Chapter 19

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When we arrive at Blackish Town, we find a poster of a Pokemon battle, and Elline gasps, "That's Mom! She's doing an exhibition battle."

"Wonderful." David says, "That means we can see her."

"You know what? I think I want to challenge her to a battle." I say. "Let's go see her!"

When we go to the stadium, we find Kathi Lee, Diantha's assistant, trying to stop the reporters from approaching Diantha. "Kathi Lee!" Elline greets us, and the person notices us.

"Just great, you guys are here as well?" Kathi Lee asks as the reporters turn to us. Recognizing David and Elline as Diantha's children, they also want to interview them. It is then a hand comes to us as we all enter the room.

"Nice to see you." The man turns out to be Paris Volt, the husband of Diantha.

"Daddy!" Elline hugs him and asks, "What are you doing here?"

"Why can't I always be with your Mom? How are you two?" He says, "And it is nice to see you two as well, Ash and Serena. I hope they aren't giving you a lot of trouble."

"No way. They have been the ones who've been taking good care of us." Serena says.

After introducing Bonnie and Clemont, Clemont says, "You must be the famous movie star who specializes in Electric-types, I'm so honored to meet you."

"So you're the Lumiose City Gym Leader that my wife picked. It's nice to meet you as well." Paris says.

"So where is Mom? Can we see her?" David asks.

"My lovely wife is actually behind that door since she's getting ready." Paris says. And that's when Diantha opens the door. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Paris... Oh, dear, I see we have some guests here."

"Mom!" Elline and David hug their mom and Diantha says, "So Ash, how are your gym battles? I assume you have two badges?"

"You bet. I beat Grant and got the Cliff Badge. And right now I am heading to Shalour City." I say.

"That's wonderful. You're really making some progress." Diantha says. That's when Kathi Lee comes in and says, "You guys should be careful, those reporters are really annoying. You're lucky that you have Paris here to help you."

Sometimes she really likes to scold us, but that's what Diantha's secretary is all about. Now Diantha is going to have her battle, so we decide to watch in the stands with Uncle Paris by our side.

"Come on out. Gardevoir." I send out my own Shiny Gardevoir, and now she's sitting by our side. "Gardevoir, you're going to see the moves of the Gardevoir in front of you."

Gardevoir nods, and Paris says, "That is a Shiny Gardevoir, you have such a nice Pokemon."

"Well, it is a sad story when we find this Gardevoir..." I say with a slight frown.

In the battle, Diantha faces an opponent using a begins with Bite, but Gardevoir is too quick. Absol then uses Quick Attack, but again Gardevoir evades the attack, able to understand Diantha's commands merely through eye contact. Absol uses Psycho Cut, but Gardevoir repels it with Shadow Ball, which rebounds to hit Absol. As a last resort, Absol uses Perish Song, but Gardevoir uses Moonblast to knock Absol out, winning the match.

"She is still strong as always." Elline says.

"And she doesn't even need to use Mega Evolution to beat the opponent." David says.

"You know what, I'm going to get her to battle me!" I say.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to battle you considering you are a 5-region champion." Uncle Paris says.

But when we get to the resting room, we find that Diantha has already left for a movie shoot. Paris says, "Well, that's that."

"So what are we going to do now?" Clemont asks.

"Wait, just a sec..." Serena says, "Let's go here! It says they make the best chocolate cake anywhere. Let's find out."

"I wanna go too!" Bonnie says.

"Are you coming with us, Dad?" David asks.

"Of course, though I have to do some work first, I'll meet you there." Then Uncle Paris leaves, and we go to the cake store, only to find that there is a crowd there.

"It seems like there's a huge crowd everywhere we go today." Clemont says.

As we are frowning about what to do, we hear someone saying, "Hey, aren't they Diantha's children?"

"And look who's with them! It's the 5-region Champion Ash Ketchum!" And much to our surprise, we were surrounded by the people who wants our autographs, and they are also willing to exchange for the cake. In the end, we now have two full cakes in our hands.

After the crowd disperses, Clemont asks, "Where did you get that?"

David says, "Well, some fans decide to give us because we are famous after all..."

Elline says, "It is quite embarrassing, but at least we have some cake to eat."

"You're sold out already?" We turn to notice a woman in sunglasses who isn't able to get the cake. "What a tragedy, to think I came all this way just to have a piece of this shop's award-winning chocolate cake... Huh, the end of the world..."

"Hey, it's Mom..." Elline says.

"You're right." David says as he walks to her, "Mom, over here."

She notices us and gasps, "You guys... and you have the cake! Nice work, you two."

"Well, it is because we're your children..." Elline mutters with a slight frown, and that reminds us how Elline wants to be famous because of herself and not because who her parents are. But anyway, we share our cake with Diantha and also leave one for Uncle Paris.

After we taste some, it sure is the best cake. I say, "This is really the best chocolate cake that I've ever had before."

