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"Probably... Why? Do you hide something?" Jisoo ask mockingly as Jin stood there while leaning on the door frame with his arm crossed.

The smirk on his face makes her confused but of course, she didn't show it. Jin takes a deep breath before hiding his hand in his pocket. Walking towards her.

She almost took a step back when he went dangerously close towards her. She could feel the hot breath on her face. His tall figure towered at her.

"There is nothing to hide." Seokjin tilts his head "you're my partner after all." Jisoo felt weird. Seokjin seems to be in a very good mood and it makes her nervous.

"I don't know if you are on my side or his side but at the moment you seem as if you don't have your answer, yet. I just wanna say that he is losing this game. I will win and I'll make sure of it." Seokjin mutter slyly

Jisoo looks away, somehow not finding the courage to look at him in the eyes. She scoffs silently, trying to look tough. "How ambitious of you." She whispers in disbelief.

Seokjin chuckle and that chuckle make her heartbeat went faster. He slowly put his finger on her chin and guide her face to look at him.

He lifts her chin and makes her look at his face to face, dangerously close. She hates it when it makes things to her stomach.

"Since you're still doubting me as the bad guy. Feel free to check on everything, I'll answer all your questions truthfully... After all..." He leans towards her ear and whispers.

"We are partners..."


Jungkook looks at the night sky with his arm crossed on his chest. He enjoy the breeze silently as he soon let out a tired sigh. Lisa walk behind him without being noticed.

She holds two cups of instant coffee in her hands. She need some fresh air so she made a cup of coffee and end up making two when Jaebum told him that jungkook is at the surface.

She soon approaches the male. Jungkook looks at her instantly when she reaches beside him. "What are you doing here? I thought you're busy."

Lisa role her eyes. "Yeah, I actually am busy because of you. I need some fresh air. Now as punishment for you making me this tired take this coffee and accompany me."

She says that and passes him a cup of coffee. Jungkook looks at it and smiles soon after, accepting the coffee. "Well, you can just say that you want me to stay by your side. It'll be much romantic."

"Well, sorry not sorry to offend you, I'm an anti-romantic. Bare with me." She sassed and drink her own coffee.

"Well, you really don't look like a romantic girl, no wonder no guys want you." He says as he mimics her way of drinking making him look stupidly sassy.

"Yah! A lot of people want me. From CEO to beggar. I just need to clap my hand and they will line up Infront of me!" She argues. Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"Well, I guess, not everybody has good taste." He says and walks away. Lisa gawked at him, feeling her ego being torn away. She storms towards him in anger but ends up stumbling.

Before she could fall on her face, jungkook turn around and catch her. Making her head rest on his wide chest. As the realization hit her, her face turn red like a tomato.

She wants to back away but she doesn't want jungkook to see her in this state. Jungkook on the other hand who had to catch her, smile as she find her extremely cute.

"Don't you want to get off me? It's not that I want to complain, I can do it if you want but-" Lisa push him away when he said that, stopping him from continuing.

"Yah! Stop saying such a thing you pervert!" She says as she looks away, flustered. He just smirks. "Well, I guess. You are the pervert here considering that you are thinking that way, miss lawyer." He says, teasingly.

Lisa wants to glare at him but she is too flustered to do it. So she just clear her throat and drink her coffee. It's awkward for her but not for jungkook.

He likes how flustered she is and he wants to tease her for it. Before he could start annoying her, she speak first. "What are you doing out here anyway?"

Jungkook grinned at the change of the topic but decide to answer it anyway. He points at the top of the building so she turns to look in the direction. She saw Jimin.

"He wants to get some fresh air. Of course, I need to guard him."

Lisa nod but both of their attention went towards rose who suddenly appear in their sight. "Is it just me or do I think the two will actually make a good couple?"

Jungkook asks and Lisa holds her chin in a thinking manner. "I'm not sure but they will have a good chemistry though." She replies. Jungkook glance at her and smile.

"We have good chemistry too." He says making her look at him. "Yah! Jeon! Stop with this flirting already!"


Jimin just enjoys the moonlight, knowing that jungkook is guarding him. Jimin let out a sigh, silently cursing his luck for getting involved in such a mess.

"You seem frustrated" Jimin instantly looks behind him and calm down upon seeing rose. "Can I sit beside you?" She asks with a smile.

