Chapter 13 [help them 2]

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Jimin p.o.v

Ughhh.... Imma hungry... And I saw a chicken... I took my arrow and target the chicken but then something strange snatch the chicken away and run

I feel so mad cuz I was fucking hungry in this fucking cold weather so I just chase that thing and it was Hella fast... I end up here...

Jimin : what the hell is this place?

I move towards the water and touch

Jimin : it was so clean...

I look around when I heard rustling sound and my eye drop on a....

What a red fox doing here? He move forwards and give me the chicken that he snatch... I'm touched...

Jimin : thank you?

I took the chicken away and started to make fire... I burn the chicken(wait is that a word?)and started to eat...

The fox just sit there and look at me...this is awkward...I mean weird...

Jimin : want some?

I give him the chicken legs and he gladly took it...

Jimin : enjoy....

Finish eating I lay down resting and the fox come beside me and lay down too... It was a cute side and I can't help it but to pat the fox head but as I touch the fur I feel a shocking wave, I winced in pain and look at my hand

A bond tattoo? I was bond? With who?

??? : Me... Hello jiminie I'm Lilith your spirit animal....took you a while to recognize me

I look at the fox...

Jimin : I never imagine I will got a spirit animal....

Lilith : imagine it jimin....

Jimin : wait... Lilith.... You're a she?!

Lilith : duhhh...yeah...

Jimin : really? Then tell me about you...

Tae p.o.v

Tae : ughhhh... My legs hurt as fuck

8 coin left... Shit this is harder then I expected.... Suddenly my coin shine and I immediately look around and saw a very goddamn beautiful horse...

He was eating so I decided to let it be and left but then something shiny caught my eye

Tae : what was that?

I look around and realise that there is a coin around the horse neck... And it was my coin

Tae : damn... I don't want to disturb that horse.... Fuck it

I walk towards the horse slowly

Tae : hello kitty...kruuu...kruuuu... Calm down I won't hurt you....

I slowly took the coin from the horse

Tae : good boy...

I touch the horse and

Tae : ouch!

I look at the horse then at my hand then a tattoo appear...

What the hell...

??? : Seriously tae? First you think I'm a cat then you think I'm a bird then you think I'm a dog? You should be lucky that I don't kick you just now...

Tae : what the fuck? Are you an alien? Have you meet my cousin? His name is V

I said while looking around excited

??? : You are more dumb than dumber... I'm Randall the horse your spirit animal

My eye widen as I look at the horse

Tae : Really?!

Jungkook p.o.v

I was walking around... Actually this is not that bad.... I'm good at surviving.... I live in a forest for 20 years... So I don't have that much of trouble...

For now... I haven't kill anything cuz for food I eat fruit... And I barely need water... So I'm good.... Except for my legs...cuz I'm tired... But 3 coin left and I'm free babe..

Suddenly my coin give me an electric shock.. I guess I found others coin this time... I look around and a shining object caught my eye

I walk there and saw a coin or more specifically...namjoon's coin... Then I look around and spot namjoon hyung. He look at me and I smirk stand up...and slowly wave at him...

Jungkook : hai joonie~~~

Namjoon : jungkook give me the coin please I don't wanna fight you...

Jungkook : why not? It's rare for a fighter vs tank right? I'm pretty sure it was fine...

Namjoon : jungkook... I don't wanna fight... Why don't you put that coin and we are fine

I grin evilly and without hesitation I attack him but he move away so I missed

Namjoon : jungkook stop!

Jungkook : an enemy won't stop until you lose hyung...

Namjoon p.o.v

Damn it... I can fight him but the problem is he is a fighter my shield won't hold up any longer if he punch it... I don't wanna use my eye...

Gabriel : namjoon he is right but you don't need to use your vampire eye... You have me and he don't know... Take his attention I'm gonna steal that coin from his hand

Namjoon : ok then... Let's have some fun buddy...

Jungkook smirk and launch at me I use my defender so he smash my shield, he disappear and appear behind me trying to kick my face

Gabriel : namjoon be careful!

I hold his kick with the back of my left hand and to be honest it's hurt as fuck...he back off as I touch his legs...

Jungkook p.o.v

Damn... His reflection improve...

Jungkook : your reflection improve a lot hyung...

Namjoon : your speed improve too..

I smirk realising something

Jungkook : nice tattoo you have there hyung...

His eye widen and he look frustrated

Namjoon : now!

I saw a chipmunk? Jump towards me but i move away... I smirk amused as they failed fooling me...

