Chapter 18

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As Ash and Serena step into the boundaries of the Johto Region, they're greeted by an unexpected sight—Blackthorn City, usually vibrant and bustling, is now buried under a relentless blizzard. Snow swirls violently around them, reducing visibility to mere shadows of buildings. Clinging to his hat against the howling wind, Ash squints through the flurries and calls out to his mother, "Mom? What's happening here? Why is Blackthorn City engulfed in a blizzard?"

Aurora, her face etched with concern, sighs deeply before responding. She wraps her scarf tighter around her neck as she explains, "Blackthorn City is under a curse cast by the Dragon Prince and the Dragon Princess... It's a consequence of their own greed..." Her voice trails off, carried away by the icy gusts, as she gazes sorrowfully at the frozen landscape, hinting at the deep and tragic tale that haunts the city.

Serena furrows her brow, confusion lining her face as she asks, "What kind of greed?" Beside her, Pauline, a somber member of the Elite Four from the Sevestar Region, responds with a grave tone, "Years ago, a woman scorned by society bore two children and abandoned them to the Dragon Clan. Disgusted by their lineage, the clan treated them cruelly, and the siblings suffered immensely due to their mother's reputation. When the Dragon Prince and Princess learned of their plight, they sought to rescue the children. Unfortunately, they vanished without a trace."

Pauline pauses, her gaze hardening as she continues, "In retaliation, the Dragon Clan conspired to eliminate the prince and princess, fearing their power and the legends tied to their Legendary Pokémon. In response, the Dragon Duo cast a severe curse over this city, an event now whispered as the Blackthorn City Massacre."

At this juncture, Isabelle, another Elite Four member, interjects with a hint of urgency, "That reminds me, how is the search for the missing children progressing? You and Lance have been on their trail for quite some time..."

Pauline shakes her head, her expression crestfallen. "It's no good. I have to assume they've already fled the Johto Region. They remain our only hope for lifting this relentless blizzard."

Vincent, the third member of the Elite Four, leans in, his voice tinged with concern, "You're still considering adopting them, aren't you? To give them a home, unlike those who betrayed their trust?"

Pauline nods, her expression tightening. "Of course. Those who wronged them have long since disappeared. The real transgression of the Blackthorn people lies in their indifference, as decreed by the Dragon Duo," she says, frowning deeply.

Adam, looking puzzled, joins the conversation. "Do you think someone might be protecting them? Keeping their whereabouts hidden from us?"

Colress steps forward, his eyes narrowing in thought. "It couldn't possibly involve the Dragon Prince and Princess, could it?" he muses, clearly trying to piece together the mystery.

While the adults discuss the somber matters, Serena leans close to Ash, her voice a hushed whisper, "It's unbelievable that we're here with all the Elite Four members—your mom and dad included. It's so rare to see them gathered like this."

Ash lets out a sigh, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "I know what you mean. Uncle Colress only took the position in the Elite Four after Lillie's father passed away... It was tough convincing him, given his passion for inventing over Pokémon battling."

Serena glances toward the ongoing discussion with a curious tilt of her head, "But what could they be so intensely discussing about the Dragon Duo? Who do you think they are?"

As the adults delve deeper into their discussion, Ash notices a slight movement from the corner of his eye. He nudges Serena and nods subtly towards the far end of the room, where the shadowy outlines of two children are barely visible behind a crumbling wall. Their eyes, wide and curious, flick between the gaps.

Serena's eyes widen in realization. "Ash, look!" she whispers urgently, pointing discreetly. "There are kids over there... they're listening in!"

Neither Ash nor Serena recognizes the children, but the urgency in the air and their clandestine presence stirs a mixture of curiosity and concern in them. After a shared glance of mutual agreement, they quietly excuse themselves from the group and tread softly towards the children, their steps muffled by the thick carpet.

As they draw closer, Ash gently calls out, ensuring his voice is soft yet friendly, "Hey there, we're not going to hurt you. What are you two doing all the way over here?"

The children, caught off guard, flinch slightly but don't run. They exchange a quick, nervous glance before one of them, a boy with a mess of dark hair, steps forward tentatively. His voice is a quiet murmur, laden with wariness, "We... we were just listening. We wanted to know about the Dragon Duo too."

Serena kneels down to their level, her voice gentle. "Sorry, we should introduce ourselves first. My name is Serena, and this is Ash. What about you two?"

The girl, her eyes flicking nervously around, mutters, "My name is Lucine... and this is my twin brother, Drandon..."

