Chapter 26

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As we finally arrive at Stow-on-Side, the vibrant marketplace bustles with activity, its stalls adorned with an array of rare and intriguing items. Amidst the eclectic collection, my gaze fixates on a peculiar teapot displayed prominently at a quaint shop.

"What is this?" I inquire, captivated by the teapot's unique appearance. The shop owner, with a knowing smile, responds, "That's a Chipped Pot. It holds a storied past. Yours for 3000 dollars."

Intrigued, I decide to make the purchase, much to the surprise of my companion, Flora. She raises an eyebrow and remarks, "Why spend so much on a broken teapot?"

I pause, pondering her question, before offering a vague explanation. "I can't quite explain it, but there's an inexplicable pull towards it," I say, shrugging nonchalantly.

As we make our way to the stadium, the anticipation of the upcoming battle fills the air. However, our excitement is interrupted as we come face to face with Hop, standing resolutely in our path.

"Ash, Alice... I'm still not too sure what I should do about all that stuff I told you before... About me being weak and dragging down Lee's good name and all, yeah?" Hop admits, his uncertainty palpable in his voice.

Displaying newfound resolve, he continues, "But the only thing I can do is get stronger, right? So I'm gonna try out all kinds of different things against you and see what works!"

Without hesitation, I agree, "Sure, Hop. I'm up for a battle."

With a newfound determination shining in his eyes, Hop exclaims, "Then let's do this! I bet an all-out battle with my true rival will help me get my head on straight!"

The battle commences with Hop sending out his Cramorant, the very Pokémon he had lost to Team Yell back on Route 6. Determination gleams in his eyes as he declares, "All I'm after is victory, and I'm counting on you to help me grab it."

I respond by unleashing Zoroark as my opening Pokémon, swiftly initiating the engagement with a Sucker Punch to deal an initial blow. However, Cramorant swiftly retaliates with a powerful Surf attack, dousing the battling Pokémon and revealing an unexpected sight—an Arrokuda nestled in Cramorant's gaping beak.

"Arrokuda? Is it... eating it right now?" Alice voices the confusion shared by the rest of the onlookers, stunned by the bizarre turn of events unfolding in the midst of battle.

Despite the puzzling scenario, Zoroark presses on, launching a precise Night Slash that leaves Cramorant fainting on the battlefield. However, the Arrokuda, previously hidden within Cramorant's beak, is propelled out from the impact, colliding with Zoroark and inflicting some damage in the process.

As Hop swiftly switches in his Silicobra, I opt for a change in my lineup, calling upon Flapple to take on the sandy serpent. Determined and ready for action, Flapple lunges forward with a Wing Attack aimed at Silicobra. However, the ground-type Pokémon swiftly evades by burrowing underground, narrowly dodging the aerial assault.

Anticipating Silicobra's next move, Flapple braces itself, executing an Iron Defense to fortify its defenses against the impending underground strike. Moments later, Silicobra surfaces, attempting a sneaky attack from below, only to be met by Flapple's sturdy defense.

Capitalizing on the moment, Flapple seizes the opportunity, launching a potent Grav Apple attack. The gravity-infused projectile strikes Silicobra with incredible force, overpowering its defenses and ultimately rendering the serpent Pokémon unable to continue the battle.

As Hop introduces his third Pokémon, the diminutive yet energetic Toxel, I swiftly swap my battling companion, bringing forth Yamask to face this new challenge. With a determined gleam in its eyes, Yamask launches into action, initiating the confrontation with a powerful Brutal Swing directed at Toxel.

However, Toxel surprises us all by countering with a Tearful Look, an unexpected move that seems to confound Yamask momentarily, causing hesitation in its next action. Seizing this momentary advantage, Toxel capitalizes with an Acid attack, striking Yamask and significantly lowering its Special Defense.

Despite the setback, Yamask gathers its resolve and focuses its spectral energy, unleashing a formidable Shadow Ball towards Toxel. The concentrated shadowy sphere hurtles toward its target, overwhelming Toxel's defenses and ultimately leading to its defeat.

