota. My sid(tears fall from eyes)

Sid's dad : what's sid? What happened? (Tears fall From eyes)

Abhi : Dad sid is back in Punjab

Dad : what really?

Abhi : yeah dad mom and vaish call me now.

Dad : Really

Abhi : Yeah. Now we have to go

Dad : yeah

Then They are ready for going to meet sid

On sid's side

Sid in his city's field. He is really happy to meet them all when time he saw his Mom and his Bhabi is coming. Tears come from his eyes to saw them after so long .

He run towards them and they also crying to hug them . Then He hugged his mom and start crying. His mom also Crying

Sid's Mom : After gone serve your Motherland you forgot Your birth mother tell? (Hold his ear)

Sid : Aaaha Mom. How I forgot my sweet mom. You are my lifeline. See I was come for meet you all. See How much I love you. Now mom please spare my Ears or else my ears wil be like Rebat. Then People will call me Rebat

All laughed to heard that. Then sid's mom leave ear and say

Sid's Mom : You will not change. You know how you make me happy.

Sid : Yeah because Iam your son

Sid's Mom smalling and then Sid's bhabi Vaish

Vaish : You forget me right

Sid : No bhabi How wil I forgot my Third Mom.

Vaish : Third mom really

Sid : Yeah because My first mom is My motherland. Then my second birth mother.

Then next you are my Third mom. Who love me Most

Tears come from vaish eyes and say

Vaish : Aww you know how I missed you.

Sid : No I missed you Most

Then Suddenly on this time Abhi and his dad come and say

Abhi : Ohh After got Mother and Bhabi. Forgot your Bhai and Dad right I understand. We are nothing for you right

Sid turned and hugged abhi and start crying .

Sid : How I forgot you dada? You know how much I love you. How can I forgot my over protective brother (tears come from eyes)

Abhi : I really missed you chota. You are not here then house is like no soul. Iam really happy to see you (Tears come from eyes)

Sid's Dad : What about me? (Angrily)

Sid gone to his dad now and hugged him and say

Sid : Sid how can I forgot you. You know how much I missed you (crying)

Sid's dad : I also missed you my son

Then after there meeting section . Sid go to house after 6 months . He is really happy to saw his house after so long.

When he take his fet on his house then some flashbacks come in has mind.


When sid was going from his house. When time his Mom one side she crying and One side she giving blessings.

Sid's Mom : Bata make me proud . Iam waiting for when you come After complete your duty to your Motherland. Your real mother. When your Birth Mother will be proud . One more take care (Crying)

Sid : Yeah Mom (Smilling)

Sid take blessings from his dad and and his dad say

Sid's dad : I know you will be complete Your duty to Your Country . Your Real mother but After complete Your duty don't forgot Your family. Just come soon (Tears fall from eye)

Sid : Yeah (Smilling)

Then Sid was going to Abhi then Abhi hugged him tightly and Crying

Abhi : Chota come sooon. You know I can't able to live without you but Iam really proud of you. You know you are my pride.

Vaish : You Are not Only Abhi's pride. Not Only our pride. You are not only our family's pride. You are our country's pride.

Then sid hugged vaish and Then sid gone to save his Country. Save his motherland and Make a pride of all.

Flashback end

Abhi : Hey what are you thinking that?Let's go or else you didn't have time. You are again going border (Glairing)

Sid : No no don't be angry. Iam not going dada.

Abhi : Then ok or else I though kill you today

Sid : Ohh you woona make me Martyrs (laughing)

Abhi : Yeah (laughing)

All chuckled to see that childish.

Then They gone to house. Sid gone to his Room and take rest. After freash up. Sid's Mom calling for him for dinner. Then he go to downstairs. Sat with his family and start eating .

Sid's Mom : You are going so weak I think you didn't eat food. You didn't any care of yourself. See what was you did to do

Vaish : Yeah why you are caring yourself. Now you also not eating much food why?

Sid : Iam ok my Mothers.

All chuckled

Vaish : Take one more paratha

Sid : No way. You guys already gived me 4 paratha's. I can't ate More or else Iam sure goona die

Sid said that last line then sid's Mom hold his right ear and Vaish held his Left ears. Sid winched in pain

Sid : aaaha leave me. Please please

Vaish : No not goona to leave. Why you said you will die (tears fall from Eyes)

Sid's Mom : Yeah why you said? (Glairing sid)

Sid : Ok ok sorry now please leave me or else my ears wil be shahid (laughing)

Abhi : Yeah then nobody wil marry to my choto. So leave you guys

Sid's dad : Yeah leave.

