Chapter 1

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The sounds of Night swiftly and quietly moved around the moor, "Night of stars, not clouds." A tan tom said calmly to a Gray black and a lighter gray spotted tom "How can you always tell these things brother?" The other tom asked half joking and the other half being serious "Well, Spiritstar, being connected with Elementalclan all these moons, I would know." The tan tom said calmly not looking at the leader, Spiritstar. "Waterstep. Look at me." Spiritstar said to his brother. The tan tom clenched his eyes shut, then he stared at his brother "What's wrong." Waterstep took in a large breathe of air then said quietly "Dark times are coming to the moor Spiritstar. I had a prophecy, it said 'Wolves will attack, and out of the darkness of this time the clans will unite, and take them down.'" Spiritstar stared wide eyed and his fur was standing straight up. "Wait... Do you remember that... Rouge we chased off... His name was..." Waterstep let out a gasp "That small rouge! His name was Wolf! How could that scrawny kitten even know how to lead!" Waterstep started to laugh as Spiritstar soon silenced him "Do you not remember that I! The leader of Bloomclan! Was the smallest  skinniness youngest kit in the nursery!"  He scolded his older brother "I'm sorry, but, we must prepare." Waterstep dipped his head "Yes." Spiritstar agreed "Prepare until we hear the word Wolfclan..."

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