"His Pokemon has changed from last time... I wonder what's going on..." Alice comments.

"I don't know what I can do to try to win now...but all I can do is try! There's nothing else for it!" Hop exclaims with determination as he sends out Drizzile, his final Pokémon in the heated battle.

Drizzile wastes no time, swiftly launching a calculated Sucker Punch that catches Yamask off guard, swiftly defeating it with a powerful blow.

In response, I decide to switch in Boltund, ready to turn the tide. With a burst of electric energy, Boltund charges forward, striking Drizzile with a jolt of Spark followed by a fierce Play Rough. The combined assault overwhelms Drizzile, ultimately leading to its defeat.

"My strategy goes right to pot when I've got all these bad thoughts running through my head..." Hop grimaces as he recalls Drizzile. "Hrmmm... I tried switching my team members in and out to max out their potential in every matchup, but... We just couldn't get it together somehow... Maybe that's why I'm still so weak..."

"Are you seriously still thinking that way?" Gloria interjects, visibly taken aback.

"But Lee really is the greatest Trainer! And I don't want people to be laughing at him all because his little brother is rubbish!" Hop's tone carries a hint of frustration and self-doubt.

My frustration peaks, and I can't hold back, raising my voice. "Stop putting yourself down like that!"

The sharpness in my tone startles everyone, but I continue, driven by a need to convey my thoughts. "What's going on with you? You used to dream of becoming the champion with such passion! Where's that enthusiasm?"

"I-" Hop begins, but I interrupt, my tone softer yet firm.

"Just because you lost to Bede and he said some things, doesn't mean you have to let it define you," I assert. "If you feel it's not enough, then push harder. You can't give up until you've given it your all. Sulking won't change a thing."

"It's not enough! I've got to try harder! And harder and harder till no one's laughing!" Hop's resolve hardens, determination gleaming in his eyes. "I'm off, mate! Off to find the kind of Pokémon that I can really draw the strength out of!"

As Hop dashes off, a pang of uncertainty gnaws at me. Did I push too hard? However, my heart hoped that my words sparked a fire within him, urging him to rediscover his passion and determination.

"That child..." Opal's sudden appearance startles us, her presence catching us off guard once again. "Gym Challengers should battle for the sake of their own Pokémon. Why worry about saving the Champion's name? We all know he's unbeatable."

"Did you watch the entire battle, Ms. Opal?" Helen inquires, a hint of surprise in her voice. "You could have announced your presence..."

"Anyway, here's something for letting me watch your battle." Without further ado, Opal surprises us by offering something unexpected. She presents Bea and Allister's League Cards, a gesture of gratitude for allowing her to observe our battle. "Now, on you go, child. You're headed to the Stow-on-Side Gym next, no? The Gym Challenge is about having fun."

Opal's cryptic yet insightful words linger in the air as she disappears once more, leaving us contemplating the significance behind her advice. We also decide to take a look at the League Card of Allister since this is a Ghost-Type Gym.

He is a young, mysterious Trainer who has taken on the mantle of Gym Leader at a very young age. He has never been known to remove his mask in public. In fact, he has at least one hundred masks of the same design, just to keep spares handy should his mask fall off for some reason. He claims to have developed the ability to see deceased Ghost-type Pokémon after an accident he had when he was four years old, but the truth is still a mystery.

"Okay... that's quite eerie," Gloria remarks, a hint of unease in her voice.

As we step into the stadium, a jittery staff member stammers, "Eep! A Gym Challenger...Are you here to challenge the Gym?"

Alice confirms, "Yes, I am."

"OK...In that case...please change into this uniform. Yes, the changing room is, uh, right over there," the staff's voice quivers, sending a shiver down their spines.

After Alice changes into the uniform provided, she emerges wearing a striking purple and black outfit with complementing tights and purple shoes. "This looks normal enough," she comments, trying to shake off the eerie feeling that lingers.

