Chapter 21

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With Minami joining the family, she quickly becomes acquainted with many new friends, each bringing joy and laughter into her life. Their days are filled with happiness as they bond over shared experiences and adventures.

Minami develops a keen interest in detective movies, fascinated by the intricacies of solving mysteries. Her curiosity extends to learning how the law works, prompting Aurora to borrow an array of law-related books from the library. Minami immerses herself in these books, dreaming of a future where she can combine her passion for justice and her love of solving puzzles as both a lawyer and a detective.

Her affinity for Fairy Type Pokémon is evident to everyone in the family. Minami often talks about her favorite Fairy Types, sharing interesting facts and stories about them. Her enthusiasm for these Pokémon brings a whimsical charm to their home, further endearing her to her new family and friends.

One day, Ash, Lillie, and Minami are summoned by Aurora to the International Police headquarters. As they walk through the bustling corridors, Ash turns to his mother and asks, "Mom? What's going on, and why didn't you ask Alice to come?"

Aurora's expression is serious as she replies, "As you all know, with the loss of Golly and the recent Team Terror attack, the world isn't safe as long as these criminal groups are still at large. This is why I need you three to go undercover."

"Undercover?" Lillie echoes, her eyes wide with curiosity and concern. "What kind of undercover mission are we going to do?"

Aurora leads them into a secure briefing room and dims the lights, activating a large screen on the wall. Images of a mysterious group flash across the screen. "This," she begins, "is a newly formed organization in the Unova Region known as Team Plasma. They're led by seven individuals known as the Seven Sages."

The screen shows the faces of the Seven Sages, each one more enigmatic than the last. Aurora continues, "Team Plasma's goal appears to be the liberation of Pokémon from their trainers, but we suspect they have more sinister motives. We need to infiltrate their ranks, gather information, and thwart their plans before they can cause further harm."

Minami, captivated by the challenge, asks, "How are we supposed to infiltrate them?"

Aurora smiles slightly at Minami's enthusiasm. "Each of you will assume a new identity and blend into the Unova Region's community. You'll gather intel, build trust, and uncover their secrets. It's a dangerous mission, but I have faith in your abilities."

Ash, determined and resolute, nods. "We'll do whatever it takes to stop them."

Lillie, though apprehensive, stands firm. "We'll protect everyone and make sure Team Plasma doesn't succeed."

Minami, eager to prove herself, adds, "And I'll use everything I've learned to help us stay one step ahead of them."

Aurora looks at her children with pride. "Remember, this mission requires absolute secrecy. Your lives and the safety of countless others depend on it. Stay vigilant, stay united, and bring Team Plasma down."

To ensure the success of their mission, the three of them decide to use Double Team, creating duplicates of themselves with different appearances and personas. Ash, embracing his new role, decides to name his Double Team "Natural," or "N" for short. He adopts a more enigmatic look, with longer hair and a mysterious demeanor.

Minami, inspired by the themes of love and harmony, chooses the name "Anthea," after the Goddess of Love. Her Double Team form radiates warmth and kindness, embodying the nurturing spirit of her chosen name. Lillie, seeking to bring peace and tranquility, adopts the name "Concordia," after the Goddess of Peace. Her new appearance exudes calm and serenity, perfect for gaining the trust of others.

With their new identities established, Ash, Lillie, and Minami prepare for their undercover mission. They each carry a small communication device disguised as an everyday item, allowing them to stay in contact with Aurora and the International Police without arousing suspicion.

While the Double Teams are away on the infiltration mission, Ash, Lillie, and Minami return home, dedicating their time to training and learning. They assist the other Gym Leaders and Elite Four members, honing their skills and strengthening their abilities.

When Ash turns nine years old, his birthday is celebrated with an array of gifts from friends and family. Among the presents are various battle-enhancing items, Poke Ball Seals for contests, and even a Key Stone, a special gift from his parents to allow him to Mega Evolve his Pokémon. These gifts symbolize their support and belief in his potential.

Ash's ambition to become a Pokémon Master, just like his father, fuels his determination. With this goal in mind, he applies for the trainer's license test in the Sevestar Region. His friends and family, equally passionate about their Pokémon journeys, decide to join him in this endeavor.

As they prepare for the test, the house buzzes with activity. Ash studies battle strategies and techniques, perfecting his command over his Pokémon. Lillie focuses on understanding the deeper bonds between trainers and their Pokémon, enhancing her empathetic approach to training. Minami delves into the intricacies of law and Pokémon regulations, ensuring she is well-versed in all aspects of being a responsible trainer.

Their days are filled with rigorous training sessions, study groups, and practice battles. They also participate in community events and competitions, building their reputations and gaining valuable experience. The support from the Gym Leaders and Elite Four members proves invaluable, as they receive personalized training and mentorship.

That night, Ash sits in the study room with Serena, Lillie, and Alice, the atmosphere buzzing with anticipation and a hint of frustration. Ash turns to Lillie and Alice, asking, "So, Lillie and Alice, you both still aren't able to take the test?"

"Yeah," Lillie mutters, her frustration evident. "Because of age restrictions, which is really stupid. But congratulations to you and Serena for getting your licenses. I guess you guys will have to start your journeys before us..."