Sid's Mom : Ok Leaving

Then leave his ears. All laughed. Then after there dinner . she said

Sid 's Mom : Sid want to say something to you

Sid : Yeah say mom

Sid 's Mom : You will do whatever I want

Sid : Yeah I Will tell

Sid' Mom : Then please marry a girl

Sid : what?

Sid's dad : Yeah we also thinking that.

Sid : But I can't do this

Abhi : why?

Vaish : Yeah why?

Sid : Because Iam a soldier. Iam a indian army'. My all life belongs to my country. My life belongs to my motherland and When I will be shahed for my country I don't know so how will I marry and make this girl life suffer with me. It's will be my wrong. I can make her life suffer .

Sid's dad : But for that you will not marry.

Sid : Yeah

Sid's mom : but all soldiers marry na. So why not you.

Sid : I can't mom. I can make any girl suffer.

Sid's Mom : But this girl ready to marry you. She have no problem. She know everything about you. She is really kind and self respect. She is really amazing girl. Her thought is amazing. She is ready to marry you

Sid : what?

Sid's mom : Yeah and tomorrow we are going her house

Sid : But mom? How can you say that? Iam not ready.

Sid's mom : you Have to. You Have s swear of me

He give his hand on his head. Sid nodded Because of his mom. Then They are really happy that sid agreed . All start doing preparations.

In night
sid's room

Sid is really stress . he is nodded because his mother and family but he is not ready for marry. He only thinking who is that girl who woona to marry him. Wil she knew that all things about sid. sid is thinking that when time abhi come and say

Abhi :Booooooooo(shouting on his ears)

Sid : dada

Abhi : what are you thinking chota?

Sid : Nothing bhai

Abhi : Ohh I think you are thinking about would be wife right (laughing)

Sid : dada

Abhi : Ohh hoon what happen? (Laughing)

Sid : Nothing but tell what are you doing in my room?

Abhi : want to sleep my baby brother(Smilling)

Sid : Really

Abhi : yeah

Sid : Iam also woona to sleep with you like we were slept in childhood remember

Abhi : Yeah you slept in my lap in childhood and we slept together

Sid : Yeah. So Should I sleep on Your lap

Abhi : sure(Smilling)

Abhi pated his lap then sid give his head on his lap. Then Abhi start caressed his hairs.sid also really happy after long time he in his dada's lap.

Then After sometime sid slept. Then Abhi chuckled to see. Abhi make him sid properly then he also sleep with him.

In morning

All doing ready for to go girl house but sid have no mode to go but for family. He also going. Then gone girl house

Girl' dad : Come you guys

Girl's dad : Yeah please come

Abhi : Yeah we are coming aunt

Then all gone to house and sat in sofa. Then they start talking something .Giving them some snacks ete ete things. Now come to meet about girl.

Sid's Mom : So please tell your daughter to come

girl's mom : Yeah.

Then she gone. After sometime she come with a girl.That's girl is really Beautiful. Her eyes who will saw that anyone can fall for her.

Girl's Mom : My daughter.

Then sid saw and shocked

Sid's prov

She is here. I didn't understand anything. That's mean mom and dad telling about that's girl.

Sid's prov end

Girl's Mom : My daughter Avneet.

Avneet : After then Iam telling. Iam doctor. I think you guys know right uncle and aunt.

Aunt : Yeah bata We meet you before also.

Avneet : Yeah but Again meeting you Iam really happy

Sid's mom : He is my son Siddharth.

Avneet : Yeah I know him. Who don't know him. He is pride of country . He is a soldier. He not only country's pride. He is our pride.

Sid's prov

She know about me everything how?how?Iam really confused.

Sid's mom : I think you guys should talk to each others

Avu's mom : Yeah Iam also thinking. So avu take sid to your room

Avu nodded then they gone to avu's room. Then Sid

Sid : why you woona to marry me?

Avu : Because I start loving you.

Sid : what?

Avu : Yeah

Sid : how?

Avu : You remember when we meet first on this time.


