Chapter 16

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Mt. Fortana, towering majestically, is a treasure trove of ancient fossils, sparkling minerals, and numerous cave-dwelling Pokémon that skulk in its labyrinthine caverns. At the summit, amidst the rugged terrain, lies a bustling hub of activity: a Pokémon Gym, a Pokémon Center, and a modern facility bearing the emblem of the Devon Corporation.

This renowned company, headquartered in Rustboro City of the Hoenn Region, is a pioneer in Pokémon-related innovations. Among their remarkable achievements is the development of specialized Poké Balls unique to Hoenn. Moreover, Devon Corporation is acclaimed for their groundbreaking technique to resurrect Pokémon from fossils—a process shrouded in mystery, with its origins possibly independent of the research conducted in the laboratories of Cinnabar Island and the Sinnoh region.

Thanks to a collaboration with the RPA Company, Devon Corporation has expanded its reach, establishing a branch right here in the Sevestar Region, atop Mt. Fortana.

Steven Stone, the prodigious son of Devon's CEO, holds dual roles in this mountainous retreat. As the Gym Leader, he commands formidable Rock-type Pokémon with a strategic finesse that challenges even the most seasoned trainers. Beyond the local battles of the gym, Steven is also a celebrated Champion in the Hoenn Region, specializing in Steel-type Pokémon. His partner in battle, a Shiny Metagross with the dazzling ability to Mega Evolve, underscores his strength and strategic depth, making him a formidable opponent in any Pokémon battle.

Steven Stone shares his life with his wife, Roxanne, who herself is the esteemed Gym Leader of Rustboro City in the Hoenn Region. Together, they have a son named Luke, a chip off the old block with a burgeoning passion for collecting various stones, much like his father.

On a crisp, clear day, Luke extends an invitation to Ash and Lillie to explore the depths of Mt. Fortana's mines. Excited about a special discovery he's recently made, Luke is eager to share this secret with his friends.

As the trio makes their way into the cool, dimly lit tunnels of the mine, Luke chats animatedly about his find.

"Hey, Ash, Lillie, wait till you see what I've found," Luke says, his voice echoing slightly in the expansive cavern. "It's not just any rock—it's something incredible!"

Ash, always up for adventure, responds with a grin, "I can't wait to see it, Luke! You always find the coolest stuff."

Lillie, equally curious, adds, "Your enthusiasm is contagious, Luke. What makes this place so special?"

"Just you wait," Luke teases, leading them deeper into the mine. "It's something that could only exist here, in Mt. Fortana!"

Their footsteps resonate against the stone floor, and the distant drips of water from stalactites add to the mysterious ambiance of the mines. As they delve further, the walls shimmer with mineral deposits, casting ethereal reflections that captivate the young explorers.

Finally, Luke stops and points to a secluded alcove. "Here it is," he says with a flourish. "This is the spot."

Before them lies an array of spectacularly colored gemstones, naturally arranged in a dazzling mosaic that seems almost intentional.

"Wow, Luke, this is amazing!" Ash exclaims, his eyes wide with wonder.

Lillie kneels down for a closer look, her scientific curiosity piqued. "These formations must have taken thousands of years. The conditions here are perfect for such beautiful mineral growth."

Luke beams, proud to share his discovery. "I knew you guys would appreciate this. I come here whenever I need to think or just escape for a while. It's like my own little secret base."

As they wander deeper into the shimmering cavern, Lillie, intrigued by the notion of a hidden retreat, turns to the others with a thoughtful look. "Speaking of Secret Bases, they're quite popular in the Hoenn Region, aren't they?" she asks. "Many trainers find secret spots and make them their personal hideouts. How about we also create some secret bases when we have the time?"

Ash, a bit puzzled, tilts his head, his voice echoing slightly in the spacious cavern. "Why would we do that?" he questions. "I mean, we already have two houses in the Hoenn Region, one in Mauville City and the other at Mt. Pyre."

Luke chuckles, a warm sound that fills the cool air of the mine. "Sounds like a rich family, but then again, all of us come from well-off families, don't we?" he remarks, a hint of amusement in his tone.

His chuckle fades into a more serious reflection. "But you know, having a Secret Base is different. It's not just about having a space—it's about crafting a corner of the world that's completely your own. You can personalize it down to the last detail, set it up just the way you want."

Lillie nods, her eyes alight with enthusiasm. "That's the spirit, Luke! It's not just about the space itself but making it into something unique, a reflection of your personality. And it's a place for us to escape, have battles, trade Pokémon, or just hang out."

Ash considers this, his initial skepticism giving way to curiosity. "That does sound pretty cool," he admits. "Like our own little adventure club."

Excitement builds as they discuss. "And think of the decorating!" Lillie adds, her voice filled with excitement. "We can use items and trophies from our travels to make it special—tailor it with different themes or collections."

Picking up a small, glittering mineral from the cave floor, Luke adds, "We could even start with these minerals. Imagine how they could brighten up our bases, make them really shine."

Convinced, Ash grins, his decision made. "Alright, it's settled! Once we're back in Hoenn, we're creating our own Secret Bases. It'll be our home away from home."

They continue their exploration, their conversation weaving through the echoes of the cavern, deepening their friendship and shared dreams of future hideaways. As they delve deeper into the details of their future hideouts, an unexpected interruption shatters the calm atmosphere. A Poké Ball, glinting menacingly under the faint light of the cavern, flies directly towards Ash. With quick reflexes, Ash leaps back, narrowly avoiding the projectile, and exclaims loudly, "Who's there!?"

The echoes of his voice barely settle when several shadowy figures step into the dim light of the cave's entrance. Lillie gasps, her eyes widening in shock, "Team Terror? What are they doing here?"

