Chapter 19

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As we advance, we spot Team Yell nearby. Stepping in front of Alice, one of the grunts addresses her, "'Scuse me, mate, sorry to bother you... You're one of them takin' part in the Gym Challenge, right?"

Alice responds cautiously, "What if I am?"

"Crikey, but that's really somethin'! I'd love a battle against a great Trainer like you," chimes in the second member.

"Are you serious?" Alice asks, taken aback, while the others around her express concern and unease.

It is then Hop arrives and remarks, "Well, look at you, Alice! Surrounded by adoring fans, eh? You'll even be showing up Lee pretty soon!"

"Oi, jog on, mate! Can't you see we're in the middle of a conversation here?" the first Team Yell grunt retorts in annoyance.

"Yeah? And can't you see that I'm Hop, the Trainer who'll be your next Champion?" Hop asserts confidently.

"He's really full of himself," I mutter quietly.

"Oooh, so we've got a joker here, eh? You're so funny, I forgot to laugh," remarks the second grunt sarcastically.

"You think I'm joking? I'll prove it, then! And I think a battle with you lot would definitely end with some laughs!" Hop challenges with determination in his voice. "Let's take 'em together, Alice! You ready, mate?"

"Obviously," Alice replies confidently. Hop continues, "The two of us were endorsed by the Champions! We'll show you just what that means!"

"Well, if you insist... Team Yell's gonna teach you kids that the Gym Challenge's no joke!" asserts the first grunt. "You better not be yell-ow!"

"What'd this other kid have to come waltzin' up for, eh? I just wanted to knock off challengers one at a time..." grumbles the second grunt.

As both Team Yell grunts deploy their Linoone and Thievul, a realization strikes me. "You know... all the Team Yell Grunts we've faced so far... they exclusively use Dark Type Pokémon," I observe. "Their logo matches the Dark Type emblem displayed in front of Motostoke Stadium, where they showcase all 18 type flags. And during the opening ceremony, the Dark Type Leader was notably absent from the stadium..."

"You might be right... Team Yell does seem different from those infamous teams like Team Galactic. They're more like passionate fans, cheering for that girl Marnie," Elena ponders aloud. "Although, I can't help but wonder if there's some connection between Marnie and the Dark Type Leader..."

As we spectate, Alice employs Farfetch'd and Raboot to take down Thievul and Linoone, respectively, in an intense battle. Simultaneously, Hop strategically commands Corvisquire to defeat Pancham and Liepard with finesse.

Following their defeat, the defeated Team Yell grunts express their disappointment. "Are you gonna yell at us 'cause we up an' yell-lost?" one of them quips.

Another adds humorously, "If I'd used a horn, would I had a better chance of winnin'?"

Their jesting remarks reflect a mixture of disappointment and jest, incorporating wordplay with "yell" in reference to their team name, showcasing their distinctive humor even in defeat.

The defeated Team Yell grunts and exchange bitter comments before departing. "That little mug's the Champion's little brother... Guess that's what you get when your older brother's not useless..." one of them grumbles.

"I know we're Team Yell, but we'll leave quietly once we're beaten..." adds the other grunt as they make their exit.

"Nice one, Alice! That's my rival for you!" Hop cheers, expressing admiration for Alice's battling prowess. "Now then... Where could Kabu have gone off to? Let's keep going. Maybe he's further in!" Excitedly, he rushes ahead, eager to continue the search for Kabu.

Experiencing a sudden quake, I stumble upon something on the ground, inadvertently triggering the seismic event that rattles the entire area.

"Everyone, watch out!" I shout urgently as the ground trembles, causing rocks from the ceiling to start descending perilously. In a heart-stopping moment, a rock appears destined to fall directly onto Alice. Reacting swiftly, I push her out of harm's way just in time, narrowly avoiding the impending disaster.

Subsequently, a barrage of rocks continues to rain down, forming a barrier between Alice and me and the rest of the group, causing a tense separation amidst the chaos of the ongoing landslide.

Amidst the chaos and our separated state, Flora's concern echoes through the tumultuous environment. "Oh no, Ash! Alice! Are you both okay?" she calls out anxiously.

