Chapter 3

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"Help! Somebody! Help me!" Crystalkit wailed in fear. A small, soft chuckle came from the dark forest ahead of Crystalkit. Someone's here! She thought and she unsheathed her claws trying to be as brave as she could be "Now now..." The voice that chuckled said still obviously laughing at her "My name is Aldermask." He stepped out of where he was hiding. Crystalkit gasped Aldermask was an evil tom that tried to kill Spiritstar and all of the cats that agreed with him! "Stay away! If you think you can get me to train to kill Spiritstar the you have to think again!" Crystalkit growled as her fear melted into anger. Aldermask bursted out laughing "Haha! I want to kill him myself little one!" Crystalkit looked up at him, glaring. "I won't follow you! You... You! Fox-hearted piece of Rabbit-Dung!" Aldermask stopped laughing immediately "You think you have the guts to face me kit?" He growled, Crystalkit hesitated then mewed "I can face anything! I'm... I'm... A Bloomclan warrior!" With that Crystalkit charged at him. Swiftly he dodged her, grabbed her scruff, and threw her up into the air. Then when she landed he scratched her shoulder "Look kit, I like you a lot, so instead of killing you right here right now." He stopped and let Crystalkit stand on her four paws "I'll give you options. Either one, you train here in Whisper Claw Forest, or two, you get beat every night." Crystalkit was breathing hard and panted "I... Won't take your offer!" And with that she woke up.

"Crystalkit!" Lightstep looked at her shoulder and gasped "What happened!?" Crystalkit finally was able to see clearly and saw all the cats in the nursery standing around her "I... Um... I... I need to speak with Spiritstar." A storm of fear started in Lightstep's eyes but she nodded and sent Furykit to go get the leader.

Spiritstar arrived soon and stared wide eyed at Crystalkit's wound "Can you all go..?" Crystalkit asked trying not to sound rude. All the cats but Spiritstar obeyed and left "So?" Spiritstar asked Crystalkit "A-Aldermask visited me in my dream and asked me join him to take you down... And when I said no... He did this." Spiritstar nodded like he understood the circumstances "Aldermask was never the good one..." He mumbled "but, go see Waterstep after Dappledkit and Furykit's apprentice ceremony." Spiritstar padded out of the den and Crystalkit followed.

"Let all cats old enough to climb the high ledge please come for a Clan Meeting!" Spiritstara yowled as cats padded over to the High ledge and sat down "Jadetooth, are you now ready to take on your first apprentice?" The brown tabby nodded "then you shall mentor Furypaw. You have shown that you are a loyal and swift cat, and I trust you to train Furypaw like you were trained." Jadetooth and Furypaw stepped to each other and touched noses. Instead of Spiritstar talking, it was Waterstep "Cats of Bloomclan, as you know, I will not live forever." The wind from the moor made his fur flow to the way that the wind was blowing "So it's time I had an apprentice. I have chosen Dappledpaw to be my apprentice, she shown great interest in being a medicine cat." "Dappledpaw? Do you wish to become Waterstep's apprentice?" Dappledpaw nodded respectfully. "Then at the half-moon, we shall travel to the moon pool to see if you have Elementalclan's approval." Waterstep mewed to Dappledpaw and the Clan "I wish you the best of luck." Spiritstar dipped his head Waterstep and Dappledpaw as they touched noses. "Furypaw! Dappledpaw! Furypaw! Dappledpaw!" The clan cheered Cryrtalkit cheering the loudest.

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