Chapter 1

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We finally arrive at Littleroot Town, but both Alice and I are sad because of Pikachu. I have the towel around Pikachu, and I say, "Just rest, Pikachu. When we arrive at the dock, I'm going to take you to the Pokemon Center."

But when we find the port attendant, we find that Littleroot Town doesn't even have a Pokemon Center. I say, "Are you kidding me?"

Alice says, "What about Professor Birch's Lab? I mean, we can call him."

Then we decided to call Professor Birch, but the one who called was Joshua, his assistant, and he told us that both his son and himself were out in the field research. He also asks us to stay where we are and alert them as soon as possible.

Now the two of us are sitting at the bench, and Alice says, "Everything is going to be fine, Ash."

"I hope..." I say. Then after waiting for a while, Professor Birch shows up and asks, "You two are Ash and Alice, right?"

"Yes, are you Professor Birch?" I ask, and he says, "Yes, let me see Pikachu."

When I show him, he says, "Not good. Let's get into my car and I'll take you to the lab immediately."

Then we all head inside the car, and Professor Birch explains, "It looks like an electrical discharge. Pikachu is unable to release its electricity regularly so it randomly sparks like that. It's a serious problem that sometimes occurs in Electric Types. Tell me, has Pikachu been exposed to any magnetic fields?"

We realize that before we came here, Team Rocket used a giant magnet on Pikachu. I say, "Yeah! Pikachu was strapped to a magnet!"

"By an electrical magnet probably." Then Pikachu tries to struggle from Alice's grasp, and Alice says, "Pikachu, what's wrong?"

"The high fever is confusing it. This is bad, we have to get it to the lab immediately!" Much to our surprise, Professor Birch decides to drive off the road into the forest, and the bumpy road is making us dizzy. I yell, "Look out!"

"Sorry, but we don't have a moment to lose!" Then he goes as fast as he can to take us to the lab. There is also a boy there, and he says, "This way, Dad. Everything is prepared."

"Thank you, this way, Ash, Alice." Then we see Joshua and the boy attaching the machine on Pikachu's cheek. Alice asks, "What's that?"

"An advice that will drain all of Pikachu's unregular electricity." He explains.

While we're waiting, the boy turns to us. "You're Ash and Alice, aren't you? I heard from my Dad about you two. My name's Brendan."

"Nice to meet you, Brendan. So you're Professor Birch's son?" Alice asks.

"Yeah. I'm supposed to go help my dad catch some wild Pokemon until we get your call. Pikachu will be fine, my Dad will help him."

But just then, the machine explodes, and we notice Pikachu escaping. "Hey! Pikachu!" I yell.

"Hey, do you have any strong Pokemon that are stronger than Electric Type?" Professor Birch asks me, and I say, "I have a Steelix that's Ground Type!"

(Alice's POV)

When Ash runs off, Professor Birch and I decide to help out, Professor Birch takes the Pokeballs, and Brendan says, "Professor! Those Pokemon are for May! Remember? The Gym Leader's kid!"

"There's no choice! When she gets here, just tell her to wait!"

When we find Ash, Professor Birch says that any disturbance that causes problems with the electricity will cause Pikachu to explode. Now we're really scared and we really need to find Pikachu as quickly as possible.

But when we continue to run, we already lose Ash from its tracks. "Ash! Pikachu! Where are you?" I yell.

Just then, much to our surprise, Professor Birch falls off the cliff and accidentally bumps into a Poochyena. The Poochyena is getting angry and it starts to chase Professor Birch.

"H-help me!" Then before I can rush to Professor, I see a girl approaching him and she asks, "Professor Birch?"

"Halloo! You over there! Please! Help me out! In my Bag! There are some Poké Balls!"

But the girl is confused, and I decide to rush over and say, "Just pick any Pokeball you can!" I quickly take one and throws it, it turns out to be a Torchic, the Fire Starter.

"You do the same as well!" I yell back, and the girl decides to take one and it is revealed to be a Mudkip.

"Torchic! Use Ember!" I yell, and Torchic goes for the Ember and hits Poochyena. I turn to the girl, "Don't just stand there! Call out an attack!"

"Which is..." The girl asks me, and I say, "Mudkip can use Water Gun. Command it."

"Water Gun?" But the Mudkip attacks the girl instead, and she asks, "Is that supposed to happen?"

"Of course not. Mudkip! Water Gun on Poochyena, not the girl!" I say, and Mudkip then attacks the Poochyena and then we save the Professor.

"Whew... You saved my hide. Thanks a lot!" Professor Birch says. Then he says, "Oh? But you're Norman's girl, May! I didn't even realize who you were at first. You've grown into quite the young lady. This isn't the place for a chat, though."

So her name is May, and I say, "Yeah, we still need to find Ash and Pikachu!"

I finally find Pikachu and I want to tell him to stay where he is, but Pikachu's eyes are glowing red and he's attacking me. I was zapped, but I still want to approach him. "We've gotta get back to Professor Birch's laboratory now."

"Ash! Get away! Pikachu can explode at any moment!" I turn to see Professor Birch and Alice, and there is also a girl beside them.

"But I gotta help Pikachu!" I say back.

Then Pikachu starts to run, but he is about to fall off the cliff. I without thinking dive off the cliff to save him, and I manage to grab the branch nearby. Pikachu continues shocking me and even bites me at one point in an attempt to try to get away.

"Just hang on..." I say, and then Professor Birch drops the rope so that we can grab on. "Pikachu, hold still, it's okay!"

