Wed,Bed,or Tartarus Part 3

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Tia's POV

"Seriously?What is up with Caleb and his cookies?"Kate asked.

"This entire game is your revenge on each demigod in this cabin,is it?"Leo said is in a flat tone,so it sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Well,anyways," Caleb said,ignoring Leo and Kate,"since Tia looks scarred for life,how about we let her choose next?"

Tia groaned and stuck her hand in the mug.She looked at the names she had picked and muttered,"What?"

"Who did you get?"Kate asked.

"I got Gaea,Piper,and Annabeth."

Annabeth and Piper exchanged a glance with each other and looks back at Tia with expectant faces.Percy suddenly held onto Annabeth's hand,Jason doing the same with Piper.

"Well,what do you choose,Tia?"Piper asked coolly.

Tia began thinking over the possibilities.Gaea was definitely going back to her husband...but then what?Marry Piper and bed Annabeth,or marry Annabeth and bed Piper?Neither combination seemed very appealing.

In the end,Tia based her decision off the fact that one boyfriend would probably be more understanding than the other.

"I send Gaea to Tartarus,marry Annabeth,and bed Piper," Tia said.

Caleb looked at Percy."See?I told you she wouldn't choose to bed Annabeth!Hand over the drachmas,punk!"

Percy sighed and handed his brother five golden drachmas.

"Wait,were you guys betting on my decisions?Where did you even get drachmas?" Tia demanded,her hands on her hips.

"Yes,we were betting on you decisions, but I have no idea where Percy got the drachmas," Caleb replied.

Tia raised in eyebrow but didn't say anything else."Anyways,I think Kate should go next."Turning to Kate,she said,"Your go,Kit Kat."

In case any of you are wondering,I have a cup with names written on strips of paper next to me for the names :P

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