"Number you best..." The staff's ghostly intonation leaves a haunting echo in the air once Alice completes her dressing.

As they head towards the audience seats, they stop by the souvenir store to pick up a few desired items. However, upon reaching their designated seats, they're taken aback by the sight that greets them—a colossal pinball machine adorned with eerie, appendage-like arms.

"Now that's genuinely unsettling," Gloria remarks, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and unease.

Meanwhile, Alice steps onto the field where Dan, the Gym staff, awaits. "Allow me to explain the Gym mission for Stow-on-Side's Gym!" Dan announces enthusiastically. "To complete the mission, you'll need to ride in one of these cups and make your way to the goal while navigating through obstacles. Let me guide you through operating this exciting attraction."

Alice steps into the cup as instructed, listening attentively as Dan explains the mechanics. "Rotate the cup to change direction. If you collide with a wall, swiftly rotate it to maneuver yourself out of that situation. Enjoy the experience as you attempt to reach the goal while the world spins around you."

As the cup starts moving, Alice finds herself spinning the teacup left and right, trying to navigate through the swirling course while feeling a slight dizziness from the impact of hitting the walls. Despite the disorienting sensation, she steers the cup skillfully and reaches the first platform.

Awaiting her is the first Gym trainer, Clive, ready for a battle. "Spin the teacups too much, and Gym Challengers go flying!" he jests, setting the tone for the whimsical challenge ahead.

Clive sends out two Pumpkaboo and a Phantump to engage in battle. In response, Alice calls upon her Corvisquire, utilizing its Flying-type moves to counter the ghostly Pokémon. With calculated tactics and strategic attacks, Corvisquire manages to defeat Clive's team of spectral Pokémon.

"I lost. My consciousness has been sent flying," Clive admits, acknowledging Alice's victory with good sportsmanship despite his defeat.

As Alice progresses through the second phase of the challenging teacup ride, ghostly hands appear, attempting to push her out of the trap. Determined to overcome this obstacle, she continues to spin the cup, maneuvering through the spectral hindrances until finally reaching the second platform.

Awaiting her there is the second Gym trainer, Lynne, who greets her with an enigmatic rhyme. "Back and forth, back and forth - you're spinning. Back and forth, back and forth - me too," she chants, adding to the eerie ambiance of the Gym challenge.

Lynne sends out a Galarian Corsola to engage in battle. To counter this choice, Alice selects Linoone and directs it to use its Night Slash to confront the spectral Corsola. With swift and precise strikes, Linoone's Night Slash proves effective in handling the challenges posed by Lynne's Galarian Corsola, securing Alice another victory.

"Losing made me remember... the Gym Leader wears a mask..." Lynne reflects, offering a cryptic remark after her defeat, hinting at intriguing aspects of the Gym Leader's persona.

As Alice navigates through the increasingly complex maze within the Gym, her determination and skill lead her to the finish line with remarkable ease, leaving only one more trainer to face: Roy.

"Can you grasp the weaknesses of Ghost-type Pokémon? I doubt it," Roy taunts confidently, challenging Alice's knowledge of type matchups.

Roy sends out a Haunter and a Drifblim to engage in battle. In response, Alice chooses her Galarian Corsola, employing a strategic combination of Ancient Power and Ghost-type moves to counter Roy's spectral Pokémon. With a keen understanding of type matchups and her Corsola's well-placed attacks, Alice swiftly overcomes Roy's team with ease.

"If you comprehend type matchups, winning becomes natural," Roy admits after his defeat, acknowledging the importance of understanding the strengths and weaknesses inherent in Pokémon battles.

As Alice completes the final battle within the Gym, she swiftly heads toward the exit of the mission field. Amidst the rush, Dan, the Gym staff, jubilantly exclaims, "Goal! Gym Mission cleared!" signaling her successful completion of the challenge.