Then Pikachu's eyes stop glowing red, and he finally recognizes me. When we are back on the ground, much to our surprise, Team Rocket arrives with their machine.

"Great... Team Rocket again." I mutter.

"Professor Birch, they're Team Rocket and they are the ones who made Pikachu like that!" Alice says.

"I've never heard of this Team Rocket..." Professor Birch says.

"They used to be in the Kanto and Johto Region. They are supposed to be disbanded but those three idiots still don't get it. They have been annoying me for 475 times and they are still not trying to give up!"

Then they manage to grab Pikachu, and I gasp. Then they put suction cups on Pikachu's cheeks to absorb his electricity.

"Pikachu!" I yell, and we see that Pikachu's electricity output is going nuts.

Then Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, and I gasp, "Oh no! Steelix! Come on out!"

When I send out Steelix, it is trying to protect all of us. Professor Birch says, "Amazing... a crystal Steelix!"

"Yeah, but now it is not the time for admiration." Then we see Team Rocket blasting off and Pikachu collapsing to the ground.

"Pikachu! Are you okay?" I rush to Pikachu and we bring them back to the lab.

Back in the lab, the Professor determined that Team Rocket's machine drained all the excess energy out of Pikachu until his levels returned to normal levels. After a rest, he says that Pikachu should make a full recovery.

Then I finally got to know the girl's name, she said, "Hi, my name is May."

"My name is Ash and this is Alice." I say.

"So how's Pikachu?" May asks, and we decide to show her that he's fine.

"And now, May. Are you ready to choose your Pokemon?" When Professor Birch asks, Alice gasps, "Oh no!"

She takes out a Pokeball and says, "I forgot to return Torchic to you, Professor..."

Professor Birch says, "Don't worry, to say thanks for rescuing me out there, how about I give you that Pokémon you used earlier? I have a spare Torchic and May can choose one of the three."

"That's so nice, Professor." I say. So Alice has used a Torchic, that is something.

Torchic: The Chick Pokemon: Fire Type. Torchic sticks with its Trainer, following behind with unsteady steps. This Pokémon breathes fire of over 1,800 degrees F, including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black.

Then we decided to see May picking her beginner Pokemon. The first one is Treecko, and May says, "It's creepy..."

"No, it's not. I think it is a really cool Pokemon." I say.

The second one is Mudkip, and she says, "But that Mudkip wouldn't do a single thing that I asked to do back then."

Alice says, "That might be true. So you're going with Torchic like mine?"

Then Professor Birch sends another Torchic out, and it is already hopping to May and brushing up against her leg. Then she decides to take the Torchic.

"You know, if you work with your Pokémon and gain experience, I think you'll make a pretty excellent Trainer." May says.

I ask, "But where is Brendan? I thought he would be here?"

"Brendan has gone to Route 103 to survey Pokemon for me." Professor Birch says. "It might not be a bad idea for you to head out that way yourself tomorrow. What do you think?"

"That sounds like a good idea." I say.

"Great! I'm sure Brendan'll be happy to hear that, too. He can help teach you what it means to be a Trainer, May. Oh, yes! And if you're ever lost along the way, just use the map function in the Rotom Phone. You can use it to see how to get to Route 103, where Brendan ought to be. And if you or your Pokémon get tired, just find a Pokemon Center and rest."

We nod, and then we decide to stay at the lab for the night. The next day, we find May and Torchic are bonding. When we get out, May asks, "Is Pikachu alright?"

"He's doing fine." I say.

"That's great." Then Pikachu starts to play with the two Torchic. Then Professor Birch comes and tells me that if I want to register for the Hoenn League, I should go to Oldale Town. May wants to travel with us, and of course, we agree since I like to travel with groups of people.

The three of us are on our way to Oldale Town, and when I suggest that we're going to race, May wants to slow down. Then May asks, "I thought Pokemon are supposed to stay inside their Pokeballs."

"There are some Pokemon who don't like Pokeballs, like Pikachu." Alice says.

Then she starts to worry about Torchic, and we decide to give her some tips for raising Pokemon. Then we arrive at Oldale Town and the guy from the Poke Mart comes. "Hi there! I work at the Poke Mart. From what I can see, you're a novice Trainer. Am I right?"

"I'm not, but those two are." I say.

"Being super kindhearted as I am, I'm going to give you useful advice." Then he starts to show us around, something that I'm used to already. "First of all, that's a Poke Mart there. Just look for our blue roof. We sell a variety of goods, including Poke Balls for catching Pokemon!"

Then he offers us the Potions, then he also brings us to the Pokemon Center, and it is where we need to go. When we get there, I teach May how to use the Pokemon Center, and we also decide to call Professor Oak.

"Hey, Professor Oak! We just get into Oldale Town." I say.

"Wonderful, Ash. It's always nice to hear from you." Professor Oak explains.

"I just finished registering in the Hoenn League. So I'm ready to go and psyche for my first badge." I say.

"It sounds to me like another big adventure." Professor Oak says. Then we decide to introduce May to Professor Oak, she also says that her brother never misses Professor Oak's radio lectures, and she also promises to work hard. Then he asks us to have a safe and successful journey.

Then once we're done, we decide to have lunch, and there is one thing about May... she seems to be a heavy eater, but we don't mind. After eating, we go to Route 103 so we can find Brendan.

Here is the first chapter of the Hoenn Journey, since it is the beginning, and I am still trying to combine both games, manga, and the anime at the same time. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Torchic

May's Pokemon:


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