Chapter 29

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As we arrive at the Dusty Bowl and stand beneath the stone arch, Yamask suddenly emerges from its Poké Ball. Concerned, I inquire, "What's the matter, Yamask?"

Abruptly, a sandstorm envelops us, trapping Yamask within it. Alice queries, "What's happening here?"

Elena observes, "It appears that something stone-like is encasing the Pokémon..."

After the turbulent sandstorm subsides, a previously unseen mural materializes before us, taking the form of a serpentine figure.

"Where did Yamask go?" I ask, but before we can locate it, our attention is drawn to the mural as it unexpectedly awakens, its eyes opening before fracturing apart. "Wait, Yamask? Is that you?"

Gloria interjects, "That's a Runerigus."

Runerigus: The Grudge Pokemon: Ground and Ghost Type. Evolved from Yamask when its HP is 49 lower than full health and walking in the Dusty Bowl. A powerful curse was woven into an ancient painting. After absorbing the spirit of a Yamask, the painting began to move.

Alice questions, "So, this was all due to a curse?"

Shrugging, I reply, "Who can say for sure? But it's undeniably intriguing to witness."

During our training session, our mischievous Grookey undergoes evolution, transforming into a Thwackey. As it evolves, it appears to have settled down a bit, but it's evident that with the two sticks it wields, it's learned the move Double Hit.

Thwackey: The Beat Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolve from Grookey at LV:16. When it's drumming out rapid beats in battle, it gets so caught up in the rhythm that it won't even notice that it's already knocked out its opponent.

As we approach Dustill Town, Alice inadvertently steps into a sand trap, causing her to start falling. Reacting swiftly, I grasp her arm in an attempt to prevent her fall, but the sand gives way faster than expected, dragging both of us down into the hole.

"Ash! Alice! Are you okay?" Gloria inquires anxiously as the others react with concern at our sudden descent.

Lying face down in the sand, we struggle to get back on our feet. I manage to climb out of the pit first, then extend my hand to assist Alice, who takes a moment to catch her breath after emerging from the sand.

"We're okay," I assure the group. "But that hole goes down pretty deep."

Alice sits up and wears a pained expression. "I'm sorry, Ash. It's because of me that you..."

Before she can finish, I interrupt gently, "It's not your fault, Alice. We're both okay, that's what matters."

"Does anyone have a rope or something we can use to get out of here?" I call out to the group, hoping for a way to escape the pit we've fallen into.

"I have an Escape Rope!" Gloria exclaims, but as she attempts to use it, our hopes diminish when we realize the rope is too short to reach the top of the hole. Dread settles in as our potential means of escape falls short.

Just as Alice expresses her fear, a rumbling sound fills the air, causing her to tremble. "Oh no... do you think we're going to be buried?"

Suddenly, a hole emerges before us, revealing a Sandaconda alongside a girl donning an adventure hat and a brown uniform marked with the number 130. "Hey, are you all alright?" she inquires.

"You're Nora, the Ground Leader!" I exclaim in astonishment, recognizing her from her distinct appearance and reputation.

"Ash Ketchum and Alice Urup," Nora acknowledges with a nod. "Follow me if you want to get out."

We trail behind Nora, entering the hole she emerged from, and soon find ourselves emerging from the other side. To our surprise, we discover our companions waiting for us on the opposite end. "Flora! Helen! Gloria! Elena!"

The four of them spot us and rush over, concern etched on their faces. "Are you two okay?" Flora inquires anxiously.

"We're alright, thanks to Nora," I reassure them, expressing gratitude for Nora's assistance.

"So, any of you planning to challenge my gym?" Nora inquires, looking towards our group.

"Apologies, but we've already earned our fourth badges from Bea and Allister," I respond.

"I understand. You're still welcome to visit my stadium. Here's a League Card for you," Nora offers, handing over her League Card. We accept it graciously and take a moment to peruse the details inscribed on the card.

Nora, a passionate archaeologist, delves into the mysteries of ancient ruins despite the tragic loss of her birth parents in an unfortunate expedition within the ruins of Unova. Determined to honor their legacy and driven by her unyielding curiosity, Nora dedicates herself to unraveling the secrets of the past. Nora's expertise in archaeology intertwines seamlessly with her Ground-type Pokémon battles, showcasing her dedication to understanding the past. Her Gym challenges mirror her quest for knowledge, inviting challengers to explore the depths of history through battle.

As Nora guides us to Dustill Town for some rest, we unexpectedly encounter Victor, who warmly greets our group. Gloria initiates the conversation, "Victor! It's been some time. How's your gym challenge progressing?"

