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My favourite season is Autumn. I'm an October baby, so I suppose I have an affinity to the cold, dark evenings and changing leaves. I get so creatively stunted and depressed in spring and summer, to the point where I find myself wishing the months away. But as soon as September hits, I feel myself relaxing. Like when you get home after time away and everything feels so comfortable and familiar and you realise you haven't taken a proper breath the whole time you were gone. That's what autumn feels like to me.

Safe. Home. Nostalgic. Mine.

Playlist #1 // September

Massive Attack

Ben Howard

Thistle & Weeds
Mumford and Sons

Tash Sultana

Don't Dream it's Over
Crowded House

When I think of Autumn, I think mostly about my time at uni. I can't think of this time of year without feeling nostalgic about that time of my life (I'm talking like I'm ancient, I only graduated 5 years ago. 3 years really, if you count my Masters).

The cold, cloudy mornings of the new academic year take me back to getting the train to uni every morning in the pouring down rain, running from the station to my morning lecture with a ciggie hanging out my mouth yet still stopping for coffee even if I was late. It reminds me of being hungover in seminars - maybe even still slightly drunk - or sitting in the library as the rain battered the windows, the sky going dark at 4pm. It reminds me of reading MR James by the fire in my grandparents house and thinking how lucky I was that this was my 'homework', listening to music as I walked around campus, nearly slipping on piles of soggy leaves because I insisted on wearing shoes that were not made for bad weather.

I know some people who follow me on here are only just about to begin their uni journey, and I know they may be feeling apprehensive. But I can honestly say that those years were the best of my life, and if I was offered the chance to go back in time and do it all over again, I would. So if you're reading this and about to start uni, please don't be worried. The first month is shit, I'll admit. But after that, you'll be fine.

I love Autumn for an abundance of reason. There's a part of me that's almost glad this year has gone so fast, bringing us back around to it again.

- Signing off with this pic from October 2012. Evidence of my coffee addiction and clear lack of note-taking.

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