"It's nice to meet you, Lucine, Drandon," Ash says warmly. "But why are you interested in the Dragon Duo?"

The children open their mouths to reply, but suddenly, their expressions turn to panic at the sound of a distant voice echoing through the hallways. "Drandon? Lucine? Where are you?"

Drandon's eyes widen with alarm. "Oh no... we have to run!" Without another word, both children turn and dart away, their small figures quickly disappearing around a corner.

Left in the wake of the sudden departure, Ash and Serena exchange puzzled looks, their thoughts interrupted by a stern voice approaching fast. A burly man appears, his eyes scanning the area with a mix of irritation and urgency. He stops before Ash and Serena, his gaze demanding. "Hey, you two! Have you seen a couple of brats running around here?"

Ash bristles at the man's harsh tone, his usual calm demeanor giving way to irritation. He steps forward, placing himself slightly in front of Serena. "Hey, there's no need to call them 'brats,' and there's definitely no need to yell," Ash retorts, his voice firm and unyielding. "They're just kids, and they deserve some respect."

The man scoffs, crossing his arms defensively. "Respect? Those two are nothing but trouble, sneaking around and causing problems. I need to find them, and you're in my way."

Serena steps up beside Ash, her expression stern. "Maybe they wouldn't run away if you spoke to them more kindly," she suggests pointedly. "Everyone responds better to kindness."

Their standoff escalates, voices raising slightly as the argument heats up, drawing the attention of others nearby. It's at this moment that Aurora, hearing the commotion, hurries over, her expression one of concern. "What's going on here?" she asks, looking between Ash, Serena, and the frustrated man, her voice calm but authoritative.

Aurora's gaze hardens as she stares down the man, her voice laced with undisguised contempt. "You..." she snarls slightly, recognizing him instantly.

The man smirks, his voice dripping with mock surprise. "Well, if it isn't the runaway assassin? It seems we may have lost the brats, but it seems I caught a bigger fish."

"Mom? You know this guy?" Ash's confusion quickly turns to concern as he looks from the man back to his mother.

"He's a member of Team Rocket," Aurora reveals, her voice cold and steady.

At the mention of Team Rocket, Ash's eyes blaze with fury, memories of his twin sister's death at their hands fueling his anger. He clenches his fists, about to charge at the man, but Adam intervenes swiftly, grabbing Ash firmly by the shoulders to hold him back.

"Let go! Dad!" Ash yells, struggling against his father's strong grip.

Adam holds him steady, his voice calm yet firm. "Let your mother handle this, Ash. I know you're angry," he says, trying to soothe his son's rage.

Aurora, recognizing the necessity of a non-violent resolution in front of her son, steps back and reaches for her Poké Ball. "If it's a battle you want, then a battle you shall have. Let's settle this, Team Rocket style," she declares, her voice resolute.

The man chuckles darkly, tossing his own Poké Ball into the air. "Fine by me. Let's see if the years have dulled your skills, Aurora."

With a burst of light, Aurora releases her formidable Dragonite, its massive form casting a shadow over the snowy ground. In response, the Team Rocket member sends out a vicious Houndoom, its fangs bared menacingly.

The battle is intense, with Dragonite dodging bursts of flames and countering with powerful Dragon Rush attacks. Aurora commands with precision and calm authority, a stark contrast to her opponent's frustrated shouts. Finally, with a well-placed Hyper Beam, Dragonite knocks Houndoom out, effectively ending the battle.

As the Team Rocket member recalls his defeated Pokémon, he makes a sudden dash to escape, but the rest of the Elite Four are quick to react. Vincent and Pauline block the exit, their own Pokémon at the ready.

"Going somewhere?" Vincent smirks, his Garchomp snarling at the cornered man.

Pauline steps forward, her eyes stern. "You're not leaving until we've cleared up a few things. The authorities have been notified," she says, her Absol growling in agreement.

The man glares, realizing he's trapped. Ash, still held back by Adam, watches the situation unfold, his anger now mixed with a sense of justice as his mother and her allies take control of the situation.

As Colress and Vincent escort the Team Rocket member away, his threats fading with each step, Adam finally releases his grip on Ash. The tension in the air begins to dissipate, but the atmosphere remains charged. It's then that Lucine and Drandon cautiously peek their heads out from behind the nearby wall.

"I-is he finally gone?" Lucine's voice trembles as she clutches her brother's hand, their wide eyes scanning for any sign of danger.

Serena, spotting them, rushes over with a comforting smile. "Don't worry, he won't harm you anymore. You are safe now, Drandon, Lucine," she assures them, extending a hand in a peaceful gesture.