In shopping mall enemies attacked. To save to People all soldiers come. With sid also come. Then all soldiers Start doing fight with enemies. There was firing going on.On this time one bullets about to hit a kid. On this time sid pushed kid then bullets hit on his shoulder. Bleeding start coming but he didn't have any care. When time avu saw that and she said

Avu : hey you

Sid : Me

Avu : Yeah. Your hand is bleeding. You should go hospital

Sid : No Iam ok

Avu : You are not ok

Sid : Iam ok I don't need. Now my work is save to people of my Country. I can't think about myself. I have to save them. That's it nothing much and you should go from there or else problem can be happen.I don't have time I have to save people

Then sid leave

Flashback end

Sid : So

Avu : from when time I was starting really really loving you. You can't understand how much. Iam crazy for you Mr pride

Sid : what Mr pride

Avu : Yeah you will be na my husband and after that I will be your wife then you Will be my pride (Smilling)

Sid was like shocked

Sid :You know what are you saying?

Avu : I know what Iam saying

Sid : You are not understanding. You know when we go for save to our motherland when We don't know we able to save or not. Our life didn't Have security. Ny life Only belongs to my Country and after country my family and you wil marry me then I will be not able to give you much time. I don't want to suffer you with me. Please try to understand.

Avu : Yeah I understand now

Sid : So tell that to everyone that you are not woona to marry me ok?

Avu : No

Sid : What? But you tell ne that you understand now? So

Avu : I understand that. I Have to be your wife. I Have to Soilders wife. It will be my pride and you are Saying na I can suffer with you. But you are wrong. What you are only think that you soldiers only can die. I also can die for you because Iam crazy for you. Iam your pysho lover. Iam ready to marry you.

Them Avu sat on kness and say

Avu : You will be my pride. You will be my husband. You will be soldiers wife sayyy

Sid was like shocked. He didn't expect anyone to love him like that passion without his family. He is really shocked. When avu thought that sid was not ready. Then she think that she should not force him. Then she wake up and start going tell everyone that she don't woona to marry sid. When time sid hold avu's hand and say

Sid : where are you going?

Avu : Iam going to tell that I didn't woona to marry you.

Sid : what? Why?

Avu : Because you didn't want to marry me

Sid : So you didn't woona be my wife. Solider wife right

Avu : what?really?

Sid sat in kness and say

Sid : Yeah I woona to be your pride. So miss avneet you woona to marry me. You will be soldier wife. You will be my wife. You wil be main

Avu : Yeah

Avu hugged him and sid also hugged him back.

Then They gone to downstairs and told everyone that they are ready for marry. Then there family's really happy. They are start doing there preparations start.

On that's time sidneet start spend time with each others. They are going on river banks to Spend times and some more place. They are really happy with each others after that there relations also going really good. There bond also going strong and so amazing .

Then time also going and there marriage day also going to really close. That day is come.

Sidneet marriage day. Is it really sidneet marriage day. In marriage day they all happy. They start marriage and after sometime sidneet now married . They are now couple . After marriage taking all blessings from there family. Then there life started. They are now sid's house.

There First night

They are really excited and happy. Avu in sid's Room when time sid also come in room. On this time sid Smalling to saw avu and Avu also Smalling to saw sid. Sid gone to Avu. They start conversation. They are happy with each others when time suddenly someone called sid. Sid picked and say

Sid : Ok Iam coming

Avu after hears that avu was sad It's common because It's there first night. In that special day come in life Only one time. That day couple spend time with each others but on this time sid going away from her. On this time avu

Sid say in call then looked at avu and avu say

Avu : Sid you go. No need to take any permission from said na your country is your first love. Your motherland. Your first mother. So that's why you have right to save your go on sid. Iam not stopping you because you are not Only my pride you are our country pride. So go and serve your country Love you sid (Smilling)

Sid : Iam really happy that you understand that avu. Iam proud of you. Love you too

Then sid hugged Avu and gone to downstairs to say bidbye to all.

All was really shocked because in first night he was going.

Abhi : chota I know you are going to serve your country but what about avu? Today your and her first night. So how you can?

Sid : Dada avu told me to go. Right avu

Avu : Yeah dada. Iam told to serve his country first

Sid : see

abhi : Avu are you sure?

Avu : Yeah

Sid's Mom : But it's only somedays you are come now you are going agian (crying)

Sid : Mom please don't cry(wiped his tears)

Sid's dad : So what will we do you are going?

Sid : Dad you also?'