From the shadows, a chorus of muffled grumbles and footsteps grow louder as the figures approach. Then, stepping forward with a haughty glare, a girl with striking pink hair emerges, her presence commanding the immediate attention of Ash, Lillie, and Luke.

"Can't you grunts do anything right?" she scolds her underlings, her voice tinged with frustration. The trio's surprise deepens; the leader of this nefarious group is no other than the pink-haired girl, whose youthful appearance belies her commanding aura.

As the tension crescendos, the air becomes electric with anticipation. "Anyway, capture that boy! That is my father's orders!" commands the pink-haired girl, her voice ringing with authority. "And use Pokémon attacks! That boy is an Arceus!"

The grunts spring into action, releasing their Pokémon with practiced swiftness. Beams of energy and streaks of light fill the cavern as Pokémon materialize and launch their attacks towards Ash. Reacting quickly, Ash conjures a shimmering barrier of energy around himself, a Protect that deflects the incoming assaults with a series of resonant clashes.

Amidst the chaos, Luke, bewildered, turns to Ash, his voice edged with confusion and concern. "What the hell? Team Terror knows you're a Pokémon?"

Ash, maintaining his focus on sustaining the Protect, nods grimly. "I assume you are Zane's daughter? Because the only person who knew about that in Team Terror is the boss... I know my father warned me that I am likely a target..."

The girl steps forward, her expression a complex tapestry of determination and wistfulness. "Why, yes. The name is Minami," she declares, locking eyes with Ash. "We heard that you would be here. If I could give you to my father, then maybe... maybe I would be able to earn his love..."

In the echoing caverns of Mt. Fortana, amidst the chaos of battle, Ash fights valiantly. With his unique powers, he effortlessly deflects and counters the attacks from Team Terror's Pokémon. Focused and determined, he sends bursts of energy that knock out several opposing Pokémon, one after another, showcasing his might even at his young age. However, the number of enemy Pokémon seems endless. Just as Ash begins to feel the weight of the numbers against him, a roar echoes through the cavern. Two powerful beams of energy, one fiery and the other metallic, streak across the dark space, striking down several of Team Terror's Pokémon in a dazzling display of light and power.

Through the settling dust, Aurora, alongside Steven, rushes in. Aurora's Mega Charizard Y and Steven's Mega Metagross stand imposingly behind them, their forms shimmering with the residual energy of battle. Aurora's eyes scan the area quickly, concern etched on her face.

"Ash, Lillie, Luke, are you alright?" she calls out, her voice filled with maternal worry.

Ash, catching his breath and relieved by their timely arrival, replies with a small, grateful smile, "We're fine, Mom."

As the grunts scatter, retreating into the shadowy depths of the cave, Minami stands alone, her frustration evident. "All of them are cowards... why can't they do anything right?" she mutters under her breath, her voice tinged with bitterness.

She's about to slip away, her figure a pink blur against the dim backdrop, when Aurora's voice cuts through the cavern's stillness. "Wait! Minami, right?" Aurora calls out, her tone firm yet filled with a certain understanding.

Minami halts, her escape thwarted. She turns, her expression guarded, her eyes wary and defiant.

Aurora steps forward, her presence calm and commanding, yet radiating empathy. "I know what it's like, Minami," she begins, her voice softening. "I once walked a similar path to yours. I was part of an organization, doing whatever it took to gain approval, to feel valued by those above me. But that path... it's dark and lonely. It leads to a place where no amount of success brings joy."

Minami's eyes flicker, the first sign of her faltering resolve. Aurora continues, "You're strong, Minami. You don't need to prove your worth through their approval. There's strength in choosing your own path, in recognizing that your worth isn't defined by others."

Aurora steps closer, her expression sincere. "It's not easy to break free from the shadows, especially when it's all you've known. But it's possible. I did it, and I believe you can too. You don't have to be alone in this."

Minami's posture softens, the fight draining from her as she considers Aurora's words. The cavern around them feels quieter, the earlier chaos now replaced with a moment of potential change.

"You can make a choice, Minami. A choice to seek out light rather than linger in the shadow. It's never too late to change the story of your life," Aurora finishes, her hand extended in a gesture of peace and solidarity.

Minami, visibly conflicted by Aurora's heartfelt plea, hesitates at the threshold of decision. The air between them thickens with unspoken emotions as Minami's resolve wavers. Finally, she whispers, a trace of despair coloring her voice, "I can't, because he is my father." Without another word, she turns and disappears into the shadows of the cave, leaving a silence that speaks volumes.

After ensuring that all the children are safe and leading them out of the cavern, Steven can't help but question Aurora as they follow the path back to daylight. "Aurora, why would you share your past again? You know how painful it is."

Aurora, her gaze fixed on the path ahead, her expression resolute, replies, "Because I saw myself in her, Steven. If sharing my story could help pull her back from the edge, it was worth the pain. I can't just stand by and watch her lose herself to darkness."

Steven nods, understanding her motivations even if they bring back difficult memories for both of them.

As they step into the light, the crisp air of Mt. Fortana seems to clear some of the heaviness from the scene. Aurora looks back towards the mountain, a silent vow forming in her heart. "I'm going to save her," she declares softly, more to herself than to Steven. "I won't let Minami endure the darkness I fought so hard to escape. No matter what it takes."

This commitment echoes as a powerful end to the chapter, setting the stage for Aurora's determined pursuit to help Minami find a path illuminated by hope, rather than shadowed by despair.

Here is a new chapter, and I did have Team Terror show up in this part in my older version, though I decide to make Minami's entrance here. I hope you like this chapter.

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