However, as she emerges onto the battlefield, she's met with a surprising sight—Allister, the enigmatic Gym Leader, stands in her path. His usually timid demeanor seems slightly shaken as he hesitantly introduces himself, stuttering softly, "...'M Allister. H-here...I go..."

As the battle commences, Allister sends out his Galarian Yamask while Alice chooses Silicobra as her first Pokémon. Eager to make an impact, Silicobra launches a powerful Brutal Swing, aiming to strike Yamask. However, Yamask swiftly employs its Disable move, nullifying Silicobra's attack before it connects.

"Use Bulldoze!" Alice commands, prompting Silicobra to unleash the powerful ground-type attack. The attack lands successfully, causing the ground to tremor as the Bulldoze hits. However, to everyone's surprise, Yamask spits out the sand and triggers a sudden sandstorm.

"Wait, that's Silicobra's Sand Spit ability..." Flora gasps, realizing the unexpected turn of events. "Yamask has Wandering Spirit, which changes abilities upon contact," Elena explains, shedding light on the mysterious ability exchange.

In response to the shifting dynamics, Silicobra attempts to use Glare, aiming to paralyze Yamask. However, Yamask retaliates swiftly, using Hex and Brutal Swing to inflict considerable damage on Silicobra. Despite Yamask's aggressive onslaught, Silicobra persists and eventually manages to defeat Yamask by unleashing a well-timed Brutal Swing after the Disable effect wears off.

As Allister sends out his Mimikyu, Alice observes, "So Mimikyu is also present here in Galar..."

Mimikyu swiftly employs Shadow Sneak, swiftly knocking out Silicobra. In response, Alice decides to switch to Pikachu. However, upon seeing Pikachu, Mimikyu reacts without waiting for Allister's command, immediately launching into an aggressive attack.

"Another Mimikyu that holds a grudge against Pikachu..." I murmur, expressing the exasperation at the familiar conflict.

Allister, visibly distressed, attempts to intervene. "Mimikyu, you must calm down! Please!" he pleads, but the Pokémon disregards his pleas, continuing its relentless assault on Pikachu, who deftly dodges the relentless strikes.

Despite Pikachu's attempts to evade, the relentless barrage of attacks eventually takes its toll, leading to Pikachu's defeat when exhaustion sets in, succumbing to Mimikyu's Wood Hammer. Yet, even after Pikachu faints, Mimikyu persists, ignoring Allister's recall attempts, much to the shock of the spectators.

"What's happening? It appears Allister is forfeiting Mimikyu," announces the bewildered crowd.

Concerned, Alice cradles Pikachu and queries, "Allister, does your Mimikyu have a grudge against Pikachu?"

Allister nods solemnly, admitting, "Mimikyu... it never listens to me whenever it faces off against a Pikachu..."

Alice sighs, acknowledging the unyielding determination within Mimikyu. "I see. Mimikyu is truly relentless in its pursuit, isn't it?"

As Allister unveils his Cursola, the evolved form of Galarian Corsola, Helen remarks, "It resembles Corsola. Could this mean Corsola also has a Galarian evolution?"

"It seems likely. I wonder about the method of evolution," you ponder aloud.

Alice chooses Raboot as her third Pokémon. With a fierce determination, Raboot's Ember attack successfully inflicts a burn on Cursola. However, Cursola retaliates using Strength Sap, siphoning off Raboot's vitality to replenish its own.

"We need to end this match! Use Ember again!" Alice urges Raboot, persistently commanding the fiery attacks. Despite the burn on Cursola worsening, the Strength Sap continues to drain Raboot's strength.

However, the battle takes a sudden turn when Allister utters a shocking term, "Destiny Bond..."

Realizing the impending danger, Alice cries out desperately, "Raboot, cease your attack!" But the command arrives too late as Raboot's Ember connects with Cursola just as the Destiny Bond takes effect, causing simultaneous damage to both Pokémon.