"We're alright, how about the rest of you?" I shout back, seeking reassurance.

"We're all fine," Gloria responds. "But what could have caused the earthquake?"

Our attention shifts to a mischievous-looking Pokémon in front of us, prompting a gasp from me. "Is that a Stunfisk? It looks different from the ones we're familiar with..."

"That's a Galarian Stunfisk," Alice explains. "Unlike the Electric-type version, this one's a Steel Type. Similar to how Foongus and Electrode disguise themselves, this Stunfisk disguises itself as a Poké Ball."

"Even though it looks significantly different, I can't let that Pokémon get away with causing all this chaos. I'm going to capture it," I assert firmly.

"But how do you plan to do that?" Alice asks, her expression showing concern.

Determined to confront the Galarian Stunfisk, I call upon Carkol to battle. However, as Carkol emerges, a sudden realization dawns upon me. The cart it's carrying, usually black in color, is instead a distinct shade of blue. I express in surprise, "Wait, has our Carkol been a Shiny Pokémon all this time? And we never even noticed?"

"You're right. The color difference wasn't very apparent... It's surprising to find out we've had another Shiny Pokémon in our team all this while," Alice acknowledges, sharing her astonishment at the unexpected discovery of our unnoticed Shiny Carkol.

With a determined effort, Carkol unleashes its powerful Flamethrower attack, overwhelming the Galarian Stunfisk in battle. Through our combined strategy and Carkol's fiery prowess, we successfully defeat the mischievous Pokémon, weakening it enough to make capturing it possible.

Taking advantage of the weakened state of the Galarian Stunfisk, we proceed to employ a Poké Ball, successfully capturing the Pokémon in the end.

Stunfisk (Galarian Form): The Trap Pokemon: Ground and Steel Type. Living in the mud with a high iron content has given it a strong steel body.

Utilizing Teleport proved to be a stroke of luck, allowing us to escape from the pile of rocks that had blocked our path. Upon regrouping with the rest of our companions, we collectively decide to press on further, eager to continue our journey through the area.

As we traverse ahead, our path leads us to a scene where Gym Leader Kabu stands in confrontation with a group of Team Yell grunts. Kabu addresses the departing Team Yell with a mix of gratitude and reprimand, saying, "Thank you for helping out with my training, Team Yell! But I must say... it's unforgivable for you to get in the way of a Carkol hard at work!"

"We weren't gettin' in its way! We were tryin' to cheer it on!" one of the grunts retorts defensively. Another adds, "Still, you did a number on us in that Pokemon battle, so... it's time for Team Yell to scarper and give a morale boost elsewhere!"

As Team Yell hurriedly departs, Kabu expresses a resigned sigh, remarking, "Cheering is one thing, but one shouldn't get in the way of honest work!"

"That's Kabu... Man, he's wicked! No wonder he's the Fire-type Gym Leader!" Hop gasps as he approaches us.

"Dad!" Kabu turns around, spotting our group. Recognizing us, he warmly addresses Helen, Ash, Alice, Flora, and Elena. "What a surprise to see you all here," he exclaims.

"Nice to see you again, Kabu," I express with a smile as Helen and Kabu share a heartfelt hug. Kabu then notices Hop and acknowledges him, saying, "Ah, you are the Trainer endorsed by Leon! Hop, am I right? I'm just training right up until the last moment so that I can guarantee the perfect match when I face you Gym Challengers! I specialize in Fire-type Pokémon, and the Water-type Pokémon in Galar Mine No. 2 are the perfect opponents to train against!"

"We're aware," Alice replies knowingly.

As the day draws to a close, Kabu recognizes the time. "Regardless, it's getting late. Just go straight once you get out of this mine, and you'll reach Motostoke. Get a good rest at the hotel, and make sure you're in your top condition! Come on, Carkol. Time for you to head on home, too. I'll make sure you get there safely. We're going to be on fire tomorrow!" With that spirited declaration, Kabu prepares to depart, accompanied by Carkol.

Gloria inquires, "So he's your father-in-law, huh?"

I flush slightly before responding, "Kabu's strength is undeniable, that's for certain."

