Chapter 1

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(Serena's POV)

After everything we've gone through, I just want to sleep late, but my Mom's Fletchling just has to peck me awake. I groan, "I've told you a million times not to wake me up like that!"

I try to grab the Fletchling, but it just flies away, much to my annoyance. "Serena, breakfast is ready."

I frown as I know what is going to happen. My mom wants me to do some special training once more, it's a good thing that's not Rhyhorn riding practice since I already tell my Mom that I don't want to do it and to find other things to do. When I go downstairs, I'm surprised to find my big sister Helen sitting there.

"Morning Serena." She says.

"Helen! When did you come here from Galar?" I ask.

"Last night, you were tired so I didn't call you." Helen says. "Have you heard the news, Ash has won the Unova League, which means it is your turn to travel with him."

"It's true, though Ash hasn't called me yet, so I'm not sure when to find him." I say.

"Has Ash traveled through Kalos yet?" My Mom asks. "Maybe he wants to find you here in Vaniville Town so that you can travel with him through the Kalos Region."

"That will be too great to be true." I say, since there is also Alice who is also born in Kalos...

(Ash's POV)

After bidding farewell to Alice and Eve, who are heading back to Snowbelle City. Then I decide to look around, only to find a Mega Blaziken jumping past me. "A Mega Blaziken? What is it doing here?"

Pikachu, Absol, and Zoroark are also sharing the confusion like me. Then we find Alexa who is trying to call her sister. Alexa says, "You see, I manage to get through that sister of mine...and she let me know she's away from her gym right now."

"She's away? So when is she going to be back?" I ask.

"Once my sister goes on a trip, she's usually away for quite a while." Alexa says, "But don't worry. There is also a gym in Lumiose City?"

"You're right. The Prism Tower is where the Lumiose Gym is." Then Alexa bids us farewell as me and my three Pokemon are heading to the Prism Tower.

When we enter the Prism Tower, we hear a robotic voice, "Welcome to the Lumiose gym. How many Kalos badges do you have?"

"Badges? This is the very first gym I'm challenging here, so I haven't won any yet." I say.

"You have none? Not a single gym badge? In order to challenge the Lumiose gym, you must have accumulated at least four gym badges." Just then, I feel electricity surging through my body as I quickly use Earth Plate, but then the floor breaks open and I switch into Mind Plate to stop from falling.

"What is going on here? I mean, I know that some like Norman or Fantina only want to challenge those with more than four badges... but does the gym leader have to be rude?"

We decide to leave and we head back to the ground floor. It is then we meet two people who seem to be siblings. The male one asks, "Are you okay? Do you get hurt by the electric?"

I notice that he's asking me with concern, I say, "I am fine. It is a good thing that I have a Psychic Pokemon."

The girl sees Pikachu and says, "A Pikachu!" She quickly hugs the Pokemon. "Take a look at this, Clemont! A Pikachu! And what a cutie!"

Pikachu is feeling uncomfortable as it shocks the girl with electricity. "Bonnie, no!" "Are you okay?"

The girl named Bonnie just laughs, and then the boy named Clemont turns to me. "I'm sorry about my sister."

"Hey, don't worry about it." I say.

"Bonnie, you apologize too!" Clemont says.

"I just wanted to give Pikachu a hug cause it's so cute!" Bonnie says.

"But did Pikachu like it?" Clemont asks, before Bonnie frowns and says, "All right, I'm really sorry, Pikachu."

"Everything's okay now. Pikachu's a little surprised." I say. "Wait, where's Absol and Zoroark?"

Then I notice that Zoroark and Absol are standing a little behind me, with Zoroark disguising as a boy. I sigh before calling them back. Clemont says, "So you have an Absol and a Zoroark too?"

"Yeah." I say. Before we can say more, two of my cousins have arrived. "Ash! You're here!"

"David! Elline!" I rush to the two of them and give them a hug. "What a surprise, what are you doing here?"

"We met up with Alice and Eve on our way and they say you're here. And since you like to challenge the gyms, we think you'll be here." David says.

"So did you get a gym badge already?" Elline asks.

"No... it seems that the gym leader only challenges those with four or more badges. But when I just reveal that I have none in Kalos, it just zaps me and tries to open a trap door to let me fall..." I frown.

