Chapter 43

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Entering the vast expanse of Wyndon City, we're struck by its sheer enormity and the multitude of attractions spread out before us. The bustling streets teem with shops, parks, and significant landmarks such as the imposing Corviknight Statue gracing the entrance to Wyndon Station. The towering presence of both the League Stadium and the Grand Festival Hall further enhances the city's allure.

Amidst our awe-inspiring surroundings, Hop and Victor make their presence known. Hop's exuberant voice echoes through the streets, "Wyndon City! This is where I'll carve my name into legend!"

Victor, with a hint of skepticism, comments, "You're quite confident, aren't you?"

"Absolutely! It's time for me to claim the title of the Galar Champion!" Hop declares with unyielding confidence. "I'm off to Wyndon Stadium! Hurry up, you should head there soon too!"

With their words ringing in our ears, the anticipation for the imminent challenges and excitement at the heart of Galar's pinnacle events—the Championship and the Grand Festival—stirs within us, propelling us toward our destined destinations.

Arriving at Wyndon Stadium, I split into two entities—one joining Serena and others heading to the Grand Festival while the other heads to the Galar League. The trio of Absol, Zoroark, and Sylveon accompanies my other self to partake in the Grand Festival, while the remaining Pokémon—Pikachu, Eldegoss, and Meowth—stay with us at the Wyndon Stadium for the Galar League.

We proceeded to register for the Pokémon League, also receiving accommodation at the prestigious Rose of the Rondelands, a luxurious five-star hotel. Amidst our preparations, we encounter Marnie, who expresses her determination, saying, "I've made it through the Gym Challenge. Even if there are only eight participants in the League, I'm going to battle my way to the top and face the Champion."

Alice reacts, "Only eight participants? That's fewer than the Kalos League, which had 64 competitors."

"I suppose Galar's trainers are exceptionally strong compared to other regions," I comment, reflecting on the regional differences in the intensity and selectiveness of the League competition. The smaller number of participants hints at the heightened skill and competitiveness expected in the Galar League.

As we delve into the rule book, we uncover that all battles in the Galar League are 5-on-5 matchups. To our surprise, my first opponent is none other than Marnie. As I glance over at Alice, I notice she's paired against a formidable opponent named Yue, while Hop faces off against Theemin and Victor against Dunne.

The realization that my first opponent is Marnie, who harbors deep aspirations for Spikemuth, leaves me feeling a mixture of apprehension and determination. The weight of knowing I might stand in the way of her aspirations weighs heavy on me. While I respect Marnie's commitment to her town, I'm also aware that this is a competition, and only one of us can advance.

The thought of potentially halting Marnie's journey at this stage gives me a momentary sense of unease. However, I steel myself, knowing that in the spirit of fair competition, we both aim for victory, and I'll give my best while respecting her dedication to Spikemuth. The battle ahead promises to be intense and challenging, but I'm ready to give it my all.

As we gather in the stadium, Hop expresses his readiness for our impending battle. "I'm all sorted and ready to battle you on the biggest stage of them all! But it looks like Bede couldn't make it. Hard luck... Somehow I didn't think he'd take being disqualified lying down, you know what I mean? I guess it is what it is..."Hop's tone carries a hint of understanding.

"Yeah, I get what you mean," I respond, acknowledging the situation.

Being in the first round, I'm already on the field, facing Marnie. We're both clad in the distinctive uniforms we wore during the opening ceremony. Marnie meets my gaze and remarks, "Heh. I knew you'd get all the Badges and meet me here. I know that there's been a lot between us, what with my big brother, Team Yell, helpin' Spikemuth and all that... But the truth is, when all's said and done... I really just wanna become Champion for myself! So don't take it personal when I kick your butt!"

"Absolutely, let's give it everything we've got," I reply, echoing the determination in Marnie's words. The anticipation for this intense showdown surges as we both prepare to demonstrate our skills and resolve on this grand stage.

