Chapter 42

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We are now at Route 129 on a boat Wallace provided us, and we go to the Secret Shore, which has a lot of Secret Bases to explore, and then we continue west on Route 130, where we stop by and find Drew there.

"That's Drew..." I say.

"What's he doing?" Max asks.

Then we see Drew using Silver Wind to repel the wave. Then we decide to greet him and he says, "Oh, it's you guys."

"Hey, Drew. That sure is a cool Silver Wind." I say.

"Yeah, I'm planning to use that in the Grand Festival." Drew says.

"And that's where we're going to face off." May says.

"So that means you get all five ribbons?" Drew asks.

"I do." I show him the five ribbons, and May only shows that she has four.

Drew says, "Isn't that nice? The Grand Festival is in six weeks, there's only one more Contest before that, May."

Reisa says, "This means that you have to win the Pacifidlog Contest, or you can say goodbye to your Grand Festival."

Drew notices Reisa and says, "And you must be the Sinnoh Grand Festival Winner Reisa? It is an honor to meet you."

"I also heard from you as well." Reisa says as they shake hands. "Hoenn is my home and I'm here to obviously cheer for Ash and May."

Then May decides to set the record straight and challenges Drew to a battle. Drew agrees, before smugly declaring that he needs a warm-up. Before they can finish, Team Rocket appears and attempts to steal Pikachu. The vacuum on their mecha is too strong, however, and the entire group is pulled into their submarine. Max inadvertently presses a button after Wobbuffet makes an unannounced appearance, causing the sub to race out to sea and into a strong underwater rip. As a result, everyone is blasted into the air; they eventually land on a misty island.

After finding that we are missing Drew and May, I say, "That blast must have carried them off somewhere else..."

"Where are we in the first place?" Max asks.

"I think we're on the Mirage Island." Reisa says.

"Mirage Island?" Minami asks.

"This island is inhabited by wild Wynaut. Most notably, the island also bears a tree where the one and only Liechi Berry can be picked. This is the best Berry for Pokéblocks, and will produce Gold Pokéblocks. It can also be used as a held item in battles, where it will increase a Pokémon's Attack in a pinch."

"Cool... Liechi Berry Poke Blocks are delicious." I say. I have Altaria search for May and Drew, but she comes back with no news. So I also have Sharpedo help us find a river, and we manage to find out where the water is. We are at the Waterfall, but we didn't see anyone around us.

"Ahoy! Way up here!" Instead, we find an old man who is climbing on the cliff. After talking to the man, we learn that May and Drew are headed for the waterfall. Reisa says, "They must have been carrying downstream..."

We decide to continue searching, and we learn the story from Roderick. And we also find some footprints and we realize that the Wynaut managed to save May and Drew. They're brought back to a cave so we go there.

When we arrive, we find the cave empty. Both the Liechi Berries and the population of Wyanut are gone as well.

"It has to be Team Rocket. I just know it." I say.

"Yeah, it looks like something they're trying to pull." Minami says.

Then we all try to find Team Rocket, and once we find them, I have Pikachu and Absol use Thunderbolt and Dark Pulse to attack them. Everyone is happy to see us, and I say, "Those aren't your berries! Give them back!"

Then they continue to struggle, but another attack gets them to drop the box of berries. May and Drew work together to deal the final blow and send them flying again. After they're gone, we get a bowl of Liechi Berries as a gift, and we leave on our boat for Pacifidlog Town. Then we also bid farewell to Drew who decides to leave on Roderick's boat.

When we finally arrive in Pacifidlog Town, May enthusiastically prepares for the upcoming Pokémon Contest. Though she already has four Ribbons, she needs one more to enter the Hoenn Grand Festival. Because the Pacifidlog Contest is chronologically the last Pokémon Contest to be held before the Grand Festival, May must win this Contest Ribbon to be eligible to enter the competition. With that as motivation, May and her Pokémon start working on their performance moves. Just then, Skitty decides to chase after an Aipom, and that's when she runs into a fellow Coordinator named Joshua.