"Pardon me. You have no badges from Kanto? Where are you from?" Clemont asks, and I say, "I'm from Sevestar, but raised in Kanto."

Then we decide to introduce ourselves to one another, with Elline and David doing the same to Clemont and Bonnie. "So you and Bonnie are on a journey too?" I ask.

"That's something we'll be doing sometime in the future!" Bonnie says. It seems like they're hiding something, but we decide to ignore that. Elline says, "A family adventure sounds great! Won't you say, Ash?"

"Sure, we're also family as well." I say. "So what kind of Pokemon do you have, Clemont?"

"Okay, here's a Pokemon that I recently caught." Then I ask Clemont for a battle, and he agrees to do it.

"Alright, Bunnelby. Come on out and let's have a battle!" Clemont sends out the Pokemon, and I decide to go with Pikachu.

Pikachu starts with the Thunderbolt, but Bunnelby uses his ears to throw up the sand to block the attack.

"Bunnelby is a Normal-type Pokemon, but it's more than prepared to deal with any Electric-type moves! Not to mention it will evolve into a Ground-type." Clemont says.

Bunnelby responds with Dig, while I tell Pikachu to take off and use his speed to confuse Bunnelby. However, Pikachu is unsuccessful and Bunnelby lands his attack. Pikachu and Bunnelby continue trading attacks, while I notice that Bunnelby's ears are a great asset in battle and that Clemont is a skilled Trainer.

"Pretty neat, huh? Bunnelby's ears can do lots of great things!" Clemont says.

"You're still fine, aren't you, Pikachu? Use Iron Tail!" I say as Pikachu jumps into the air.

"Pikachu knows a Steel-type move?" Bonnie asks.

"If it's Ash's Pikachu, he can do all kinds of special moves." Elline smiles.

"Use your ears and catch it!" Bunnelby grabs Pikachu with the ears, but I know that it can't use ears anymore to block the other attack, so I decide to go for Electro Ball, which causes Bunnelby to be pushed back.

"Now use Electro Ball again!" I command, and while Bunnelby dodges this time, it hits the nearby bush and we hear a pained cry. "Wait, time out!" I yell as I rush towards the bush, and I find a wounded Froakie.

"It's a Froakie! It's a Water-type starter Pokemon. So that Electro Ball must have done lots of damage." Clemont says.

"So where is its trainer?" Elline asks.

"We can think about that later. Froakie needs help right away. Where is the Pokemon Center?" I ask while picking up the Froakie. David says, "I think it would be a whole lot quicker if we brought Froakie to Professor Sycamore's research lab right away. There's no doubt he'll help Froakie."

"I know where it is. This way!" Bonnie says as she leads the way for us to head to the Professor's Lab. As we continue to rush, we find that Clemont is not good at running, so we decide to leave him behind and head to the lab in South Boulevard.

After entering the lab, I yell, "Hello? Professor Sycamore, are you here?"

The Professor shows up and sees the Froakie, he gasps, "Froakie, no! We've been so worried about you. Your trainer has been in recent contact with us."

It is then two people arrive and Sycamore says, "Dexio, Sina. Froakie needs help."

"Right." Sina says as she takes the Froakie away. I say, "We've been worried about Froakie, too. So is Froakie's trainer on the way here now?"

"I'm afraid not. He contacted us to let us know he wanted to give up Froakie." Professor Sycamore says, much to our surprise.

It is then that Clemont finally arrives, and Bonnie scolds him for being slow. After we find Froakie in an incubator for healing, Professor Sycamore says, "There's nothing to worry about. My assistants Dexio and Sina are the absolute best at what they do."

Then we decide to sit down and Professor Sycamore says, "It is a surprise, but welcome to the Kalos Region, Ash Ketchum."

"Thanks, Professor. That also reminds me. I wonder if Alain is also here." I ask. He says, "I'm sorry to say that Alain is not in the lab now."

"I see..." I frown, Alain is also one of my Double Team selves, like N, he has been undercover in the group known as Team Flare. I decide to ignore that for now and ask, "So what's the deal with Froakie's trainer? What happened that would make him give Froakie up?"

