Chapter 62

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As we talk about Mustard until we arrive in the dojo, we spot someone talking to Mustard, and it comes as a surprise.

"Hop? Is that you?" Surprise courses through me as I see the familiar face in front of us. He turns around with a smile and greets us.

"Oh! Hey, welcome back, Ash and Alice! It looks like you've been hard at work keeping up your training here at the dojo, eh?"

Hop and I exchange a fist bump, while Alice gives him a friendly hug. She asks, "Hop, what are you doing here?"

Hop just grins and says, "Surprise! And nicely done, Ash and Alice. That's just the reaction I was hoping for! I'm here on the Isle of Armor to research more about the Dynamax phenomenon."

"So, I hear that we three are friends! How delightful!" Mustard approaches us. "Hoppy-kins here was just asking my permission to camp out on the Isle of Armor... But where's the fun in mucking about in the mud? I was telling him he should stay here—at the dojo!"

"That will be great, don't you think, Hop?" I inquire.

"I mean, it'd be loads easier than camping out for a long time, but wouldn't I be in the way?" Hop wonders.

"Everybody's welcome to wear out their welcome at the Master Dojo! Don't be shy, my boy! Besides, we're practically family already. You're the little brother of our Leon, after all!"

"Yeah, it's true—Lee did train here when we were both kids..." Hop acknowledges, and for some reason, Alice and I notice some weird expressions on Klara and Avery's faces.

"All right then, Master Mustard. You've twisted my arm! I hope you don't regret it, because I'm staying!" Hop declares in determination, and Mustard just smiles. "Whoo! The more the merrier! I'm pleased as punched in a gold-plated punch bowl! Which reminds me, Ash, Alice... I've got something I've been meaning to tell you about Kubfu...or really, its Evolution-Urshifu."

This piques our curiosity, and Hop asks, "Wait, you two already have the Urshifu? No way..."

"Well, we did beat the tower of two fists with the help of Urshifu," I reply, and Hop is amazed.

"So Master Mustard, what are you going to talk about?" Alice asks, and Mustard replies, "The truth is the lovable rascal is capable of Gigantamaxing, too."

"Wait, for real?" I ask, "Then should we give them some Max Soup to make them able to Gigantamax?"

"That is what I am going to talk about. It's a bit tricky because it really can't stand the taste of Max Mushrooms. So Max Soup is off the menu, unless you can make it more appealing to it," Mustard explains.

"Oh man..." Alice mutters.

"There's a certain something you can find here on the Isle of Armor, though, that'll make even Urshifu gobble up a bowl of Max Soup... And that certain something is..." Mustard starts to say.

"That—?!" I repeat Mustard's words.

"That certain something... It's actually..." Mustard begins to close his eyes and think.

After a silence for a while, Hop says, "The suspense here is killing me..."

Mustard just rubs his head with embarrassment. "Actually...I've forgotten what it is! Oopsie-doopsie!"

This causes us to anime fall, and Hop exclaims, "Are you kidding me?! Noooooo!"

"Mufufufu! You're even more fun to tease than your brother ever was!" Mustard laughs. I chime in, "Don't tell me you forgot about it, Master Mustard."

"The certain something I'm thinking of is sure to make Max Soup more palatable to Urshifu... and it has something to do with another Pokémon! Now I think I'll let the three of you figure out just what it is. Give it a good think together! You're on your own, kiddos! The world is your Cloyster, so get cracking!" Then Mustard just leaves us alone.

"Well, that is one way to say how he forgot the thing it is," Alice mutters.

"Is this, uh, how your training usually goes?" Hop asks me, and I shrug back. "I've really got no Rapidash in this race, but even I'm pretty curious about that certain something!"

I say, "Me too, but I guess we still have one more task to do here."

"I think I read something about Urshifu in a book once, too... It's the Wushu Pokémon, right? The book said it lives in the mountains in some far-off region."