"It is, the sweetness brings the bold bitterness and acidity together perfectly, a memorable cake, for sure." Diantha says.

"You certainly know your cake, Mom." Elline says.

"I just adore desserts. Whenever I visit a town for work, I always look forward to sampling their most popular desserts whether I'm busy or not." Diantha says.

"Those are some great times." David says.

"Movie star and Champion, juggling two jobs must be challenging, to say the least." Clemont says.

"If you think two is already challenging, you can tell that to my brother or his children, like Ash over here, he already has over 18 jobs."

I chuckle and say, "That's because I'm an Arceus, and Aunt Diantha is also an Aura User especially born from the Ketchum line, we do those things out of love."

Then I remember something and I ask, "Excuse me, Aunt Diantha. Please have a Pokemon battle with me."

"Ash!" Serena scolds, "You must know Diantha doesn't get much private time and here you are bothering her this way."

"Yeah, but... I want to be a Pokemon Master, and I'm also a five-region champion. Having a battle with you would be awesome and I also want to know how strong the Kalos League compared to the other regions..."

Aunt Diantha smiles, "Of course. I usually turn down unofficial battle requests but since you're family, so just this once."

It is then Uncle Paris comes and he says, "So you're battling Diantha, eh? If you don't mind, I'd like to come watch it."

"Dad, you're taking too long, but we leave a piece of cake for you." Elline says.

"Thanks, my sweetheart." Paris says while rubbing Elline's head, much to her slight annoyance.

We head to Route 10, which is known as Menhir Trail, to battle. This place has a lot of stones nearby, which makes a perfect battlefield. As we battle, I use my own Gardevoir against Aunt Diantha's Gardevoir. She says, "I see you're going to use your Shiny Gardevoir, right?"

"Right." I say. "She's been a good help to me ever since I met her and her brother in the Hoenn Region."

As we battle, we both try to use telepathy to battle, but it is interrupted as Team Flare has come. "Stop right there! I remember you! You're the ones who foiled our Fossil-finding plans!"

"And now you're here, standing around these stones. Do you have any idea what they even are? Of course, you don't! You know nothing about the legend of 3000 years ago that says..."

"Wait, what does it say?" Another grunt asks before it is cut off by the fourth one.

"Oh, whatever! Who cares about all of that? It's time for us to get some sweet revenge... with style!"

"Seriously? Team Flare is here?" Elline mutters.

"Looks like you have some encounters with them in the past..." Aunt Diantha says.

"Yeah. They try to take some fossils in the Connecting Cave, not to mention they are the ones who attacked Professor Sycamore's Lab causing Garchomp to rampage."

"We saw the news." Paris says while sending out his Manectric to battle. We are in awe to see both of them using Mega Evolution to knock the Pokemon out, and the Team Flare gets a call from the Holo Casters as they are forced to retreat.

"Heh. Gotta love the Holo Caster! I can get updates on my mission in real-time with this stylish device!"

"Whoever thought this thing up must have been one truly stylish individual, too!"

"And on that note, it's time for us to scram, with style!" After the retreat, David says, "Awesome, you defeat them like they're nothing!"

After the Pokemon revert to normal, that's when Kathi Lee comes with the helicopter, and she gets Paris and Diantha back to work.

"Ash, I realize we weren't able to finish our battle together, but it was fun."

"I thought it was fun, too!" I say.

"Thanks so much to all of you." Diantha says, "How about this, you can use this on your Gardevoir."

Diantha gives me the Mega Stone for Gardevoir, much to my delight, after they leave, Serena says, "Awesome, you get a Mega Stone for Gardevoir!"

"Yeah, Mega Gardevoir is stronger with the Attack, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Not to mention that its ability Pixilate is able to change all of its Normal moves into Fairy Type." David says.

"Just like Altaria." I say. "Though about what Team Flare grunts have spoken... I mean, those stones, they said that it is related to something that happened 3000 years ago."

"3000 years ago, there was the Great Kalos War that was ended thanks to a weapon created by a man." Serena says. "But what does it have to do with this..."

"Whatever it is... I don't like it." Bonnie says as Dedenne also agrees with her. Then we decide to just continue our journey and forget about this.

As we continue moving, we arrive at a flower field, Clemont says, "What a beautiful place."

"The air is so fresh here." David adds.

We decide to take a break here, and Serena is making crown of flowers for herself as well as for Bonnie and Dedenne. Dedenne jumps up in excitement at it, but accidentally knocks the crown off his head.

When we chase after them, we notice something really strange. An Eevee who is dancing on top of the rock.

"It's an Eevee..." Bonnie says.

"Yeah... but this one obviously like to dance..." Serena says. "It's so light on its feet."

"Guys! Clemont says the tea is ready!" David's yelling causes Eevee to notice us, and she quickly runs off.

Over tea, we comment on that Eevee, and I say, "She moves so beautifully, just like it was dancing on air."

