Chapter 48

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With Allister, Piers, and Raihan advancing to the top 4, my opponent is unexpectedly Allister. He says with a hint of shyness, "...'M Allister... You look well."

I reply, "You're not doing too bad yourself."

Allister reminisces, "I remember you... You were friends with the strongest Gym Challenger I had. Er... so I reckon... we sh-should battle!" His nervousness is apparent, but the anticipation for our battle is clear in his voice.

Allister starts with a Dusknoir, and I decide to send out Absol to battle. "Everyone's looking... I want to hide... but I'll fight!"

"Absol! Night Slash!" I command, and Absol swiftly executes the attack.

The Night Slash hits its mark, but Dusknoir retaliates by using Disable, rendering Absol unable to use Night Slash. Then, to everyone's surprise, Dusknoir goes for Thunder Punch. However, at that moment, it becomes clear that Absol has transformed into Zoroark using its Illusion ability. I had sent out Zoroark and had it disguise itself as Absol.

"Looks like the disguise is off, use Night Daze!" I instruct Zoroark. It unleashes the Night Daze attack on Dusknoir, while Dusknoir counters with Shadow Punch. Both moves land successfully, but in the end, Dusknoir is defeated by Zoroark's powerful Psychic attack. The unexpected turn of events works in our favor, securing the victory in this round.

Allister sends out his Chandelure, and he commands it to use Will-o-Wisp on my Zoroark, causing it to get burned. With Disable's effect gone, I have Zoroark use Night Slash once again. However, Chandelure retaliates with Mystical Fire, which proves to be too much for Zoroark to handle, knocking it out of the battle.

"Dracovish, I choose you!" I declare, sending out my second Pokemon. Dracovish is faster, and I have it use Fishious Rend, taking advantage of its speed.

Despite being burned by the Will-o-Wisp, Dracovish is determined to carry out the attack. It lunges forward with Fishious Rend, striking Chandelure with incredible force. Chandelure is blasted into the wall and knocked out, securing a victory for Dracovish despite the burn status.

Allister sends out Cursola as his third Pokemon, and it immediately sets up Amnesia to raise its Special Defense. I command Dracovish to use Crunch, but just as the attack hits, Cursola's Weak Armor ability activates, boosting its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stats. Cursola follows up with Strength Sap, regaining health before finishing with Hex, dealing a significant blow to Dracovish.

Seeing the need for a change in strategy, I decide to switch to Absol. Absol enters the battle and wastes no time, using Sucker Punch to deal the first damage to Cursola. Cursola retaliates with Ancient Power, but Absol counters with Feint Attack, ultimately finishing off Cursola and securing another victory in the battle.

Allister's fourth Pokemon, Polteageist, enters the battle. It starts by using Protect to block Absol's Night Slash. Then, it follows up with Giga Drain, sapping Absol's health and recovering some of its own.

"Absol! Future Sight and Swords Dance!" I command Absol. Absol successfully sets up the Future Sight Psychic move, and with Swords Dance, it boosts its Attack. However, when Absol tries to use Night Slash, Polteageist heals once again with Giga Drain and manages to knock Absol out of the battle.

"Sorry, Absol. You did great," I express with a frown as I recall my fallen Pokemon. I then send out my fourth Pokemon, Polteageist, to continue the battle. As Polteageist takes its place in the battle, the Future Sight move I previously set up activates and deals damage to Allister's Polteageist.

I decide to have my Polteageist use Shadow Ball, while Allister's Polteageist does the same. However, with a powerful Hex attack, Allister's Polteageist is defeated and taken out of the battle. The tide of the battle begins to shift in our favor.

"My very last Pokémon... How lonely... How frightening..." Allister reveals his very last Pokemon, Gengar, mirroring the battle he had with Alice. Gengar swiftly defeats my Polteageist with Dark Pulse. In response, I decide to send out my own Gengar.

