Chapter 23

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In Route 11, which is known as Miroir Way, we manage to capture ourselves a Dedenee, which has been friends with Bonnie's Dedenne, and while we're training our Chespin also evolves into a Quilladin, though Eevee still doesn't like him while she prefers to be with Pikachu.

Quilladin: The Spiny Armor Pokemon: Evolve from Chespin at LV:16. They strengthen their lower bodies by running into one another. They are very kind and won't start fights.

Dedenne: The Antenna Pokemon: Electric and Fairy Type. Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and receiving electrical waves, it can communicate with others over vast distances.

With Chespin being the first to evolve, Froakie and Fennekin also want to evolve as well, so they've also done some training. But it is then we find Sanpei floating in the river with a poisoned Greninja. We rush to save him, and after he wakes up, he mutters, "Ash... That's right! Where's Greninja?"

"Don't worry, he's fine. We gave him a Pecha Berry." I say.

After they are healed, he says, "Thanks, guys. You saved us. I'm so grateful."

"No problem." I say.

"Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen you guys." Sanpei says. "So is everybody doing well?"

"We are. So how was Greninja poisoned in the first place?" David asks.

"Yeah, what could've happened?" Serena asks.

It is then we hear a voice, "There you are! Ninja Water Spout!" Just then, a ninja appears with a Shiftry mask and a Barbaracle by his side.

"Hey, what's going on?" Elline asks.

"There they are. Those two were the ones who attacked us." Sanpei says.

"Indeed. And very soon, the secret scroll will be mine. Barbaracle, Razor Shell!" Barbaracle attacks by using Razor Shell, but is countered by Froakie's Cut. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt on Barbaracle, which is not even affected, much to our surprise.

"I have no idea what's going on, but it can't be good. We need to get out of here!" David says.

"Alright. Ninja Leaf Shroud!" Then we escape the enemy ninja and the Barbaracle.

Later, Sanpei tells us that his instructor Saizo had given him a secret scroll that was to be delivered to a Safe House before sunset; he was ambushed by the ninja soon after he left. During the ambush, Barbaracle and Greninja had a battle and Greninja got poisoned by Barbaracle's Poison Jab.

"I have no idea who the masked ninja is. And why he's after the secret scroll? I don't know either. Now, it's getting late. I'd better be on my way." Sanpei says.

"On your way? Then we should also go with you." I say.

"I appreciate the thought, but we were given the mission." Sanpei says. "We can do this ourselves."

"What do you mean? We can't leave our friend in danger." Serena says.

"Not to mention there's strength in numbers, don't forget." Elline says.

"You guys... Okay, you can come. But promise me, if things go wrong, you'll take care of yourselves first. Can you guys give me your word on that?"

"Promise. Alright, let's go!" I say.

Clemont suggests that we have to distract Sanpei's pursuers, and we know that he just wants to invent another machine that might be broken again, but we let him do it as we continue moving.

Then Sanpei takes out the map and says, "This is where we are, and this is where the manor is..."

"That means we have to wind around this way..." Clemont says while pointing at a long road.

"But if we do that, then there's no way we'll be able to get there before the sun goes down." Sanpei says.

"And then, you won't deliver the secret scroll on time. Now what?" Serena asks.

"We could fly. Of course we don't know how. Right?" Bonnie asks.

"Are there any shortcuts?" I ask.

"There's one, but we can't. I'd worry about all of you." Sanpei says. "I don't want to take the risk."

We assure him that we can handle it, so we decide to start by taking the narrow bridge. While passing through the bridge, the bridge breaks and Clemont falls along with Serena. Clemont is saved by Froakie's frubbles while Serena is saved by Greninja's tongue.

We continue our way through a tunnel that would lead us toward the Safe House. Several Golbat starts to attack them. Greninja uses Smokescreen to distract Golbat. But after we go outside, we find that Clemont, Bonnie, Elline, and David are missing.

"Guys?" When we try to go in, the masked ninja appears once more. "Hand over the sacred scroll at once."

"We're not handing over anything!" Serena says.

"Hold on. Leave this to me and go find everyone else." Sanpei says.

"No, we're not leaving you alone." I say. "We can win this battle if we do it as a team. Let's hurry up and beat them, then go and find the others."

Froakie and Greninja start the battle using Double Team and surround Barbaracle. We command Froakie and Greninja to use Water Pulse and Water Shuriken respectively. But Barbaracle dodges, causing Water Pulse to hit Greninja and Water Shuriken to hit Froakie.

Serena commands Pikachu to use Electro Ball, but it is countered by Razor Shell. Barbaracle uses Poison Jab, but Greninja dodges it. Froakie uses Double Team, followed by Cut, along with Pikachu's Iron Tail. Barbaracle smudges them all using Mud-Slap, negating the attacks. Froakie is slammed underneath the rock while Pikachu and Greninja have mud on their faces.

"I'd say this is over. Barbaracle, Poison Jab!" Barbaracle uses Poison Jab, intending to finish Greninja. Froakie, who is beneath a rock, sees that and evolves into a Frogadier, taking the hit.

"Froakie! You just evolved!" I gasp.

Froagadier: The Bubble Frog Pokemon: Water Type. Evolve from Froakie at LV:16. It can throw bubble-covered pebbles with precise control, hitting empty cans up to a hundred feet away.

Barbaracle uses Razor Shell, which Frogadier counters with Cut. Barbaracle uses Poison Jab, though gets attacked by Frogadier's Aerial Ace.

