Chapter 31

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Now we're at Route 119, and we're now at the riverside as I'm fishing. May asks, "We've been spending a lot of time here, what exactly are you going to fish out?"

"Just be patient, May." I say, and then I feel the rod shaking and I yell, "Here it is!"

And when I reel in the hook, a Feebas is on the hook and I yell, "All right!"

"Yuck! What is that?" May asks. "It is ugly..."

"Hey, that's not nice, you know." Alice says. "This is a Feebas! And it is pretty rare!"

"Yeah, and I'm going to capture it." I say while throwing a Pokeball at it, capturing the Pokemon immediately.

Feebas: The Fish Pokemon: Water Type. Feebas's fins are ragged and tattered from the start of its life. Because of its shoddy appearance, this Pokémon is largely ignored. It is capable of living in both the sea and in rivers.

But when Mark also captures his own Feebas, Max asks, "What is it about being rare?"

"We're just lucky." Mark says. "But this one is really rare. And Brother, can you help me with it."

I notice Mark has a Prism Scale and I say, "You have a Prism Scale?"

"Yeah, I brought it all the way from home." Mark says.

I sigh as I help him do the trade evolution, and then Feebas evolves into a Milotic. May says, "You're telling me that Feebas actually evolves into something as beautiful as a Milotic?"

"Of course, if you have the Prism Scale, you can evolve it by trading." Minami says.

"That's not the only way to evolve Milotic and I want to do the second way." I say, and Max asks, "And what is that way?"

"Training with Contest moves, when its Beauty category is maxed out, then it will also evolve into a Milotic." I say.

"I never knew you could evolve just like that..." May gasps.

Then we realize that we haven't had much training with our Dragon Types, so we decide to do it. Our Trapinch evolves into a Vibrava and learns the move Dragon Breath after another ambush with Team Rocket.

Vibrava: The Vibration Pokemon: Ground and Dragon Type. Evolved from Trapinch at LV:35. To make prey faint, Vibrava generates ultrasonic waves by vigorously making its two wings vibrate. This Pokémon's ultrasonic waves are so powerful, they can bring on headaches in people.

Another one that evolves into the final form is Swablu, and it evolves into an Altaria and learns Dragon Pulse. Minami says, "Now you're getting two new Dragon Types."

"You're right. That's cool." Mark says.

Altaria: The Humming Pokemon: Dragon and Flying Type. Evolved from Swablu at LV:35. It hums in a beautiful soprano voice. It flies among white clouds in the blue sky. It launches intensely hot fireballs from its mouth.

As we continue our road to Fortree City, we decide to send out our Pokemon to play. As we do, Meganium notices Grovyle sitting near the tree with a twig in his mouth, she approaches and asks, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just relaxing." He replies.

"Mind if I join?" She asks with a little blush.

"Sure." Grovyle says as Meganium sits closer to Sceptile.

Just then, a Tropius comes and he seems to be issuing a challenge to Grovyle. At first we think that Tropius attacks because those two are near the tree, but we realize that it doesn't attack Meganium but Grovyle.

"Meganium! Stop Tropius!" I yell as Meganium uses Razor Leaf, "Just stop fighting!" Meganium yells.

Tropius suddenly blushes before he stops. I rush to Grovyle who is heavily injured. Alice says, "We have to get Grovyle to the Pokemon Center right away."

We nod as we rush to the Pokemon Center nearby, and when Meganium leaves, the Tropius seems to be depressed.

In the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy wants Meganium to help out by using Aromatherapy, and just when Meganium smiles after Grovyle is okay, Grovyle suddenly blushes with the twig on the mouth sprouting a flower.

"Grovyle?" I ask. Minami says, "Looks like Grovyle and Meganium are in love."

This causes all of us to gasp in surprise, Grovyle just tries to turn away and so does Meganium. I say, "I see... I'm actually glad."

"So Ash, how do you get Meganium?" Max asks.

"Oh, actually, we met her in Johto, where we were near a skiing resort Pokemon Center. I wanted a Chikorita, so I battled her, but Charizard was a little overpowered by her, as she was hurt and we took her to the Pokemon Center." I say.

