Chapter 14

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Ash and Serena stride into the expansive Solonet Science Park, their eyes wide with anticipation. Serena can barely contain her excitement as she gazes around, the vibrant colors of the futuristic architecture catching her eye. She turns to Ash, her voice bubbling with curiosity. "So, this place is teeming with Legendary Pokémon in the Sevestar Region?"

"Yeah," Ash nods, his tone seasoned with a mix of enthusiasm and caution. "Here in the Sevestar Region, Legendary Pokémon aren't as elusive as in other regions. But don't get your hopes up too high—they're notoriously tough to capture because of their low capture rates."

Serena's eyes sparkle with wonder, and she recalls something equally astonishing. "Wow... and isn't the gym actually located in space? The famous Lunar Villa that was constructed by Team Alpha?"

"Absolutely," Ash agrees, his face lighting up at the mention. The idea of the space-bound gym still seems surreal to him. "It's incredible, really. I never thought they'd pull off such a feat." He shifts his backpack, a new thought striking him. "Hey, that reminds me. How about we head there? My parents are likely there doing some space research."

Serena's response is instant and enthusiastic, her words laced with eagerness. "That sounds like an adventure! Let's go!" Her voice rings out, echoing slightly in the vast openness of the park. They set off with renewed vigor, their steps quickening as they head towards their next grand escapade.

Ash and Serena step into the teleportation booth, a slight hum vibrating around them as they activate the device. Within moments, they find themselves transported into the vastness of space, stepping out into the Lunar Villa that resembles a small, bustling town on the moon. Around them, there are quaint shops, a cozy hotel, and even a space center adjacent to the gym that houses the epic battles of the Sevestar Region.

As they enter the gym, they're immediately drawn to the intense battle unfolding before them. Ash's father, Adam, is locked in a fierce duel with Dave, the revered gym leader of Solonet Town. The clash is spectacular, with Adam commanding a majestic Rayquaza against Dave's enigmatic Deoxys, their moves painting streaks of light across the arena.

Caught up in the spectacle, Serena's curiosity bubbles over. "Do you think Deoxys really comes from space? Or could it be a man-made Pokémon?" she wonders aloud, her eyes not leaving the mesmerizing battle.

Ash rubs the back of his neck, pondering. "That's a great question, though I'm not sure about Deoxys' origins... I mean, maybe Dad did have a hand in creating this Pokémon with his abilities."

Their conversation is abruptly interrupted by an unexpected voice. "Pardon me, you are a Pokémon, right?" Confused, Ash and Serena whirl around to see a boy with striking violet hair and wearing white robes that give him an almost ethereal appearance. He radiates a subtle psychic energy, and his youthful features bear a resemblance to Dave, though he looks much younger.

"You have a very good disguise," the boy remarks casually.

"Um... thanks. Who are you?" Ash asks, a hint of curiosity mixed with bewilderment in his voice.

"I'm Daniel," the boy introduces himself with a calm, almost serene tone. Ash responds, "I'm Ash," and Serena chimes in, "And I'm Serena."

As the trio watches the battle, Ash scrutinizes the boy's glowing aura, a suspicion forming in his mind. He ventures cautiously, "I want to ask, are you perhaps a Psychic?"

Daniel smiles slightly, a glint of recognition in his eyes. "So you also noticed my Psychic powers."

Serena, who has been quietly observing the exchange, looks between them with a furrowed brow. "What is a Psychic?" she asks, her voice tinged with confusion.

Ash takes a moment to gather his thoughts before explaining. "It's a group of people who can use Psychic powers. They have abilities like reading minds or floating in the air. Thousands of years ago, they were enemies of Aura Users and even started a war to determine the fate of their relationship with Pokémon and humans."

Daniel nods, his expression turning solemn. "Yes, the Aura users won the war, which allowed us to be friends with Pokémon." His gaze shifts to Ash, curiosity sparkling in his violet eyes. "So, you are born from a Pokémon and an Aura user? Interesting," he muses.