"Going pretty well. I've managed to secure three badges. What about you guys?" Victor inquires.

"We've collected four badges so far. Are you here for the fourth badge too?" I ask him.

"Absolutely," Victor responds with a smile, eager to continue his journey and attain his fourth badge.

We decide to watch Victor's gym challenge as we all head to the stadium, to our surprise is that the stadium is underground and there is also a glass ceiling that can let onlookers watch the battle below.

After Victor dons his mud-splattered brown uniform, we witness him making his way to the mission field. To our surprise, we find three Rhyhorn accompanied by three trainers awaiting him. Among them is Dan, who steps forward to explain the Dustill Gym Challenge.

"The Dustill Gym Challenge is simple. There are rocky paths requiring Rhyhorn to navigate through. You can select one of these three Rhyhorn, but be aware that a Gym Trainer also has their eyes on the same Rhyhorn. Should you choose the same one, a battle will ensue," Dan elaborates.

"I understand," Victor responds, preparing for the challenge.

"Let the Gym Challenge commence!" Dan announces, signaling the start of the challenge as Victor deliberates and begins selecting a Rhyhorn.

As Victor contemplates his choice among the three Rhyhorn, he decides on the one he believes suits him best for the rocky paths. He approaches the Rhyhorn, but to his surprise, another trainer steps forward and lays claim to the same Rhyhorn. They have a battle, and it seems relatively manageable as both trainers showcase their skills and strategies. With a well-executed plan, Victor manages to emerge victorious, securing the Rhyhorn he had chosen.

As he moves on to the second phase, the challenge intensifies with the road becomes more perilous. The battle escalates, posing a greater challenge than the previous one. With a hard-fought effort, Victor emerges triumphant once again, obtaining the second Rhyhorn to go through.

Now, for the third and final phase, the road is now hard to go through unless picking the best Rhyhorn. With sheer determination and skillful maneuvering, Victor manages to claim victory in a hard-fought battle, securing the final Rhyhorn and completing the three phases of the Dustill Gym Challenge. "Goal! Gym Mission cleared!"

Now Victor is facing Nora, and Nora says, "Welcome, fellow explorer of the earth's secrets. I am Nora, the Ground-type Gym Leader and an archaeologist drawn to the enigmatic whispers of the past. In our battle, let us unearth the echoes of forgotten eras, where the ancient sands speak tales of bygone civilizations. Shall we begin this excavation of history through battle?"

"You bet." Victor says.

As the battle unfolds, Nora sends out her Piloswine as her first Pokémon. Victor steps up to the challenge, declaring, "Let's try this one out, Gurdurr!"

Victor's Gurdurr enters the field, ready for action. "Let's show 'em your move, Ice Shard!" Victor commands, initiating the match.

"Detect!" Victor yells as he orders Gurdurr to protect itself from the impending Ice-type attack. "Now, use Vital Throw!"

"Use Ancient Power," Nora counters swiftly. Piloswine slams the Ancient Power attack at Gurdurr, knocking the Fighting-type Pokémon to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Victor checks in on Gurdurr, who nods back, signaling readiness to continue. "Good, let's go for Close Combat now!"

"Earthquake!" Nora commands, but the move is too late to activate as Close Combat deals a significant amount of damage to the Ice-type Pokémon, resulting in its fainting.

"Rhyhorn, you're up next," Nora declares, sending out her second Pokémon.

"Bulldoze," Nora commands, and the Rhyhorn vigorously slams the ground, causing Gurdurr to faint immediately.

"Vileplume, I choose you," Victor announces, calling upon his Pokémon.

Victor's Vileplume springs into action, using Petal Dance to intercept the Rhyhorn's Take Down move. However, Rhyhorn retaliates with Drill Run, inflicting substantial damage on Vileplume.

"Vileplume, are you alright?" Victor inquires, concerned for his Pokémon's well-being. With a nod of assurance, Vileplume stands firm, prepared to continue the battle. Yet, it is struck by a Stomp attack followed by another Take Down from Rhyhorn. In a final effort, Vileplume unleashes Leaf Storm, dealing a powerful blow that ultimately defeats Rhyhorn.

As Nora sends out her third Pokémon, a Galarian Stunfisk emerges onto the battlefield. The Stunfisk wastes no time, immediately employing Snap Trap to ensnare Vileplume within its jaws. Victor's Vileplume finds itself trapped, unable to escape the powerful grip of the Stunfisk.

"Poison Powder won't work on Stunfisk because of its Steel typing," Nora says. Victor gasps as he almost forgot about this fact.

