04 Using Nouns as Direct Objects

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Instructions: Read, study, and learn this lesson.  Then do the exercise.  When you are satisfied that you understand the lesson, take the test.

/Direct Objects/

A direct object is the object of an action verb.  In the sentence “The rat .ate. the /cheese/.,” the verb is “.ate.” and the noun “rat” is the subject of the verb.  The noun /cheese/ is the direct object of the verb .ate.  and is marked with forward slashes.

1.A direct object names the person or thing that receives the action carried out by the subject.

2.To find a direct object in a sentence, first look for an action verb.  Then say the subject and .verb. followed by whom or what.

Practice Sentence:

The man shut the door.

Man shut what?  “door.” /door/ is the direct object.

3.A verb may have a compound direct object, and each part of a compound verb may have its own direct object.

He .brought. his /coat/ and /gloves/.

She .wore. a /scarf/ and .carried. a /bag/.

Verb and Direct Objects

There are two types of verbs: transitive and intransitive.

A transitive verb may have these forms:

transitive with active voice

transitive with passive voice

transitive with no voice

1.A verb that has a direct object or a subject receiving its action is a transitive verb.

2.When a direct object receives the action of a transitive verb, that verb is said to have an active voice.  A sentence in which the verb has an active voice, the verb will be a transitive active verb.

The artist .drew. a /picture/.

The direct object, /picture/, receives the action of the verb, .drew.

3. When the subject receives the action of a transitive verb, that verb is said to have a passive voice. The verb is then a transitive passive verb, as in the following sentence:

The picture .was drawn. by an artist.

The subject, picture, receives the action of the verb.

4.  A verb that has no receiver of its action is an intransitive verb and has no voice.

 The bus .ran. late.  (No object or subject received the action)

(Bus ran what?  Nothing; ran is an intransitive verb.)

5.The following linking verbs are always intransitive: is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been. Also, the forms of the verbs become, seem, and appear are intransitive.

Exercise, Lesson 4

Instructions: Read, study, and memorize the key teaching points regarding this lesson. When you can recall and discuss the information with understanding, take the test.

/Direct Objects/

What to learn about nouns as direct objects:

1.A direct object is the object of an action verb.

2.The direct object is marked with forward (/ /) slashes.

3.A Direct object names the person or thing that receives the action carried out by the subject.

4.To find a direct object in a sentence, first look for an action verb.  Then say the subject and verb followed by whom or what.

5.A verb may have a compound direct object, and each part of a compound verb may have its own direct object.

6.A verb that has a direct object or a subject receiving its action is a transitive verb.

7.When a direct object receives the action of a transitive verb, that verb is said to have an active voice.

8.When the subject receives the action of a transitive verb, that verb is said to have a passive voice.

9.A verb that has no receiver of its action is an intransitive verb and has no voice.

10.Linking verbs are always intransitive.

Lesson 4, Test

Instructions: Write the sentences on a separate sheet of paper and answer all of the questions.

1.What is a direct object and how is it marked?

2.What does a direct object do in a sentence?

3.How do you find a direct object in a sentence?

4.What is special about a compound direct object?

5.What type of verb has a direct object to receives its action?

6.What happens when a direct object receives the action of a transitive verb?

7.Write two sentences using the active voice.

8.What happens when the subject receives the action of a transitive verb?

9.Write two sentences using the passive voice.

10.What happens when a verb has no receiver of its action?

11.Write two sentences that have no voice.

Instructions: Mark the verbs, subjects, and direct objects in the following sentences.

1.Our classroom needs new desks, new chairs, and a new chalkboard.

2.The stack [of books] [on the table] belongs [to my teacher].

3.We visited several web sites [on nutrition] and wrote a paper [on dieting].

4.We have plans [for the evening].

5.Please return home.  The car is waiting {for you}.

6.We plan to go skiing this winter.

7.The mountains are beautiful {this time} {of year}.

8.The rescuers found a frightened but healthy child.

9.The two girls served the food and washed the dishes.

10.The refreshments included soda, ice cream, and orange juice.

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