"Gengar... Gigantamax... Swallow everything in darkness..." Allister commands, as Gengar undergoes Gigantamax transformation. I follow suit by Gigantamaxing my Gengar, and both of our colossal Gengars prepare to face off.

"G-Max Terror... It's like Shadow Tag... You won't get away... I won't let you!" Allister declares. Both Gengars unleash their G-Max Terror attacks simultaneously, dealing significant damage to each other.

"Max Mindstorm!" I command, and my Gengar responds by using the move, creating a Psychic Terrain on the battlefield. The other Gengar retaliates with Max Ooze, hitting my Gengar and lowering its Special Attack. However, I seize the opportunity and instruct my Gengar to use G-Max Terror once more.

In the end, my Gengar's G-Max Terror proves to be more powerful, defeating Allister's Gengar and securing the victory in our intense battle.

"Maybe my mask... kept me from seeing just how strong you really are..." Allister mutters, his voice revealing a hint of introspection. His reference to the mask leaves a lingering question about its significance and why he chooses to wear it.

"Crumbs... ...That was ace. G-give it your best out there. I'm mad about strong Trainers..." Allister continues, showing appreciation for our battle and his admiration for powerful Trainers. Despite his shyness and reserved demeanor, his respect for strength shines through in his words.

As we enter the locker room, we witness the battle between Piers and Raihan. Unfortunately, Piers ends up losing because Raihan has the ability to use Dynamax while Piers can't. The battle's outcome appears to weigh heavily on Piers.

Just then, Marnie rushes into the locker room, her concern evident. Piers addresses her, "Sis. You shouldn't be forcin' your way in here."

Marnie's presence surprises me, and I ask, "Yeah, Marnie. What are you doing here?"

She expresses her frustration, saying, "Sorry, Ash! I thought my bro could get revenge for me, but he lost to Raihan. You look so sloppy out there that people are gonna think we're both weak 'cause we're related!" Marnie's concern for their reputation as siblings is apparent, and it's clear that she's disappointed by her brother's loss.

Piers, however, tries to reassure her, "You got it wrong, Sis. Raihan's just that strong. But I was able to show everyone in the audience how amazin' a proper battle without usin' Dynamax can be."

Marnie acknowledges her brother's words, albeit reluctantly, saying, "All right, I get it! But that's exactly why I wanted you to win! I still thought it was a brilliant battle, though... I'm countin' on you to win, Ash. Got that? I'll be cheerin' for you."

Piers then adds, "Sorry to come in for a chin-wag just before the final match. Raihan's waiting for you on the pitch. We're lookin' forward to a right good battle." With a nod, the siblings take their leave from the locker room, leaving me to prepare for the final match against Raihan.

The final match is set, and it's me against Raihan. Raihan starts the conversation with a compliment, saying, "You're really something else, kid. You've made it all the way here! I guess that's why you are the seven-region champion, eh?"

With determination in my voice, I respond, "Of course, I want to battle Leon, and I'm not losing here."

Raihan, however, reveals his motivation, saying, "Leon's my rival—and he chose you. So I've got to first prove I'm better than you if I'm to beat him! I've reworked my whole team, and now we're all geared up for one-on-one battles!" He adds a warning, "You might be thinking that you beat me once already... But if you think I'm the same Raihan you faced during the Gym Challenge, you'll soon regret it!" It's clear that Raihan is determined to showcase his growth and give me a challenging battle.

Raihan sends out Torkoal as his first Pokemon, and I choose Drakloak to battle. Raihan notes, "That's Drought! It gets the sunlight burning real harsh!"

With the harsh sunlight intensifying, Torkoal initiates the battle with a Lava Plume. However, Drakloak responds by using Dragon Dance, increasing its speed and evading the fiery attack. Drakloak's heightened speed proves crucial as it lands a powerful Dragon Rush and follows up with a series of Phantom Force strikes on Torkoal.

"Use Draco Meteor!" I command. Raihan attempts to have Torkoal dodge the incoming Draco Meteors with Gyro Ball, but one of the meteors strikes Torkoal, causing it to crash onto its shell.