"Alright then. Time for Ninja Leaf Shroud." Just then, the masked ninja is gone, and we hear the voice, "Alright, now go to the manor. There, you'll discover the whereabouts of your friends."

Sanpei says, "Alright. Let's go to the manor."

"But wait. What if it's a trap?" Serena asks.

"It just might be a trap. But that's all we have to work with right now. I say we have to go."

We come to the Safe House and are shocked to see that everyone is safe. The masked ninja appears and decides to take off his mask, revealing himself to be Sanpei's master Saizo. Saizo tells us that he was the one who took them because he did not want to involve Sanpei's friends in this. Saizo also wanted to drag Serena and me out of it but couldn't find us.

"A Frogadier... Is that who I think it is?" Elline asks.

"Of course. Your Froakie must have evolved!" Clemont says.

"Oh, I want to see that, I know. You can go back to being Froakie. Then I can watch you evolve, too!" Bonnie says.

"Bonnie... that's not really how it works..." Clemont mutters. Frogadier then rubs his head, not knowing what to do. And after that, seeing that the mission is done, I decide to have a battle with Sanpei.

Now that Froakie has also evolved, Fennekin also wants to evolve, so we decide to do some contest training with Fennekin and Pancham. However, during the practice, Pancham's tail catches fire and now he's angrily yelling at Pancham.

"Now stop fighting, both of you! It was nobody's fault!" Serena says. "Our timing was off, so let's try it once more, okay?"

However after we try the move again, this time Pancham crashes into Fennekin. Those two are fighting again, and we try to stop them, but it is no use. Serena is getting mad and she yells, "I've had enough! Can you please take this seriously?"

Everyone winces at the outburst I hug Serena from behind, "Okay, now, calm down. So you two both know what you did wrong, don't you?"

Both Pokemon lower their heads, but it seems that some of our Pokemon are scared at Serena's outburst, especially Eevee who has been hiding behind Pikachu this whole time. Serena feels bad and frowns, "I think I need to go and take a little walk. I wanna think things over alone."

That's when Serena runs off, I yell, "Serena, wait!"

Our Pokemon are also sad after Serena leaves, some of our Pokemon don't even have the appetite to have lunch. I say, "Don't worry. I know Serena and she'll be back with no time."

"Yup, he's right. And when Serena gets back here, if she finds out you didn't eat anything, she'll get really worried." Elline says.

Then our Pokemon finally decides to eat, and after a while, we finally find Serena coming back, and she says, "Hi, everyone. I'm back."

"Come on, you guys. No time like the present." I say to our Pokemon. "All of us have been worried about you and they feel bad about what happened."

"Don't feel bad. I messed up. I'm sorry." Serena says. "Being away made me realize something, all of you and Ash are my precious partners."

"I'm so happy that you guys made up." Bonnie says.

"So they are your partners, Serena?" When we turn around, we are shocked to find that it is no other than the Kalos Queen in disguise. "You've got such a good connection."

"A-Aria?" I gasp, and the other four are surprised.

Serena says, "I was surprised as well, I met her in town."

Aria says, "Just call me Ariana when we're in public, I mean, I don't like fans who try to pursue me in my private life. I've always wanted to meet you, Ash. Even though we've already met since you're also Scarlet."

"I know." I say, "Though Scarlet and I are now separated because she aims to take your title as the Kalos Queen, and also some girl kinds of stuff."

"So you already know that Ash is an Arceus?" Clemont asks.

"Our grandma introduced her to us a few years ago when she was crowned the Kalos Queen." David says.

"Hey, Serena. Wanna have a Double Battle against me?" Aria asks. "You might learn a lot by battling with your Pokemon now. And I think it would be a lot of fun."

"That sounds like a great idea to me. You can show her what an awesome team you can be." I say.

"I think you're right. I'll give it a shot!" Then Serena decides to use Pancham and Fennekin, while Aria goes for Aromatisse and Delphox, which are two of the Pokemon that are famous in showcases.

During the battle, Serena is at first unable to overcome her opponent's beautiful and effective combinations.

"Now the performance is getting started." Aria says. "You have to work together. The cooperation between trainer and Pokemon and between Pokemon themselves is important in a Double Battle."

"Of course I know that, I've been a trainer for five years!" Serena says, "I know that we can't win if we work together. Fennekin, Pancham, you hear me?"

The two nod as Serena begins a new combination with Stone Edge and Flamethrower that helps her begin to turn the battle around. When Aria counters with her own Flamethrower and hurts Fennekin, Serena says, "Don't worry, I truly believe in you two. After all, you're the greatest partners in the whole world!"

It is then Fennekin starts to evolve into a Braixen, much to our delight.

Braixen: The Fox Pokemon: Evolve from Fennekin at LV:16. When the twig is plucked from its tail, friction sets the twig alight. The flame is used to send signals to its allies.

"You see? Your Pokemon answered your heartfelt call. Just like I said. Your two hearts became one!" Aria smiles.

However, the match in the end is stopped because Aria is called by her manager to leave. Aria also promises to see Serena on stage, and she agrees.

Here is a new chapter, and this marks the chapters where Fennekin and Froakie evolve, Chespin also evolves as well. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter might be the movie.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Quilladin, Braixen, Frogadier, Bunnelby, Fletchinder, Vivillon x20, Litleo, Flabebe (Rainbow), Skiddo, Pancham, Furfrou, Espurr x2, Honedge, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Inkay, Binacle, Clauncher, Helioptile, Tyrunt, Amarua, Hawlucha, Dedenne

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