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the tiny bell chimes, as i walk into the store. usually, at this time the store isn't too crowded with children screaming in delight while looking at the hybrids, nor with parents facepalming or cringing at their child's antics.

"oh hello y/n, good to see you, eh? what brings you here?" hoseok, the shop owner, questions.

hoseok was a ball of sunshine, heck, he was the literal sun. customers were always accustomed to his huge, wide grin when they entered the store. and the effect it had on many of them was calming and joyous. they always felt their day was brightened due to hoseok. even i have to admit it.

"oh, just checking for any new hybrids, i really want one. ever since sakura left the apartment, things have died down lately. i really want a companion, and we all know you are the talk of the town."

"oh y/n, for a girl completely oblivious to love, you sure do know how to flirt." hoseok laughs and i laugh alongside. that was the point, everything about him was intoxicating, but we were on good terms, just friends.

"so what hybrids you got? hit me."

he comes out of the desk and shows me around the store.

i sighed and rolled my eyes, all these hybrids looked good but monotonous. it was as if they were made to be that way.

"here we have our persian cat hybrid. he came yesterday night, so he is fresh. but mind you he can be feisty."

i squat down and tilted my head to look and better understand him, but out of nowhere he hissed at me, and turned around so to not see my face.

i was underestimated, turns out hybrids can be feisty and fierce but i liked it.

"hoseok, ring me the persian cat, i like it and i'm gonna buy it."

"sure thing."

he ran back to the desk and rung up the order.

"that'll be 41,000 won please."

i pay up and hoseok hands me the cage with the hybrid and other necessities required for the hybrid. i merrily skip with the things back home.

once i reached home, i opened the cage and let the hybrid out.

"aww look at your soft fur, it's so white and beautiful just like snow." i started caressing its fur.

"leave me alone, you nose poking human." the hybrid gritted and went to the couch.

i was taken aback by such rude behaviour, but soon i shrugged it off thinking that the hybrid was just uncomfortable in a new environment. i slowly approached to the hybrid.

"umm, you must be wondering of your new name? how about yoongi, it's pretty sweet and innocent and -"

he let out a guttural growl and looked at me dead in the eye.

"yoongi? what am i, a fucking kitten for you? no, i am going to go with agust d and you better not fucking retaliate or i will destroy you."

i gulped and nodded, retracing my steps back.i was scared of him now, terrified to be honest.

but i would soon realise it was fatal.

every day, when i tried to communicate with him, he always shrugged me off or snapped back. hearing it every day was a huge commitment, for at the end, i would cry myself to sleep. i never showed my weak side to him, i thought he would take advantage of it so i never did. but i didn't stop showing my caring side, though i knew i would never be acknowledged for it. this went on for a few weeks

today, i was really busy. i had to send an important presentation to my boss before the day's end. i was typing as fast as i can, trying to complete it so i could get tomorrow off. as i typed quickly, the sound of the keyboard muffled all noises, so i didn't hear agust d enter the room. i did feel the couch dip but never paid attention to it.

"give me the laptop." he said

i continued typing, for i truly didn't hear him

"give me the laptop right now." he growled deeply.

this time i heard clearly.

"not now, agust d. i am working."

"give. me. the. laptop." he said emphasizing each word.

i didn't care and typed quickly.

suddenly he snatched the laptop away from me, and pushed me away. the force was so strong, i fell down from the sofa and bashed my head on a coffee table. this sudden impact made the vase shake and fall down to the floor, shattering into tiny fragments which flew across the room, one scratched my cheek, drawing blood which trickled down my face. i screamed in agony and pain, i could feel the blood drip down my head. i felt very dizzy. i turned slowly to look at the hybrid's face.

he was shocked and pale as if he just encountered a ghost. behind those black orbs, i could see true fear and guilt. it was as if he repented his actions.

"c-call h-h-hoseok-k-k" i stuttered.

he nodded and dashed out of the room. after a few minutes, i heard hoseok scream in horror, it was as if a murder just took place.

"hybrid, go help y/n. i will book an emergency appointment and call the ambulance, you take care of her, cause i need to keep an eye on the shop."

i felt my eyes slowly close.

yoongi's pov

i carried her weak body in my arms and ran downstairs. i saw the ambulance had already reached. they put y/n on a stretcher and placed her inside.

"are you gonna come with us?" they ask me.

i nodded and went inside with them.

the journey felt long even though it was for seven minutes. maybe because i couldn't bear to see y/n in such a state, even worse knowing that i caused this. i should have just fucking listened to her. i should have shown her my love and affection then. they then took her body to the emergency room, while i sat out with my tail firmly tucked between my legs, both idiomatically and literally. i was whimpering, but why did i care? maybe because she truly cared for me, she truly listened to me, but i just gave her a cold shoulder.

i guess i truly love her.

the doctor opened the door and came out. his eyes seemed to wander around momentarily and then look down at his clipboard.

"uhh, umm, do we have any relatives of miss y/n?"

i jolted out of my seat and stared at his face, scaring him a bit.

"it's me, i am y/n's pet hybrid, yoongi" i grew to love that name by now. ever since y/n suggested it, it has been stuck in my head since. i love the way it was pronounced, but most of all, i grew fond of the way she spoke my name.

"oh, umm she is doing fine, in just a few days she will be discharged, for we need to run some tests on her. you can go visit her."

i scurried into the room. y/n's eyes were closed and i pitied her sight. a needle ran along her arm, where it disappeared into the area between the forearm. her head was bandaged and dressed while her arm was in a sling. i never knew such a push could break one's arm.

i slowly went beside and held her free hand in between my paws. i slowly caressed it.

"why did you even choose me, y/n-ah?" i chuckle bitterly, the taste of tears spreading in mouth."i tried to fucking kill you, i hated you so much, yet still you took care of me like i was your other half, huh? why y/n, why are you so kind to me? don't think that i never heard you cry yourself to sleep; every body part of mine itched to go to you and confess."

i heard no reply, so i continued.

"i should have opened up to you, i should have fucking talked shit out with you, but i let the ego get the best of me. i hope you forgive me. what the fuck am i saying? you will never fucking forgive me, i brought you to the verge of death, you ought to send me back to the store. you would never want me back in your life, huh? but please y/n, wake up, fucking wake up."

i cried hard and buried my face into the blanket. never did i fell such strong emotions for a girl, but y/n changed me.

i felt some stirring under me, and then a hand was kept on top my head. i got scared and got up.

y/n was awake.

"yah pabo," she called out to me in a feeble voice, "you think i will never forgive you, you saved my life. if it weren't for you, i would have been dead long ago. i-i love you yoongi-ah"

without wasting any time, i captured her lips in mine, kissing her softly. as much as i wanted to go primal on her, i had to hold my urges. this was a moment full of tenderness, needs come later.

she kissed back instantly, and we both were lost in the moment. we pulled away and connected our foreheads.

"i love you yoongi-ah"

"love you too, y/n-ah"

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