"Well, one of my numerous responsibilities is to give trainers their very first Pokemon. Froakie's a Pokemon meant for new trainers. But this particular Froakie is a bit different, refusing to listen to its trainer during battle. There have been times when Froakie ran away, simply because it didn't like its trainer. And several trainers have come back to my lab just to return it."

"I'm sure Froakie acts that way for a reason." I say, "So it is another Snivy situation..."

Then we also notice a Garchomp looking at a Froakie. "It's a Garchomp!"

"Garchomp lives here in the lab. It has a good heart." Professor Sycamore says. "Garchomp. How are you feeling? Froakie will be fine, you can thank these people."

"Nice to meet you, Garchomp." We greet the Pokemon, and it is then Professor Sycamore reveals that he's researching Mega Evolution. "That reminds me, Ash. The stone you have on your glove. It's a Key Stone, right?"

"Yeah, I used Mega Evolution a lot during my journey in Hoenn." I say, "I think I have 21 Pokemon who can use Mega Evolution."

"That's marvelous. I assume you also have the data in your Rotom Phone?" Professor Sycamore asks.

"Of course." I say.

Before we can do that, we hear Garchomp roaring in pain, we rush to find two people in orange uniforms standing in front of Garchomp.

"What's going on?" David asks.

Dexio says, "Professor, those Team Flare Grunts did this."

"And things aren't going as planned. We need to retreat." Then the two people with uniforms disappear, and we notice something on Garchomp's neck.

"I think Team Flare wants that Froakie, but Garchomp steps in..." Dexio says.

"Garchomp must be in a lot of pain. We're going to save him." I say as I rush out.

"Please be careful!" Professor Sycamore says. As I go to the door, I find that Froakie also wants to help out, so we chase after the Garchomp using Charizard.

When we arrive at the Prism Tower where Garchomp is located, Clemont, Bonnie, David, and Elline are also there. I say, "Garchomp is the one who's in danger. We've gotta find a way to get that collar off."

Then we try to fly higher into the sky, hoping to reach Garchomp.

(Serena's POV)

"Have a look at this! Something unbelievable is happening." When my Mom calls, I sigh and I say, "What's going on?"

Helen says, "That's Lumiose City, and live. Which means it's happening right now."

"It's Ash!" When my Mom yells, I widen my eyes to see him riding on Charizard to approach Garchomp. "Hey, Garchomp..."

The Garchomp is trying to attack him, and he says, "Please Garchomp! You have to calm down."

"There's a boy on top of the tower, could it be he's trying to calm Garchomp?" The reporter says. Helen says, "Is that Garchomp yours, Serena?"

"No... that's not our Garchomp... but what is Ash doing there and why?" I ask. "Team Rocket should've been defeated... who would've done this..."

"Garchomp, can you hear me? I know you're hurt. You're in a lot of pain. I want to help. Please, just let me get that collar off so you can go back down."

Garchomp looks like it's going to fall, but a Froakie uses its Frubbles to stick his feet. Ash then rushes to get rid of the collar with Pikachu using Iron Tail to help out. However, much to our surprise, the edge of the tower collapses under Pikachu's feet due to the reduced structural integrity, sending him hurtling towards the ground.

"Pikachu!" What is he doing? Ash jumps off the tower so recklessly! I can see that Charizard is trying to get him, but a Mega Blaziken saves him and Pikachu first.

"Thank goodness..." I sigh in relief. Helen says, "He's still too reckless..."

(Ash's POV)

I know I did something reckless, as David and Elline are scolding me. Charizard also manages to bring Absol, Zoroark, and Froakie down with Garchomp. Then we decide to stay a night at Professor Sycamore's Lab... but that place is still a mess.

"I guess your real journey begins now." Professor Sycamore says.

Then as we are about to go, we find that Froakie is stopping us. I ask, "Froakie?"

"I think it wants to go with you." David says.

"Really. So you want to come with me, Froakie?" I ask, and Froakie just goes into my Pokeball.

Froakie: The Bubble Frog Pokemon: Water Type. It protects its skin by covering its body in delicate bubbles. Beneath its happy-go-lucky air, it keeps a watchful eye on its surroundings.

Here is the first chapter of the Kalos Arc, I am not going to show the Pokemon that Elline, David, or Clemont is using because they basically use mostly Steel or Electric Type Pokemon. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be reunion with Serena.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Froakie

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