As the battle commences, Marnie sends out her formidable Liepard, prompting me to choose Butterfree as my first Pokémon for the match. Marnie comments, ""I've gotta win this if I'm gonna be the Champion! I'm comin' at ya with everythin' I've got!" Liepard swiftly initiates the action with a quick Fake Out, catching Butterfree off guard and causing it to flinch right from the start.

"Stay focused, Butterfree! Let's begin with Quiver Dance!" I call out, urging Butterfree to execute the move to enhance its Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Despite the initial setback, Butterfree gracefully performs the dance, bolstering its stats to gain an advantageous edge.

However, Liepard retaliates with Torment, restricting Butterfree from using Struggle Bug repeatedly, compelling me to devise a strategic plan. "Butterfree, adjust your approach! Strike with an Air Slash!" I command, prompting Butterfree to execute the move. The powerful gust disrupts Liepard's concentration, causing it to flinch momentarily.

Marnie maintains her focus. "Impressive tactics, but now let's boost our power with Nasty Plot!" she declares, instructing Liepard to enhance its own capabilities.

As the battle unfolds, Liepard retaliates with a Snarl, unleashing a powerful attack that lands on Butterfree. Despite the hit, Butterfree perseveres, summoning its inner strength to counter with a decisive Bug Buzz attack, exploiting Liepard's vulnerability and ultimately defeating it.

"Great job, Butterfree! You're doing amazing out there!" I encourage my Pokémon, acknowledging its resilience and strategic prowess during the intense confrontation with Marnie's Liepard.

As Marnie sends out her Toxicroak, I swiftly switch in Indeedee to continue the battle after Butterfree valiantly fought but succumbed to Toxicroak's relentless attacks. I mentally strategize, knowing that Rapidash is currently aiding my other self in the Appeal Round, and I opt to rely on Indeedee's capabilities.

"Indeedee, let's show them what we're made of!" I command, as my male Indeedee enters the battle, it summons a field enveloped in Psychic Terrain because of the Psychic Surge ability, enhancing its Psychic-type moves.

Toxicroak, seizing the opportunity, strikes with a Sucker Punch, aiming to disrupt Indeedee's planned attack. However, the field effect prevents it from using priority moves.

"Now, Indeedee! Use Stored Power!" I command, urging Indeedee to channel its stored energy and release a powerful psychic assault. Indeedee unleashes its attack, harnessing the intensified psychic terrain to execute a forceful Stored Power.

The battle unfolds intensely as both Pokémon exchange attacks and strategies. Marnie's Toxicroak attempts a similar tactic to what previously defeated Butterfree. However, Indeedee showcases its strength and resilience, retaliating fiercely with Stored Power, landing a decisive hit that overpowers Toxicroak, knocking it out of the battle.

As Marnie sends out her Scrafty, the battle intensifies, presenting a tough challenge for my team. Indeedee valiantly confronts Scrafty, but the cunning Scrafty employs Swagger, inducing confusion in Indeedee. Additionally, the toxic condition continues to plague Indeedee, sapping its health over time.

"Heh, my Scrafty's got some moves up its sleeve! Let's see how you handle this!" Marnie declares with confidence. Scrafty seizes the opportunity, landing a powerful Crunch attack that overwhelms Indeedee, causing it to falter and be knocked out of the battle.

Realizing the need for a strategic switch, I call upon Alcremie to step up and join the fray as the battle reaches a critical juncture. Alcremie enters the battlefield with determination, ready to make an impact. It begins by employing Draining Kiss, successfully dealing some damage to Scrafty while also recovering some of its own health.

Scrafty retaliates with a forceful Brick Break, aiming to strike Alcremie. However, with nimble movements, Alcremie deftly dodges the attack, showcasing its agility and reflexes.

"Keep up the pressure, Alcremie! Use Disarming Voice!" I command, as Alcremie releases a harmonious and potent Disarming Voice attack, striking Scrafty with tremendous force.

"Impressive! But my Scrafty won't go down that easily! Hang in there!" Marnie encourages her Pokémon, acknowledging Alcremie's prowess.

The impactful attack proves effective, overpowering Scrafty and finally knocking it out of the battle.

