Chapter 12

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Blinded by shock Crystalpaw stood silent until she saw Icehart pinning down Owlpaw. "Owlpaw!" She yowled running to help her. "Get off her!" She hissed pouncing on the Fireclan deputy digging her claws into his shoulders "Hey!" She heard a voice hiss. She turned around to see an orange tabby tom with emerald green eyes "Are you not able to hear?! I said Hey!" He growled running over. Jumping off Crystalpaw ran up to the tom and scratched his muzzle, the tom yowled in pain but pinned Crytalpaw down If you are ever pinned down in battle, play dead. Spiritstar's words rang in her head. She immediately went limp letting the tom loosen his grip she jumped up putting him off guard. Realizing Fireclan was loosing the tom backed off for a minute until he heard "Fireclan retreat!" The tom smirked and ran away.

"Owlpaw are you-" Crystalpaw turned to see a warrior of Fireclan dragging Owlpaw. She was knocked out! And they were going to take her as prisoner! Filled with anger Crytalpaw charged after Fireclan even though cats were yowling her name. I'm coming Owlpaw. Just hang tight. Crystalpaw thought nodding to herself.

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