Jungkook : clever partner... You guys are very good together...

I caught of guard then the chipmunk suddenly bite my leg

Jungkook : ouch! What the fuck?

Namjoon took the opportunity and punch me hard... I groaned

Jungkook : shit...

Namjoon : don't ever lose focus to your enemy....

My head suddenly hurt and he try to punch me but the pain never come I open my eye and saw...

A big black wolf looking furious infront of me. the wolf growl at namjoon furiously and I took the opportunity to run

Jungkook : lady luck on my side now... See ya hyung!

Namjoon : yah!

The wolf stop namjoon by growling at him and I just run of because I know if I fight while my head hurt it just gonna cause me to lose... So retreat is a good option

I arrive at a river... I drink the water and sit down panting...

Jungkook : ugh... I hate retreating.... What is wrong with me back there?

Why did the wolf save me? My thought were cut off when I heard rustling sound around the bushes where I hope it wasn't namjoon hyung

And luckily it wasn't namjoon hyung it was the exact same wolf that safe me...

Jungkook : ohhh.. it's you.. thank you

I just bow a little cuz I donno why did I do that and I don't care since my leg hurt a little revealing the bite mark

Jungkook : shit... It's hurt like hell...

Then I heard whimper I look at my back and saw the wolf whimpering looking at my wound

Jungkook : ehh.. don't worry... It's not your fault!

Then the wolf form become smaller and it's fur change into white colour... I look at the wolf mesmerized as he walk at me and lick my wound

Then he whimper again I just pat his head trying to comfort him that I was fine as I touch his fur I feel sudden shock attack me

Jungkook : ouch...

I rubbed my hand and look at it to see...

A mark?

??? : I'm sorry...I should save you earlier now you are hurt I'm sorry...

I look around to see no one and look at the wolf that keep whimpering

Jungkook : is it you? Are you crying...

??? : Y-yeah...*sob* I'm ace your spirit animal... I follow you but was to afraid to show myself cuz I thought you will be afraid and run away....

I smile lightly and pat his head ...

Jungkook : don't cry ace... It's not your fault... Thank you for saving my life...and you can change your fur colour?

Ace : n-no... It happen naturally... When I was mad or protective my fur will turn black and my size will grow... But this is my normal form...

Jungkook : I see....

I just realize that his size when he was mad was like 3 time Ray size... And it was super huge... Remind me not to make him mad...

He surround me and I feel warm around him...I fell asleep...

Time skip 4 days later

Jaebum p.o.v

I feel... Uneasy these days.... Not because of the boys but because of jackson....

Yugyoem : hyung... I don't feel good...

Jinyoung : me too...

Bambam : same here...

The other nodded too...

Jaebum : it was Jackson right?

They nodded again...

Jinyoung : I think some of us need to go to earth... I did not feel good...

Youngjae : agree...

Jaebum : alright then... Youngjae,mark and jinyoung will go to earth to check on him the other will stay with the boys...

All : ok...

Time skip the next day

They left this morning... I hope jackson was alright...but then...

??? : Finally!!! I'm free!!!

Bambam : prince Jin! You made it!

Jin : yeshhhh

Yugyoem : look like you got a new friend there

I look at Jin and saw an otter on his head

Jin : oh guys meet my spirit animal Lucy!

Yugyoem : wah you found your spirit animal!

??? : Well we found ours too...

Jaebum : suga! Jimin!

There is a lynx on suga's head and a fox on jimin's hand

??? : Waterrrrrrr

Bambam : namjoon! No! You will destroy it!

To late... Namjoon destroy the chair...there a chipmunk on his shoulder

??? : Guys!!! I'm back!!!

Jimin : sunshine!

There is a falcon following him

??? : Yiiiii haaaaa!!!!!

There is he, taehyung with a horse...

Jin : yah you punk calm down or we will die!

Tae : yeah yeah whatever I miss you too..

Jimin : btw where the others?

He ask looking at me...

Jaebum : they went to your kingdom to check something

Hoseok : I hope they're fine

They nod agreeing

Yugyoem : cheer up guys! Jungkook will be here any time soon and we will show you something!

We smile at BTS remembering their next activity...


Jungkook p.o.v

Ughh... A week in the forest and now I'm free... I'm on my way back with Ace... I can't wait to take a proper bath but suddenly... I hear something that I wish I never hear again...



Do you think Jackson are fine? What happen when jungkook here that voice again?

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