Chapter 17

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As you all know, besides Scarlet Ketchura, I have another self of mine known as Alain. My goal is to infiltrate Team Flare, and by doing so, I lure the leader of Team Flare, a man named Lysandre, who seems to have met Ash before, by using the Ampharosite that I'm searching for, and then he shows us around the lab of what he's doing and I will help him gain more Mega Stones as possible, in return, he gives me a Mega Ring with the Key Stone on it, and a Charizardite X so I can use it on my Charizard. It's a good thing I gave my other self the Charizardite Y.

Now I hear that there is a powerful trainer who has a Mega Absol, and after searching for a while, I find the girl, she notices my Charizard and says, "A Mega Stone?"

"Battle me. I want to see your full power." I say.

"You have such confidence, I hope that it's not just all talk. What's your name?" The girl asks.

"Alain." I say.

"My name is Astrid, and this is my strongest partner!" She throws out the Pokeball and sends out the Absol.

"It's here... Let's go, Charizard! Flamethrower!" I command.

Charizard fires the Flamethrower, though Absol counters with a Psycho Cut before rushing forward using Megahorn. Charizard, however, grabs its horn to block the attack.

"Nice power you have there, but I don't think that's going to be it, right? How about we show our full power?" I ask.

"Then I'll show you." Astrid taps her Key Stone earring as she Mega Evolves her Absol, transforming it into a fearsome winged beast. I also do the same by pressing my Key Stone and Mega Evolve Charizard into Mega Charizard X.

"This is my strongest partner, Mega Charizard X!" I say.

"Quite cool with that black body there." Astrid says.

"I take that as a compliment." I say. Mega Charizard flies into action with Steel Wing, which collides with Absol's counter Megahorn attack. Absol is pushed back by an intense Dragon Claw and Flamethrower. Mega Charizard prevails by using Blast Burn to counter Absol's Dark Pulse and defeating Absol in the end.

"Absol!" Astrid rushes to Absol, and I turn to Charizard, "Nice work, Charizard."

Charizard reverts to its form as I walk to Astrid, "Let's battle again if we have the chance."

"Are you always like this?" Astrid asks, "To pursue the strongest battles?"

"I want to defeat every Mega Evolution with Charizard and become the very best." I say back to her.

After we take a rest, I turn to Charizard, "Mega Absol is really hard to beat... don't you think Charizard? It was raised well.

Charizard nods at me, and that's when I decide to give him some snacks to eat. And then I feel someone's watching me. "Stop hiding, how about you show yourself?"

It is then a girl with a red hair and a Chespin approaches us. "Hello..."

"Is there a problem?" I ask.

"Well... I... I saw the battle before... I was surprised at the black Charizard... what was it? Is that a new Pokemon?" The girl asks.

"Do you want to battle?" I ask, and she waves her hands and says, "No! No way! Absolutely not! We just began our journey and we wouldn't be able to have a battle as awesome as that!"

"So a beginner..." I say to Charizard, who nods back.

"My name is Mairin, and this is my Chespin Chespie." Mairin says. "I just got him from Professor Sycamore's lab. That reminds me, there is something interesting! I heard it from Professor Sycamore, who was an amazing trainer. A few days ago, a Garchomp was rampaging in the lab..."

Is she talking about me? She says, "That's huge news! And there is a trainer named Ash who saved the Garchomp! He's so awesome! When a Pikachu falls from the top of the Prism Tower, he also jumps as well! That won't be happening if you don't have mutual trust, right?"

Looks like I've got myself a fan, I show a small smile, and she asks, "What?"

"Nothing." I say back.

"So what's your name?" Mairin asks.

"My name is Alain, and I'm now on a journey to be the best Mega Evolution user with this guy." I pet my Charizard.

"Well, is Mega Evolution some sort of Evolution?" Mairin asks. "Could it be? Are you talking about the black Charizard from before?"

"Yeah, that's Mega Charizard X." I reply.

"That's awesome! There is a Mega Evolution like that!" Mairin gasps. "Chespie is also shocked as well. Can Chespie do that as well?"

"I don't know... there's still a lot I don't know about Mega Evolution." I say. Then I start to remember the day I get my Key Stone, my Dad is the one who gives me the Mega Glove, and I was so happy to see my Dad and my Mom showing off with a battle between Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y.

"What's wrong? You've kept spacing out..." Mairin asks.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about what you've said. I personally know Ash Ketchum." I say.

"Really? How did you know him?" Mairin asks, I sigh, "It's not of your business."

Just then, I get a call from Lysandre, and he has given me the next location of the Mega Stone. I decide to return Charizard and leave.

"Wait, I have some questions I want to ask-" I decide to leave Mairin alone since this is much more important.

After arriving at the old ruins, I immediately find a Mega Stone, although I don't know what that Mega stone corresponds to. But when I come out, I find Mairin and Chespie. I ask, "You're still here?"

"Are you looking for something?" Mairin asks. "Is it related to Mega Evolution?"

"You're a little annoying..." I mutter.

"Hold it right there!" I look up to see a man on top of the ruins. "That's a Mega Stone, right? I was also tasked to take that back to my boss."

I say to Mairin, "You go hide over there."

Mairin hides and the man says, "How about we battle for that Mega Stone?"

"What if I say no?" I ask.

"Don't say something so cold, this is my partner, Garchomp!" I notice that his Garchomp also has a Mega Stone, and I decide to accept the battle.

"Charizard! I choose you!" I send out my Charizard and we decide to Mega Evolve from the start.

"I am a Dragon-type specialist Remo. My Garchoo is not a walk on the park!" Remo says.

