Chapter 49

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When we arrive at Team Magma's hideout, we know our way as we find Maxie with Blaise and Tabitha. Zinnia is also there as Maxie's Camerupt is defeated. "All right! And the winner is Zinnia!"

"Leader Maxie! Please compose yourself!" Blaise says.

"Grr... The great Maxie has fallen to this woman?!" Maxie mutters. "Woman... Who are you?"

"Who am I? That's a surprisingly difficult question. ... I couldn't become who I was supposed to be, so who does that make me now? ... Haha! Whatever, right? Enough with the introspection and the soul searching... You there! Ash and Alice! Don't just stand there like a stick in the mud. Come on over and say hi."

When Zinnia reveals us, we step forward and the others are also surprised. Tabitha says, "Could it be?! The children?!"

"You... Why are you here?" Maxie asks.

Then Zinnia says something about us trying to save the world again, before telling us that we're too late and then steals the Key Stone from Maxie.

"Le-leader?!" The two admins gasp in surprise.

"All right. I'd say this Key Stone is mine. We finally got everything, Aster. Now that base is next..." Then Zinnia leaves with Aster.

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-What is going on here?! Who does she think she is, messing up our base and then giving us the slip?! That can never be forgiven!" Tabitha says with anger.

Maxie closes his eyes and says, "... Now I see... Yes, it was not chance that brought you here now. This was inevitable."

"Leader?" Both admins look at him with confusion. Maxie says, "Blaise. Give it to them."

"What did you say?! I-is that all right?!" Blaise asks, and we're confused as to what Maxie wants to give us.

"Yes... Now that the Key Stone has been stolen, a Mega Stone will serve me no purpose."

"Acknowledged." And then we get the Mega Stone for Camerupt, which is quite shocking. "Cameruptite. Make sure your Camerupt holds on to it tightly."

"I do not have the power now to use Mega Evolution. So I entrust it to you. I entrust it believing that this is the best action I can now take! That woman... She had such utter mastery over her Dragon-type Pokémon. There is more to her than meets the eye. I do not know what must be going through her mind. But... I think you may be the only one who can now stand against her. So I ask you this favor: Rage! Take up this fight for me, and bring this crisis to its resolution!" Maxie says to us.

"We understand." Then we leave the Team Magma Base without any ambush, and we head to Lilycove City to the Team Aqua's base. Archie is suffering the same fate like Maxie.

"Archie... Are you...OK?" Shelly and Amber are the ones who try to help their leader.

"Ugh... I'll be keelhauled! How did I get beat by this little slip of a girl?" Archie mutters.

Aster is jumping for joy as Zinnia says, "Oh, oh, what's this? Aren't you a happy girl, Aster? Just what I'd expect of my daughter! We're so in sync! Ahahaha!"

"You... Who are you?" Archie questions.

Then as usual, she only explains something that they don't understand, and then we're also dragged into the mess.

"You!" Amber gasps.

"Scamp? But why are you..." Archie is also surprised at our appearances.

"Isn't it obvious? They're heroes, right? Here to save the world again. Oops. But looks like they're a bit too late this time. If only you'd been here just one minute earlier!" Zinnia says before stealing Archie's Key Stone once more.

"Archie! Hang in there!" Shelly rushes to his aid.

Then Zinnia cheers, "Now we can do it: The summoning. We will summon Rayquaza! Well then, looks like my job here is done. So don't mind me while I excuse myself. Oh. Ash and Alice? I really hope you'll come chasing after me, you know? We'll be heading to that ancient tower, sealed since primal times, the Sky Pillar. If you don't know what that is, well, ask that former Champ of yours. He'll know what I'm talking about. See you there!"

So she's heading to the Sky Pillar... just great. Shelly mutters, "...Oh man! What makes her think she can just do whatever she wants and then hightail it out of here?!"

"... Little scamps... Heh... Fine... I guess it's just fate. That you showed up now of all times." Archie then turns to us, and we look at him with confusion. "Amber... Give it to the kid."

Amber is also surprised, "...What?! I-is that OK?!"

"Yeah... What could I do with a Mega Stone anyway, now that I've lost my Key Stone?" Archie laments.

"...I understand." Amber then gives us the Sharpedonite, the Mega Stone for Sharpedo. "The Sharpedonite... Make sure your Sharpedo holds on to it tightly."

"You take my power, scamp... I'm giving it to you. That woman... I don't think she's just any old Trainer. Not with the way she controlled those Dragon-type Pokémon of hers... I got no idea what she's planning... But I think you're our best bet at stopping her now, little scamp. Do that for me."

Then after we leave the Aqua Base, we get a call from Steven. "Ash, Alice! Are you all right?!"

"We're fine, both Maxie and Archie's Key Stones are taken. But we find that Zinnia is heading to the Sky Pillar!" I say.

