Chapter 21

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The next day came, we had a good rest at the hotel Marine Snow, and we met the Gym Leader of Shalour City, Korrina, and her Lucario there. Korrina gasps, "Hey! You're those Trainers from Route 5!"

"If I remember, you're Korrina, the Shalour City Gym Leader, right? We're just going to Shalour Gym." I say. "But what are you doing here?"

"You see, I'm here to get Lucario's Mega Stone." Korrina says.

"Mega Stone? So you just have the Key Stone only?" Elline asks.

"Yeah, my grandfather gave it to me. Oh yeah. The first person ever to Mega Evolve a Lucario was one of my ancestors, isn't that wild?" Korrina asks.

"Wait, does that mean you are able to use aura as well?" David asks, and she says, "You mean like an Aura Sphere? I can do some of them."

She demonstrates some and we're in awe. She also says that it's part of the tradition of the Shalour City gym to have a gym leader there with a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve.

"So you're here for the Lucarionite, but do you know where to find it?" I ask.

"No clue." Korrina replies.

"But if you don't know where it is, how are you going to look for it?" Serena asks.

"My grandfather told me if we go to Geosense Town, we'd figure it out. And my grandfather's really smart!" Korrina says.

We decide to help her out, and we find a lot of beautiful stones on sale. We decide to split up and ask for some clues, but none of them know about the Lucarionite.

"But my grandfather told me that we'd find the Lucarionite right here in this town!" Korrina frowns.

"Well, I suppose that unless Lucarionite was very difficult to find, we would have heard about the Mega Evolution of lots of Lucario." Clemont says.

"So that means... it mst be a very rare stone." David says, "Since it's very hard to find."

"So how do we continue our search?" Serena asks.

Just then, a photographer appears, welcoming us. He introduces himself as a local named McGinty and offers to take a souvenir photo of us, to which we accept.

"Do you, by any chance, know anything about locating Evolution stones?" Clemont asks.

"Evolution stones are out there. In a cave that's hidden inside of that mountain." McGinty says.

"And sir, do you know anything about Lucarionite?" Korrina asks. "I need to find it right away!"

"Lucarionite, eh? I don't think I've ever heard of that before. Although I do remember hearing about a cave where it's possible to locate a special kind of Evolution Stone."

We ask for directions, and he tells us that we'll find a small entrance to another cave on top of the mountain, and that might be what we're looking for. But he also warns that terrible things can happen to people who are not worthy enough to enter, and that's why no people in the town have ever ventured into that cave.

After we get the photo, we search the mountain but there's no cave. It is then Lucario senses the stone that he breaks open what seems to be a secret door, that's when we find the passway.

As we move further, we find the Mega Stone in front of us. However, as Korrina and Lucario run down the path, they are blocked by a Blaziken.

"What's a Blaziken doing here?" Clemont asks.

"I think it is guarding the stone... Korrina, if you want the Lucarionite, you have to defeat him first." I say. Korrina nods as they have the battle.

Korrina begins with Lucario's Power-Up Punch. Blaziken dodges and returns with a Blaze Kick, which hits its mark. Lucario, however, lands on its feet and dodges Blaziken's next series of successive Blaze Kicks.

Korrina commands Lucario to use Metal Sound, which allows it to run up for a Power-Up Punch. Just as it seems the move is working, Blaziken sends Lucario to the ground with a Flamethrower.

"What a Flamethrower... Lucario is weak to Fire Type as well..." David says. "It's so strong."

As Korrina runs for the downed Lucario, her souvenir photo falls from her pocket and burns in Blaziken's flames. She falls to the ground. Blaziken grabs Lucario by the head and throws it against the wall, where it falls to the water below.

"I can't watch... we have to stop this." Serena says.

"We can't." I say. "Korrina said this is her battle. We've gotta stay out of it. Isn't that true? You won't give up, right?"

Korrina gets back up and says, "That's right, we'll never give up!" She commands it to use Power-Up Punch, and Lucario attacks Blaziken. Blaziken dodges Lucario's successive punches, but Lucario finally pins its opponent down with a Bone Rush.

Just when Lucario is about to finish Blaziken off with another Power-Up Punch, a voice commands them to stop. Korrina gasps as he sees the man, "Grandfather!"

"That's your grandfather?" We are shocked, and the man says, "Yes. They call me the Mega Evolution guru. I'm Gurkinn."

"Mega Evolution Guru? And he's Korrina's grandfather as well? So what is he doing here anyway?" Elline asks.

It turns out that Blaziken is actually Gurkinn's Pokemon, and he says, "I knew that you would complete your training and make it here successfully. So, I thought I'd give you this final trial myself. And you overcame it beautifully as I knew you would. You passed this final test with flying colors! Well done, Korrina dear. And you as well, Lucario."

Then Korrina takes the Lucarionite, and then we go back to Geosenge Town, where we find Mr. McGinty, who promises to print another picture for Korrina. We are surprised to find out that McGinty knows Gurkinn, who admits that Gurkinn enlisted him to help with the final trial.

After Lucario manages to Mega Evolve, we are in awe at how it looks. I am now excited to get my own Lucarionite. I say, "If that's the case, Korrina. Let's have a battle. It'll be like a preview of our Shalour Gym battle."

"Putting our skills to the test? Yup. I'm in." Korrina says.

I decide to go with Charla in the battle, and I say, "You're not the only one who can Mega Evolve. Charla! Let's do this!"

