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After what seemed like forever, Rose's surgery is a success. Jimin successfully removes all of the bullets from her body. She had been moved to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Jimin on the other hand didn't feel well after finishing the surgery, he felt dizzy and nauseous. Taemin being a doctor of course notice it.

Jimin had left the surgery room. Taemin follows him soon after. "Jimin" he calls out making jimin turn at him. "I need to check on you. Come with me."

"No, Hyung. I'm fine. I need to go and check on her." He says with a small smile before walking towards the waiting room. He was greeted by Jungkook, Lisa, and Yugyeom.

Upon seeing Jimin, the three instantly stood up as Lisa walk towards him. "How is she? Is everything alright?" Jimin smiles softly before nodding.

"She is alright. She had been moved to the ICU, if everything is fine then, she'll be put in the normal ward." Jimin says earning himself a sigh of relief from Lisa

Jungkook on the other hand look at Jimin in concern. "Jimin, are you okay? You look pale." He asks, jimin just clears his throat and shakes his head "I'm fine."

Jungkook stares at jimin, still not buying it but he doesn't want to push it. Jimin soon bit them goodbye saying that he need to take a bath and change.

He left the three and walk towards his office but on his way there he stop in the hallway as the headache got worse. He felt his knee goes weak.

The next moment he knew, he fell to the ground with a heavy breath. The last thing that he saw is Taemin running towards him to help while saying.



Stinging pain went to Seokjin's cheek as he receive a harsh slap from Dae-Seong but his face remained emotionless. "I've told you to make sure she is dead!"

"Now all of our plans failed because of you!" The old man yells to his face. Mrs.Manoban who is also in the room just crossed her legs while biting her nails.

Restless is what she is at the moment. She is scared that she'll lose everything, her money, her fame, her company- why is it so hard to get the company?!

Seokjin on the other hand just looks at the ground as he silently clenches his fist. "We need to get rid of her." Mrs.Manoban says all of sudden taking the two male's attention.

Dae-Seong scoffs as he walks towards the old woman. "How? Tell me how? Your damn daughter is protected by that bastard. How the hell-" he cut himself off when he soon realized something.

"Don't tell me." He whispers before turning to Mrs.Manoban who is already looking at him andnodsd. "There's away." Dae-Seong soon smirks before walking towards the window.

He looks out at the city of Seoul and stares at the busy street. Full of cars and corners. Traffic light and streetwalker. "You better do this properly, seokjin."

Seokjin just looks at him. His eyes show loyalty but deep down they show annoyance and anger. He nods his head in obedience as he whispers something to his heart

What a load of bullshit.


Jimin sits down at the hospital bed as Taemin checks his pulse and blood pressure. His hand was filled with needles as Taemin give him a sedative.

"Sorry Hyung." Jimin mutter but only earn himself a smack in the head by Taemin who soon continue writing whatever he is writing on the clipboard.

Jimin just rubs his head as he purse his lips, not daring to say anything. Taemin glance at Jimin and sigh. "mental exhaustion and stress." He begins.

"Jimin-ah, I don't know what is going on but I know that it wasn't okay. If something is wrong, please, just take care of your health. I'm your friend. I'm very worried" he scold jimin.

Jimin nods his head as he continues looking down. Taemin sigh but soon he gives jimin an assuring hug. "I really, don't know what is going on." He says.

"But you didn't seem like you want to share it with me either. I just wanna say, everything will be fine. Okay?" He says making jimin slowly nod and hug him back.

Taemin pulls away and silently wipes his tears before saying. "you can walk around now. Just... Just make sure to finish the sedative and take your medication twice a day."

He says before stepping to the door. "Thank you, Hyung," jimin says as Taemin forms a nod before leaving the male.


Jimin walks in front of the ICU with the sedative. He watches Rose who is being checked by the nurse. "Thank you, Dr.Park" a male suddenly speaks up making jimin look at the person.

An old male stood beside him. Jimin widens his eyes upon realizing who is the person. "Wait, you're the commander-" he was cut off by the old man. "Her father."

Jimin instantly bows making the old man chuckled. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't notice you." he apologise. "Don't worry young man. Thank you for saving my daughter's life."

"No sir, it's my job, you should thank me when she wakes up. I hope it's soon." Jimin says before looking down sadly. "She will if you're willing to wait."

He says before holding Jimin's shoulder. Jimin looks at him with hope. The old male nod making jimin slowly nod towards him. "I will sir, I will..."


A few days had passed by and everything went fine. Oddly fine. Jisoo told jungkook that nothing suspicious came from Seokjin which make it odd.

Jisoo on the other hand can't figure what Seokjin is doing anymore. His face is blank, he doesn't talk to her. Avoid her and try to even send her away.

But of course, Seokjin can't get rid of her just like that.

Yeonjun's situation had been kept a secret so did Rose to avoid the NIS from Intervene them in such a situation. To make it more natural Lisa and Jungkook went to the office as usual.

"Jungkook, I have to go. I have a meeting with someone." Jungkook looks up from his computer, hearing her statement. "You want me to drive you there?"

Lisa shakes her head as she fixes her hair. "I'll go myself. Jungkook nods his head as Lisa walks out of the office. "Lock the office before leaving!"

"I know!" Jungkook replies before huffing and continuing his work. Jungkook sigh in annoyance not really like the work he is doing.

"I prefer forging." He mumble to himself, mentally crying as he felt lazy. His moment didn't last long before his phone rang. He reach it lazily and put it on his ears without looking at the caller ID.

"Jeon Jungkook, it's hyung."


Lalisa enters the car as sits at the driver's seat. She is meeting Taehyung at the hospital since Taehyung said that he wants to meet her there.

She didn't question much before starting the car and starting driving. Not knowing that someone watch her leaving and inform someone through the earpiece.

"She is moving."

Lisa just drove the car peacefully for the past 10 minutes. Not until her phone started ringing. She took it and glance at the ID. She frowns upon seeing Jungkook's name.

She answer it and put it in her ear "what?" She asks in confusion.

"Lalisa, where are you?"

Lisa role her eyes. "I've told you, I'm on my way to meet someone." She says in annoyance.

"No Lalisa! Tell me your exact location!"

"What? Why-"

"Just tell me!"

Lisa flinch at the tone. "Okay, okay. I'm at the corner of the Hospital. There is a traffic light a few meters away from me. Why?"

"Listen to me carefully."

"Yes, I'm listening."

"Lalisa, Do NOT stop the car!"



What if I say, the story almost ends? Would you believe me?🤔

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