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I woke up in the middle of the night only to find jungkook missing, I panicked causing the others to wake up "Liz what's wrong ? Why did you wake up at this hour?" Ray asked sleepily as Icy yawns "yeah, you've ruined my beauty sleep." She grumbles.

"shut up Icy! Jungkook is missing!" I scream as Icy nods "oh, okay." Silence engulfs us soon after as the two pause for a moment "Wait..." Icy mumble as the two widens their eyes in realization "WHAT?!"

"Where did he go?!" Ray asked as he stood up on his four. "If I know where did he go I won't panicked!" Liz says with sassiness. Suddenly, a thunder echoed causing all of us to go silent. "oh no... Jungkook..." Icy mutter

Without wasting any more time we ran out of the house we look at the sky it was full of thunderstorms "this is bad... This is really really bad." Ray mutter as we search around the place "where are you jungkook?!" We call out for him




I was running, I don't know what was happening to me after the incident... I was afraid but out of nowhere I felt angry, the rage was burning inside of me. Suddenly, thunder sound echoed causing me to feel a sharp pain in my chest.

I ran out from the forest I was a few meters away from my house but unfortunately, the pain grow to cause me to fall on my knee holding my chest breathing heavily. My emotion was complicated that time I was afraid, tired, confused and for some reason, I was so furious. The pain grows same goes to the thunder. I can't bear it anymore so I shout at the top of my lungs.




We were so worried until we heard a shout, my ears perk up and I knew it was jungkook's voice without any further delay we run towards the source of the voice "Jungkook!" Liz flew towards him. He's on his knee holding he's chest breathing heavily he's gaze were on the ground as we reach him

"oh god... What happens?!" Icy asks as tears left Jungkook's eyes "It- It hurts. M-make it stops!" He cried out "Kook, what is it that hurts." I ask as we try to calm him down. He was gripping my fur tightly when he suddenly look up and we made eye contact

I was shocked as I saw his eye color glow silver. "Oh god..." I whisper. Icy and Liz saw the same thing and they were completely shock but I don't waste anytime so I ask him to calm down "Jungkook dear calm down, breathe properly." I told him but he won't stop.

"it's hurt Ray, stop it, stop the pain- please." He hiccup "I know, Jungkook, calm down first, breath properly please."


I was in complete shock, what happen? How? Ray tries to calm him down as he looks down... I realise that the thunder started to get worst "Jungkook you're strong." Ray says, trying to comfort him "stop the pain please." He whimpered. "Jungkook... Oh, dear..." Liz says and tries to approach him but he suddenly yells at us.


He look up at us and his eyes were completely white we feel a full force of power push us away causing me to cough, Liz pass out and Ray cough out blood... Jungkook scream in pain... while black smoke started to appear around him "no..." I whispered

The tree started to shake I look at the moon and pray... "please, With the power of the moon, I beg you to calm him down." I begged and it seem the moon answered my prayer.

The moonlight cover Jungkook's body and he seem to calm down and started to breath properly the tree stop shaking and the thunder slow down and the black smoke started to disappear...

And he pass out.



I was glad that there is no serious injuries, jungkook was still sleeping, completely exhausted by the incident "I don't understand... how?" I asked in confusion "I know... I think something triggered him causing such outburst." Liz points out and I nod in agreement.

"but he awakened his power all at once... Thunderstorms were his lightning element..." Ray speaks up "force that pushes us is his light ability," Liz says "black smoke is his dark one and the shaking tree is his nature power." I continue

"now his emotion will be the only way in controlling his power anything could happened he will be depressed and confused if it is possible he will be afraid too," Liz says as we nodded in agreement but then jungkook suddenly sat up gasping for air with teary eye.

"baby! You're awake!" Liz said as Ray stood up "thank god" He says and approach the boy "w-what happened? D-did I hurt you? Are you okay ? I'm s-sorry" He hugs us as a sob left his lips.


I'm so afraid, while hugging them I started to remember everything the pain the force the energy the moment I push them away... I remember... the only thing that I can think that time is...


"I'm sorry..." I whispered but enough for them to hear me "sweetie don't be sorry it's not your fault." Icy said as he nudges me with her nose. "I'm a monster... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I d-didn't mean-" I sob harder as tears fall down like a waterfall.

"hey,jungkook shhh... It's not your fault never be..." Ray says as he licks my tears "darling we are fine... Don't worry..." Liz says, trying to comfort me. I sobbed once again.

"I'm sorry..."



And he falls asleep. "guys... What are we gonna do? He's even scared of himself now..." I asked sadly as Icy shook her head "no... we will help him control it" She said, "he will understand... because no matter what..." Ray trailed off as we look at each other and says in sync

"We will always help him."

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