[ CHAPTER 008 ]

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Yoongi sigh as he pull away his phone from his ear. Jungkook are not answering his call for almost three days. He is getting worried and restless for his boss's safety.

He had been thinking about going to Korea but it was risky and jungkook had told him to never leave their hiding. He was never the type of person to disobey Jungkook.

He knows, Jungkook have a plan for everything. He have seen and experience on working with Jungkook. He know so well what Jungkook is capable of. He wasn't underestimating him.

Yoongi is just worried for Jungkook.

Yoongi can't be reckless and he have to wait for Jungkook's sake rather than acting around aimlessly. The best choice for him is to be on standby.

Yeah, he is going to do that.

Yoongi push his hair to the back and sigh as he stood up. He walk out from the room and just thought to himself.

I hope everything will be fine.


Hoseok grunt as someone force him on his knee. His head was covered and his head is throbbing. Someone suddenly pulled the sack away making Hoseok squint his eyes.

He wasn't injured or anything. It was a relief but surprising at the same time. Hoseok blink his eyes for a few time as he adjust his gaze with the light, he saw two feet standing in front of him.

He slowly lift his head up to look at the person in front of him. He widen his eyes upon seeing the said person "j-jungkook?"
He mutter in surprise.

Jungkook glance down at Hoseok silently as he motion those men to leave the room. They obey and leave the room abruptly, leaving only the two of them in the room.

As soon as those men left the room, Jungkook approach Hoseok and start untying him "Sorry for the surprising event, hyung."

He say as he pull away the rope and help Hoseok to stood up. Hoseok stare at Jungkook with his eyes full of questions while Jungkook went to the corner of the office and pick out an empty cup

"Coffee or Tea?" Jungkook ask but Hoseok didn't answer his question "Jungkook, what is going on? Why did you kidnap me?" Hoseok ask in confusion.

Jungkook sigh as he made himself an instant coffee. He pick up the coffee and took a sip of it as Hoseok stood there, waiting for his answer.

Jungkook put the cup away as he turn towards Hoseok and say only one thing "we are at Han's property..."

"I joined them"


"What is in your mind Jungkook?" Hoseok whisper yell as soon as Jungkook explain everything towards him. "I know you are clever and all but this doesn't seem like your style!" Hoseok add.

"You give them the Wang's and then? What is going on in your head?" Hoseok ask in disbelief "I know what I'm doing." Is all that Jungkook reply but Hoseok shake his head.

"I don't think you do." Hoseok said

"You said it yourself that you want left the mafia as soon as all of those stuff end and then after 5 years you came back in this world all by yourself. I didn't bother to ask why because I don't have too but this is ridiculous!" He say angrily.

"Don't cross your line, Jung Hoseok-sshi."

Hoseok look at Jungkook who gave him a cold stare "I respect you, I really do but remember, you could loose that respect any moment in your life." He says as he approach his table.

"I can leave if I want and I can come back if I want. You might be older than me but remember, by rank, you are nothing but a mere pawn in my eyes." Jungkook say coldly as he pull out a gun from the drawer.

Hoseok stiffen up upon seeing the weapon but he kept the eye contact with Jungkook. "You can live if you decide to work for me now." Jungkook say as he approach Hoseok

Hoseok don't like what is going on right now, whatever Jungkook is thinking is bullshit and the Consigliere that he knew are much better than that.

"It's funny, that I thought I've really known you but here I am, was about to get killed by my suppose to be 'friend'" Hoseok huff at his own statement.

Jungkook smirk as he stood in front of Hoseok with his finger playing with the gun "Well, at least this 'friend' are giving you mercy, do you want to take it or leave it?" Jungkook ask.

Hoseok tsk "I rather die than working with a person that you have become." He spat making Jungkook chuckle in amusement. "Of course, you've made your choice."

He nod to himself before placing the gun on Hoseok's forehead but the male didn't even flinch "Any last words?" Jungkook ask as Hoseok look at him in disappointment.

"This is not you." Is the only thing that Hoseok say but Jungkook just scoff "You don't know me." He reply as he pull the lock of the gun.


"Farewell, old friend"


"Mother." Jackson call out for her as she approach her who are sitting in the wheel chair at the balcony. "What are you doing out here alone? it's cold."

Jackson say as he stood behind her and look around at the scenery before him. He took a deep breath and close his eyes wanting to enjoy the breeze.

But his mother's muffled sob took him off guard. He also his eyes open as look at his mother who seems like she is shaking, trying to hold her tears.

Jackson instantly run to her side only to see tears sliding down her cheeks like waterfall. "Mother- what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jackson ask, panicked.

Another sob left her and Jackson can't help but to panicked more "are you in pain? Let me call the doctor." He say as he stood up and was about to rush away but her voice stop him.

"Why did you lie to me?" Jackson froze on the spot upon hearing that. He turn to her only to find his mother already looking at him. "Why did you lie to your mother?"

Jackson's breath hitch as he wonder what is his mother talking about. He approach her and halt on his step upon noticing the picture in her palm.

"Jungkook is alive, right?"


I'm so sleepy right now, sorry for the short chap

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