"Really? Just like Copperajah? They were said to come from another region as well," Alice says.

"That sure is amazing," I remark.

"Naw, it's nothing. I just happened to be researching foreign Pokémon lately is all!" Hop rubs his head with embarrassment.

"But yeah, I think I read that Urshifu is absolutely mad for some kind of sticky honey..." Hop ponders. Alice chimes in, "So we just need to find the sticky honey?"

"Alice! Honey is made from the nectar of flowers and plants, right? So maybe we need nectar made by some Pokémon that look like flowers and plants! And if we're looking for those kinds of Pokémon, then I'd reckon there might be lots in a forest. I'll be able to look into Dynamaxing along the way, so count me in for some exploration! There's a forest past that big marshland, right? Bet I can still beat you there!"

Hop leaves, and I say to Alice, "Somehow I feel that answer is not right for some reason."

"But we should chase Hop before he encounters something dangerous," Alice suggests as we follow Hop into the Forest of Focus.

"I'd thought Glimwood Tangle was a real maze, but this place is on an entirely different level... And it's so hot and humid that I'm sweating a pond over here!" Hop complains.

"Well, it feels normal for me. By the way, how is Professor Sonia doing?" Alice asks.

"Sonia and I split up places to survey. And she opted for the cold and snow—and all. Too bad we can't somehow divide this heat up between us, too. We'd both feel a bit better!" Hop replies.

"So Hop, what are you thinking about getting the nectar?" Alice asks.

"Well, I saw some signs that Lilligant and Applin live here. Maybe we can gather a bit of sweet nectar that Urshifu should love from their flowers and fruit."

"Lilligant and Applin, huh?" I say.

ust then, we spot a Petilil on the road, and it's attached to Alice.

"Look! It's a Petilil! Petilil evolves into Lilligant, which is just the Pokémon we're looking for!" Hop exclaims.

"Hey, doesn't that Petilil seem to be acting a bit strange?" I ask, and Alice notices, "Yeah, it looks sort of sad."

"Yeah, now that you mention it... Maybe it got separated from its parents?" I suggest.

Petilil then jumps onto Alice's shoulders, and she says, "Petilil? What are you doing?"

"Whoa! Who're you glomming onto, mate?! She really must be lost if she thinks Alice's her mum!" Hop observes.

Alice's voice is laced with a hint of exasperation. "And now I'm stuck. OK..." She turns to me, her expression beseeching. "Ash, can you go find one of Petilil's parents or something, would you?"

"Of course, Alice," I reply earnestly. Turning to Hop, I suggest a plan. "Hop. We should look for some worried-looking Lilligant! Alice'll wait here with this little one."

"Okay," Hop agrees, and we set off on our quest. After a bit of searching, we manage to locate a pair of Lilligant and bring them back to Alice.

"Finally, Ash! Hop! You've found Lilligant!" Alice exclaims with pure joy as the two Pokémon share an emotional reunion, their leafy arms wrapped around each other.

"Hehe, looks like they're both pretty happy to see each other," Hop observes, a warm smile on his face. The two Pokémon then express their gratitude, offering us a taste of their sweet nectar.

"Huh? Is this...some of the nectar from your flower, Lilligant?" I inquire, genuinely curious, and the graceful Pokémon respond with affirmative nods.

Hop suggests, "Now we've got some of Lilligant's nectar! Hopefully, this nectar's sweet and sticky, just like Urshifu likes it..."

I decide to test it out before giving it to Urshifu. "Hrmmm... I definitely wouldn't call it very sticky. It's pretty watery...I don't think this is what we need."

Alice and Hop wear matching frowns, and Hop proposes, "At least we did a good deed anyway. How about we give Applin's nectar a try next?"

As we turn around, we spot an Applin just rolling by. "There! It's an Applin!" Alice exclaims.

We all try to chase the Pokémon, but it stops in front of a tree and disappears. "This is rotten... I don't see that Applin anywhere! But I'm sure it went rolling off this way..." Hop says, frustration clear in his voice.