As Marnie unveils her fourth Pokémon, the dynamic Morpeko enters the fray, showcasing its dual forms and lively energy. It swiftly launches into action, initiating a barrage of Bullet Seed aimed at Alcremie.

"Alright, Morpeko! Show 'em what you've got!" Marnie cheers on her Pokémon as it attacks.

"Alcremie, retaliate with Magical Leaf!" I command, urging Alcremie to counter Morpeko's assault. Alcremie promptly launches a flurry of leaves in response, attempting to strike Morpeko.

However, the nimble Morpeko swiftly shifts into its Hangry Mode, unleashing a devastating Aura Wheel that lands on Alcremie, overpowering her and causing her to faint from the formidable attack.

"Alcremie, you did great out there! Rest up now," I acknowledge Alcremie's valiant effort as she exits the battle.

To counter Morpeko's relentless assaults, I make the strategic decision to switch to Runerigus, a sturdy and formidable Pokémon. As Runerigus enters the battle, I strategize to capitalize on its strengths and counter Morpeko's Aura Wheel with an Earthquake attack.

"Runerigus, use Earthquake!" I command, urging it to execute the powerful ground-type move. However, in its Hangry Mode, Morpeko remains relentless, retaliating with another Aura Wheel. The formidable attack deals substantial damage to Runerigus, pushing it to the brink.

"Runerigus, we need to turn this around! Use Destiny Bond!" I command decisively, making a calculated move to even the odds. Runerigus channels its energy, invoking the risky Destiny Bond, forcing the battle into a precarious stalemate where any attack that faints Runerigus would also result in Morpeko's demise.

With only one Pokémon remaining, I opt for Gengar as my final choice, ready to face Marnie's Grimmsnarl. As she sends out her final Pokémon, Grimmsnarl, Marnie exclaims, "I've got everyone's cheers backin' me! I'm really, really gonna win this time, got it?"

Marnie takes the initiative by commanding Grimmsnarl to unleash a Spirit Break. The move surges forth, aiming to overpower Gengar's Dazzling Gleam. However, fortune favors Gengar as the attack narrowly misses, allowing Gengar to swiftly counter with an Ice Punch, striking Grimmsnarl and sending it crashing to the ground.

"Let's make it quick! Shadow Ball!" Capitalizing on the opening, Gengar readies a potent Shadow Ball to retaliate against Grimmsnarl. But in an unexpected turn of events, Grimmsnarl bows respectfully before Gengar, catching it off-guard and leaving it vulnerable. Seizing the moment, Grimmsnarl capitalizes on its signature move, False Surrender, dealing devastatingly super-effective damage on Gengar.

Marnie, determined to turn the tide in her favor, recalls Grimmsnarl and activates her Dynamax Band on its Dusk Ball, summoning the imposing form of Gigantamax Grimmsnarl.

"My bro might not use it... But I'll Gigantamax my Pokémon if it's to win!" Marnie declares with resolve.

As Gigantamax Grimmsnarl looms imposingly, I acknowledge the formidable challenge ahead. "So here it is... Gigantamax Grimmsnarl," I murmur, bracing for the intensified battle.

"I worked real hard trainin' my favorite move, just so I could use it in a battle against you! G-Max Snooze!" Marnie commands, urging Gigantamax Grimmsnarl to unleash its powerful attack. Reacting swiftly, I instruct Gengar to counter with Dazzling Gleam, attempting to intercept the incoming G-Max Snooze.

The clash of moves fills the arena as Dazzling Gleam collides with G-Max Snooze. Despite Gengar's valiant effort, the secondary effect of G-Max Snooze begins to take hold, inducing drowsiness in Gengar. To Marnie's surprise, Gengar manages to resist falling into a deep sleep, displaying remarkable resilience and determination to stay awake and continue the battle.

Marnie, surprised by Gengar's resilience, expresses her astonishment. "Is that even possible? Resisting G-Max Snooze like that... They might prove t' be at least a li'l interesting."