"Wow, that is nice of you." May says.

"But as you know, Team Rocket tried to steal her. Lillie and I chased them into the mountains, then after we saved her, you know, a Blizzard came." I continue. "She often had a crush on me, even though she was jealous of Lillie before. it wasn't until we saved her from Team Rocket for one that she managed to open up to her. Anyway, she seldom does that to me and I wonder if it is because of Grovyle." I say.

As we watch the two Pokemon talking to each other, we are surprised to see Meganium being taken by a mecha. "Meganium!" I yell.

It turns out that Team Rocket is the one who takes her. "Give me back my Meganium!" I yell.

When we chase after the mecha, we also find the injured Grovyle on the ground with Meganium by his side. "Grovyle! What are you doing out of the bed?"

"And Tropius is also here as well!" Max says.

"Team Rocket, what did you do to Grovyle!" I yell.

"That wasn't our fault, when we arrive we see Grovyle and Tropius are fighting." Meowth says. "And it is obvious that Grovyle lost, but we're not going to give it up!"

Then they grab both Meganium and Tropius, much to our surprise, as the two Pokemon are trying to get free from the machine, Grovyle roars and evolves into a Sceptile.

"A Sceptile!" I cheer. Then Team Rocket tries to attack Sceptile, but it uses Dual Chop to knock them all out, and after freeing both Tropius and Meganium, I rush to the two and say, "Are you alright?"

Meganium doesn't seem to care as she rushes to Sceptile. Tropius is still heartbroken because of it. Team Rocket tries to get away with their hot air balloon, but Tropius decides to fly up and uses Air Slash, destroying the balloon.

Sceptile: The Forest Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolved from Grovyle at LV:36. The leaves growing on Sceptile's body are very sharp-edged. This Pokémon is very agile - it leaps all over the branches of trees and jumps on its foe from above or behind.

Sceptile and Tropius look at each other, making Meganium worried. Tropius nods to him and turns to me, saying, "I have decided. I am going to join your team."

I'm surprised to hear the statement, but then they see Sceptile and Meganium nod to me, I nod, "Okay, welcome to the team."

Tropius: The Fruit Pokemon: Grass and Flying Type. The bunches of fruit around Tropius's neck are very popular with children. This Pokémon loves fruit, and eats it continuously. Apparently, its love for fruit resulted in its own outgrowth of fruit.

As I toss the Pokemon out, Tropius says to Sceptile, "Take good care of her, if you make her cry, I will come and punish you."

Sceptile nods and says, "I won't let you down."

Then Tropius is sent back to the Pokeball, Sceptile falls down again, but this time he is holding on to Meganium's Vine Whip. Seeing the two talking and playing, I say, "What a happy ending, don't you think, Alice?"

"I agree." She then mutters, "I hope this happens to me..."

When I ask if she says something, she quickly denies it, and then we decide to leave the Pokemon Center and continue moving to Fortree City.

As we continue moving on the road, there is lightning, and then it is snowing, then a blizzard. It turns out that it is the working of a Castform, who keeps playing weather tricks on us.

"I think it wants us to follow him?" Alice asks.

"It will be better if we continue to stay out here." I say as we have Castform lead the way. As we continue, the weather stops and then some scientists come to us. "Hello there. The crazy weather changing is caused by our search, sorry."

"You're saying you can actually change the weather?" May asks.

Then they introduce us as Bart and Millie, and they have two Castforms. For some reason, I feel weird with Millie, but don't know why. We walk towards the Weather Institute, and when we explore the place, we find that the second floor is taken over by Team Aqua and they are looking for Castform.

"It's Team Aqua!" I say.

Then we find the Castform with the keycard, which is the same one that we met. We battle the Team Aqua Grunts, until we run outside to find Bart and the other scientists trapped.

"Could it be? Is this the world... Archie hoped to create..." We find the commander is Shelly from Team Aqua, and she's reading the data.

"Curse you! The precious results of our research!" Bart yells. "GIVE THEM BACK!"