"Yeah, we've gotta find that Applin," I agree.

"Could it be that the Applin is on the tree?" Alice suggests, and I nod. "It could be."

I shake the tree, and suddenly the Applin falls down, knocking me on the head, causing a sharp jolt of pain as I tumble to the ground.

"Ash!" Alice quickly rushes to my side, and Hop notices the Applin rolling away again.

"Augh! It ran off again!" Hop groans in dismay.

I rub my head in pain, only to feel it damp with something. "What the..."

"That's gotta be Applin's nectar on you! It might've given us the slip, but at least we still got what we came for!" Hop says, trying to look on the bright side.

"But is Applin's nectar sweet enough for Urshifu?" Alice asks, concerned.

"Well, like they say—the proof is in the pudding! Or the Applin! So let's give it a try!" Hop suggests, as I cautiously taste it.

"Hrmmm... I don't think you'd describe it as sticky exactly... It's more like juice or something..." I say, shaking my head to clear the lingering pain.

"Lilligant's nectar wasn't it... Applin's nectar wasn't it... They weren't really sticky enough to be the sticky honey that Urshifu loves..." Hop mutters, his frustration growing.

"Come to think of it, they aren't really honey at all, are they?" Alice asks Hop, who suddenly realizes, "Yeah, I was thinking nectar and honey were the same thing, so I was looking for plants and flowers. But was I just barking up the wrong tree?"

A Venipede scurries past us, and Hop remarks, "Whoa, a Venipede! I don't see one of those every day! It's cute looking, right? But it can produce a really thick, gooey poison inside its body—making it pretty dangerous."

"Yeah..." I say, then a sudden realization hits me. "Wait...Th...that's it!" I exclaim, causing them to be confused.

"Huh?" Alice and Hop exchange puzzled looks as I continue, "We were stuck on Pokémon that produce nectar... But what we really need is a Pokémon that USES that sort of nectar to produce something else."

"Something like honey?" Alice asks, eyes widening in realization.

"And when it comes to Pokémon that collect and store lots of nectar to make honey... well, the answer is obvious, right?" I explain.

Alice gasps and says, "The Beehive Pokémon has got to be the answer! And Vespiquen is the Beehive Pokémon, right?"

"So should we go get our Vespiquen from our home?" I ask, but Hop suggests, "Wait, if we're talking about the Isle of Armor... I think we should find some on the island shaped like a honeycomb over near that big blue tower! That's where we can find the honey."

"Okay..." The three of us nod in agreement as we make our way towards Challenge Beach, heading for the island.

Now, Alice, Hop, and I are riding our bikes on the water, passing by various seas. Along the way, we manage to locate the remaining Alolan Diglett, collecting the last one.

Upon arriving at Honeycalm Island, Hop surveys the area and comments, "I've seen loads of Combee around, but no sign of Vespiquen so far... But they're the ones that'd have sticky honey."

"Yeah, what are we going to do now?" I inquire.

Suddenly, something in Hop's pocket vibrates, prompting him to take out the Power Spot detector. "Huh? I borrowed a Power Spot Detector from Sonia, but why's it going off now? Is it...reacting to this tree here?"

We turn around and spot a massive tree. I suggest, "I think something's got to be up...maybe we should try shaking the tree."

As the three of us shake the tree, much to our surprise, the ground starts shaking too. Hop asks, "Wh-what is happening now?!"

"I don't know," Alice says in bewilderment. Suddenly, to our horror, a giant Vespiquen emerges right before us. I exclaim, "It's a Dynamax Vespiquen!"

"No wonder, this tree is acting like a Pokémon Den," Alice deduces. We quickly send out our Pokémon, with Hop releasing Inteleon, me summoning Cinderace, and Alice choosing Rillaboom.

"It sure has been a while since we worked together to battle Dynamax Pokémon," I remark as we prepare for the intense battle.

