Chapter 45

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Facing off against Hop in the finals, a surge of determination courses through me as he speaks, his words charged with a blend of surprise and conviction. "I never would've imagined standing here, facing you of all people. But it's time to finish what I started that day. Got it? The one who'll become Champion is me!"

With a steady gaze, I meet his declaration head-on, a calm confidence lacing my response. "Sorry to say, but the path to victory and the chance to challenge Leon rests with me. It's my destiny to emerge triumphant and earn the right to battle against Leon."

The tension in the stadium reaches its peak as Dubwool and Sirfetch'd engage in a captivating battle. With an enthusiastic shout, Hop directs Dubwool into action. "We battled a lot of times, but I'm really fired up for this match in the stadium!"

Eagerly, I respond, my voice filled with determination. "You bet."

Dubwool charges forward, aiming to unleash a powerful Body Slam, but Sirfetch'd swiftly evades the attack with a graceful maneuver, countering with a devastating Brutal Swing that causes Dubwool to stumble and trip upon the arena floor.

"Zen Headbutt!" Hop commands, a glint of unwavering focus in his eyes. The attack connects solidly with Sirfetch'd, dealing a significant blow and visibly affecting its stamina. Undeterred, I seize the moment. "Let's showcase our new move! Meteor Assault!"

With determination, Sirfetch'd launches into action, aiming the Meteor Assault attack at Dubwool. Despite Hop's quick decision to have Dubwool employ Cotton Guard as a defensive measure, the move proves ineffective against the sheer force and determination behind Sirfetch'd's attack. In a stunning display of strength and resolve, Sirfetch'd emerges victorious, standing tall and resolute amidst the battle's aftermath.

Amidst the heightened anticipation of the crowd, Hop unveils his formidable Corviknight, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the battlefield, eliciting murmurs of awe from the spectators.

With a commanding gesture, Hop directs Corviknight to take flight, its metallic wings gleaming as it unleashes a powerful Steel Wing attack. Sirfetch'd valiantly counters with a flurry of Brave Bird strikes, each blow delivered with unwavering determination, yet Corviknight's stalwart defenses hold steadfast against the assault.

"Let's see how you deal with our own Brave Bird!" Hop's voice echoes across the stadium, a challenge issued with confidence. Despite Sirfetch'd's attempt to bolster its defenses using Iron Defense, Corviknight's Brave Bird manages to break through, knocking away the protective shield and landing a resounding hit on Sirfetch'd. As the shield knocked away, leaving Sirfetch'd momentarily vulnerable, Corviknight seizes the opportunity, swiftly following up with a powerful Drill Peck aimed to overcome Sirfetch'd and claim victory in the heated confrontation.

Cinderace, show 'em your blazing spirit!" With a burst of confidence, I call upon my second Pokémon, releasing Cinderace onto the battlefield.

Hop commands Corviknight to execute a Steel Wing, but Cinderace springs into action, leaving fiery streaks in its wake with a blazing Pyro Ball. Corviknight, displaying impressive agility, attempts to evade, but the searing attack finds its mark with pinpoint accuracy, forcefully propelling Corviknight backward.

Unyielding in its pursuit, Corviknight retaliates with another fierce Drill Peck. However, anticipating the move, I quickly instruct Cinderace to utilize Counter. With agile reflexes, Cinderace expertly counters the attack, redirecting the damage back at Corviknight with amplified force. The calculated move proves to be decisive, overwhelming Corviknight and ultimately knocking the formidable bird Pokémon out of the battle, paving the way for Cinderace's triumphant display of strength and strategy.

In a thrilling turn of events, Pincurchin, Hop's third Pokémon, swiftly enters the fray, wasting no time in generating crackling electricity, which hurtles toward Cinderace with stunning speed. Reacting swiftly, I command Cinderace to dodge, instinctively shouting, "Dodge and counter with Pyro Ball!"

Cinderace exhibits incredible agility, elegantly sidestepping the oncoming Thunder Wave, evading harm effortlessly. Seizing the moment, it crafts a blazing Pyro Ball and launches it toward Pincurchin, the fiery projectile hurtling across the battlefield with focused intent.

However, Pincurchin responds with a swift Zing Zap, intensifying its electric charge as it bolts forward with remarkable speed. Crackling with electrifying energy, it closes in on Cinderace in a flash, aiming to unleash its powerful attack.

Undeterred, Cinderace initiates its Double Team maneuver, creating multiple illusions that disorient Pincurchin with the rapid movements. The illusions materialize a barrage of stars that rain down upon Pincurchin from various angles. Despite the onslaught, Pincurchin persists, steadfastly focusing on its next move.