When we try to train, Snorunt is out of control as it keeps attacking every coordinator and their Pokemon. "Snorunt! Stop it now!"

Alice and I manage to calm the Snorunt down, and then we notice May disappeared with Skitty also missing. We decide to search for her and until we find her with a couple.

"So there you are." I say.

"In case you didn't know, the registration has already started." Max says.

"I know, I was on my way over there right now." May says.

She introduces us to fellow Coordinators Joshua and Erica. The two of them are also participating in the Contest today. However, Pikachu and Snorunt are taken by Team Rocket once more.

May decides to have Beautifly use Tackle to save the two Pokemon. Absol is quick enough to catch both Pikachu and Snorunt. May also have Blaziken use Sky Uppercut to hit the balloon. Josuha decides to help out by using Houndoom, and that causes Erica to be jealous. Then with Skitty's Assist turning into a Fire Spin, Joshua's Houndoom uses Shadow Ball to defeat their Pokemon.

Once Absol frees them with the Night Slash, Erica has Jynx use Hyper Beam to send them flying. May and Erica begin arguing over the battle, but Reisa says, "Hey, don't fight now."

"He's right, if you keep fighting, then we will miss the registration deadline." Joshua says as May and Erica agree to resolve their argument on stage.

The Pacifidlog Contest begins as Vivian Meridian introduces the Contest Judges. She announces the start of the Appeals Round as Jessie disguises herself again. She is using Meowth this time and it uses Fury Swipes to carve out ice sculptures of Giovanni and Persian, the latter of which he then reshapes into a Meowth.

Reisa, Alice, and I are training outside with Snorunt's Ice Beam, and when we watch the screen of the Contest, Reisa asks, "I wonder if Team Rocket has gotten a ribbon before?"

I say, "You know, they always cheat and get disqualified, then they decide to show themselves while trying to steal the Pokemon, and you know the rest."

"So unless they try to steal the ribbon, they aren't going to get into the Grand Festival." Alice sighs.

On Joshua's turn, he commands his Houndoom to combine Shadow Ball and Swift for sensational effect. Erica's Jynx combines Blizzard and Psychic while May combines an Assist-spawned Razor Leaf, a Blizzard, and Double Slap to shower the hall in sparkling crystal. All four Coordinators advance to the Battle Round. May is assigned to fight Joshua, and Erica will square off against Jessie.

As we continue to train, we also continue to watch the match. The second round begins with Erica and her Jynx up against Jessie in disguise and Meowth. The match begins with Jynx using Lovely Kiss. Meowth dodges and uses Fury Swipes, but Jynx appears to have a crush on Meowth, and Meowth responds by running in fear.

As the audience is booing her, she has Meowth use Transform, which shocks everyone as Jynx is ready to finish the battle with Hyper Beam, and Meowth wears a costume of a Sunflora.

"Can a Meowth learn Transform?" Alice asks.

"If he can do it, then it will be easier for them to steal our Pokemon." I say. "This is what I mean that they're cheating."

Meowth as the fake Sunflora uses Razor Leaf by throwing leaves, only to be countered with Blizzard, and then it transforms into Kirlia and then this time it uses fake Double Team. And then he starts changing into Wailord. It's a good thing that the judges aren't fooled and they immediately rule that performance is illegal and Jessie is disqualified.

Jessie and James respond by revealing their true identities and taking Jynx. As they launch a net at Jynx, it easily counters with Psychic, trapping Team Rocket in their own net. Angry at Team Rocket, Erica has Jynx send them blasting off again with a Hyper Beam.

As we rush back to the stage, I say, "There they go again..."

Reisa says, "I just hope that they'll just stay away and quit ruining everything..."

"That will be great if that happens. Considering they've tried 758 times and they are still doing it." I reply.

