The Big Day!

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(Above is a picture of what I imagine the wedding area looks like)

• At the designated ceremony and reception area, all the campers in Camp Half-Blood are seated, and Chiron even invited Reyna, Frank, and Hazel from Camp Jupiter (not all of the Romans were completely cool with the Greeks yet).

• Despite the fact that it was a wedding, Chiron feared that if demigod children from different gods sat at the same tables, fights would break out, so a table was designated for each cabin for the reception (or tables, depending on cabin size).

• In the end, neither Will or Nico wanted a best man at their fake wedding (Jessy affectionately called it "a practice for the real thing") ,so they invited their friends and siblings to stand with them. The Apollo cabin, Cecil, and Lou Ellen stood by Will's side, and the Seven and Reyna stood by Nico's side.

• Instead of the traditional way of one partner walking up the aisle while the other waits, Will and Nico walk down together with Kayla and Hazel as their escorts respectively.

• After the vows and wedding rings are exchanged (and Jason is cleaned up since his nosebleed from Solangelo kissing messed up his tie), everyone heads to the reception tables, although Leo keeps trying to sneak frosting off the cake. He finally stops after Annabeth threatens to beat him off with a stick the next time he tries.

• Cocktail hour ends, and Will and Nico enter, their newlywed dance beginning right after. Despite Apollo cabin's attempts to teach Nico to dance, he wasn't able to completely remember the lessons and stepped on Will's toes several times. Will doesn't seem to mind, though and just smiles encouragingly.

• Cheers and toasts are said, with a blessing from Apollo cabin and Hazel, and Leo uncaps a bottle of apple cider that starts spraying over the crowd (he wasn't allowed to bring champagne).

• A few Apollo cabin kids volunteered to play live music. Leo was tempted to request them to sing "Y.M.C.A," but once again, Annabeth stopped him.

• After the main course, several campers hit the dance floor. An all-out dance battle nearly ensues between Percy and Jason until Piper and Annabeth show them up...then it turns into a dance battle between Percy and Jason VS Piper and Annabeth.

• Will tosses the flower bouquet Demeter cabin prepared for him into the crowd. Pretty much the entire Aphrodite cabin is murdering each other just to get to it, while the other cabins stay clear since they still value their lives.

• It's finally time to serve the wedding cake (much to Leo's excitement), and when Will cuts a slice, he pushes into Nico's face. Nico does the same, and while the cake gets on both of their tuxedos, no one seems to care (except for the Aphrodite cabin).

• The final dance of the night is sung, ending with confetti being thrown over the "newly-wed" couple. Everyone helps to clean up and then heads back to their cabins for the night, Frank,Hazel,and Reyna heading back to Camp Jupiter.

• What Will didn't know was that in order for this wedding to happen, Jessy had to promise Dionysus that she would wash all the dishes after dinner and clean the horse stables for the entire rest of summer, which was about two months. She didn't really mind,though. All that mattered was that her brother was happy.


I a m a t e r r i b b l e p e r s o n

I actually spent 2 MONTHS procrastinating on one chapter that ended up sort of being in head canon form

Why do you guys still follow me I have no consistency like at all

No seriously I wanna know

Well, here's the proper apology you all deserve: I'm SO,SO,SO sorry for making you wait so long for this chapter D: Procrastination got the best of me for the most part, there was also a bit of writer's block, but I was pretty much spending...the entire month of July basically working on a new fanfiction I'm going to publish soon (translation:probably 3 months from now knowing me)

that probably doesn't make up much for anything

My family was also preparing to move to a new state, but we're settled down now so that's all good I guess

Anyways,I'll try never to make you guys wait this long again, but with me being in school since the last week of August, I'm not sure how capable I'll still be of keeping that promise.I'll still try though,I promise!

I've been generating ideas for this book while I was away,so hopefully that makes up for the amount of procrastinating I was doing...?


I still have more butterbeer and chocolate for you if you want it *gives* 🍫🍺

Okay,just thought I should explain why I hadn't been updating and apologize

(this chapter honestly doesn't feel that good BUT THE POINT IS THAT I UPDATED :'D)

Bye,my little loves <3 (should I call you that now or does that sound weird?)


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