"... Is that right... I never even imagined... The Key Stone... The Sky Pillar... And the Draconid people... So that's it... I begin to see the line connecting these dots. I think we need to meet up at once to discuss what we should do next. I'll be waiting at the Space Center. Up on 2F. Do hurry."

Once we arrive at the Mossdeep Center again, we find Steven and the others. Steven says, "Ah, that's it... That woman... That 'Zinnia'... She mentioned the Sky Pillar. Few can enter it–only the successors of the ancient world, who know of what has been... The Lorekeepers who are tasked with passing on the knowledge to those who come after..."

Reisa says, "I think my Dad should know how to undo the seal on the Sky Pillar's entrance. He is also one of the few humans to have inherited such ancient lore."

"Then we have to find him." I say as the others are also coming as well.

"I will remain here and work with the professor and his team to devise a plan for what to do next. That woman...Zinnia... I cannot put my faith in her. We will think of a new way to stop the meteoroid on our own. Zinnia...and the Sky Pillar... I will leave them in your hands. I will send a message to Wallace for you, so he knows to help. You will probably find him in the Cave of Origin in Sootopolis." Steven says as we nod.

When we arrive at Sootopolis City, we find Wallace talking to an old man. "What a... glorious turn of events..."

"Is it really? Ohohohoho! Is it really?" The man gasps.

"To think that this tree... I never knew we had received it from that huge man who visited from the Kalos region... Goodness me, old master. This has been a learning experience. I thank you for this."

"Ohoho! You're too kind, Master Wallace! Ohohoho!" "No, no, you're too modest. Hah hah hah... Now then..."

"Dad?" Reisa asks, and he notices us. "Welcome again to Sootopolis. Steven has told me everything. Do you wish to go to the Sky Pillar?"

"Of course we do." Alice says. "We have to go there as fast as we can."

"It is true the cave that leads to the Sky Pillar can only be opened by the hand of someone descended from the ancient people of, indeed, am I. Or by one of the Draconids, who have also lived in Hoenn since ancient times... The Sky Pillar is in fact an altar built for the ascension of Rayquaza—that Legendary Pokémon long said to be the protector of the Hoenn region. Only the ancient Draconid people know how to summon Rayquaza to the Sky Pillar. Steven has told me of the woman Zinnia. She must be trying to revive Rayquaza for some purpose. I shall go first to the Sky Pillar. When your preparations are complete, come join me. The Sky Pillar towers over everything upon one of Route 131's small islands."

After he leaves, we decide to follow him until we arrive at the entrance to the Sky Pillar. Wallace is playing the Water Pokemon on a set order, and the seal is now broken.

"As you can see, I have undone the seal on the entrance to the Sky Pillar. Follow the path within, and you will reach the pillar in time. However... To go beyond this point... There is one more trial you must overcome. This is my duty as one of the ancient Sootopolitans, a duty passed down to me by my former master. You must battle me. Here and now. Prove to me that your power is great enough to face what lies ahead! Now tell me... Are you prepared?"

Does the Champion Wallace want to battle us right now? I say, "Sure, what are the rules?"

"It will be a two-on-two double battle. You and Alice against me. You can use Mega Evolution as well."

Alice says, "I see."

"You, who should exhibit the most graceful art in battle with your Pokémon... I would have you show me your true strength!"

Then he goes for Walrein and Milotic, and both Alice and I decide to go with Sharpedo and Camerupt. We take out our Mega Stones and Mega Evolve our Pokemon.

"A Mega Camerupt and a Mega Sharpedo? When did they have those two Pokemon?" Max asks.

"They all look cool if you ask me." Mark says.

In the end, we manage to form a tie because of Camerupt's Fire and Ground weakness. Wallace says, "As I have come to expect from you, Ash, Alice... You are excellent Pokémon Trainers. The Pokémon that you sent out in that battle... At times dancing as lightly as an elusive spring breeze... Yet striking with the sudden surety of lightning from the blue. Watching you command the battle with such ease and grace... Even I might succumb to your charm. Now go forth. Find the truth that you seek. As one of the ancient people of Sootopolis, I cannot intrude upon this holy place. I will return to Sootopolis for now and try to lay plans in case the worst should come to pass despite all our efforts."

And since the two of us are the only ones who battled, Wallace and Reisa decide to bring others back to Mossdeep City. They are sad because they also want to see Rayquaza, but they understand because of the tradition.

Here is a new chapter, and both Ash and Alice get into the Team bases and get their own Mega Stones. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the conclusion of the Delta Episode.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Exploud, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Swalot, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Flygon, Cacturne, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Cradily, Armaldo, Milotic, Castform, Kecleon, Banette, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho, Absol, Glalie, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Salamence, Metang, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Munchlax

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Medicham, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Exploud, Delcatty, Mawile, Medicham, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform, Kecleon, Chimecho

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