Chapter 72

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Riding atop Articuno and the Kantonian Zapdos, Alice, Elena, and I finally arrive at Motostoke City. Zapdos, looking around, remarks, "So this is the Wild Area of the Galar Region?"

"Past the gate is East Lake Axewell," I inform them as we head outside the city's gate. "But where could Galarian Zapdos be?"

"There it is," Alice points out, spotting the Galarian Zapdos ahead of us. The Pokémon is facing away when it challenges us, "If you can chase me, I'll give you a chance to battle me."

"Chase you?" I question, slightly baffled.

Zapdos tries to strike with a Thunderbolt, but to our astonishment, Galarian Zapdos dodges effortlessly and starts sprinting away. "What the... how fast is that Zapdos?" I exclaim, amazed by its speed.

"Ash, Alice. The Rotom Bikes! We need to use them," Elena suggests urgently.

We quickly hop onto our Rotom Bikes, pedaling furiously in an attempt to catch up to the swift Galarian Zapdos. Despite our best efforts, it's clear that our speed is not enough to match the fleet-footed Pokémon.

"This is getting a little crazy... That Zapdos sure is fast," I remark, panting slightly from the exertion of the chase.

"If it keeps running, it might tire out, and that might be our chance to catch it," Alice suggests, her eyes locked on the rapidly moving Zapdos.

As we finally notice the Galarian Zapdos starting to slow down, I call out, "Zapdos, now's your chance!"

Zapdos wastes no time, charging towards its Galarian cousin with incredible speed. It hits the Galarian Zapdos with a powerful Pluck attack, sending it reeling backward. "Damn it... I was careless... but if it's my cousin, I accept the challenge," the Galarian Zapdos concedes, recovering from the hit.

"You're not going to beat me," our Zapdos declares confidently.

The two Zapdos then engage in an intense stare-down. Our Zapdos makes the first move, striking its Galarian counterpart with another Pluck, eliciting a squawk of pain from it.

"Does that mean Galarian Zapdos is a Fighting Type? That move is going to hurt," Elena observes, watching the battle closely.

True to her words, the Galarian Zapdos responds with a Counter Attack, dealing significant damage to our Zapdos. "Or maybe the Counter is going to be useful as well," I note, impressed by the strategy.

Alice chimes in, "But still, Fighting and Flying Type isn't going to be great against the others."

In response, our Zapdos summons Rain Dance, creating a downpour. However, Galarian Zapdos counters this by using Bulk Up, boosting its Attack and Defense. "Wow... they really do have different moves," I say, amazed by their contrasting battle styles.

Zapdos attempts a Discharge, but Galarian Zapdos quickly uses Detect, shielding itself from the attack. Then, in a swift and powerful move, it leaps high into the air and lands a solid kick on Zapdos, causing it to wince in pain.

"What the... Is that High Jump Kick?" I ask, astonished by the Galarian Zapdos's move.

"No, that is Thunderous Kick," Zapdos clarifies. "The user moves like lightning before delivering a kick. It also lowers the target's Defense stat."

Alice adds, "And since Zapdos is a Physical Attacker, that's not good for us."

Zapdos then unleashes Zap Cannon at its Galarian counterpart, inflicting heavy damage. I notice the Galarian Zapdos is now paralyzed. "I almost forgot that Galarian Zapdos is Fighting and Flying... of course, it would get paralyzed," I realize aloud.

"Don't think I will be taken down easily," the Galarian Zapdos declares, charging towards our Zapdos.

"That's Reversal," Elena points out. "The less HP it has, the stronger it is."

Both Zapdos engage in a fierce clash, each using Pluck. But in the end, it's the Galarian Zapdos that falls, while our Zapdos stands victorious.

Galarian Zapdos mutters, seemingly frustrated, "I really hate having Flying Type as a weakness. It makes me feel like I'm the weakest of the six of us..."

I try to reassure it, "It might be true that you have that weakness, but your Fighting attacks are also strong." The Galarian Zapdos bows to me, seemingly recognizing my connection to Arceus. Feeling confident, I toss a Pokéball and successfully capture the Pokémon.

Zapdos (Galarian Form): The Strong Leg Pokemon: Fighting and Flying Type. When its feathers rub together, they produce a crackling sound like the zapping of electricity. That's why this Pokémon is called Zapdos.

"Well, there's only one left," I say, already thinking ahead to our next target.

We decide to head back to Freezington to update Peony on our success with Zapdos.

