Chapter 3

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Now we're at Route 102, and the first Pokemon that we capture there is a Lotad, and of course Team Rocket is trying to steal all the Lotad in the water, but Lotad is too slow to run away, and they skim the lake surface and scoop up all the Lotad with ease. However, one Lotad teams up with my Pikachu and destroys the boat, releasing all the captured Lotad, and then Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to send them flying.

Lotad: The Water Weed Pokemon: Water and Grass Type. Lotad is said to have dwelled on land before. However, this Pokémon is thought to have returned to water because the leaf on its head grew large and heavy. It now lives by floating atop the water.

The next Pokemon we find is Seedot. We see a bunch of Seedot hanging on the trees, we find that they are not happy due to the recent landslide nearby that took down their favorite trees to drink moisture from. So we decide to help find the perfect tree for them, and once we do, the Seedot joins our team.

Seedot: The Acorn Pokemon: Grass Type. Seedot attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. It sucks moisture from the tree while hanging off the branch. The more water it drinks, the glossier this Pokémon's body becomes.

The third Pokemon we find is a Surskit. It is playing in the water and we battle it to capture the Pokemon. Since it is a Water Type, Pikachu's attacks manage to land and we capture the Pokemon in the end.

Surskit: The Pond Skater Pokemon: Bug and Water Type. From the tips of its feet, Surskit secretes an oil that enables it to walk on water as if it were skating. This Pokémon feeds on microscopic organisms in ponds and lakes.

Now we decide to take a rest at the Pokemon Center, and we meet Officer Jenny, who seems to be looking for a poacher named Rico. He's a ruthless poacher who does not hesitate to kill Pokemon, and that shocked the three of us.

We decide to help her as I use Wingull to search for him, and when we find him, he's now sitting near his SUV with a net with 2 Ralts and a dying body of Gallade and a Gardevoir. One of the Ralts is shiny, so I have to guess that's why the Poacher takes them.

"So you're Rico. You're under arrest for Pokemon poaching." Jenny says.

"Is that so, Officer?" He sends out Fearow to battle, but I have Pikachu use Thunderbolt to destroy the Fearow.

"Then I'll use Tyranitar!" Before he can send it out, Officer Jenny just steals his Pokeballs so that he can't use it.

"Now Rico, release all the Pokemon that you caught." Officer Jenny says, and Rico just throws the net down and mutters, "If you're looking for other Pokemon, you're late. They all escaped thanks to a bunch of fools."

We rush to the two Ralts, who are hugging their almost-dying Gallade and Gardevoir.

"Mom, Dad you can't die..." The female Ralts says while crying.

"I am sorry that I can't protect you..." Gallade says while coughing. He looks at me and says his last words, "Please, take care of my children."

Now I feel bad for the two Ralts, it is true that Gardevoir and Gallade can't make it. Alice and I hug the Ralts, hoping to give them comfort. Once they are out of breath, we also give them a proper burial, while the officer takes the poacher away.

Ralts: The Feeling Pokemon: Psychic and Fairy Type. Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition.

And now we meet up with Brendan after walking, he says, "Hey! There you are! How's it going, guys? Hope you've been using your Pokedex and perfecting your sneaking skills."

"Of course, we do get some Pokemon with us." I say.

"Good to know. Oh, and you DO know about the Detector Mode, right? It'll react to any Pokémon in the area, so it's pretty handy to use!"

Just then, much to our surprise, we see a lot of Beautifly flying past us. May says, "Beautiful..."

"Yeah... It's like...I don't know... Seeing them like that makes me feel kind...warm. You know?" Alice says.

"It sure is." I say. "That reminds me, we're about to arrive at Petalburg City!"

After bidding farewell to Brendan, we see Petalburg City in front of us. May asks, "So is Petalburg Gym a big deal?"

"Are you kidding me? If I win a gym battle there, I get a badge. And once I get 8 badges, I can compete in the Hoenn League."

"That sounds great, I guess." May says.

"Come on! You want to compete in the Hoenn League, right?" Alice asks.

May says, "O-Of course, guys." May says.

"I wonder what the Petalburg Gym Leader is like..." I say.

"I'm sure he's a nice guy." May says.

"That's right, I did hear Professor Birch saying that your father is the Petalburg Gym Leader." Alice says, and I am shocked. "Wait, really?"

May sighs as she seems to be busted, then she sighs, "The reason I want to start my journey is because I want to travel around new places. But since my dad is a gym leader, he couldn't find a substitute for him and take us travel."

"I see. He must be busy. I can't wait to challenge him." I say with a smile.

When we get to the gym, we see a man standing in front of a trainer. "Not bad... It was a good battle."

"Th-thank you, sir!" The boy says.

"Come back and challenge me again anytime. I'll be looking forward to seeing you and your Pokémon when you're a bit stronger." Then the boy leaves, and then the man notices us.

