No Escape

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As the alarms blared, and the guards running frantically about, 049 took the chance to move to the next safe zone, carrying the girl on his back once more. Aurora had somehow been injured, her ankle now in a splint. She had tripped over a fallen guard, stumbling and landing hard on her leg. She had tried getting up to walk it off but found that she couldn't, struggling to even stand. So 049 had picked her up and began carrying her on his back until he could properly fix the broken bone.

Aurora had fallen asleep on his back, ignoring the blaring of the alarms as she and the doctor made their way through the facility. She had laid her head on his back as he carried her, tired from all the running they've been doing just to get to the next room with no dangerous anomalies that wanted to hurt or eat her. 682 slithered by once, muttering under his breath how disgusting humans were, ignoring the girl and the doctor. His tail slid along behind him around the corner, leaving bloody trail marks from no doubt a guard he'd killed, on his way to look for more people to eat.

Once, they'd heard whimpering from 096, and Aurora felt sorry for him, wanting to hug the poor creature. 049 had warned her not to look in its direction, telling her it was best to leave it alone, that she could not help the creature, and she was disappointed, until she was given the reason why, paling in horror at hearing what it did to people after simply just viewing its picture, feeling like she was going to be sick. 049 helped her take a few deep breaths, calming her. He administered a sedative, needing her to calm down so that they could continue on.

She soon fell asleep after the shot, and he picked her up and carried her on his back, so that his hands could be free to administer his cure to other patients, finding a long sheet to tie her around his body with, keeping her secure while she slept, so that she didn't slip off and be either eaten by 682 or worse, pulled into the Old Man's pocket dimension as a cruel prank against the doctor. Now, as he walked, the girl moaned in pain, beginning to awaken, the sedative wearing off. He had to find an operating room somewhere so that he could properly fix her leg, or it'll get infected and spread throughout her bloodstream. As luck would have it, he managed to find an infirmary, gently setting the girl down on the bed after untying her from his back, giving her a shot to kill the pain and setting to work, ignoring the still blaring alarms and the other anomalies running about the facility, having their fun with the guards and scientists. Soon he was finished, and her leg was fixed, and he was just finishing the stitches when he'd heard the click of a gun, and a voice speaking to him from behind. "Don't move a muscle, Plague Doctor. Whatever you are doing to that poor girl, you won't get away with it."

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