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Jungkook's eyes flutter open, he looks around. He at least thinks that he is in the hospital, but all did he see is an expensive-looking room.

He tried to move but end up groaning in pain. He holds his chest as he keeps on hissing. After a few seconds in pain, he breathed slowly trying to ease the pain.

He turn his head to his left only to find a glass of water and turn to his right to find his hand was already injected with water. He sighs and slowly tries to stand up once again.

As he succeed he put his feet on the ground and grab on the iron that are holding the water that are connected with his hands. He slowly forces himself on his feet.

He slowly took a step although his feet are trembling, badly. He hissed and hold his chest once again, only to find himself bleeding for some reason.

He frowns. Not knowing what is going on he ignores the pain and walks towards the door. He left the room and support himself, walking across the hall.

Blood fall to the ground as his visions get blurry. He stumbles and groans. "Jungkook?" Someone suddenly asks. Jungkook looks Infront of him and saw a male but he don't know who is it.

The male run towards him. "Jungkook! It's me, Taehyung. Stop moving your wound has reopened." Jungkook couldn't respond as he suddenly fall on Taehyung.

Taehyung catch the injured male and panicked. "Jungkook, stay with me. Jimin! Jennie! Come! Jungkook is badly injured!" He screams for help.

A few seconds later Jimin came being followed by Jennie soon after. Jimin sit beside jungkook and ripped open his clothes as he inspected the wound.

He put his finger on Jungkook's wrist. "His pulse is not stable. I think it's a high fever due to overload pain, loss of blood, and pressure. Jennie-ah please bring me the first aid" he demand.

Jennie didn't argue and run to get the first aid. Jimin turns back to jungkook and starts supporting him to stand up. "Quick, help me." He says. Taehyung gulps and stands up to help him.

Both of them didn't waste any time and brought him to the room. Upon putting him in the bed, Jimin pulls out the needles in Jungkook's hand and grab something else from god know where did he get it.

He kneel and was about to insert the needle once again but Taehyung hold his arm. "What are you injecting him with? What if something happens?"

Jimin stares at him in disbelief, almost glaring. He snatches his hand away. "I'm the doctor here, this is a sedative to calm his nerve. If you're not planning to help then sit there quietly."

Jimin averts his gaze towards jungkook while Taehyung scoffs. Not wanting to look childish Taehyung went to the bathroom to get a towel and a bowl of water.

Jennie soon came with the first aid kit. She quickly went towards Jimin. Taehyung came soon after and went to jungkook. Putting the wet towel on his forehead.

Jimin opens jungkook's bloodied cloth and inspects it once again. "It's reopened and he becomes like this due to excessive bleeding" he kept silent for a moment before saying.

"I need blood, he needs blood."


Jisoo stood Infront of a small shop. Jungkook's shop. It's closed. She just stare at the door. Silently. Someone suddenly greets her.

"Mrs.Kim? Is that you?" An old woman asks her with friendliness. Jisoo smile and nodded. "Do you know where jungkook is?"

"Ahh, him? I don't know. He had been closing his shop quite often now. He doesn't even return home since yesterday. I don't know what happens to him these days." The old woman says.

Seeing Jisoo frown in confusion the lady decide to excuse herself which Jisoo just nod and say goodbye. She looks back at the building as what Seokjin says appears in her mind.


"Jungkook? How did you know him?" She asks, shocked. Jin tilts his head. "Why do you think I want you to be in my possession? There's something that jungkook had and I want but can't get it. You are his only friend, his noona, and his family. You can give me what I want."

"What the hell that you want from him? He is just an ordinary person." She asks angrily. "Ordinary? Of course. I guess you didn't know him that well huh? Or maybe he is just very good in hiding things from you."

Jisoo frown. "What are you talking about?" Jin laughs and stands up. He pats her shoulder and says "go meet him. He has a lot of secrets" with that he leave the room. Leaving her there.


Once again


As she is in her thought someone stood Infront of her taking her out of a daze. Her gaze widen as she saw the face. "Hello, I guess," the person says. Jisoo put her hand on her mouth as she stutter out.



Rose sigh and look around. She stood beside the lake where Jimin's last coordinate is but the male is not there. She groan frustrated.

"Why the fuck is tracking down a doctor is damn hard?" She whisper to herself and was about to walk away when her eyes spot something.

The red substance on the grass, she kneels and touches the substance. She thought to herself.


She touches the clean grass soon after.


She touches the grass behind her.


She stood up and walk near the river

Someone is here and was injured.

She keeps silent for a moment.

Considering that he is a doctor. I doubt that he'll live an injured person alone.

She finally decide.

Something must be in the lake. That could help me track him down.

With that, she leaves the area.


Jin just enjoys his coffee but his other hand is clenching tightly. Anger is visible in his gaze. Pissed but he needs to maintain it since he is in a public place.

He just return from meeting the higher-ups. One of the old men even splash him with water for a mistake that are not even his fault but he didn't fight back.

He can't.

He thought of being a director of NIS. Would at least give him a bit of power but no. He is living like a dog.

He needs power

He wants more

And he's going to get it

Even if he sounds like the greediest person in the world.



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