"Hm? Why, if it isn't May!" The man says.

"Hi, Dad..." May says with a little timid tone. "I...I'm back. And I brought some friends with me."

The man notices us and says, "Well... I guess we shouldn't stand around out here talking. Do you want to come in for a bit? We can talk in the Gym."

When we entered the gym, we also noticed a boy there. "May, you're back so soon?" But when he sees me, he gasps in surprise, "Oh my gosh! Are you Ash Ketchum?!" He quickly takes out a notebook. "I am a huge fan of yours, can I have your autograph?"

I am surprised at how he is a fan, and after I give him an autograph, he turns to May, "May! How did you manage to find Ash Ketchum of all people with you?"

"Is that really a big deal?" May asks.

"Are you kidding me? He is the one who beat Lance, the Johto Champion! Not to mention he also won the Indigo League with the powerful Charizard that sweeps all six of the trainer's Pokemon, and he is also a Mythical Pokemon in disguise and the son of the Kanto Champion Aurora and the Sevestar Champion Adam!"

I am taken aback at this. This boy right here knows that I'm a Pokemon in disguise? May asks, "What do you mean a Pokemon in disguise?"

"Let's not talk about this just yet. Why don't you introduce your family first?" I ask May.

"Right. I want you to meet my mother, father, and my brother." May says. The man introduces himself as Norman, while the woman is named Caroline. "And this is my little brother Max."

"I'm Ash and this is Alice. It's nice to meet you." I say.

"My Dad is the real leader of the Petalburg Gym." Max says.

"We really appreciate you for bringing May all the way home." Caroline says to us.

"Sure, but we didn't do anything at all." Alice says.

"So can you answer me what does Max mean you're a Pokemon, Ash?" May asks me, and I sigh.

"The thing is, I'm a Pokemon disguising as a human." I say while showing a ball of fire in my hand. "But I really need this to be a secret."

"Don't worry, you're secret is safe." Norman says. "Tell me, May, what kind of Pokemon did you end up getting from Professor Birch?"

May sends out a Torchic, and Max is disappointed that May didn't pick Treecko. Torchic is angry at the comment and starts to peck Max.

"I think Torchic is a fine Pokemon to start out with." Norman says.

"Yeah, and I also caught a Wurmple with Ash's help." May also shows them her second Pokemon, and Max says, "I really wish that I become a trainer so I can get my own Treecko..."

"I know the feeling." Alice says to him.

Then we are invited for lunch, and when we're at the table, Caroline says to me, "So you've been traveling for a long time?"

"Of course, I've been to a lot of places." I say.

"That sounds so cool. I want to go to other places too." Max says.

"And you're traveling all alone?" Caroline asks.

"Well, I traveled with some of my best friends, and Pikachu of course." I say.

"Traveling with friends is much easier." Norman comments.

"And it is also fun as well." Alice says. "But I'm also glad to be friends with May, I mean, my parents are also gym leaders as well."

"Your parents are gym leaders as well?" May asks Alice, and she says, "Both of them are in the Kalos Region. My Mom is the famous Fashion designer Valerie who has the Fairy Gym in Laverre City, and my Dad is the Gym Leader in Snowbelle City who specializes in Ice Type."

"That sounds cool. Ice and Fairy are good against Dragon Types." Max says.

"So I want to have a gym battle with you, Mr. Norman. Is it okay?" I ask.

"Of course, so how many badges have you earned so far?" Norman asks me, and I say, "If you're asking the Hoenn badges, I don't have any. But if you're asking my total badges, I have sixteen."

"I see. Since you come all the way here, I can battle you." Norman says.

But before we can do the battle, we hear a doorbell. "Excuse me, sir, can I have a Pokemon please?"

We are confused as a green-haired boy comes inside the house. Norman says, "Hm? Aren't you... You're Wally, right?"

"Y-yes... I'm supposed to go stay with my relatives in Verdanturf Town for a while. But I thought I might be lonely by myself, so I wanted to bring a Pokémon with me. But I've never caught a Pokémon by myself... I'm not sure if I can."

"Mm-hmm. I see." Norman says while turning to us. "May, Ash, Alice! You heard all that, right? How about you go with Wally, and make sure that he safely catches a Pokémon."

"Sure, I mean, we like to help." I say.

Norman turns to Wally and says, "Wally, here. I'll lend you one of my Pokémon."

Then he goes to the yard and grabs a Zigzagoon, then he gives it to Wally. "Oh, wow... Your Pokémon, sir?"

"Hmm... I'll give you a Poké Ball, too, so go give it your best!" Then he also gives him the Pokeball.

"Th-thank you, Mr. Norman! Um... Ash, Alice, May? You will... You will come with me, right?" Wally asks us.