"Fine, I'll give it back. I'll give it back, all right? The awakening of the super-ancient Pokémon will bring about extreme weather. If this happened all over the world, what would become of Pokémon, not to mention people?"

"Hey! Let them go!" I yell, and Shelly notices us. "Oh my! I even run into you when I'm not on the clock! I wonder why that is... Maybe we're destined to be together... Ahaha!"

"Enough with your jokes." Alice says.

"Wanna know something? I'm feeling so empty and downhearted right now. I can't get my head straight. Umm? Help me take my mind off it. The way you and your Pokémon battle so straightforwardly and sincerely with such hope, makes me so mad!"

Then she uses Sharpedo to battle us, and I use Combusken, which evolves into a Blaziken and defeats the Sharpedo.

Blaziken: The Blaze Pokemon: Fire and Fighting Type. Evolved from Combusken at LV:36. In battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrists and attacks the foe courageously. The stronger the foes, the more intensely this Pokémon's wrists burn.

"... Hmmph. I feel a bit more relaxed... Thanks. As a token of my gratitude, I'll tell you one thing. When Team Aqua's... No, when the illustrious Archie's ambitions have been realized, the world will truly return to its beginnings, to before the birth of anything at all... Think for yourself about what to do when you're up against that reality. I still haven't figured out for myself what's wrong and what's right... See ya. I'm sure I'll run into you again, though."

After Team Aqua retreated, we start to think that we're actually safe, but Millie suddenly throws the access card and much to our surprise, Team Magma is also here with Tabitha leading.

"Millie?" We gasp in surprise.

"What on earth are you doing, Millie?" Bart asks.

"Change of plans, this whole Millie disguise works out better than it looks." Then she reveals that it is a disguise from a Team Magma member. Tabitha says, "Nice work, Broodie, as expected from the master of disguise himself."

He turns to us and says, "Ahya. Are you one of my fans? You're those same kids who are always popping up! I can't believe you're even following me around in my private life. Ahyahya! Well, that's all right! Maybe I'll just clear up this intensely unpleasant feeling I have welling up inside of me... By beating you to a pulp!"

Then they try to attack with Camerupt, and I have Marshtomp defeat the Pokemon and evolve into a Swampert. Mark's Marshtomp also evolves after defeating some grunts.

Swampert: The Mud Fish Pokemon: Water and Ground Type. Evolved from Marshtomp at LV:36. Swampert is very strong. It has enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton. This Pokémon also has powerful vision that lets it see even in murky water.

"Hah... Hah... Ahya... Ahya... Good grief... Today has been absolutely nothing but stress! I can't take it... It's so unpleasant! You better listen, you stress-inducing child. When Leader Maxie's plan has been executed, twilight will fall upon the world. The Primordial Sea will be changed to Desolate Land. In other words, all life... Child! What do you think you can do in the face of that which is to come? I'm looking forward to seeing you rush into action! Ahya! Ahyahyahyahya!"

Much to our surprise, even Team Magma is gone, and Bart says, "I can't believe it... Millie was not only a great employee, but a friend as well..."

Then the real Millie comes and she reveals that she's here for the real job, and Bart thanks us and decide to give me and Minami the two Castform as presents.

Castform: The Weather Pokemon: Normal Type. Castform borrows the power of nature to transform itself into guises of the sun, rain clouds, and snow clouds. This Pokémon's feelings change with the weather.

"Those thieves... What could they hope to gain by investigating the extreme weather patterns of thousands of years ago?" When the scientists ask, I think I have an idea of what they're going to do.

After we bid farewell to the scientists, Max asks, "So you know what they're after?"

"The extreme weather patterns thousands of years ago are caused by two super-ancient Pokemon, Groudon and Kyogre. Remember when Butler tries to revive Groudon?"

"I rather not remember that." May says.

"But something tells me there is more to those two, I think it is related to Primal Reversion." Minami says.

"Yeah, it is a possible form of evolution, like and yet not like Mega Evolution... Or so it has been theorized. But it has never been achieved by any Pokemon other than those two, and so they have been largely forgotten as a method of Evolution." Mark says.

