Chapter 46

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Now after we advance forward, Tyson, Wally, and I are now in the final four. And my opponent is going to be Wally.

"Ah! Ash! That promise that we made back then... Thank you for keeping your end of it. It was really all thanks to you that I could make it this far, Ash. It was only because I lost to you back then that I could become even stronger. I'm sure that you and your Pokémon must have had to overcome a lot, too... To make it all the way here. Right, Ash?"

"You are right. But we come so far, so we will keep going." I say.

"Everyone's grown so much... And now we'll get to see just what we all can do. Standing here facing you again gives me chills... ...But I won't give up! I won't lose anymore. My Pokémon have given me the courage and strength to fight. I have to win for their sake! So get ready... Here I come!"

Wally sends out his Altaria while I go with Mawile. Due to being part Fairy, Mawile isn't effective by Dragon moves and finishes Altaria off with a Play Rough. Azumarill is his next Pokemon. It defeats Mawile with a powerful Hydro Pump.

"Meganium! I choose you!" My second Pokemon is Meganium. She uses Petal Dance to deal a lot of damage and then finishes Azumarill with a Body Slam. Wally sends out Delcatty, he uses Sing to make Meganium sleep and finish it off with a Disarming Voice. I go with Pikachu as my third Pokemon. We both have a speed battle, and they often clash with each other. In the end, the match is a draw with both Pikachu and Delcatty faint at the same time.

With Wally losing three Pokemon, a break is occurring as the field is changing into a Forest Field. Wally sends Magnezone, an evolution of Magneton, so I decide to go with Camerupt. Camerupt defeats Magnezone with a Flamethrower, and also defeats the fifth Pokemon, which is a Roserade, an evolved form of Roselia.

"Here is my last Pokemon. This is thanks to you I met him. Gallade!" And with the Gallade, it defeats Camerupt with a Psycho Cut on the face.

"Gardevoir! I choose you!" I decide to go with my Gardevoir. This time Wally is the one Mega Evolving the Gallade, while I don't have a Mega Stone for Gardevoir. In the end, we decide to trust our instincts and use Eye contact to tell moves.

"Why are they not commanding attacks?" Max asks.

"They are, but they use Telepathy to communicate with each other." Minami says.

Both of them teleport to dodge the attacks and even attack with their respective moves, as they both shoot a Psycho Cut, the field is covered with Smoke. After the smoke disappears, Gardevoir is the one still standing, meaning that I'm the one who gets to go to the final round and face Tyson.

"... ... Arghhh! ... ... ...Hah. Ash, you... And your Pokémon, too... Thank you for not holding back when you battled against us... For not holding back when you beat us... And... Gallade... Everyone.... Thank you so much... I feel like I've been able to take another step forward thanks to you!"

"No problem. Wally." I say with a smile.

"I couldn't beat you this time, Ash. But I'll continue training. And one day... Look out! I swear I'll catch up to you one day! When I do, promise we'll battle again! That's a promise I intend to live up to!"

I nod as we shake hands with Wally, and now we go to prepare for the final match.

The next day, Tyson and I are facing each other in the final round, whoever wins it will become the winner of the Hoenn League. Tyson says, "Ash. I am not intending to hold back, you know."

"Me neither." I say back to him.

May says, "Wow, this is more intense than the contest."

"That is because it will determine whether Ash can fight the Elite 4." Mark says.

Tyson sends out Sceptile while I go with Espeon. They both battle hard, but the Psychic and the Energy Ball make both of them all knocked out.

Next is Shiftry versus Blaziken, Blaziken keeps launching Flamethrower as Shiftry evades its attacks. Shiftry responds with a Shadow Ball attack which collides with its target for a direct hit. Blaziken is blasted backward but recovers from the attack.

"Flamethrower should be effective." I say, but as Shiftry evades this second round of attacks, Blaziken jumps higher into the air still firing the Flamethrower, and hits it for heavy damage. After the dust clears, Shiftry is announced as unable to battle.

"Way to go, Blaziken." I say.

"Ash is doing really great out there, huh!" Morrison says.

"Yeah, but Tyson's not out yet." Minami says.

"Hariyama! Go!" Tyson decides to choose Hariyama for his third Pokémon choice. Blaziken begins with the Blaze Kick as Hariyama blasts forward with an Arm Thrust reflecting the attack.

"Am Arm Thrust?" I gasp.

"The Blaze Kick didn't even bother it!" Max says.

"Not at all. Hariyama is coated by its ability known as the Thick Fat, it's so thick that Fire and Ice attacks won't even do a thing." Mark replies.

When Hariyama is within range, he strikes down with a Brick Break, knocking Blaziken unconscious.

"Crawdaunt! I choose you!" I decide to go for my third Pokemon.

Hariyama goes for another Brick Break attack, slamming into the ground, while Crawdaunt manages to evade the attack. Crawdaunt and Hariyama blast forward with their Crabhammer and Focus Punch. The combined strength causes an explosion that sends both Crawdaunt and Hariyama backward, but Crawdaunt is the one left unable to battle.

And since I lose three Pokemon, the first stage of the battle is done as we have another break to change the field. The next field is a rocky terrain, and I throw my fourth Pokemon. "Go! Altaria! I choose you!"

