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Happy (belated) New Year!
To celebrate 2021, here's the most chaotic info dump that no one asked for.

January's shit innit.

Even without a pandemic, this month is always just the worst. In saying that though, I'm a very reclusive person; introverted, anxiety-ridden, probably bordering on agoraphobic lmao, so being stuck inside and unable to socialise honestly doesn't bother me at all. It's more the mundanity of it, the repetitiveness and the long ass wait for payday. So I've spent this entire month with my face buried in the complete collection of Sherlock Holmes (by far the best Christmas present I received), and I've been just fine with that. I could honestly curl up between the pages and stay there forever.

Also, thanks to lockdown, I've been tasked with homeschooling. I consider myself an intelligent person, but I stg trying to explain vertices and phonemes to a five-year-old makes me want to bash my head against a wall.
Anyway, since I'm spending the majority of my days playing primary school teacher and a lot of my nights doing 'real life' work, my update schedule has taken a bit of a hit. I was starting to get back on track and I'm truly always writing things down and working on all of my active books, but I'm just not able to bash out chapters at the same rate I was a couple of months back.

I seem to be plagued by writer's block and just can't pinpoint why.

I know no one minds and all of my readers are so incredibly understanding, but I'm getting on my own nerves now. Hopefully I'll slip back into a more frequent schedule soon.

Anyway, speaking of writer's block... whenever I'm struggling with it, I like to make artwork based around my fics to try and inspire myself. Particularly photo manips and digital drawings.

So say hello to my newest obsession: drawing Juno as an old fashioned Marvel character and editing her into classic comic covers. Lol.

I hate myself for these but they're also kinda cool, so..

[I'm going to talk about writing sex scenes now. I told you this would be a chaotic entry.]

I'm trying to finish the last omitted scene for the first book of Glass and when I tell you I've been stuck on the same paragraph for literal months... Head. Wall. Bash.

Idk why I can't just get over myself and write it! I have this weird thing with writing sex scenes, especially with a character like Sherlock, where I'm so focused on making it realistic and tasteful and not just straight up smut, that I get in my own way because I need every detail/word choice/moment to be perfect. I've been writing chapter 50.5 since like... October? and the characters haven't even taken their clothes off yet 🙃

If anyone reading this does happen to be a reader of the omitted scenes, I'd love to know what you think I should do once I finish this final scene. Should I open it up to requests - kind of like I've done with the reader request book but exclusively for sex/smut scenes? I feel like I'd find it easier to write those kinds of scenes if I had prompts/requests for specific things, but I'm also aware that, even though I honestly wouldn't judge anything I was asked for, many people probably wouldn't want to openly make a request for that kind of thing. So should I just write the omitted scenes for After the Storm instead? I honestly don't know what to do.

Anyway, to anyone reading this: first of all I'm so sorry you had to sit through this mess. Secondly, I hope you're doing okay at this utterly awful time of year.

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