With a swift strike, Stunfisk launches its Bounce attack, overwhelming Vileplume and leading to its defeat. Victor recalls his fallen Vileplume, expressing his gratitude for its efforts before sending out his third Pokémon, Kingler, to take its place.

"Alright, Kingler, let's go!" Victor commands as Kingler steps onto the field, ready for battle. The massive clawed Pokémon wastes no time and lunges forward, using Crabhammer to deal damage to the Stunfisk.

However, Stunfisk retaliates with Snap Trap once again, dealing super effective damage to Kingler, who struggles within its hold. Yet, Victor doesn't falter, instructing Kingler to counter with a powerful Guillotine attack.

"Kingler, Guillotine, now!" Victor commands, hoping for a decisive blow.

With a resounding crash, Kingler executes the Guillotine move, successfully knocking out the Galarian Stunfisk.

"Echoes of ancient prowess resonate. Witness the final whispers of bygone eras. This is our last excavation together," Nora declares as she unexpectedly draws the sword, tossing it into the air. The sword descends, unveiling a Pokeball attached to it, which opens upon impact, summoning Sandaconda.

"Did you really have to do that?" Victor asks, a touch bewildered by Nora's dramatic actions.

Nora retrieves the sword, responding, "It's just for effect. Awaken the ancient giant! Sandaconda, embrace the colossal power! Let the sands of time swirl in our favor!"

With a swift motion, she recalls her Sandaconda, and an astounding transformation takes place, causing Sandaconda to grow in size, morphing into a swirling cyclone.

Victor and his Kingler are taken aback by the sudden change. "What in the world..." Victor and Kingler are left stunned.

"Channeling the might of ancient storms! Sandaconda, unleash G-Max Sand Blast! Let the fury of the desert sands engulf our foes!" Nora commands confidently.

Suddenly, the ground starts shaking more fiercely, and rocks begin to pelt Kingler relentlessly, causing it to succumb to the onslaught and faint in the end. The power of Sandaconda's G-Max Sand Blast overwhelms Victor and his Pokémon, leaving them shocked and defeated by the immense force of the attack.

"I can't see anything!" Alice shouts, struggling against the intense sandstorm.

"The sandstorm's power is overwhelming," Flora adds, trying to shield herself from the swirling sand.

With Kingler recalled, Victor swiftly selects Thwackey. "Thwackey, I choose you!"

As Thwackey emerges, Victor decides, "Let's Dynamax!"

Thwackey grows to match the size of the colossal Sandaconda. Taking advantage of its amplified stature, Thwackey initiates the battle with Max Airstream, dealing damage to Sandaconda and boosting its own speed.

Sandaconda retaliates with G-Max Sandblast once more, but Thwackey skillfully evades the attack, dodging the ferocious sandstorm unleashed by the G-Max move.

"Max Overgrowth, now!" Victor commands. Thwackey unleashes Max Overgrowth, causing a surge of powerful grass energy to overwhelm Sandaconda. The relentless attack takes its toll, eventually causing Sandaconda to faint, securing Victor's victory in the intense battle against Nora's powerful G-Max Sandaconda.

"The layers of history reveal your victory. Your strength echoes through the ruins of battle," Nora remarks with a sigh, acknowledging Victor's triumph. "May your journey unearth many triumphs."

Approaching Victor, she extends her hand in commendation. "After the seismic clash of our strengths, I commend your prowess in unearthing victory. Here, accept the Ground Badge as testament to your triumph. May it serve as a testament to the ancient wisdom you've exhibited."

As they shake hands, Victor is bestowed with the Ground Badge, marking his success in the challenging battle against Nora.

"In your footsteps, I sense the spirit of an explorer," Nora reflects, offering words of encouragement. "Your journey echoes with the footprints of those who uncover the secrets of our world. May your adventures uncover tales as enduring as the stones beneath our feet."

Later, we rendezvous with Victor at the gym's entrance, where he receives the Ground Uniform as a token of his achievement. Bid farewell to us as he sets off to further his training, determined to face the challenges of the fifth gym.

We, too, decide to head back to the Wild Area, embarking on our own journey filled with excitement and new challenges, following our paths in pursuit of adventure and discovery.

Here is a new chapter, and we're done with the ninth gym. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the next gym and also Glimwood Tangle.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Koffing, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Corsola (Galarian), Mantine, Sceptile, Linoone (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Grookey, Raboot, Drizzile, Greedent, Corvisquire, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Carkol (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Silicobra, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Hattrem, Morgrem, Perrserker, Sirfetch'd, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Dreepy, Kleavor

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