With determination etched in its expression, Pincurchin charges forward once more, distinguishing the real Cinderace from the clones. It launches a potent Acid Spray directly at Cinderace, the vile projectile striking with unerring accuracy. Cinderace attempts to evade, but the Gunk Shot connects, draining its strength and leaving it visibly weakened on the battlefield.

With determination fueled by the setback, I swiftly call upon Sandaconda to take the field. Understanding the gravity of the situation, I opt to enhance Sandaconda's capabilities by commanding it to use Coil, bolstering its Attack Stat for the impending clash.

As the battlefield trembles with Sandaconda's might, it unleashes a powerful Earthquake, causing the ground to shake violently and dealing substantial damage to Pincurchin.

However, Pincurchin retaliates with an acidic assault, launching an Acid Spray toward Sandaconda. Anticipating the attack, Sandaconda promptly executes a skillful Dig, evading the corrosive spray by diving into the earth. Emerging stealthily from beneath the ground, Sandaconda positions itself behind Pincurchin, capitalizing on the advantageous position.

Wasting no time, Sandaconda ensnares Pincurchin with its Wrap attack, coiling around its opponent and applying unrelenting pressure. With each constriction, Pincurchin's resistance dwindles until it reaches a point of exhaustion, unable to continue the battle.

"Snorlax! You're next!" Hop calls out, sending Snorlax onto the battlefield. With a forceful Heavy Slam, Sandaconda absorbs a significant amount of damage from the colossal Snorlax.

Seeking to gain an advantage, I swiftly command Sandaconda to employ Glare, attempting to paralyze Snorlax. However, it becomes apparent that Snorlax's sluggish nature renders it relatively immune to the effects of paralysis, rendering the attempt ineffective.

Hop commands, "Snorlax! High Horsepower!" The colossal Pokémon responds immediately, charging forward with incredible force. Despite Sandaconda's resilience, the sheer power behind Snorlax's High Horsepower attack proves overwhelming, ultimately leading to Sandaconda's defeat in the intense battle.

In a strategic move, I call upon Falinks for the upcoming round, seeking to turn the tide of the battle. Falinks initiates its No Retreat technique, bolstering all of its stats for the impending clash.

With heightened strength and determination, Falinks charges forward, executing a powerful Rock Smash followed by a devastating Brick Break. The successive attacks relentlessly pound against Snorlax, exploiting its vulnerabilities with precision and force.

Despite Snorlax's resilience, the combination of Falinks' assaults proves to be overwhelming. The sheer power and relentless barrage of attacks lead to Snorlax's defeat, rendering it unable to continue the battle.

"Think you got me backed into a corner? No way! This'll just make my victory all the better!" With a determined resolve, Hop sends out his final Pokémon, an Inteleon, onto the battlefield. The sleek Water-type wastes no time, launching a precise Snipe Shot followed by a strategic Mud Bomb attack.

Despite Falinks' valiant effort and fortified stats from its previous move, the relentless assault from Inteleon proves to be too much. The combination of Snipe Shot's precision and Mud Bomb's strategic impact overwhelms Falinks, eventually leading to its defeat, forcing it out of the battle.

In the climactic moment of the battle, both trainers unleash their final Pokémon. Hop's Inteleon undergoes Dynamax transformation as he exclaims, "Release all the thoughts poured into my Wishing Star... Time for a Dynamax!"

In response, I opt to Gigantamax my Pikachu, intensifying the excitement on the battlefield. Hop asserts confidently, "Have a taste of our true power! An overflowing azure! Max Geyser!"

With a resounding command, I shout, "Pikachu! G-Max Volt Crash!" The two colossal Pokémon launch their formidable attacks. The clash between Max Geyser and G-Max Volt Crash fills the arena with a spectacular display. The Max Geyser sets the stage, summoning rain that shrouds the battlefield, while Pikachu's electrifying attack leaves Inteleon paralyzed, halting its movements.

The titanic clash continues as Inteleon retaliates with Max Quake and Pikachu counters with Max Steelspike. Both attacks inflict significant damage upon each other, the battlefield resonating with their immense power.

However, seizing the opportunity, Pikachu charges forward once more, unleashing another powerful G-Max Volt Crash. The electrifying assault overwhelms Inteleon, dealing a decisive blow and ultimately knocking it out of battle.

In a moment of sportsmanship and camaraderie, I turn to Hop, noticing a tinge of sadness in his demeanor as he clenches his fist. His heartfelt words resonate through the arena. "Ash... Thanks, mate. I'm really glad you were the one here with me."

Moved by his graciousness, I offer a nod of understanding and appreciation to Hop, acknowledging the intensity and honor of our battle.