Serena sighs, feeling a bit of the shared disappointment. "Then how about this? Each of us gets a turn to travel with Ash. Considering there are so many regions, how about we each pick one?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Alice agrees. "If that's the case, I'll pick Hoenn."

Lillie nods, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Then I pick Johto because I feel like something amazing is going to happen there."

Ash turns to Serena, curiosity in his eyes. "What about you, Serena?"

"How about we go to Kanto first?" Serena suggests, a hopeful smile on her face.

Ash winces a little, hesitating. "Kanto, huh... I know Professor Oak and Mom are good friends, but I was planning to make Kanto the last one because Mom is a strong Champion..."

Serena tilts her head, understanding his concern. "I see, Ash. That makes sense. Maybe we can save Kanto for later."

However, after a moment of contemplation, Ash reconsiders. "Actually, Serena, maybe we should start with Kanto. It might be better to face Mom and her challenges early on. Plus, I can learn a lot from her experience."

Serena nods, respecting his decision. "Alright, Kanto it is. We'll start our journey there."

Ash then asks, "So what are you going to do when we are traveling? Any ideas?"

Serena frowns, "To be honest, I still don't know what my goal is. I was thinking about maybe figuring it out when we travel together?"

Alice says, "That's also fine. I may want to be a Pokémon Master like Ash, but I also think it will be better if we figure something else out other than that."

Lillie says, "You know, I was thinking about filling the Pokédex. I mean, there are 1,025 Pokémon in the world. Wouldn't it be awesome if we manage to get all 1,025 of them?"

"1,025 Pokémon? I mean, is that even possible? It seems like a wild dream that nobody has been able to achieve. Besides, if we want to register them, it means we have to capture the Pokémon. Not to mention, one person can't take care of that many Pokémon..." Serena frowns, deep in thought.

Ash, ever the optimist, suggests, "If that's the case, one person can't take care of that many Pokémon, but how about the four of us take care of them together? We could each be responsible for around 256 Pokémon, and if we eliminate the evolutions, it might be easier."

Alice nods thoughtfully. "I don't think that's a bad idea at all. I mean, the Professors did mention that some trainers have joint Pokédexes so they can share Pokémon. As long as the Pokémon treat all of us as their trainers, it should work."

Lillie's eyes sparkle with excitement. "That sounds like a great plan! We can work together, support each other, and make it a group effort. Not only will it make the task more manageable, but it will also strengthen our bond as friends and trainers."

Serena's frown slowly turns into a smile. "You know, when you put it that way, it doesn't seem so impossible. I like the idea of us working together towards this goal."

Ash grins, feeling the surge of camaraderie. "It's settled then! We'll aim to fill the Pokédex together. It will be a massive challenge, but I know we can do it."

The group shares a moment of renewed determination, their individual dreams now intertwined with a shared mission. As they finalize their plans, the excitement for their upcoming journey grows. With the Kanto region as their starting point, they are ready to embark on this grand adventure, facing the many challenges and discoveries that lie ahead together.

A week before their journey, Ash, Serena, and Ash's family all head to their residence in Pallet Town. Despite the painful memory of Golly's death there, they still like to visit because it remains one of the bases for Team Alpha, a place Team Rocket would never search again after their ambush.

As they walk through the familiar streets, Ash turns to Insey, one of their close friends, and asks, "So, Insey, you're going to travel with me and Serena on this journey?"

Insey nods enthusiastically. "Of course! A lot of us want to travel together. Even though the others will be in different groups, who knows? Maybe in a different region, we can all travel together again."

As they spend the afternoon at the Pallet Town residence, they reminisce about the past and discuss their plans for the future. The place holds bittersweet memories, but it also symbolizes their resilience and determination to move forward.

Aurora joins them, carrying a tray of refreshments. "I see you all are making great plans for your journey. Remember, the most important thing is to stick together and support each other."

Insey grins. "We will, Mom. We're like a big family now, and nothing can break that bond."

As the sun sets, casting a warm glow over Pallet Town, the group sits together, sharing stories and laughter. The excitement for their upcoming adventure fills the air, and they know that, no matter the challenges ahead, they will face them together.

Their journey is about to begin, and with their friends and family by their side, Ash and Serena feel more ready than ever to take on the world. The Kanto Arc is just the beginning, and their adventures promise to be filled with friendship, discovery, and the pursuit of their dreams.

Ash smiles, feeling reassured. "I guess the whole traveling thing isn't going to be boring after all. Though, I do wonder how many people are going to end up traveling with us in the end..."

Serena chuckles, her spirits lifted by the thought of their expanding group. "It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. The more, the merrier, right? Each of us brings something unique to the journey, and we'll make amazing memories together."

As they spend the afternoon at the Pallet Town residence, they reminisce about the past and discuss their plans for the future. The place holds bittersweet memories, but it also symbolizes their resilience and determination to move forward.

And that will be the end of the prologue chapter. I hope you like it and after this, you can begin the Chapter 1 of Kanto Arc, which will be Ash's POV story from onwards.

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