Upon hearing our report, Peony bursts with excitement. "Wait—you really caught Zapdos from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away!" He examines the captured Zapdos, commenting on its unusual appearance and legs. "Hmmm... So that's Zapdos, is it? The Legendary Pokémon that can cause thunderstorms? I definitely see the resemblance, but those legs look thicker than I expected... And it's not exactly electrifyin', is it? But it's as spiky and long-beaked as I hoped for! That's Zapdos enough for me, I s'pose. Let's mark this expedition complete!"

Satisfied with another successful capture and Peony's enthusiastic response, we prepare ourselves for the next phase of our adventure.

As we step outside, Zapdos, Galarian Zapdos, Articuno, and Galarian Articuno are waiting for us. Elena muses aloud, "First, we have a Psychic Type Articuno, and then a Fighting Type Zapdos... I wonder what type Galarian Moltres will be..."

Alice speculates, "It's probably going to be obvious, like the type might mirror the Kalos Starters."

"Yeah," I agree. "So, where is Galarian Moltres?"

At that moment, Moltres emerges from my Pokéball and announces, "That will be in the Isle of Armor."

"Okay, then let's head there," I decide, feeling a sense of anticipation about the next part of our journey. With our destination set, we all prepare to embark towards the Isle of Armor.

As we finally arrive at the Isle of Armor, I scan the area, searching for any sign of the elusive Galarian Moltres, but there's no sign of it anywhere. Moltres speaks up, "Galarian Moltres is a tricky one, but I'm sure she must be here somewhere..."

Elena chimes in, "I think I saw it," and points towards the ocean, where the Pokémon is gracefully soaring. "That blackness of the bird is truly a sight to behold."

I furrow my brow, pondering our next move. "Yeah, but how are we going to catch its attention?"

Moltres offers a hint, "There's one thing about Galarian Moltres – she doesn't like to lose. So what we need to do is go past her, and then she'll accept our challenge."

With a determined nod, Alice, Elena, and I patiently wait for Moltres to approach the land. As soon as she does, we take off running, intentionally provoking her. She can't hide her annoyance, and she yells, "Are you having those people do that to me? I'm going to beat you all to a pulp!"

Moltres responds defiantly, "I'll see you try." But before it can react further, a powerful punch connects with its face, sending it flying backward. I exclaim, "Sucker Punch, definitely a Dark Type..."

Alice chimes in, "So it really forms a type circle with Fighting, Psychic, and Dark, just like Chesnaught, Delphox, and Greninja."

Elena reminds us, "Now is not the time to admire," as we watch Moltres using Incinerate on Galarian Moltres. The attack not only singes Galarian Moltres but also burns the Sitrus Berry it was holding.

Galarian Moltres, furious at this turn of events, retaliates by releasing black flames that seem to imprison Moltres. Alice observes in awe, "Wow... so that's the Signature move for Moltres..."

Moltres provides some insight, "Fiery Wrath is the name. The user transforms its wrath into a fire-like aura to attack. This may also make opposing Pokémon flinch." Meanwhile, the Galarian Form begins a Nasty Plot, raising its Special Attack.

Moltres quickly recovers and launches a Heat Wave, but the agile Galarian Form manages to evade it with a swift dodge. Determination fills me as I hear Moltres mutter, "If I want to win this, I'll need to use this."

With a bold move, Moltres initiates Burn Up, sacrificing its Fire Type ability. To our surprise, Galarian Moltres retaliates with a powerful Sky Attack that inflicts substantial damage.

I remark, "This battle sure is intense." But eventually, Galarian Moltres faints, unable to withstand Moltres' Sky Attack.

Galarian Moltres, in a moment of camaraderie, admits, "You really are annoying sometimes, but then again, you are my cousin after all. It's nice to meet you, Chosen one."

I reply with a smile, "It's nice to meet you as well." With that, I seize the opportunity to capture the Moltres, and we all head back to Freezington for the final entry.

Moltres (Galarian Form): The Malevolent Pokemon: Dark and Flying Type. This Pokémon's sinister, flame-like aura will consume the spirit of any creature it hits. Victims become burned-out shadows of themselves.

Peony exclaims, "Wait, you really caught Moltres from the legends?! That's ultra-mega-brilliant! Report away! Hmmm... So that's Moltres, is it? The Legendary Pokémon that's the embodiment of fire? I definitely see the resemblance, but it's not at all hot to the touch... Kinda looks like it'd be more at home with the punks in Spikemuth than in a volcano, doesn't it? Oh well! Looks a bit like it's burnin' if you don't look too close! That's Moltres enough for me, I s'pose. Looks like you've reported all there is to report on Legendary Clue 3 and the legendary birds! Smashin'! I'll mark this expedition done!"

Elena adds, "So that is all the Legendary Clues you gave us, Uncle."

