Chapter 15

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We arrive at Route 8, also known as Muraille Coast. And it is then Sina and Dexio are there and Dexio yells, "Stop right there!"

"Sina? Dexio? What's that about?" Serena asks.

"Ah ha ha! We didn't mean to surprise you. How are you and Fennekin doing?" Dexio asks.

"We're doing fine." I say, "But what are you doing here?"

"Haven't you wondered how a single Pokédex could possibly cover a region as big as Kalos?" When Sina asks that, I realize that he's right, I find that our Kalos Pokedex only has a number of 151 Pokemon.

"Well, it can't! That's why we are here to power up your Pokédex!" Dexio says.

When we give them our Rotom Phone, they upgrade the Coastal Kalos Pokedex inside. And I realize how many Pokemon are inside. "The Coastal Kalos Pokédex will be on your Pokédex menu, so tap it to select it!"

"New encounters help people and Pokémon grow and mature! We'll be taking our leave now! Bon voyage!" After they leave, Serena says, "That means instead of the 150 Pokemon, there are 300 Pokemon in the Kalos Pokedex..."

"That sure is a lot..." I say, "Even Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos are in the Pokedex as well!"

"You're right." David says, "That sure is something interesting."

Then we decide to have lunch and this time I make some sandwiches. But after I finish cooking, I find that two of the sandwiches are missing.

"Hey! I remember that I made 4 of them." I say with confusion.

"Did you just eat them?" David asks.

"No, I didn't." I say. It is then we notice an Inkay who is munching on the sandwich underneath the table.

"What do you know? It's an Inkay." Clemont says.

"An Inkay... if that's the case, do you want another one?" I hand over the sandwich to him, and he thanks me and eats it.

"Want to come with me?" I ask and the Inkay nods, and that is probably one of the easiest captures of all time.

Inkay: The Revolving Pokemon: Dark and Psychic Type. It flashes the light-emitting spots on its body, which drains its opponent's will to fight. It takes the opportunity to scuttle away and hide.

Elline says, "You know, Inkay is also a powerful controlling Pokemon, you can use it to control people."

I sigh, "Stop saying that I am a bad guy. I don't want to control people until emergencies."

"Well, I know you want to control someone's heart already..." David whispers in my ear, and I'm now annoyed.

"Stop teasing me..." I mutter.

"What does she say?" Bonnie asks.

"Stop asking! Please!" My face is already as red as a tomato, and everyone just laughs at me. After finishing lunch, we look around the route and we see a lot of Hoenn Pokemon around the area, we even see some Seviper battling against some Zangoose, and now we can see Ambrette Town in front of us.

"It's always great to get to the shore." Clemont says.

"Yeah. That's Ambrette Town it is." Serena says.

We decide to head to the beach, and I decide to have Froakie, Samurott, and Blastoise out to enjoy the ocean. Serena says, "There's somewhere I want to go. The Ambrette Aquarium!"

"Great, it's got lots of Water-type Pokemon from all the different regions." David says.

"That's it. I've wanted to go since forever. I mean, Oceablu's Aquarium is great, but still..."

"Sounds like fun, I'd like to go too." I say as we all head there.

We are now inside and we can see a lot of Water Pokemon, there is a Gorebyss who is waving to us, and then a Relicanth scares Bonnie a little. We also watch the Stunfisk coming out from the water, I say, "This is just like the Marine Tube back in the Unova Region."

"Oh, yeah. That place was new, you're lucky to go there." Elline says.

"But Reisa was more excited than I was back then." I chuckle as we see a Wailord passing us.

"Whoever designs this aquarium sure knows a lot about Water-type Pokemon." Clemont says.

Then we all see some Piplup, and Serena says, "Piplup are really friendly, aren't they?"

"And you know Dawn's Piplup is really something else." I say.

That's when we finally get to the Magikarp area, and we hear an old man saying how the Water type is the most common type in the world and he also shows us the famous Golden Magikarp statue.

"A Magikarp statue... and it's gold-colored." Elline says.

"It's a statue of the giant Golden Magikarp. This Magikarp represents a dream for a lot of people. If you like to learn more, I suggest you speak to that gentleman over there. He's the aquarium's curator!"

As we go to the owner of the aquarium, he seems to be fishing and he only gets a seaweed in the end. "Excuse me, do you run the aquarium?"

"Why yes, I do. My name is Rodman." The man introduces. "Nice to meet you."

"We were curious about that giant Golden Magikarp statue." Serena says.

"Oh, that statue's amazing, isn't it? As a matter of fact, I'm trying to catch the real Golden Magikarp right now!" Rodman says.

"There's a real golden Magikarp?" I ask.

"Hmm. According to local legend, yes." Rodman says.

"So that explains why that amazing statue's on display." Clemont says.

He tells us of an ancient legend. At a time when deep diving was popular, a fisherman was electrocuted by a Starmie but was saved from drowning by a giant, golden, Magikarp. Since then, there have been occasional reports of the Magikarp being seen again.

"Fascinating..." Elline says.

"You see, the mayor is a very friendly man, so when I told him about the legend, he installed that Golden Magikarp statue for the aquarium. My dream is to catch it for the aquarium so children will have the opportunity to see it up close. That way, everyone will enjoy the aquarium even more. After all, the purpose of an aquarium is to educate and entertain, don't you think?"