Altaria uses Moonblast, but before it can attack, Hariyama grasps Altaria and prevents it from moving. Hariyama rotates into the air and slams Altaria down in a Seismic Toss. After a few moments, Altaria recovers and continues on the attack.

"Good! That's just fine for me! Hariyama, use Focus Punch!" "Altaria! Use Aerial Ace!" Both Pokemon are now firing attacks, Focus Punch hits the illusion and Altaria's Aerial Ace strikes Hariyama. The surprise attack knocks Hariyama out.

"You did it, Altaria." I say.

Tyson chooses Donphan for his fourth Pokémon. Donphan begins with a Sandstorm attack. Altaria manages to clear the Sandstorm with its wings just as Donphan hits a boulder and propels itself skyward, hitting Altaria with Rollout. Donphan goes into another Rollout attack hitting Altaria multiple times, each more powerful than the last. As Donphan moves for one last Rollout attack, Altaria manages to halt Donphan by catching it with its cotton-like body. Altaria lifts Donphan and propels it towards the ground. Donphan crashes and is declared unable to battle.

"Now Tyson only has two more Pokemon..." East says.

"This is really intense." Trenor says.

A solitary Poké Ball rotates from Tyson's hand, as Metagross is called upon by Tyson.

"Metagross, mega evolve!" Tyson uses the mega Metagross, much to everyone's shock.

Metagross begins the battle with a Psychic attack, freezing Altaria in place. Altaria manages to break free of the Psychic attack and blasts forward with Dragon Rush. As the two forces clash, Altaria is thrust backwards taking the full damage from its own attack. Metagross continues with a Hyper Beam, knocking Altaria out of the match.

I recall Altaria and say, "That's it... you did it, go! Shelgon! I choose you!"

I decide to send out my fifth Pokemon, and Max says, "Shelgon? But Dragon Types aren't going to do that much on a Mega Metagross..."

Then I decide to have Shelgon use Flamethrower, which hits Metagross. "So you think using a Flamethrower will help you defeat my Metagross? Sorry, Ash. I don't think so!"

Metagross launches a Hyper Beam attack, and Shelgon dodges and continues to use Flamethrower. But when a Meteor Mash hits Shelgon, it falls to the ground.

"Shelgon!" I yell in horror, but much to my delight, Shelgon starts to evolve and now it has become a Salamence.

"Salamence!" I gasp in delight.

Salamence: The Dragon Pokemon: Dragon and Flying Type. Evolve from Shelgon at LV:50. Salamence came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire triggered a sudden mutation in this Pokémon's cells, causing it to sprout its magnificent wings.

Then Salamence uses Dragon Rush and hits Metagross, but with a little effect. Metagross retaliates with an Iron Head, but Salamence manages to avoid the attack and use Dual Wingbeat. Afterward, it grabs onto Metagross's body and delivers a Sky Drop, knocking Metagross out of the competition.

Tyson calls upon Meowth as his final Pokémon. Meowth uses a strategy of Thunderbolt and Iron Tail to knock out Salamence, much to everyone's shock. I decide to go with Pikachu as my final Pokemon.

Pikachu begins the final match-up with Thunderbolt, which Meowth matches with its own Thunderbolt. Pikachu follows up with a Thunder attack, which Meowth also counters with a Thunderbolt. Following the clash of both attacks, the stadium fills with electrical energy.

"Let's battle close range. Pikachu, Quick Attack!" I command, but Meowth dodges by using Double Team.

The two Pokémon clash with Iron Tail attacks, evenly matched. The two clash once more with Meowth's Slash and Pikachu's Quick Attack. Pikachu launches a devastating Thunder attack as Meowth once more defends against the attack with a Thunderbolt. Pikachu thrusts forward with Iron Tail as Meowth counterattacks with its own Iron Tail. Both attacks hit directly, and both sides take heavy damage. Both Pokémon struggle to continue the battle, both panting for air. After a tense standoff, Meowth collapses to the ground.

"It is settled! The victory of the Hoenn League goes to Ash Ketchum!" Now everyone is cheering for my victory, and I cheer while hugging Pikachu.

"Ash wins the league again!" Alice says in a joyful tone.

"Wow, this is so awesome!" Max says.

Tyson goes to Ash, and he says, "Congratulations, Ash. I still have a lot to learn."

"No problem. I am also thankful for you to give me a good match."

At the ending Ceremony, Charles Goodshow gives me the league trophy. Goodshow says, "Congratulations, Ash. As usual, you can challenge the Hoenn Elite 4."

"Thanks." I say, and Wallace also comes to me. "Ash. This time all 4 Elite 4 members will be using Mega Evolution, be sure to get ready."

"I will." I say confidently.

After the ceremony ends, Alice hugs me and congratulates for my victory, and all of our friends are also doing the same thing as well.

Now the Hoenn League is over, the next chapter will be the part that is original, the Delta Chapter from the game. I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Exploud, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Swalot, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Flygon, Cacturne, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Cradily, Armaldo, Milotic, Castform, Kecleon, Banette, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho, Absol, Glalie, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Salamence, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Munchlax

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Medicham, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Exploud, Delcatty, Mawile, Medicham, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform, Kecleon, Chimecho

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