I press the Key Stone, and Charla Mega Evolves into its Mega Y form, and it roars and the sun is shining brightly. Bonnie says, "It's getting so hot all of a sudden..."

"Mega Charizard Y's ability is Drought, which is a Sunny Day before the battle even started." Gurkinn says. "This might be interesting."

Lucario tries to go with Bone Rush, but I know that Ground moves aren't going to affect Lucario, so it goes for Wing Attack to slap the Bone Rush away, but the power almost breaks the mountain in the process.

"That's some power..." Korrine gasps.

Charla is also surprised at the power as well, then it goes for Flare Blitz, but the attack is hit back by the Power Up Punch. Just then, I notice that Lucario's eyes are glowing red and it increases the aggressiveness. Charla has been struggling to keep up the speed, and Lucario seems to be attacking on its own without Korrina's command.

"Charla! Dragon Claw!" I yell, but Lucario doesn't seem fazed as it goes for Power Up Punch, before grabbing Charla on its wings and bite on her, causing her to roar in pain.

"Lucario is acting strangely... is it because of the Mega Evolution?" Clemont asks.

"Hey, Lucario! Stop!" Korrina yells, but Lucario doesn't seem to want to stop. "That's no way to act in a battle!"

"Charla!" I try to rush in front of Charla, but before Lucario is about to attack us, Gurkinn helps by using his own Lucario to stop him instead.

"Korrina, Lucario. Enough." He says.

Lucario finally passes out and reverts back to its normal form. Gurkinn takes the Lucarionite and has McGinty make it into an armband.

We bring the Pokemon to the Pokemon Center, and after we get there, Charla is feeling better now, while Lucario has to wait just a bit longer. Gurkinn says, "The power of Mega Evolution can be too much to handle at first."

Then Korrina apologizes to us about what happened to Lucario, and I ask, "You know... this doesn't seem to happen to me when I first had my Mega Evolution with Steelix..."

Gurkinn says, "That battle you had with Ash earlier was hardly worthy of praise. Each Pokemon reacts to Mega Evolution in a different way, so you said that you have a Mega Steelix as well?"

"In fact, I had a bunch of Mega Evolutions when I was traveling in Hoenn. None of them seem to have happened the same as Lucario..." I say. "I wonder what was happening with Lucario..."

"I need to find out. When Lucario refused to listen to me, it felt so strange." Korrina says.

"It could mean the power of Mega Evolution is simply too strong for your Lucario to handle. It's believed the strength of Lucario's aura is heightened to its limit when it Mega Evolves. During the battle, every nerve in its body is concentrating on battling, so it's unable to think about anything else. That's why its heightened aura awakens its battling instincts so strongly."

"You're right. That instinct totally took over." Korrina says.

"It's not unheard of when a Mega Evolved Pokemon loses control during a battle." McGinty says.

"So that means Korrina needs to figure out how to control that." I say.

"That's right, and it's a power she must make her own as the Shalour Gym Leader."

Just then, Lucario returns, healed and back to its old self. Korrina gives it the armband holding the Lucarionite.

"Korrina. Please come with me. I think we should have a battle." Gurkinn says.

"Wow, have a battle with you! It's been so long!" Korrina cheers. "Now, let's master Mega Evolution this time for sure."

"It appears you don't understand what Mega Evolution is really about." Gurkinn says. "Come outside."

Before beginning to battle, both trainers Mega Evolve their Lucario. Korrina begins with Power-Up Punch, which Gurkinn's Lucario blocks with its Aura. Gurkinn follows up with Bone Rush, and Korrina mimics the attack, the two Lucario engaging in close combat. Though Korrina gains an early lead, her Lucario is unable to deflect Gurkinn's Lucario's Aura Sphere. When Korrina's Lucario gets back to its feet, it once again has its dangerous look. Korrina attempts to get Lucario to power up using Swords Dance, but Lucario neglects to obey instead and heads for a Power-Up Punch, which Gurkinn's Lucario dodges with its superior Aura. Lucario continues to disobey Korrina's orders and is knocked out by another Aura Sphere.

Gurkinn says, "I'm afraid the only ones to blame for the lack of change are you two. Now Lucario. The reason you're consumed by your aura is because of your overconfidence with regard to your power. Attacking excessively without Korrina's command is nothing short of arrogant. And Korrina, because you allow Lucario to do just that, it shows you don't truly understand it. The way things are now becoming stronger is impossible. You two have spent too much time together. And because you believe you truly understand each other, you have unfortunately neglected the training that would make you stronger. It's this sort of immature behavior that's unbecoming of the Shalour Gym Leader."

"I don't get this. I don't get this at all. We've battled so much." Korrina mutters.

"Why, you fool!" Gurkinn outbursts, and he says, "I order you to go on another training journey. There's a trainer who has guided me since I was young and lives near great Kalos Canyon. Even though the Trainer's passed away, her son lives there and his partner is also a Mega-Evolved Pokemon. I'm certain they'll teach you what you need to be able to see beyond the surface of Mega Evolution!"

"Great Kalos Canyon... that's also near our Flying Manor..." I say.

"You're right. Maybe we can stop by and see who that trainer is." Then we bid farewell to Gurkinn and McGinty as we head to Route 11.

Here is a new chapter, and now Korrina has to master the Mega Evolution with Lucario. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the Flying Manor.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Vivillon x20, Litleo, Flabebe (Rainbow), Skiddo, Pancham, Furfrou, Espurr x2, Honedge, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Inkay, Binacle, Clauncher, Helioptile, Tyrunt, Amarua, Hawlucha

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