As the announcer's voice rings through the stadium, declaring my victory in the Galar League, the crowd erupts into thunderous cheers. "And the victor of the Galar League, the Challenger who has won their way through all of the many hopeful Trainers in the Gym Challenge is... Challenger Ash!"

Amidst the celebrations, Hop's heartfelt words cut through the jubilation. "You know, even when Sonia was saying that you looked like you could become heroes, I think maybe you really could do all sorts of great things! Good on you, Ash! And Pikachu and all the rest of your team!"

As we reconvene in the lobby, we're greeted by the awe-inspiring presence of Leon. His words resonate with genuine admiration and pride. "Ash! That was incredible. Brilliant. Honestly...there were even tears rolling down my face before I knew it. To think that the four of you set out together from the same town, built up the greatest teams, and arrived here at this point to throw everything you had at one another... That burning desire to win... Those moves filled with undefeatable passion! It was battling at its very purest, in every possible way! Even though there were some Trainers who weren't sure whether you were fit to be endorsed for the Gym Challenge at first..."

"That was you, Lee!" Hop interjects, his annoyance evident in his voice.

"Well then, all the more reason!" Leon responds with a hearty laugh, his enthusiasm unyielding. "My team members and I will give everything that we've got in us to defeat our challenger. And the challenger standing before us might well end up being you, Ash. In fact, that's precisely what I'm hoping for!"

"That's right, Ash! The real challenge is what's coming next. And I'm completely exhausted! I just want to head back to the hotel and rest," Hop remarks, his weariness palpable in his voice.

"Best to refill your energy stores first! Why don't we go get some dinner together?" Leon suggests, offering a solution.

"I wouldn't say no, never care at all what food tastes like, Lee! A night like this deserves more than rubbish takeaway, so at least pick something good!" Hop retorts, expressing his desire for a more celebratory dining experience.

As we make our way back to the Rose of the Rondelands Hotel, a sense of accomplishment lingers in the air. Upon arrival, I'm greeted by familiar faces—Dawn, Serena, Lisia, and my alternate self—holding the prestigious Ribbon Cup. As I absorb the essence of my alternate self, a realization dawns upon me: I emerged victorious in the Grand Festival as well, triumphing over Dawn in the semi-finals and ultimately clinching victory against Serena in the finals. Lisia had been bested by Serena in the semi-finals.

"Congratulations on your win in the Galar League, Ash," Serena congratulates me with genuine warmth.

"Thanks. I think my Pokémon deserve the credit," I respond humbly, acknowledging the efforts and dedication of my Pokémon in achieving these remarkable victories.

As the reporters converge, eager to capture the moment and ask a barrage of questions, I find myself in the spotlight, fielding their inquiries with a mix of humility and determination.

"You and Challengers Hop, Alice, and Victor were endorsed by the Champions, despite being from different regions, making you rivals in a sense. How does it feel to have defeated your rivals?" the reporter inquires.

"Well, I'm just grateful for the battles they provided. They pushed me to my limits, and it's a testament to their strength as trainers," I respond, acknowledging the challenging yet enriching experiences our battles offered.

"If you wanted to share something with other Challengers right now, what would it be?" another reporter probes.

"I'd like to express my gratitude to all of them for the incredible matches! Each Challenger brought their A-game, showcasing immense skill and determination. They are formidable opponents, and I appreciate the competitive spirit they brought to the matches," I convey, emphasizing the respect and admiration I hold for my fellow competitors.

"Let's cut to the chase. Your honest thoughts here. Do you believe you can win the Finals as well?" the third reporter asks, seeking a straightforward response.

"I absolutely believe in my abilities," I assert confidently, embracing the challenge ahead with determination, despite not fully comprehending the reporter's specific reference to the Finals.

Hop interjects, his irritation palpable as he steps forward. "All right—that's enough! Ash's already tired from battle! And you've been asking rather rude questions! We've got ourselves dinner plans with my brother, so, sorry, but clear off already, would you?"

With some assistance from our friends, we successfully escort the reporters away. "Yes, yes, understood! Excited to witness the rise of the new star!" One reporter exclaims before departing.

As the commotion settles, Hop lets out a relieved sigh. "Phew... Famous people sure have it rough, eh? I hope Lee gets here soon. I could eat my own arm about now."

Agreeing to take a well-deserved break, we decide to retreat to the comfort of the hotel and rest until the approaching nightfall. The anticipation of the upcoming events adds to the sense of relief as we prepare to recharge for the evening ahead.

Here is a new chapter, and now the Galar League is done, and now we're going to the Rose Tower in the next chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Drakloak, Kleavor

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