Ash meets Daniel's gaze, a mix of surprise and intrigue crossing his features. He hadn't expected Daniel to piece together his heritage so quickly. Serena looks on, her curiosity about the historical enmity between Psychics and Aura Users growing deeper, sensing the layers of history that influenced their present.

Ash's expression turns reflective as he watches his father in the battle, his thoughts drifting to his own complex lineage. "The thing is, since you know I am an Arceus, I could have been reborn through multiple times. In one timeline, I was the famous Sir Aaron, and I have become my descendant," he shares, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and perplexity. "It was a weird feeling, to be honest."

Daniel listens intently, his face lighting up with recognition at the mention of Sir Aaron. "I know about Sir Aaron," he responds warmly, his smile broadening. "He was the one who sacrificed his life for the Tree of Beginning." The mention of such a noble act adds a layer of respect and intrigue to the conversation.

As they continue to observe the intense Pokémon battle, Daniel shifts the topic to the current spectacle. "By the way, my Dad is really good with the Deoxys, don't you think?" His tone is proud but casual, clearly impressed by his father's skills but curious to hear Ash's thoughts.

Ash nods, his gaze fixed on the powerful movements of Deoxys as it skillfully maneuvers around Rayquaza's attacks. "Yeah, he really knows how to bring out the best in Deoxys," Ash agrees, admiration clear in his voice.

Serena's curiosity about Daniel's family grows as she watches the battle unfold. She leans in slightly, eager for more details. "So, Dave is your father? What about your mother? Is she also here?"

Daniel shakes his head, his voice light with a touch of pride. "Oh, my mom is busy with her modeling work and as a makeup artist." He reaches into his bag and pulls out a glossy magazine, flipping it open to reveal the cover which features Tulip, striking a pose with undeniable grace. Serena's eyes widen as she recognizes the face on the cover.

"Your mother is the famous Tulip? The Alfornada Gym Leader?" Serena gasps, her voice a mixture of surprise and admiration.

Ash, peering over Serena's shoulder at the magazine, nods appreciatively. "Wow, her works are sometimes as amazing as well," he comments, impressed by the diverse talents within Daniel's family.

"Thanks," Daniel says, his cheeks coloring slightly with modesty. "I was born in Paldea, and Alfornada is my hometown. Though, I sometimes visit this place because it's amazing, don't you think?"

"It sure is amazing," Ash agrees, his gaze sweeping over the sprawling space villa, from the high-tech gym to the bustling streets visible through the gym's large windows. The unique setting adds an extra layer of excitement to their adventure, making every moment memorable.

Before Ash, Serena, and Daniel could delve deeper into their personal stories, a sudden commotion at the entrance of the space center catches their attention. Ash's eyes widen in alarm as he recognizes the intruders. "It's Team Terror!" he exclaims.

Serena, equally shocked, turns to Daniel. "You're right, what are they doing there?"

Daniel's expression hardens, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "I think they're here for the Ultra Suit. Let's go." Without hesitation, they sprint toward the center, driven by a shared sense of purpose.

As they run, Ash's curiosity about their target peaks. "What is the Ultra Suit?" he asks, trying to keep up with Daniel's brisk pace.

"It's a suit that protects the wearer from any damage in every environment," Daniel explains breathlessly. "Team Terror often tried to steal it."

"But why do they need the suit?" Serena interjects, her concern evident.

Daniel's explanation grows graver. "Its main goal isn't just stealing Pokémon. They want to use the stolen Pokémon to create a ritual to summon Ultra Wormholes. They plan to use Ultra Beasts to rule the world."

Ash's determination flares, fueled by painful memories. "We can't let it happen! Lillie's dad already died because of Ultra Beasts, and if they succeed, there will be more victims!" His voice is firm, resolute.