I decide to take the honor of Gigantamaxing Cinderace, which now has a massive fireball beneath its small body, creating an impressive sight. "Wow...that Gigantamax is so cool," Hop comments in awe.

"I know," I reply, pride in my voice as I initiate the battle with G-Max Fireball, dealing significant damage to the Dynamax Vespiquen. Alice follows up with Snipe Shot, and Hop goes for Knock Off, but Vespiquen retaliates with Max Flutterby, which proves to be super effective against Hop's Rillaboom.

"Great, our special attack was lowered," I mutter, assessing the situation. "Did any of you have any Rock-type moves?"

"No, there aren't any," Hop responds. "Ash, just continue with your Fire-type attacks."

"Okay," I acknowledge as I unleash G-Max Fireball once more. This time, it proves to be the decisive blow, defeating the Vespiquen and returning it to its normal size.

"I sure wasn't expecting a Dynamaxed Vespiquen to come swooping out to attack us! I was too shocked to even think of anything else!" Hop admits.

"We're feeling the same way," Alice agrees. "This is so weird."

I notice some red honeycomb on the ground, and it's filled with honey. "Guys, check this out," I say, drawing their attention.

Alice and Hop examine the honeycomb, and Alice concludes, "That is some seriously sticky honey. I'm sure it's the certain something Urshifu loves!"

"It seems like that honey was setting off my Power Spot Detector, too. The Max Mushrooms and this honey you can find on the Isle of Armor... they both seem to have some kind of tie to Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing," Hop adds.

"There's tons we don't yet know about it, so there's tons of research just waiting to be done," I remark.

"Agreed," Alice says. "Since we got the thing that we were looking for, I think we should head back to the dojo at once." We all nod in agreement and make our way back to the Master Dojo.

The others nod as we leave the island, but before returning to the dojo, we pay a visit to the Diglett Trainer. He greets us, saying, "Ah...Including the one that just came back, the number of Diglett that have come back is...Wha -? All 151 Diglett came back?!"

"Yeah. I guess they are all back since we didn't find any more," Alice confirms.

"Thank you so much! Thanks to you, all my Diglett have come back!" The trainer exclaims with joy, and one of his Diglett is so thrilled that it evolves into a Dugtrio. "Now that's an Alolan Dugtrio that I knew before."

The trainer goes on to say, "I think this Diglett is saying that you're worthy of its respect because you found them all. And it's so happy that it evolves into a Dugtrio."

As the Dugtrio communicates with the trainer, he appears shocked and says, "What? You want to go together with these Trainers because you respect them?"

The Dugtrio nods, and the trainer sighs, "Hm...I feel a bit sad, but...if that's what it wants, I'll respect its wish! Please take good care of Dugtrio."

We nod as they accept the Dugtrio. Afterward, we head back to the dojo.

When we step inside the dojo, Mustard greets us with a whimsical tone, saying, "Welcome back, my wandering Wooloo...Oh, and what is that sweet scent I detect...wafting through the air around you?"

"Heh heh! That'd be the Max Honey that Urshifu loves to the max! We got our hands on a nice haul of it!" Hop proudly announces.

"Did you now? Already?!" Mustard gasps in shock as they present the honey to him.

"Of course, Master Mustard. There is nothing that the three of us can't do together, including getting this honey from the Dynamax Vespiquen," I assert confidently.

"Hufufu! You did a real bang-up job finding that Max Honey with hardly a hint from me! Very nicely done, Ash, Alice! And our little Hop, too!" Mustard says with a laugh, clearly pleased with our accomplishment.

"You didn't forget for a second what that "certain something" was, did you?" Alice asks.

Then the student who is on duty with the Max Soup comes and says, "If we add Max Honey to our Max Soup, even Urshifu will be sure to want a sip!"