The mention of their names catches the attention of the nearby adults. Pauline, overhearing Serena, steps closer, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Wait, did you say their names are Drandon and Lucine?"

The children's brief moment of relief shatters at the realization that more strangers know their names. Their faces fill with fear once again, and they instinctively take a step back, preparing to flee.

Seeing their fear, Ash raises his voice, urgency lacing his tone. "Wait! They are good people, you can trust them!" He steps forward, his expression earnest, trying to bridge the gap of mistrust.

Pauline rushes forward, her expression filled with concern. "Drandon and Lucine, my husband and I have been looking all over for you. We don't mean any harm; we want to adopt you, to give you a family."

Lucine's eyes widen, confusion and fear mingling in her gaze. She takes a hesitant step back, clutching Drandon's hand tighter. "But why would you want us?" she asks, her voice quivering. "Everyone in the city... they all despise us because of the rumors... and because of it, they sold us to Team Rocket... we barely able to escape..."

Pauline kneels down to be at eye level with the children, her tone gentle and reassuring. "I'm not originally from Johto; I come from Unova, and my husband, Lance, although he was born here and is the Johto Champion, has always stood apart from the typical views of Blackthorn City. He understands what it means to be judged unfairly, and together, we want to offer you a home filled with love and acceptance."

Seeing the children still hesitant, Ash steps forward, his expression earnest. "Drandon, Lucine, I've been through a lot because of Team Rocket, just like you've faced troubles here. Pauline and Lance—they're good people. They've fought against Team Rocket and helped many others. They can do the same for you."

Serena adds softly, reaching out her hand invitingly, "You've both been so brave. Wouldn't it be nice to have a family that understands and supports you? Pauline and Lance could be that family. You wouldn't have to be afraid anymore."

Ash and Serena's words aim to bridge the gap of mistrust, offering Drandon and Lucine not just assurances of safety but the promise of understanding and a new beginning.

As Drandon and Lucine nod slowly, understanding the sincerity in Pauline's words, they cautiously step forward and embrace her. Pauline wraps her arms around them, a gesture filled with the warmth and safety they have longed for. The adults watching nearby share quiet smiles of relief and happiness.

In the midst of this newfound hope, Adam turns to Aurora, a determined look crossing his features. "It's time we ended the curse over Blackthorn City," he says with conviction. Together, they step forward, preparing to undo the dark magic that has shrouded the city in despair.

As they begin the incantations, an atmosphere of potent energy fills the air, drawing Ash's attention. He watches, awe-struck by the display of power and control. As the last whispers of the spell fade, and the air clears, revealing a brighter, warmer Blackthorn City, Ash turns to his parents with wide eyes.

"Mom? Dad? You were the Dragon Prince and Dragon Princess?" he asks, his voice a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

Aurora looks at Ash, her expression somber, acknowledging the weight of his discovery. "Yes, Ash," she begins, her voice tinged with regret. "We were, but it was not our finest hour. In our anger and grief, we made choices that harmed many, actions driven by pain rather than justice. We stepped down from those roles a long time ago, determined to right the wrongs we caused and leave that part of our past behind."

Adam adds, his voice steady and sincere, "It's a chapter of our lives we're not proud of, Ash. We've worked hard to make amends, hoping to protect you from the darker aspects of our legacy. It's important you know that every choice has its consequences, and why we now choose to lead with compassion instead of power."

As Adam and Aurora reveal the truths of their past, Ash looks at his parents with newfound respect. "That's actually kind of cool, you know? You both had so much power, and you chose to do the right thing with it in the end. It's not just about being strong but knowing when and how to use that strength."

Serena, standing beside Ash, nods enthusiastically. "Exactly! It's really inspiring. I hope one day I can be as brave and wise as you both. To make such big changes and help so many people... it's amazing."

Aurora smiles warmly at the young trainers, touched by their understanding and support. "Thank you, both of you. It means everything to hear you say that. We all have the power to change, to make better choices every day."

With the curse lifted and a new beginning ahead for Drandon and Lucine, the group prepares to leave Blackthorn City. Pauline takes the lead, herding everyone towards the transport waiting to take them back to the Sevestar Region. As they walk, Drandon and Lucine hold hands, looking around with wide eyes, visibly comforted and curious about their new future. Ash and Serena chat excitedly about their next adventures, while Aurora and Adam share a quiet, contented glance, grateful for the closure and the path ahead.

I'll end the chapter here, and I am not sure how many more prologue chapters are there, but we are almost done with the introduction with two more families left. I hope you like this chapter.

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