As Gengar phases in and out of shadows around Grimmsnarl, Marnie swiftly commands her Gigantamaxed partner to retaliate with Max Quake. The devastating Max Move strikes Gengar, momentarily staggering it. Despite the hit, Gengar gathers itself, attempting a counterattack with Sludge Bomb. However, the attack proves ineffective against the formidable Gigantamax Grimmsnarl.

"Gengar, now it's our turn!" I declare decisively, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. Determined to even the odds, I activate Gengar's Gigantamax transformation, empowering it with newfound strength and size to face the formidable opponent.

The intense battle between Gigantamax Gengar and Grimmsnarl reaches a critical point. As the two colossal Pokémon clash with their devastating Max Moves, Grimmsnarl's Gigantamax form begins to wane, signaling the end of its towering stature.

Despite returning to its regular size, Grimmsnarl remains formidable, skillfully evading a Max Hailstorm and launching a counterattack with Spirit Break. Gengar, determined and resolute, takes the hit before retaliating with G-Max Terror, but Grimmsnarl's Darkest Lariat acts as a protective barrier, deflecting the incoming attack.

"In that case, Gengar! Swallow Grimmsnarl!" I call out, prompting an unexpected maneuver. Gengar swiftly engulfs Grimmsnarl within its spectral form, trapping the Bulk Up Pokémon inside before reverting to its normal size and expelling Grimmsnarl from its mouth, surprising everyone with the unorthodox strategy.

"Stomping Tantrum!" Marnie commands, capitalizing on the increased power of the move after Grimmsnarl's previous attack misses. Reacting swiftly, I command Gengar to counterattack with Shadow Ball, channeling its strength into the move.

The Shadow Ball surges forth, breaking through the empowered Stomping Tantrum and striking Grimmsnarl with intense force. Overwhelmed by the powerful impact, Grimmsnarl collapses in defeat, unable to withstand the devastating attack from Gengar.

In the aftermath of the intense battle, Marnie reflects on the match with a mix of resignation and appreciation. "OK, so I lost... but I got to see a lot of the good points of you and your Pokémon," she admits with a sigh, recalling Grimmsnarl.

As the crowd's cheers resonate throughout the stadium, acknowledging the efforts of both trainers, Marnie appears surprised by the support. "Everyone in the stadium was watchin' us durin' all that... I heard them cheerin' for me and my Pokémon. It was nice... I may have lost, but... At least we drove the audience wild! Guess that's not so bad!" she remarks, finding solace in the audience's response.

Curious about her plans after the match, I inquire, "So what are you going to do now?"

"Think I'll join my brother in the stands, and we'll watch from the sidelines to see who ends up challengin' the Champion. Just so y'know... I still haven't decided if I'm gonna cheer for you... See ya!" Marnie responds, offering a cryptic farewell before leaving the field.

Taking in the moment's significance, I acknowledge Marnie's departure and also make my exit from the field, the echoes of the intense battle still reverberating in the air.

It's an eventful night as the semi-finals draw closer. To everyone's surprise, the bracket reveals that I am set to face Alice in the upcoming match, while Hop and Victor find themselves pitted against each other in their own intense battle for advancement.

Meanwhile, in the realm of Contests, I make progress by advancing to the Top 16 battle rounds. Dawn, Serena, and Lisia also manage to secure spots in the advancing rounds, adding to the excitement of the upcoming challenges in their own respective competitions.

"To think we're facing each other in the Top 4 instead..." Alice's expression shows a hint of disappointment. "I guess it is inevitable."

"Sorry, but I don't plan on losing, Alice," I reply with determination, acknowledging the gravity of our upcoming match. Alice nods understandingly, accepting the challenge that lies ahead with a sense of resolve and sportsmanship. The air crackles with anticipation as both of us prepare to bring our best to the battle, each determined to give it our all and emerge victorious in this pivotal faceoff in the Pokémon League.

Here is the end of the first part of the Pokemon League, Ash wins against Marnie in the Top 8 and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be Ash vs Alice in the Top 4.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Drakloak, Kleavor

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