The tense moment culminates in a devastating outcome as both Cursola and Raboot succumb to the recoil of Destiny Bond, collapsing on the battlefield in an unexpected and somber conclusion.

"My very last Pokémon... How lonely... How frightening..." Allister's unsettling revelation is met with surprise as his ultimate Pokémon is revealed to be Gengar, a Kantonian Pokémon. Determined to counter, Alice opts to use her own Gengar.

"Gengar... Gigantamax... Swallow everything in darkness..." Allister commands with an eerie tone.

"Gengar! It's time to Gigantamax!" Alice responds with equal determination, prompting both Gengars to undergo Gigantamax transformation simultaneously. The colossal forms of these Gengars manifest with enormous mouths, seemingly capable of ensnaring and transporting beings to the afterlife.

"An incredible spectacle... Gigantamax Gengar showdown!" Helen marvels, captivated by the enormity of the battle about to unfold.

"It's truly chilling to behold," Flora comments, her voice tinged with a mixture of awe and unease, as the daunting sight of the Gigantamax Gengars casts an unsettling aura over the arena.

"G-Max Terror... Like Shadow Tag... No escape..." Allister commands with determination, while Alice counters swiftly, "We'll match it with G-Max Terror!"

The fierce exchange of attacks between the Gengars sends shockwaves through the crowd, instilling a sense of fear among some spectators as the colossal Pokémon sustain damage from their titanic assaults.

"Allister's Gengar is using Max Darkness!" announces Elena as darkness engulfs and emanates towards Alice's Gengar. "Block it with Max Mindstorm!" Alice commands in response.

The collisions of Max Darkness and Max Mindstorm create a dazzling display of energy, the attacks intersecting and momentarily causing a reflection. The battle escalates further as both trainers call for their respective moves again, aiming to overpower the other.

"This battle is truly astonishing," Elena remarks, her voice filled with awe.

"Absolutely," Gloria concurs, acknowledging the intensity and spectacle of the unfolding clash.

As the confrontation reaches its peak, Alice seizes the opportunity, swiftly commanding G-Max Terror once more. Allister's response is slightly delayed, and Alice's Gengar manages to deliver the decisive blow, overpowering Allister's Gengar. The crowd erupts into wild cheers, swept up in the exhilaration of the dramatic conclusion to the battle.

Allister, visibly shaken by the intense battle, reflects, "I nearly lost my mask from the shock... That I can see your skill for what it is." He recalls his Gengar with a sense of admiration for Alice's prowess.

Approaching each other after the exhilarating battle, Allister expresses his sentiment, albeit in his characteristic shy manner, "Crumbs... ...That was ace. Here... A Ghost Badge..."

As both trainers exchange a handshake, a sense of mutual respect and camaraderie pervades the air. Alice receives the Ghost Badge, marking her triumph and earning her the fourth badge of her journey.

With mutual respect, they shake hands, sealing the momentous encounter. Alice proudly receives the fourth badge, the Ghost Badge, signifying her triumph in the challenging Gym battle. Allister offers a parting wish, "G...good luck!" conveying his well-wishes in his own shy and hesitant manner.

Outside the Gym, a staff member approaches Alice, acknowledging her victory over Gym Leader Allister. "Challenger Alice... You've defeated our Gym Leader, Allister... here's a complimentary Ghost-type uniform..."

Alice graciously accepts the uniform that matches the one she wore during her challenging battle. The staff member continues, complimenting her, "The Ghost Badge suits you... You're right on track, Alice."

After that's done, we decide to leave the stadium and head back to the Wild Area for Gloria's new captures.

Here is a new chapter, and we're done with the Ghost Gym. The next chapter will be the Wild Area and also Ash's turn with the Fighting Gym.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Koffing, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Corsola (Galarian), Mantine, Sceptile, Linoone (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Yamask (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Raboot, Drizzile, Greedent, Corvisquire, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Carkol (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Silicobra, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Hattrem, Morgrem, Perrserker, Sirfetch'd, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Dreepy, Kleavor

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