Sid's dad : Yeah

Vaish : Not only dad Iam also saying sid. Please stay some day More please

Abhi : Yeah please Chota (tears fall from eyes)

Sid : I can't sir called me. They need me and I was give promise to save my mother first then I have to go (tears fall from eyes)

Avu : Yeah you go and save your mother. Don't worry about family and me. I will take care of them (fake Smilling)

Sid : Thanks avu

Hugged avu and avu also give hug back. Then now to go sid

Abhi hugged sid in last and say

Abhi : Chota come fast you know na. Your dada will be not able to live without you. (Crying)

Sid : Yeah dada I will coma fast (crying)

Abhi and sid hugged each others and start crying. Then sid's Mom last hugged sid and say

Sid's mom : Bata I know I will not able to stop you but please after serve your country come to us. We wil Miss you (crying)

Sid : Yeah mom (crying)

Sid's dad : Now last give me a big hug(tears fall from eyes)

Sid : yeah dad t

Then sid hugged his dad and start crying

Dad's dad : Iam proud of you my son. Please coma fast. (Crying)

Sid : Yeah dad. Now please you guys don't cry. Then I will be not able to go

All nodded then now turn to go. Sid's jeep come and sid sat in car. Sid going but in last seeing all people and all was crying. Then sid leave

After sid leave all gone to there room and avu run to her room and start crying. She know that it's will be but it's so fast. She didn't expect that in there First night sid will go. But after sometime she make him clam.

In sid's side

Sid come in border and heard a bad news that Major Alakh is injured in fight.

All soldiers in bad situation. Then sid was not able to bear this fight. Then gone to for war.
He is last hope of all soldiers.He gone in border Start his fight for country. He was doing really good. He shoted 6-7 persons now and then some of dead. Now left only 5 person. Then he will win this fight can say. Then he is shoting for killing this 5 person when his bullets gone off. Then he saw in ground some guns. Then he run to take that's gun when time Enemies attack him. They shoted sid in his arm.

Tal Waaron Pe Sar
Waar Diya
Angaaron Me Jaism
Jalaya Hai

Tab Jaa Ke kahin
Humne sar pe
Ye kesaru Rang sajaya

Then After shot sid balanced disturb then he fall in ground and blood come from his arm.

Ae Meri Zameen
Afsos Nahin
Jo Tere Liya Sau
Dard sahe

Mahfooz Rahe
Teri Aan sadaa
Chaha jaan meri ye
Raha Na Rahe

Then sid close his eyes and sid start Thinking when he take promise to take save to his country.

Ae Meri Zameen
Mahboob Meri
Meri Nas -Nas Mein
Tera Ishq Bahe

Pheek Na pade kabhi
Rang Tere
Jismon Se Nikal Ke
Khoon kahe

Teri Mitti Me Mil
Gul Ban ke Main
Khil Jaawaan

Itni si Hai Dil ki
Teri Nadiyon Mein
Bah Jaawaan

Teri Nadiyon Mein
Bah Jaawoon
Tere khelon me

Itni si Hai Dil ki

Then sid wake up to recall his promise to save his country. Then he wake up. Then he saw a gun. He took and start shoting them then all dead Only 2 left but suddenly one person Again shot sid in his chest. Blood start coming from his chest but in last he killed him also but Only left. He was about to shot him but suddenly Rival shot him on his leg. He fall down and rival was about Again shot but sid shot him and he also dead but blood come From sid's all body. He got 3 bullets in his body's parts. He fall in ground because he save his country now is he dead then he will be not much Problem. Then he close his eyes and start thinking something

Sid start thinking about his city's filed

Sarson se Bhare
Khaiyon Mere
Jahan Jhom Ke
Bhanga Pa na saka

Aaabad Rahe
Wo Gaanw Mera
Jahan Laut Ke
Wapas Jaa Na sakta

O Watna Ve
Mere Watna Ve
Tera Mere Pyaar
Niralaa Thaa

Qurbaan Hua
Teri Asmat Pe
Main kitna Naseebon
Wala Thaa

Teri Mitti me Mil
Gul Ban ke Main
Khil jawaan

Itni si hai Dill ki
Teri Nadiyon Mein
Bah jawaan

Tere Kheton Me

Itni Si Hai Dil Ki

Then Sid start thinking about avu that he gived her promise. He will give her all happiness. He will make him happy. He will not give her any pain. He wil save her. But he couldn't able to. Tears come from sid's eyes

O Heer Meri...
Tu Hasti Rahe..
Teri Aankh Ghadi..
Bhar Nam Na ho.......