"Oh no!" Raihan gasps as Torkoal struggles. I take advantage of the situation and have Drakloak use Double-Edge, which delivers the final blow, knocking Torkoal out of the battle. To my delight, this victory leads to Drakloak evolving into Dragapult and learning the new move Dragon Darts, enhancing its battle capabilities.

Dragapult: The Stealth Pokemon: Dragon and Ghost Type. Evolve from Drakloak at LV:60. When it isn't battling, it keeps Dreepy in the holes on its horns. Once a fight starts, it launches the Dreepy like supersonic missiles.

Raihan is intrigued by the evolution during the battle and comments, "Who would have thought that it evolves during the battle, this is getting interesting." He then sends out his second Pokemon, Flygon.

Raihan takes the initiative, ordering Flygon to use Dragon Claw, while Dragapult seizes the moment to set up another Dragon Dance, further boosting its Attack and Speed stats. With its increased Speed, Dragapult effortlessly evades Flygon's subsequent Steel Wing attacks.

Raihan counters, "Dragapult is very good at speed, but don't think you can best me when it comes to Dragon types. Let the winds blow! Stream forward, Sandstorm!"

As the sandstorm kicks up, Dragapult's vision becomes obscured. It is struck by Flygon's Dragon Claw and a flurry of Steel Wing attacks as the Stealth Pokemon hides within the swirling sandstorm. The sandstorm also slowly starts to wear down Dragapult over time.

I decide to test out Dragapult's new move, shouting, "Let's try out this new move! Dragon Darts!" Dragapult fires the Dreepy in its horns at Flygon, momentarily revealing its location. I follow up with another Dragon Darts attack, but Raihan is prepared this time, declaring, "I won't fall for it twice! Steel Wing!"

Flygon's Steel Wing hits Dragapult, delivering a powerful blow that knocks it out of the battle, despite Dragapult's impressive display of power.

I opt to send out Arctozolt as my second Pokemon to face Raihan's Flygon. However, Raihan is determined to maintain control of the battle, stating, "No matter what you pick, no one can escape from my sandstorm!"

Raihan initiates the attack with Flygon's Steel Wing, but Arctozolt manages to dodge it. Arctozolt retaliates with an Icicle Crash, but unfortunately, it fails to land its mark. This leaves Arctozolt vulnerable to Flygon's hit-and-run strategy, just as Dragapult had been.

Flygon continues its relentless assault with a series of Dragon Claw attacks. Finally, it unleashes a super-effective Earthquake, dealing massive damage to Arctozolt and ultimately knocking it out of the battle. Raihan's strategic prowess remains a formidable challenge.

Determined not to give up, I send out my third Pokemon, Gengar, into the battle. Without hesitation, I command, "Gengar! Gigantamax now!" Since I hadn't switched this Pokemon earlier, I decide to utilize its Gigantamax form.

With a resounding roar, Gengar Gigantamaxes and immediately goes on the offensive. I shout, "Suck up the Sandstorm!" To the shock of Raihan and everyone watching, Gengar uses its colossal mouth to absorb the raging sandstorm, clearing the battlefield.

Taking advantage of the now clear skies, Gengar unleashes G-Max Terror, and the attack scores a direct hit on Flygon. Raihan attempts a counterattack with Crunch, but Flygon is stopped in its tracks by Gengar's Max Starfall. The combined efforts of Gigantamax Gengar lead to Flygon's defeat, turning the tide of the battle in my favor.

Raihan chooses Goodra as his third Pokemon and sets up the rain, saying, "Here comes the rain! Feel its cold dampness soak into your body!" With the rainy weather in play, Goodra launches a rapid-fire offensive, unleashing Thunder, Surf, and Hydro Pump in quick succession, each attack dealing devastating blows.