"We know," Serena agrees, her tone equally determined. Together, they charge into the space center, ready to confront Team Terror and thwart their sinister plans, their steps echoing in the vast, metallic corridors of the Lunar Villa.

As they race through the space center, Ash, Serena, and Daniel encounter a group of grunts blocking their path. Without hesitation, Ash conjures a fierce Stone Edge, knocking the grunts out effortlessly.

No sooner had they dealt with the first obstacle than more grunts emerge, this time sending out Pokémon to attack. Daniel, quick to act, uses his Psychic powers to immobilize them, creating an opening for Ash. With precision, Ash channels a powerful Moonblast, taking down the attackers in a brilliant display of light.

They push forward, adrenaline surging, until they reach the core room where the Ultra Suit is kept. Standing before them is a man with a menacing aura, his face twisted in frustration. "I can't believe my grunts were defeated by mere kids," he snarls.

"You are Team Terror's Leader... Zane!" Daniel accuses, his voice steady despite the tension.

Zane smirks, his confidence unshaken. "Oh, so you know me. Then you won't be leaving here alive." With a swift motion, he tosses a Poké Ball, unleashing a formidable Tyranitar. The creature roars, whipping up a blinding Sandstorm that fills the room, obscuring their vision.

"Attack them with Hyper Beam!" Zane commands. Tyranitar's eyes glow as it fires a devastating beam. Ash, quick to react, summons a Protect barrier, shielding them from the attack.

"Ash?" Serena's voice is tinged with worry amid the chaos.

Ash turns to her, his expression resolute, a confident smile playing on his lips. "I will protect you, no matter how," he promises.

"So you can use moves. But you can't stop me!" Zane taunts, his eyes gleaming with malice.

In response, Ash fires a Flash Cannon, a powerful retaliatory strike. However, in the chaos, Tyranitar seizes the opportunity and captures Serena. "No! Serena!" Ash cries out in dismay.

"You cheater..." Serena struggles to break free from Tyranitar's formidable grip.

"Now what do you want? She be gone, or you surrender?" Zane sneers, tightening the stakes.

Ash internally curses the situation, his mind racing for a solution. Suddenly, Serena floats away from Tyranitar's grip. "Daniel!" both Ash and Serena exclaim in relief.

"Don't forget about me," Daniel says. However, Serena is hit by Tyranitar's Hyper Beam, causing her to faint.

"No, Serena!" Ash rushes towards her, then channels his energy to launch an Aura Sphere, knocking Tyranitar out cold.

"This isn't over," Zane growls as he retreats.

"Serena, please wake up!" Ash shakes her shoulder, but she doesn't respond.

Daniel kneels beside him and reassures him. "She's still alive, just unconscious. Ash, you can use Heal Pulse, can't you?"

"I'll try." Ash places his hand over Serena, channeling his energy as a soft pink glow emanates from his palm. Moments later, Serena's eyes flutter open.

"Serena!" Ash exclaims, relief washing over him. He hugs her immediately, his emotions overwhelming him, and Serena blushes at the sudden closeness.

"You're awake. I was so scared of losing you," Ash admits, his voice choked with emotion.

Serena offers him a gentle smile. "Thank you, Ash."

Just then, Adam and Dave burst into the room, concern etched on their faces. "You kids alright?" Adam asks, scanning them for injuries.

"We're fine," Serena replies, her voice still weak but steady.

Adam turns to Ash, his expression serious. "Where is Zane?"

"He retreated. It's lucky that he didn't steal the Ultra Suit," Ash responds, his tone a mix of relief and frustration.

"I see," Dave sighs, his relief palpable. Then, both adults scold the trio for recklessly charging into Team Terror's assault. Despite the earful, Ash, Serena, and Daniel share a look among themselves, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they've formed. Even amidst the scolding, they can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and happiness for the new friendship that has blossomed in the face of danger.

Here is a new chapter, and this is their first meeting with Daniel and Team Terror, the organization trying to use Ultra Beasts. I hope you like this chapter.

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