"My partner is also a Dragon-type." I say.

"What are you talking about? Charizard is not a Dragon-type!" Remo says.

"Looks like you're just an outsider..." I say as we all Mega Evolve our Pokemon.

Garchoo makes the first move, pushing Mega Charizard back with a Dragon Rush. Mega Charizard take to the air before firing at its opponent. Remo orders Garchoo into the air, though Mega Charizard escapes its Dual Chop attack. Alain calls for a Dragon Claw, which exchanges blows with Garchoo's Dual Chops. An explosive clash sends both sides into the battlefield below, with Charizard winning and Garchoo collapsing from his wounds.

"Nice work, Charizard." I turn to Remo. "Now listen up. Mega Charizard X is now a Fire and Dragon-type after Mega Evolving."

After that, I look at the Mega Stone before leaving. That's when Mairin rushes to us. I say, "Stop following me."

"It's my freedom!" Mairin yells.

I decide to ignore her and continue moving. Mairin says, "Although you look a little scary, you're so nice to Charizard! I know you really like Pokemon, and you don't seem like a bad guy. Not to mention you have a huge dream of becoming the strongest Mega Evolution user. That's my ideal partner!"

"Are you trying to compliment me or to badmouth me?" I ask.

"And I want to Mega Evolve as well! I want to capture more Pokemon and make them stronger! I also want to defeat you and your Charizard!" Mairin says.

"I see." I say with a sarcastic tone, which doesn't make them happy.

Their sharp exchange is interrupted by a passing Yellow Flower Flabébé. Mairin orders Chespie to use Pin Missile, though Flabébé counters with a Magical Leaf. Chespie tries a Vine Whip, but Flabébé floats out of the way.

"Looks like you've gone into a tough battle." I say. "Do you have any moves to get it poisoned or confused?"

"I have..." Mairin is confused.

"Good, now use it, it can slow its movement." I say.

With some advice from me, Chespie switches tactics and poisons Flabébé with Toxic attack. She cheers, "We did it!"

"Stop wasting time, throw your Pokeball." I say.

Mairin then throws the Pokeball and captures the Flabebe. When she's cheering I sigh and tell her to get Flabebe a cure for poison. Once I send her to the Pokemon Center, I decide to leave once more.

The reason why I leave is because I notice Master Seibold's restaurant, and I wonder if I have the strength to defeat his Mega Blastoise.

After I wait at the table, I see that Master Seibold has come and he bows, "Welcome, my name is Seibold."

Good, he doesn't seem to recognize me. I say, "I want to try your special menu."

Noticing my Mega Ring, Seibold gasps and says, "I see, but it won't be sweet."

"I like that more." I say back. That's when Mairin arrives and she yells, "Hold on! Stop leaving me behind!"

"And this is?" Seibold asks.

"I'm his traveling partner!" Really? Does she decide it on her own? Whatever, we arrive at the battlefield and Seibold is using a Blastoise. Seibold says, "I'm sorry to ask this, but you know that I'm using a Water type, why are you still going for a Fire Type?"

"Of course I know that, but I want to be the strongest with Charizard, it doesn't matter what type my opponent uses, my bond with Charizard can overpower that." I say as I Mega Evolve Charizard.

Seibold says, "How fun... the full focus on the Pokemon battle... that is art. I hope you can overpower mine!"

"Let me see the strength of the Elite Four M- I mean, Seibold!" I say.

I start off the match with a Dragon Claw. "Let's start with the appetizer! Hydro Pump!" Blastoise fires off several Hydro Pumps, but after Mega Charizard evades them, it rockets forward with a Skull Bash. Mega Charizard, however, blocks Blastoise's advance with its Dragon Claws.

"The Speed and Power are so powerful... what a strong aftertaste..." Seibold says.

"How about you just give us the main course?" I ask.

Seibold then activates his Key Stone and Blastoise's Blastoisinite evolves it into Mega Blastoise. Mega Charizard prepares to land a Steel Wing attack, but is battered down by Blastoise using Dragon Pulse.

"The ability of the Mega Blastoise is Mega Launcher. Pulse moves will gain more power than normal. How do you like it? Not to mention, how about I show you the power of the water after Mega Evolving!"

He orders another Hydro Pump, though Mega Charizard flies ahead. Mega Blastoise readies a Power-Up Punch, which collides with a Flamethrower attack, pushing both sides back. Mega Charizard returns to grab a hold of its opponent's shell before delivering a close-range Dragon Claw. Siebold calls for the finishing blow and a Dragon Pulse defeats Charizard.

"It seems like I won." Seibold says.

I walk towards Charizard and frowns, "You've done a good job..." I stare at Seibold and say, "So I'm still not strong against Seibold..."

"Even though you have a major type disadvantage, you still push us into a corner, it was impressive." Seibold says.

As I continue moving, Mairin wants to follow and I say, "How about you stop it right now?"

"No! I'm going to Mega Evolve as well!" Mairin yells.

"The one who needs to Mega Evolve is not you but your Pokemon." I say.

"I know, that's why I'm going to find the stones as well!" Mairin says. "If I come with you I'll be able to find one!"

"Suit yourself." I say as I decide to let her follow me.

Well, I was planning to put Ash's second gym battle, but I remember the Mega Evolution special and how Alain is like N, a part of Ash, so I decide to do it right here.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Vivillon x20, Litleo, Flabebe (Rainbow), Skiddo, Pancham, Furfrou, Espurr x2, Honedge, Spritzee, Swirlix, Inkay, Binacle, Clauncher, Helioptile, Tyrunt, Amarua.

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