"Well, it's been real, Ash, Alice. But I think you've learned just about everything the Master Dojo has to teach you. Which means that you and I can finally have a proper battle-with absolutely no holding back! I could use a bit of training if I'm going to be ready for what's to come, after all... I won't be pulling any punches this time, kiddo. If you think you're really ready for me when I'm serious, then come to the Battle Court out back!"

Ash and Alice are surprised to learn that they are going to battle Mustard with his full strength, then Mustard leaves to go prepare his full team. Honey walks towards them and says, "It is not only my dear Hubby, I will also be battling against you as well."

"Even Ms. Honey as well?" Alice says, "Wow...we get to fight the strongest couple in the Galar..."

Honey smiles warmly and says, "Why thank you, but how about I give you something so you can learn more about me?" She takes out her Rare League Card and hands them to Ash and Alice.

After she leaves, Hop speaks up, "He's the one who taught Lee all he knows, so Mustard's got to be one wicked strong Trainer! I guess I'd better start getting serious about the research I came here to do, too..."

"So you're leaving?" Ash inquires, concerned.

Hop smiles and reassures us, "Good luck with your things, Ash, Alice! I'm sure you'll manage—like you always do. I'll come dashing right back to catch that battle, though, if you do try taking on Master Mustard and Ms. Honey!" With that, Hop takes his leave, leaving us to prepare for our upcoming battle.

After bidding farewell to Hop, Alice suggests, "Since we are about to leave the Isle of Armor after we defeat Mustard and Honey, how about we go on a stroll for the last time?"

"Sure," I agree with a smile.

As we embark on our final stroll, we take in the sights and scenery of the Isle of Armor. Along the way, we happen upon Klara and Avery, who are engaged in intense training with their Slowbro and Slowking.

"That's it, Slowbro! Use that epic poison move!" Klara exclaims enthusiastically. "She's right, go Slowking, use an elegant move!" Avery adds with equal enthusiasm.

However, the two Pokémon appear to be rather lethargic, and both Klara and Avery wear disappointed expressions. "Aw, come on! Can't you at least try to be more energetic?" Klara implores.

"Unbelievable... Truly UNBELIEVABLE! All that effort, and I'm still just spinning my wheels..." Avery laments.

"Next time I battle her, I'll be the one that comes out on top," Klara declares with determination.

"Yeah, I need to get stronger so that a certain someone will recognize me for the great Trainer that I am," Avery adds, setting their sights on improvement.

Just then, Klara and Avery notice us, and Klara gasps, "Huh? Ash, Alice?! How long have you been eavesdropping?!"

"Yeah, can you use Agility or something?" Avery adds with a similar tone.

"How have you two been?" I ask, attempting to steer the conversation in a more friendly direction.

"I've been fine, thank you! And I'm glad to see you look like you're doin' fine, too! Now, stop botherin' me!" Klara responds, still a bit agitated.

Alice inquires, "So are you two training?"

"Tch! Training in hiding is not very elegant. I return your inquiry as though I used Mirror Coat!" Avery retorts with a hint of annoyance.

"Juuust forget ever seeing me here, 'K? You can keep that if you promise to keep your mouth shut!" Klara abruptly hands them each a Rare League Card, surprising me and Alice. "And well... Good luck to you, too, I guess."

As for Avery, after Klara leaves, he adds, "Forget what you saw me doing with the utmost of haste! Use Amnesia! You are to think of that as a contract between the three of us, understand?" He, too, gives them a Rare League Card and then departs. "Well then, it's time for... You guessed it... Avery, teleport!"

Alice and I exchange bemused glances, and I remark, "They're still pretty weird."

"I know," Alice agrees as we continue on our way, leaving the desert behind.

Here is a new chapter, and in the next one Ash and Alice are going to battle Mustard and Honey at the same time with the rules are the same as the double battles in the games. I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur x2, Charizard x2, Blastoise x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Slowbro (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Slowking (Galarian), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Dragapult, Zacian, Eternatus, Kleavor

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