The second match of the round is May and her Skitty versus Joshua and his Houndoom. Houndoom opens with Swift, but Skitty dodges and uses Tackle. Skitty attempts to follow that up with a Double Slap, but Houndoom dodges and uses Shadow Ball. Skitty recovers and uses Blizzard, which Houndoom successfully counters with Flamethrower.

Houndoom uses another Swift, and Skitty counters with Assist, producing a Razor Leaf that cancels out Swift, then follows it up with Tackle. Skitty tries another Double Slap, but Houndoom counters with Shadow Ball again. Houndoom uses Flamethrower again, with Skitty trying its Blizzard again to counter. The two moves are equally matched against each other for over thirty seconds before the moves cause an explosion that knock Houndoom over, and then May wins the match.

Next the final round begins with May and Skitty versus Erica and Jynx. Skitty opens with Tackle, which Jynx counters with Psychic and follows up with Lovely Kiss. Jynx then attempts to end the match with Blizzard, but Skitty is able to get back up. Skitty uses Assist and produces a String Shot that traps Jynx. Skitty uses Assist and gets another Razor Leaf, but it only succeeds in freeing Jynx from the String Shot. Jynx again uses Psychic and tries to use Blizzard while Skitty is trapped, but Skitty counters with Assist, but it produces String Shot which is useless against the Blizzard. With yet another Assist, Delcatty produces a Vine Whip which Jynx counters with Psychic.

"So why don't you use an attack other than Assist?" Erica taunts.

"No way! Assist!" May says.

"No again..." Alice says with disbelief.

And then this time it is a powerful Petal Dance, which hits Jynx. I say, "I think she's saving up until now all this time..."

With the one last Assist, it uses Fire Spin and then counters Jynx's Hyper Beam, and then the Fire Spin goes through it and hits Jynx. Skitty ends the battle with Tackle, and May is declared the winner. Then the Chief of the Pokémon Activities Committee, Mr, Contesta, presents May the Pacifidlog Ribbon, her fifth overall.

"She get it pretty close, but it's hers." Reisa says.

"Yeah, now we're both going to the Grand Festival." I say.

Then both Joshua and Erica are cheering fo us to enter the Grand Festival, and we also bid farewell to them and head to Route 132.

As we head to Slateport City, we rest at a Pokemon Center as May tries to make PokeBlock for her Pokemon, but they taste terrible to the others except for a Munchlax who comes in and likes it. Team Rocket shows up dressed as professional PokéBlock tasters who claim to know all the secrets. Meowth and Wobbuffet then steal the PokéBlock while everyone's distracted. Oddly enough, Jessie also likes May's PokéBlock. But then the kids notice all of the PokéBlocks are missing and they blame it on Munchlax. It goes out into the garden and eats all the berries, but May stands up for it to the other kids.

She tries to capture Munchlax but nothing works, but then they find out Team Rocket are fake tasters. Backed into a corner, Team Rocket grabs Pikachu and Absol. Munchlax jumps into the Team Rocket balloon to eat all the PokéBlock. With Snorunt's help, the kids defeat the thieves. May tries to catch Munchlax; she throws the ball but Munchlax eats it. But it works, making their jaws drop.

Then we also meet another rival of the Hoenn League named Morrison. I battle him with Blaziken while he uses Beldum. Then we also race to get the apple, only to smack into the tree and the apple cut in half. Then we promised to battle each other in the Hoenn League. And then we heard from my Mom that a former Team Magma member Brodie is trying to steal the Ribbon Cup on the ship that was displaying, so we stop him and also arrest him.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, May gets the final ribbon and now everyone is heading to Slateport City so that they can have the Grand Festival.

Ash Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Exploud, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Swalot, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Flygon, Cacturne, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Cradily, Armaldo, Milotic, Castform, Kecleon, Banette, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho, Absol, Snorunt, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Shelgon, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Munchlax

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Medicham, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Exploud, Delcatty, Mawile, Medicham, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform, Kecleon, Chimecho

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