Peony responds, surprised, "Huh? Well, how 'bout that, Chief! Looks like that was the last bit of the grand Peony Adven-tour that I had for you! Whoooooo! Now this is an occasion! What's the word? Ultra-mega-epic! Your passion for all this caught me off guard, Chief, Ash, Alice... This whole Adven-tour thing was built out of a load of rubbish I scraped together. Even I had my doubts about the whole thing. But you? You went at it with a ton of energy! You don't s'pose those Pokémon you caught were really the one in the legends, do you?"

Alice responds, "We did catch those Legendary Pokémon after all. But I'm not sure it will be good to show them here..."

"Nah, actually, never mind. You don't have to tell me anything! A look at your face tells me everything I need to know, Chief, Ash, and Alice. I can tell that you must've done some ultra-mega-epic exploring! And whatever you discovered on your way... that's a special treasure just for you! I'm not about to rain on your parade by being nosy and asking silly questions! Well, Chief Elena, Ash, Alice... Thanks for sticking around and finishing every part of my Adven-tour! I want you to have this. Consider it my way of saying 'thank you'!"

Peony hands us his rare League Card, and we all express our gratitude. "Hmmm... But I can't shake the feeling I'm forgetting something..."

Just then, Peonia rushes inside the house, clearly irritated, and says, "Ugh. Dad! People can hear you all the way outside, you know!"

Elena exclaims, "Peonia!"

Peony adds, "My darlin' Nia!"

Peonia takes notice and says, "Huh! This place isn't bad! So this is where you're staying? Oh hey, Ash! Alice! Elena! Fancy meeting you outside the Max Lair for once!"

"Yeah, it sure has been a while," I say.

Peonia responds, grinning, "Hehe! You're really on my wavelength. So you actually kept my old man company! Cheers, I owe you one! I've had my fill of Dynamax Adventures now... So I thought I may as well try one of that what-d'you-call-'em tours my old man was going on about."

Peony is surprised, and the rest of us exchange uncertain glances, unsure how to respond, since we've already completed the quests.

"Huh? What? Why'd everyone suddenly go quiet?" Peonia is confused, and then Peony rushes towards his daughter and says, "H-hold on! Gimme just a mo! I'll come up with some new legends straightaway! You'll have your adventure, Nia! A nice father-daughter expedition! Finally!"

Peonia, taken aback, exclaims, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait one second! You'll 'come up with' legends? Also, that's way too close! I need some personal space here!"

Peony stammers, "R-right! First things first! I've got something for you, Nia... Here! I made this brilliantly shiny explorer's outfit for you! You can get changed while I come up with somethin'."

He unveils a Golden outfit that radiates such a blinding glow that Ash, Alice, Elena, and Peonia instinctively cover their eyes. Peonia protests, "What in the world?! Are you trying to turn me into a disco ball or something? Why do I have to wear this golden one when yours is normal? Even my cousin is wearing a normal one as well!"

Peony chuckles heartily, striking his usual pose. "Gahahaha! Isn't it obvious? You're my darlin' daughter! I want you to shine so brightly that everyone notices you!"

Peonia, clearly frustrated, exclaims, "Ugh! It's things like this! I've changed my mind! Here, you can have this!" She hands the shiny clothes to Elena, causing Peony to frown in confusion. "Huh? But why?"

"I'm heading back to my own adventure! Time to catch some more Dynamax Pokémon!" Peonia declares as she hastily rushes out of the house.

"No! Come back, Nia! No need to be so rebellious! I know you really love me! Don't you?! Agh! Sorry for the sudden commotion, Chief! It was a blast exploring with you! You're free to keep using our base camp, of course! Anyway, time for me to go spend some quality time with my darlin' daughter! Hold on, Nia! Wait for me!" Peony says as he also rushes out of the house.

We exchange glances as they realize that our time with Peony's adventures has come to an end. Elena speaks up, "Well, I guess this is it?"

"I think so," Alice says, but our curiosity is piqued when we notice a piece of paper lying on the floor. Alice picks it up and says, "What is that?"

I intrigued, add, "Don't tell me that it's the fourth Legendary Clue." I carefully examine the paper, hoping to discover its contents.

The third Legendary Clue is done, but that doesn't mean the whole Crown Tundra Story is finished. I'm not including the Swords of Justice part, but the Galarian Star Tournament and the final Legendary Clue.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur x2, Charizard x2, Blastoise x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Slowbro (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Articuno (Galarian), Zapdos (Galarian), Moltres (Galarian), Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Slowking (Galarian), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Dragapult, Zacian, Eternatus, Urshifu x2 (Single Strike, Rapid Strike), Zarude, Regieleki, Regidrago, Glastrier, Spectrier, Calyrex, Kleavor

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