"Sounds really awesome to me." David says.

"That reminds me, didn't we used to have a Golden Magikarp?" Serena asks, and I say, "Well, it evolves into this guy."

I throw the Pokeball and send out Gyarados, Bonnie says, "You're saying that your Gyarados used to be a Golden Magikarp? Why is it turning red instead of gold?"

"That is also one of the mysteries that I intend to find out." I say.

When we find Rodman having another catch, it turns out to be only a normal Magikarp. "Whenever I catch a regular Magikarp I always release it back into the ocean."

"How about we help you catch it?" I ask.

"Well, looks like I've got myself a fishing team!" Just then, he gives us an Old Rod, and that's when I realize he's the one who gives out the Old Rod in this region. Unova doesn't have Old and Good Rods, so this is probably the fifth time. Elline is the one who takes the rod though.

As we throw the string into the water, we're waiting for the catch, and just then, Serena yells, "My fishing rod is moving!"

"Just reel in, quick!" I say, but since Serena is struggling, Elline and I quickly rush to help her. And much to our confusion, a she gets a rock?

"A rock? That's what you got?" David asks.

Just then, two heads appear from the rock, and I say, "Wait, that's a Binacle. I remember that Seibold has one."

"You're right." Then we decide to capture the Pokemon, and with the help of Gyarados we've got it.

Binacle: The Two-Handed Pokemon: Rock and Water Type. They stretch and then contract, yanking their rocks along with them in bold hops. They eat seaweed that washes up on the shoreline.

"Ash! Your rod is moving!" Serena says as I quickly rush to my rod, and when I reel in, it turns out to be a Clauncher.

"Now it is a Clauncher... I guess it's not easy to reel in a Magikarp..." David says.

Bonnie and Dedenne want to play with the Clauncher, but Clauncher is annoyed and it decides to use Vise Grip on Dedenne's tail, causing him to yelp in pain before using Thunder Shock. Clauncher then throws Dedenne into the air before firing a Water Gun at Dedenne, causing him to fall into the sand.

"Dedenne... Oh, you..." After Bonnie gets Dedenne back up, she tries to nuzzle only to be attacked by it.

Clemont and David are building machines again, and Clemont says, "The future is now, thanks to science... Clemontic Gear is on! The name, The No Need for Water-type Pokemon Foo Chinchow Model Magikarp Magnet!"

David says, "The name's pretty boring, but they say it all."

"A sound wave inaudible to people will emit from Chinchou's antennae all the way down to the bottom of the ocean. That sound wave has a naturally soothing effect on Magikarp so they'll be attracted to and gather around my wonderful device!" Clemont says. "And that's when we'll reel them all in!"

But when they turn on the power, they seem to attract a Sharpedo. It tries to attack with Hydro Pump, but Gyarados uses Hyper Beam to deflect it, and then the other Sharpedo destroys the machine, and the remote control also explodes at the same time.

"It didn't work in a big way." Bonnie says.

"It shouldn't have attracted them, just Magikarp..." David mutters while in deep thought.

Then they try to do it again, and Clemont goes for take two. "It's name? The This Time It will Attract Only Magikarp For Certain Lanturn Model."

Elline says, "I don't think that name is better... but they still say it all whether we like it or not..."

"You sure it's going to work this time?" Serena asks.

"Yes. We just ran extensive tests on the Magikarp in the aquarium and discovered which sound wave they prefer." David says.

As they try it out, instead of getting a Magikarp, it attracts the Starmine from the legends this time. "Oh no! That's the Starmie that can use Thunderbolt!" Elline says.

The Starmie is angered and he tries to fire Thunderolt. Gyarados is hit as it faints, and I have to recall him. "What should we do?" Serena asks.

Just then, the Clauncher goes for the Dark Pulse, hitting it. I also have Pikachu use Thunderbolt, and the attack causes the Starmie to retreat.

"Thanks for helping us, Clauncher." I say, and the Clauncher seems to blush a little. Then we decide to capture the Clauncher as well.

Clauncher: The Water Gun Pokemon: Water Type. Through controlled expulsions of internal gas, it can expel water like a pistol shot. At close distances, it can shatter rock.

Hours have passed and we still haven't been able to fish anything, so the group decides to call it a day.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble you had to go through. And we weren't able to help much." I say.

"That's okay kids, there's always tomorrow. I appreciate the help." Rodman says.

Then all of a sudden, a giant Magikarp jumped out of the water for everyone to see. We notice that this Magikarp is colored gold.

"Was that it?" Elline asks.

Rodman can't believe his eyes. All this time since the story, he hasn't seen it until now.

"YEAH! The legend is really true!" Rodman dances around in happiness.

"Wow, I can't believe it either." Clemont says.

"So what are you gonna do now, Rodman?" David asks.

"I'm not gonna give up. I'm gonna keep on going and catch that Golden Magikarp." Rodman says.

"That's great, whatever happens, you have our support." I say.

"Thanks, kids. Once again thanks for the help." Rodman says. Everyone then waves goodbye as we head off to the Pokémon Center to rest for the evening.

Here's the chapter with the aquarium part. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the Fossil Lab.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Vivillon x20, Litleo, Flabebe (Rainbow), Skiddo, Pancham, Furfrou, Espurr x2, Honedge, Spritzee, Swirlix, Inkay, Binacle, Clauncher

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