[ CHAPTER 001 ]

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Lisa cross her legs as stare at the male that are kneeling in front of her. He is looking down on his lap as he keep whispering "Please, spare me..."

Lisa let out a sigh before speaking up "Who sent you?" The male shake his head "I don't know, I really don't, the person just e-mail me, saying that if I get to kill you I will get money."

Lisa scoff at the statement before staring down at the male "You, a drug addict really thought that you could kill me? What make you think so? Because I'm a woman?"

"Please spare me, ma'am." He say as he burst into tears. Lisa bring up her palm, as Jimin place a silver gun on it. Lisa stare at the gun and show it towards the male.

"This is a gun." She say as she bring up her palm once again and this time Seokjin placed a sharp knife in her palm. She show the palm on his face "And this is a knife."

Lisa lean towards his face "Which one did you prefer for me to use to kill you?" She ask but the male just cry and shake his head "No, please, spare me."

"You didn't answer my question." She reply in annoyance before glancing at her watch "You know what, I'll just use a gun, I have a meeting and this would be much faster."

She say as she pick up the gun and place it at the male's forehead, both Jimin and Seokjin flutter their eyes close when Lisa pull the trigger three times. The male drop to the ground, dead.

Lisa put the gun on the table before walking away and say "Clean it up, I'll drive myself." Jimin glance at Seokjin who just sigh before glancing at Lisa who had leave the room.

Jimin look at her sadly, it had been 5 years since everything. Lisa wasn't like before, She changed. She built up a wall around her, pushing everyone out from her life.

She prefer to be alone, She want to be alone most of the time. She never open herself up anymore even to her own mother, she would just talk about business.

She rarely smiles because she don't have any reason to. She always surround herself with works, works and works. She occupied herself with something else every time.

She's broken but she don't want to ask for help.

Lisa get in her car as she finally let out a breath. She lean her head on the sit as she took a deep breath once again. Her breath hitch as she just flutter her eyes close.

Things had been quit rough for her this few weeks, people had been sending someone to kill her and she is getting so much pressure from everywhere.

She wanted to cry but she knew that she couldn't. People these days saw her tears as weakness, she can't be weak, not now, never.

If she is being honest, behind those cold look of hers are just a fragile heart. She built a strong wall so that people won't be able to get through and touch the fragile heart cuz she knew...

It will shattered to piece.

She don't want to cry, she hate it because everytime she cry she silently wish that he was here to comfort her, her heart wished for him to come and whisper sweet nothing to her ears.

Caress her hair so softly as if she is the most precious diamond. Looking at her with such an adoring look. Smiling at her with so much sparkle in his eyes.

She hate him so much yet she also couldn't help but to love him so much.

She hate herself for that.


Li na sit in her wheelchair as she watch the sunset with Jackson beside her. Instead of looking at the sunset with her Jackson just stare at her silently as his eyes shows sadness.

Li na turn to him and notice that a tears slide down his cheek. She bring up her palm and wipe his tears. Jackson smile and hold her palm before kissing it gently.

"Why are you crying?" She ask softly as Jackson just let out a chuckle and shake his head "I just couldn't believe that you're really here, in front of me."

Li na woke up from coma a week after jungkook left. Instead being happy, Jackson burst into tears in front of her.

He didn't know how can he tell his mother on what happened to their family while she is in coma. He didn't how to tell her that their family are shattered.

Instead of telling her the truth, Jackson walk up to her and kiss her hand. He told her that her husband didn't survive along side her husband's brother, Wang Yi.

Jackson told her that Yi's family decide to live far away and start anew. Her heart shattered when he told her that Jungkook dies in a mission. He lie to his mother.

Li na was devastated.

Jackson took care of his mother. He can't tell her, not now, not when he himself don't even know where Jungkook is. He brought her to live with him.

Jackson are trying so hard to search for Jungkook and bring him back. He want his own family back, even if it was only the three of them. He felt guilty to his mother.

He hate himself for that.


Jungkook step out from the airport as he approach a black car that are waiting for him. The driver open the door for him before grabbing his bag and place it in the trunk.

Jungkook enter the car as he glance out of the window and sigh to himself "Korea." He whisper as the driver enter the car and start driving. Jungkook chuckle to himself.

He had hide himself so well for the past 5 years. He couldn't believe himself that he actually come back to this place now. He can't believe that he exposed himself once again.

He did told Lisa and Jackson that he will flee to italy. He did flee to italy but then his location vanish and he disappear to Canada living silently there.

He knew that Jackson are searching for him, but he didn't bother to show up as he vanish completely. He just live his life without anything bothering him.

But now he had come back due to some reason and he knew, that he will cross path with her again, Lisa. After what happened between them, One of the reason on why didn't he come back

is because of her...

He say he had prepare himself. He had prepare himself to accept her anger and hatred towards him so he hide his love for her because he knew that he don't deserve to be loved.

He want to see her so badly and hug her in his arms but he knew, he would never be able to do that again. So he left, because he knew her feelings will changes.

He hate himself for that.


Did you guys know? Jackson was actually just a side character before but for some reason his character develop and his character become important in this story

Please comment, vote and enjoy.

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