"Wow, what do you know? Sorry, I scared it." David frowns.

"It felt like when I watched Eevee dancing, I might be able to come up with a brand new routine." Serena says.

"So let's have it show you its dance moves again." Elline says.

Then we decide to look for Eevee, though Clemont tries to use a machine known as Living Thing Finder Mark 2, the reason because he used Mark 1 to search for Bonnie in the past. However, we find that it's a Vivillon and a Budew, and it is then the machine malfunctions and explodes.

As we decide to split up and find the Eevee, Serena and I are looking together with the Pokemon, but we find nothing. Pikachu and Chespin are with us, and Serena yells, "Eevee! Where are you?"

It is then we hear Eevee crying, "Watch out!" That's when we realize we're at the edge of the cliff. "Eevee! Wow! You saved me!" Serena says.

But Eevee just jumps away from tree to tree. I ask, "Now what?"

Serena notices the crown of flowers on her head and says, "I know, how about we lure her?"

"Good idea." I say. Serena places the crown of flowers on the rock, and I decide to place a macaroon on another rock, Chespin is hungry and I say, "Chespin, sorry, but that's not for you."

Chespin frowns, but as we continue to search, we turn around to see that Chespin is now on the rock where the Macaroon is, and I say, "Chespin! I told you not to eat the Macaroon!"

"No! I swear it wasn't me!" He tries to explain, but I sigh, "No sweets for you for a week, Chespin."

After that, we decide to head back to our camp, and during that night, Serena and I are outside and Serena asks, "Can't sleep?"

"You as well?" I ask. "How about we take a walk, with the two of us?"

Even though that's the plan, Pikachu, Absol, and Zoroark are also up. We notice Eevee dancing on a ledge, and wearing the crown Serena had left for Eevee.

"Eevee likes the crown that you made for her." I say with a smile.

"Wow, I'd really like to become great friends with that Eevee." Serena says.

"Me too. But the problem is how in the world are we going to let Eeee know that we wanna be friends?" I ask.

We think for a whole night and we come up with an idea. We're going to show Eevee our performance instead. And Clemont says, "I know Serena can do it, but you as well, Ash?"

"The appeal rounds of the Contests are like freestyle performances, and we were drawn to how happy Eevee looked while dancing so we think it would be a great idea to show Eevee how happy we are by dancing too." I say. "It's like a contest battle, but instead of lowering the opponent's points, we're going to work together."

"That sounds cool." Bonnie says. "I know both of your performances are really good!"

Then we decide to perform by having Pikachu using Thunderbolt and Serena commanding Zoroark to use Dark Pulse to create a show. That's when Eevee really shows up. I ask, "So did you like what we did? Not too bad, right?"

The others notice the Eevee behind the rock, and the Eevee quickly hides behind it. David says, "It's Eevee!"

"Eevee was this close the whole time?" Elline asks.

"How cool is that? It worked!" Bonnie says. "Eevee came, just like you two thought it would."

"See, Eevee. We really like to perform together as a team." I say. "We compete with other coordinators and performers in the Pokemon Contests and Showcases and they're a whole lot of fun."

Serena asks, "Do you think maybe you'd like to perform with us on stage with us?"

"That's a great idea." Clemont says.

"Because, it's so much fun to watch you dance." I say. "I want lots more people to see you too. What do you say?"

I notice that Eevee is looking at Pikachu, who seems to be trying to persuade her to join, I don't know if I see a small blush on the Pokemon's cheeks, but the Eevee decides to approach us and nuzzles the both of us.

"So that means you're coming with us? Welcome aboard!" I say with a smile. However, Eevee is still a little scared to see our other Pokemon, she tries to hide behind Serena's leg, and David says, "I'd say when Eevee gets in front of others it feels just a bit shy."

"Now don't you worry, Eevee. Everyone's real nice." Serena says. "So let's be friends."

Then Dedenne's sudden appearance scares Eevee, and when Lucario's next, she also runs until stops in front of Chespin, and that's when she decides to hide behind Pikachu in the end.

"What do you know? It's comfortable with Pikachu!" Clemont says.

"That's because Pikachu's nice." I say, and Pikachu just also blushes when Eevee is too close to him. Chespin tries to chase after Eevee, and they keep running around Pikachu in circles, and Pikachu is really dizzy because of it. Eevee then jumps onto my arms, and I say, "Eevee, we're so happy you're here."

Then like Pikachu, Absol, and Zoroark, Eevee doesn't want to stay in the Pokeball, probably she wants to get close to Pikachu as much as possible. I can sense some love in the air...

And that's the end of the new chapter. The next chapter will be meeting Korrina again in Geosenge Town. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Vivillon x20, Litleo, Flabebe (Rainbow), Skiddo, Pancham, Furfrou, Espurr x2, Honedge, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Inkay, Binacle, Clauncher, Helioptile, Tyrunt, Amarua.

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