Jimin, being Jimin, of course, smiled back and slowly nodded. "Sure." Rose sits beside him and looks up at the moon. "Yeah, I'm a little frustrated."

Jimin started making her look at him. "I know." She replies. "Then why did you ask?" He asks her. "Sometimes, when someone asks you about it, it will ease your frustration a little bit cuz you know someone notice it."

Jimin glance at her "then, you look sad." She chuckles and slowly nods. "Want to talk about it?" Jimin asks. Rose looks at her lap. "You can say people often look down at me because I'm a woman"

"You're strong." He states. "It's because, I train, yet of course, it would never be enough. There is nothing that I give is ever enough, they would ask for more and more. Judge me when I can't give it anymore" she says with bitterness lace in her voice.

Jimin silently listens to her words, deep down understanding them. It's true, in this world everything that we do is never enough, when you almost reach the target they just put it higher and higher.

They scold you when you stumble. Angry with you when you fall. Judge you when you try to rest. That is how our community is. They're judgemental.

"You've done enough," Jimin says making her look up from her lap. Jimin smile at her. "Good job." He said. A smile unconsciously went on her lips.

No one.

No one ever said that to her. Not even her beloved father. It made her heart warm and she felt like crying yet, of course, she hold it and replace it with a genuine smile.

Jimin's heart flutter, seeing the beautiful smile often would make him happy. "Thank you..." She whisper. Jimin bring up his palm and wipe away her tears that she don't even know had fallen.

It makes things to her heart.

"Maybe, if we met under a better situation, I might have to ask you out." She joked, trying to lighten the mood. Jimin chuckle. "Well actually, we've met before."

Rose frown at the statement. "You are just rushing, so I guess you don't recognize me." He said as he reach out to his pocket. He soon pulls out a necklace.

Her necklace.

"My necklace! Wait- you're the one..." Jimin nod and continue her words. "Yeah, I'm the one that you've to bump into. I decide to keep the necklace even I doubt that I would meet you again well, I guess fate really make us meet huh?" He says.

Jimin stood up and pull her with him making her look at him, confused. Jimin went behind her and put on the necklace for her. Of course, it makes her feel butterflied.

"Now, it's better. Don't run around in the crowd and lose it again. You might not find it anymore." Jimin said jokingly. Rose turns towards him and flashes him a sweet smile once again.

"Thank you so much, Jimin-ah..."


Taehyung opens his front door, almost yelling at the person who disturbs him in the middle of the night. He is really in a bad mood and he doesn't want disturbance.

He didn't yell when he see that it's none other than Jennie. "Jennie? What are you doing here?" He ask but didn't get an answer.

Instead, she pulls him into a hug. He froze, confused about what is going on. She didn't say anything but just hug him. He doesn't know how to react so he slowly hugs her back. Thinking that it's the best thing to do.

"You.. okay? What's wrong?" He asks after a good three minutes of hugging. Jennie just buried her face on his chest and suddenly let out a sob.

Taehyung panicked

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you? Tell me I'll kick his ass" he said worriedly. Jennie shakes her head aggressively. "I have a mood swing"

She mutter. Before pulling away. She rubs her tears and looks down with her nose red die to the crying. "Do you have ice cream?" She asks and Taehyung slowly nods, confused.

"Let's eat it. I need a company that's why I come to you." She says and enters the house without getting invited. It's not like taehyung cares, he likes it of course but her weird behavior scares him.

By the time the second box of strawberry ice cream went empty, Jennie had fallen asleep. Her mouth is dirty with the ice cream.

Taehyung looks at her adoringly. He leans forward to kiss the Ice cream on her lips but stops himself from doing it knowing that he needs Jennie's concern.

So he just took a tissue and wipe away the ice cream from her lips. Taehyung sigh and look at her. Silently tucking her hair that is covering her delicate face.

Taehyung can't help but feel curious. She say to him 'if I made mistake or anger you one day, please hold my hand and stay by my side. Give me a chance and forgive me.'

When he asks why is she saying that she change the topic and start eating the ice cream aggressively. Taehyung glance at the clock.

It's 3:43 in the morning. He needs to sleep. He picks Jennie up bridal style and brings her to his room. Letting her sleep there as he sleeps in the guest room. He glances at his bedroom once and smiles.

"Sleep well..."


That's long... Wow...


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