Hop chimes in, "I remember Lee talking about Kabu. He said that a lot of Gym Challengers give up because they just can't beat Kabu. Man, now I'm getting all fired up, too!"

We swiftly exit Galar Mine No.2, making our way towards the outskirts of Motostoke. Hop expresses his exhaustion, saying, "Now I'm cream-cracked! I'm for the Budew Drop Inn and some sleep. Come tomorrow, that Fire Gym Leader Kabu better be ready, because I'll be coming for him!"

With that declaration, Hop bids us farewell and departs for some much-needed rest. Meanwhile, our group decides to explore the surrounding area, eager to discover new Pokémon to capture and further enhance our team.

As we come across a Koffing, Alice points out, "Ash, did you know that in the Galar Region, Weezing has different forms as well?"

"In the same way as the Stunfisk? I'd like to capture it and see for myself," I decide, choosing to send out Arrokuda to engage in battle. To our surprise, Arrokuda undergoes evolution, transforming into a formidable Barraskewda. Helen mentions, "Barraskewda's meat is quite delicious."

Barraskewda: The Skewer Pokemon: Water Type. Evolved from Arrokuda at LV:26. This Pokémon has a jaw that's as sharp as a spear and as strong as steel. Apparently, Barraskewda's flesh is surprisingly tasty, too.

Startled by the mention of being eaten, Barraskewda takes a step back, clearly anxious about the implication. Sensing its distress, I reassure the Pokémon, "It's alright, I have no intention of eating you." The Barraskewda visibly relaxes at the reassurance, letting out a sigh of relief. Helen also offers an apology for the unintended remark. With Barraskewda's assistance, we successfully captured the Koffing.

As we encounter a Hatenna in the wild, memories of Bede's Hatenna, a Pokémon both of us have previously defeated, come flooding back.

"This Pokémon would make a great addition to my team," I remark, deciding to send out my Galarian Meowth to engage in battle. Being a Steel Type, Galarian Meowth possesses resistance against Psychic moves, giving it an advantage. Utilizing Metal Claw, Galarian Meowth manages to overpower the Hatenna, ultimately defeating it in battle.

Impressed by its performance and seeing an opportunity, I decide to capture the Hatenna, adding it to my roster of captured Pokémon.

Hatenna: The Calm Pokemon: Psychic Type. Via the protrusion on its head, it senses other creatures' emotions. If you don't have a calm disposition, it will never warm up to you.

I send out my Pokémon as the Hatenna approaches me, and surprisingly, it warms up to me quite quickly. "Thank you, Hatenna," I express with a smile, feeling a sense of gratitude towards the Pokémon for its sudden friendliness.

As we encounter some mischievous pink Pokémon that start poking fun at us, it manages to irk me a bit. "Could you please stop doing that?" I mutter, feeling a touch of annoyance.

Elena enlightens us, "They're Impidimp. They thrive on negative emotions, using them as their energy source."

Observing one of the Impidimp lingering around us, Flora suggests, "That Impidimp seems attached to you both. Why not capture it?"

"Why should we?" Alice questions, but before we can react, the Impidimp jumps onto my backpack, finding a Poké Ball and making contact with it, ultimately getting captured. Alice grumbles, "It somehow manages to get under my skin..."

Gloria expresses disappointment, "I was just about to capture that Pokémon... You beat me to it!"

"Well, sometimes that's just how it goes," I respond with a shrug, acknowledging the unpredictable nature of capturing Pokémon in the wild.

Impidimp: The Wily Pokemon: Dark and Fairy Type. Through its nose, it sucks in the emanations produced by people and Pokémon when they feel annoyed. It thrives off this negative energy.

Now we're done capturing, we decide to head back to the Motostoke to take a rest in the Budew Drop Inn.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, there are a lot more new captures and I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth x2 (Kantonian, Galarian), Machamp, Farfetch'd (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Koffing, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Linoone (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Raboot, Drizzile, Greedent, Corvisquire, Dottler, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Carkol (Shiny), Applin x2, Barraskewda, Toxel x2, Sizzlipede, Hatenna, Impidimp, Milcery x9, Kleavor

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