Alice says, "Of course, we'll come with you."

Then we take him to Route 102, and he says, "Pokémon hide in tall grass like this, don't they?"

"Of course." I say.

"P-please stay there to watch and see if I can catch one properly." Wally begs us, and we watch how he captures a male Ralts with the Zigzagoon. I am the one who teaches Wally because Alice and May are still new trainers and they aren't as experienced as me.

"I'm su-supposed to try to weaken the Pokémon before I throw my Poké Ball, right? I read that in a book recently." Wally asks me.

"Of course, but don't overdo it, or else the Pokemon will flee, I know Ralts can use Teleport." I say.

Then much to his delight, he manages to capture the Ralts on his first try. "I did it... It's my... My own Pokémon! Thanks so much, Ash, Alice, May! Let's head back to the Gym!"

"So did it go well?" Norman asks us, and Wally says, "Yes, it did! Thank you! Let me give you back your Pokémon, sir."

He returns the Zigzagoon, and he turns to us, "And you, Ash, Alice, May... Thank you so much for coming with me. It was all thanks to you two that I was able to catch Ralts. My very own Ralts... I will always, always treasure it! I'm going to try my best together with Ralts. You do your best, too, Ash, Alice, and May! Oh, but my mom's waiting for me. I've got to get going! I hope we'll meet again, Ash, Alice, May! And you, too, Mr. Norman!"

Then we watch him leave, and Norman says, "Hmm. That boy will be worth keeping an eye on."

Just then, when the wall is destroyed, we know what is going to happen. May says, "Team Rocket!"

"Those three are bad people who try to steal our Pokemon!" Alice says.

Then much to our surprise, instead of Arbok and Weezing, they send out a Wurmple and a Cacnea? Did they capture new Pokemon already?"

"Cacnea! Use Pin Missile!" They are trying to attack Pikachu, but Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to reflect it. Then May and Norman also decide to help with Vigoroth and Torchic. But when they throw a Smoke Bomb, we notice that they're gone.

"Team Rocket's gone!" Alice says.

We checked our Pokemon to find that Vigoroth and Pikachu were safe, so they took the Torchic. We decide to search for Team Rocket, and I decide to use Butterfree to search for Torchic, and in the end, we find where their hot air balloon is. We spot the Torchic stuck in the cage, May and Max just rush forward.

"Not so fast! Be careful!" I yell, but the pair fall into the hole. "There could be a trap." Norman and Caroline also run after them.

"But there might be... more traps." Alice yells, but they fall into another pitfall trap. The Rocket trio emerges from hiding to laugh at the family's predicament.

"You guys are through." I say while sending out Mantine. "Mantine! Use Surf attack!"

I give them a wash while we help May, Max, Norman, and Caroline out of the hole.

"How dare you steal other people's Pokemon, not to mention my daughter's Pokemon!" Norman is furious as he sends out Vigoroth again. While they are battling, Max manages to sneak and takes the Torchic cage so May can free him.

"Torchic! Use Amber on Wurmple!" May says.

"Don't you mean Ember?" Max corrects her.

"Right." May says with a dumb-folded. "Use Ember!"

When May commands it again, Torchic attacks Max by mistake. "No, use Peck!" But again it attacks Max. We ignored her and have Pikachu use Thunderbolt to send them blasting off.

Then it is almost evening, and Norman says, "Ash, I want you to grow stronger before I would consider taking you on in battle. How about you get at least four badges before I take you on?"

I know that some gyms actually have a set in order, I have to guess that Norman's gym is the fifth if you want to count the order. I say, "It's fine for me. But where should I go?"

"First head for Rustboro City, which lies beyond this town. There you should challenge the Gym Leader, Roxanne. After her, go on to the other Pokémon Gyms and defeat their Leaders as well. Collect Badges from them, understand? Of course, I'm a Gym Leader, too. I'm sure we'll battle one day. But that will only be after you've become stronger."

Alice says, "Looks like you're challenging Roxanne this early..."

"Yeah. I think it is going to be tough..." I sigh.

Then Max asks, "Hey, Ash. I was wondering if I could also come with you as well?"

We are shocked since we have never taken a kid on our journey. Norman says, "Max knows more about Pokemon, he just might be a help for you. Would it be a bother for Max to travel with you guys?"

"That's fine for me." I say.

"This is going to be awesome!" Max says as we bid farewell to Norman and Caroline as we head to Route 104.

Max asks Ash if he can come with him, too. Ash and May agree as Norman gives Max a Poke Nav. They then wave goodbye to them and head off to Rustboro City.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you can see that I added Wally into the story as well. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be Taillow and Treecko.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Torchic, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wurmple x2, Lotad, Seedot, Wingull, Ralts x2 (One Shiny), Surskit

May's Pokemon:

Torchic, Wurmple

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