Main Marta Tha
Kis Mukhde pe
Kabhi uska ujala
Kaam na ho

Then sid start thinking about his mother. He told to his mother that he will come soon but he couldn't able. He start crying

O Maayi Meri
Kya Fikra Tujhe
Kyun Aankh Se
Dariya Bahta Hai

Tu Kahti Thee
Tera Chaand Hoon Main
Aur chaand Humesha
Rahta Hai

Sid start thinking about his dada abhi. He said to abhi that he will come back but he couldn't. He start thinking that when they slept with each others. Sid start crying

Teri Mitti Me mill
Gul Baan Ke main
Khil Jaawaan

Sid said to his dad. He will make him proud then he will come but he couldn't

Intni Si Hai Dil Ki
Teri Nadiyon Mein
Bah Jaawaan

Teri Nadiyon Mein
Bah Jaawaan
Teri Faslon Me
Itni Si Hai Dil Ki

Sid : Sorry Mom, dad. Dada, Avu, Bhabi but Iam not able to come back. Please forgive me. Please please. But don't worry I was save my country. I was serve my motherland. I did my duty for this country. For My mom and sorry Iam not able to do anything for you all but Iam your pride. You will be proud when you saw me in all people's Heart. All soldiers heart. I think they will not going to forgot me.

Sid winced in pain and say

Sid : Aaaha....sorry....all... Of.... You... Iam......not...
Guys....... Promised......... Sorr......sorrry.... Dada, Avu. Mom, dad,....bhabi..... Sorry. But I really love you..... You all

Sid in last


Then sid take his last breath. Then he leave us.

When after sid gone. Soldiers come and take sid's body. When Major Alakh hears that sid dead. He is not able to bear that. He love sid as his son. It's really big thing for him that his son dead. Tears come from Major Alakh's eyes.

When he saw sid's body. Non stop tears fall from his eyes. He hugged sid's body and start crying. After that all start prepositions to go sid's house to saw sid's body. Last time. They start going to sid's house. On time Avu, sid's mom and abhi all family Members thinking about sid that he ok or not? But didn't know anything. On that time one Soldiers jeep come when time think that sid come then

Then they take him on graveyard. They 31 soldiers respect him as 31 soliders give gun shot. In last Salut him. Then they gone.

After 1 year

They all leave without a soul but Abhinavi give a Birth of a boy that name they give sid. So remain that our sid. All was happy with our little sid and Avu really close to our little sid. She make attach him so much . She love him like no end.She is happy she no need anything more she thinks that but her parents didn't think so.They
Come sid's house.

Avu's Mom : Bata sid gone It's been 1 year now please get marry with another boy and forgot sid.

Avu's Dad : Bata please move on and forgot your past.

Avu : you guys can forgot about my first love. My life. My sid but I can't. He is my everything . I love him soooo much. He is my pride. Iam happy that Iam his widow. Iam really happy. He is my. He is my pride. So I don't need anything. I think you understand. I have to go somewhere I Have no time for that sorry. Iam leaving bye

Then Avu left for somewhere. Then Avu gone to graveyard to meet with sid and she gone start talking him.

Avu : you know my Parents is gone mad. They are telling to marry with someone. How can they think that? Iam your wife. Iam your Avu only. Iam only your. Iam your widow. Iam happy with that but they didn't understand that. They are really fool but you know na Iam your only. You are my pride not only mein you are abhi's bhai's pride. You are Mom's pride. Yoy are dad's pride. You are country's pride. You are the pride. Love you (tears fall From avu's eyes)

Jana gana Mana Adhinaayak jaye hai
Bharat Bhaagya Vidhaataa
Punjab sindu Gujrat Maratha
Draavid Utkala Bangaa
Vindhya Himaachal Yamuna Ganga
Ucuchala jaladi Taranga
Tave shubha Naame Jaage
Tave shubha Aashish Maage
Gahe Tava jaya Gaatha
Jana gana Mangaladaayaka jaye he
Bharat Bhagya Vidhaatha
Jana gana Mangaladaayaka jaye he
Bharat Bhagya Vidhaatha
Jaye He, Jaye He. Jaye He


It's a story of A Army and his family. His wife ete ete things . I don't know but from childhood I really love Army's. Army's sacrifices. I have a dream to make a One Army's one shot or Short story or A one book. That's why I maked this. I think in this one shot you guys understand about army and his family and his wife's sacrifice.

It's sidneet one shot . Next one shot wil be Sidshek after sidshek one shot I will give abhinavi one shot then again sidneet. Then sidshek. Then Abhinavi. It's will be my one shots list. Hope you guys will understand and loved that shots.

Cover credit :-stvrdust Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for this amazing covar.

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