We shiver a little before we continue our journey, and we think it might be better if we ask Winona about it

Then we arrive at a mountain where our ribbons have been stolen by some monkey Pokemon like Aipom and Vigoroth. It turns out that Team Rocket is using a huge Slaking machine that fools the monkey Pokemon into believing that it's their king.

After defeating the machine, our Vigoroth also evolve into a Slaking, although the monkey Pokemon want both mine and Minami's Slaking to be the king, they refuse since they're our Pokemon.

Slaking: The Lazy Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolved from Vigoroth at LV:36. Wherever Slaking lives, rings of over a yard in diameter appear in grassy fields. They are made by the Pokémon as it eats all the grass within reach while lying prone on the ground.

And before we reach Fortree City, we arrive at a canyon and we find a giant stone Poke Ball on top of the hill. A sage named Sigourney tells us about the ancient tale of the Great Destruction. He informs us that a powerful Pokémon was sealed in a similar Poké Ball that lies in a lake. However, Team Rocket tries to take the giant Pokeball and they accidentally break it, revealing it to be a giant Claydol.

"That's the menace described in the ancient legend..." Sigourney says.

Meowth pushes another button and hooks come out of the balloon, grabbing the Claydol. The balloon tries to lift the Pokémon up, but it proves too heavy. The Pokémon shoots an Ice Beam at the balloon, freezing it solid before blasting the trio off with Hyper Beam. Moments later, they fall down, landing on Claydol's head. Claydol starts moving out of the lake and across the land, shooting Hyper Beams to destroy a path in front of it.

"We have to stop the Pokemon." Alice says.

"Right, Baltoy, I choose you." Minami and I use Baltoy to distract the Pokemon. Sigourney says, "Only the Giant Poke Ball at the top of the hill can catch Claydol."

"I see." Alice says, but then we see that Claydol spin rapidly, sending Team Rocket flying into the air. Team Rocket lands near us, and they want to help us, but I know that they're lying so we send them blasting off again.

Sigourney flicks through his book again and explains that Claydol likes eggplant, so we decide to lure it with that. Mark and I hold out a basket of them, but Claydol doesn't see it. So they decide to dress up and the the Claydol gives chase to the Pokemon.

"I was wrong, Claydol actually hates eggplants." Sigourney says.

"Oh, no, Ash! Mark! Run away!" Alice yells as we get out of the costumes just before Claydol stomps on us. Claydol runs into a rock wall, so it blasts a hole through it. Unfortunately, it is headed for a town, and the people there run for cover.

"We have to get another plan..." Minami says.

Then we decide to lure the Claydol to the mountain top by dressing as maidens with musical instruments, Minami, May, and Alice are all willing to do it and then Claydol quickly chases them, luring him to the giant Pokeball. But much to their surprise, Minami falls down on the ground and her disguise falls off.

"Oh no, Minami." Alice says. Then the Claydol thinks that he was fooled and he starts to attack again, but thanks to Baltoy, both of them evolve into Claydols, shielding Minami from the attack.

Claydol: The Clay Doll Pokemon: Ground and Psychic Type. Evolved from Baltoy at LV:36. Claydol is an enigma that appeared from a clay statue made by an ancient civilization dating back 20,000 years. This Pokémon shoots beams from both its hands.

With the use of Psychic, they manage to make the Giant Ball roll towards the evil one, causing it to be back in the seal. Team Rocket suddenly comes back as they try to steal the giant Pokeball, but the ball starts to roll and the blast sends them flying. The ball continues hurtling before finally settling in the lake, just like the original Poké Ball was.

"Nice work, Claydol." I say as I hug the Pokemon. Mark says, "But from what we saw that size, is that really a Claydol to begin with?"

"Maybe?" Minami says. "But whatever, it should rest well and one day be able to live in peace."

Here is a new chapter, and we're done with the Weather Institute and also some new evolutions. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be Fortree City Gym.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Lairon, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Gulpin, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Vibrava, Cacturne, Swablu, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Lileep, Anorith, Feebas, Castform, Tropius, Latias, Latios, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Ivysaur, Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Loudred, Delcatty, Mawile, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform

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