I contemplate recalling Gengar due to the unfavorable weather conditions, but Gengar is determined to continue the fight. This time, as Goodra attempts another Surf, Gengar manages to deflect the attack with its tongue, showing incredible agility.

"We're going to win this! Max Starfall!" I command, undeterred by the rain. Goodra responds with a Hydro Pump. Both moves hit their targets simultaneously, resulting in a double knockout. Gengar reverts to its normal size as both Pokemon collapse, leaving both Raihan and me with two Pokemon each in this intense battle.

Raihan sends out his fourth Pokemon, Turtonator, while I opt for Sylveon, a Pokemon I received from Serena specifically for this battle. Raihan takes advantage of Turtonator's abilities and initiates Sunny Day, brightening the battlefield.

He orders Turtonator to use Fire Blast, but Sylveon's graceful agility allows it to elegantly dodge the flames, impressively avoiding the attack. I seize the opportunity and command, "Moonblast!" A radiant beam of energy strikes Turtonator, dealing significant damage and causing it to recoil.

Raihan remains unfazed and instructs Turtonator to retaliate with another Fire Blast. Anticipating the attack, I decide to dodge it and command Sylveon to use Quick Attack. However, just as the Quick Attack lands, Turtonator's Shell Trap ability activates, resulting in a massive explosion.

"Sylveon! Hang in there! Swift!" I urge, but Raihan has Turtonator use Explosion, causing a powerful blast that takes both Sylveon and Turtonator out of the battle simultaneously. The fierce exchange leaves us with two Pokemon each as the intense battle rages on.

"You do realize I'm the great Raihan, right? I'll be the one to beat Leon. So first, I'll beat you!" Raihan declares as he readies his final Pokemon, Duraludon, for the decisive battle. "Bring the storm! My partner will send everyone in the stadium flying!"

Raihan immediately Gigantamaxes his Duraludon, its form growing to a colossal size. I've already used up my Dynamax, leaving Lucario to face the gigantic foe alone. Lucario begins by employing Double Team to create illusions that confuse Duraludon. However, when Lucario follows up with an Aura Sphere, it becomes apparent that the Gigantamax Pokemon remains unfazed.

Raihan seizes the opportunity to launch his counteroffensive with Max Steelspike, and although Lucario tries to evade the attack, it is unable to avoid it entirely.

"Let's do it... The dragon roars! Time for my ultimate attack—G-Max Depletion!" Raihan commands, and Duraludon unleashes a devastating attack that envelops Lucario in a swirling tornado of energy. I watch in anticipation, knowing that this can't be the end. Within the vortex, Lucario charges up an Aura Sphere, and then, in a surprising turn of events, it rises into the air, causing the energy of the move to disperse around it.

"What is that..." Raihan gasps, clearly taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. Lucario's training with Greninja has clearly paid off.

Duraludon attempts to counter with Max Rockfall, but Lucario's attack easily pierces through it and strikes the Gigantamax Pokemon head-on. The impact causes Duraludon to topple over and revert to its normal size, effectively knocking it out of the battle. The battle concludes with my victory, leaving me one step closer to facing Leon in the final showdown.

"Losing in the Finals is pretty rough, but I suppose I'd better take a quick shot to remember it by..." Raihan remarks, following his tradition of taking a photo, which leaves me slightly amused.

"My lovely Pokémon and I have become much stronger than we were before... But you just blew right past us! Beyond anything I'd imagined! I'm still pretty young myself, but it just goes to show that there's always someone younger coming up, reaching further than you ever dreamed... And you've got your whole future ahead of you! Keep up the momentum! Prove that Leon's not unbeatable!" Raihan acknowledges, his words filled with respect and encouragement.

"You bet," I reply with a smile as we shake hands, understanding the significance of this moment. Now, with Raihan's support and the memory of this battle, all that remains is my ultimate showdown with Leon.

Here is a new chapter, and the last part of Raihan's battle is based on the anime, though I did some changes to make it 5-on-5 instead. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will begin the Darkest Day.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Dragapult, Kleavor

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