Chapter 25

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Once we arrive in front of Reflection Cave, we get a call from Professor Sycamore from the Holo Caster. "Hello there! Looks like you've almost made it to Shalour City! That's fantastic! It looks like your journey with your Pokemon around the Kalos region is going swimmingly! I wanted to tell you about a person in Shalour City who knows a great deal about Mega Evolution. People call him the Mega Evolution guru. I've told everyone else about him, so if you have a second, you should give him a visit!"

After the clip ends, Bonnie asks, "Is this it?"

"Uh-huh, that's the cave!" Serena says.

"That place? Is there something out of the ordinary inside?" Clemont asks.

"I'm not saying a thing. You'll see it for yourself." Serena says as we all head inside.

Much to our surprise, we notice a lot of crystals and mirrors in the cave. Bonnie says, "Wow! These crystals are like big mirrors."

"Woah! Incredible! These aren't normal, run-of-the-mill crystals. Their highly reflective surfaces really do act just like a mirror does." Clemont says.

"They're so great. They're the perfect way to make certain you're looking your very best." Elline says. "Like a full-length mirror!"

David says, "Not to mention the Pokemon living here... most of them are Psychic Type."

We notice some Woobat, Solosis, Wobbufet, and Mr. Mime passing, and I say, "You're right. And it keeps going down here!"

As we continue moving, Bonnie jumps and Elline asks, "What's wrong?"

"I... I think I saw something in the mirror..." Bonnie says. "It was flying around, like a dragon!"

"Dragon?" Clemont asks, and I notice that in the mirror, a Giratina is floating past us. I say, "I see... it brings back memories of when we're in Sinnoh..."

"What are you talking about, Ash?" David asks.

"Like Bonnie said, there is probably a ghost inside of the mirror, waiting for you to get dragged in." This causes Clemont to jump with a terrified tone. Serena says, "Seriously? Are you saying that because you just want to scare Clemont?"

"Kinda." I chuckle. "Okay, Gina. You can come out now, we've already seen you."

Just then, the mirror in front of us glows, and a girl just comes out. "There's no fun if you're not that scared at all."

"And whose fault is it to make us immune to that?" I ask before saying, "Good to see you again."

Bonnie then rushes forward and says, "You are a keeper, please take care of my brother!"

Clemont then uses his Aipom Arm to grab her away, Gina asks, "What is that about, a female Brock?"

"Well, they are Clemont and Bonnie. You see, Clemont is the Gym leader of Lumiose City, and Bonnie's his sister. Both of them are traveling with us." Elline says.

"I see. The reason why I'm here is because Dad told me about what happened to your Frogadier." Gina says.

I decide to show her the Frogadier, and she says, "Fascinating... so you're saying that the Oblivion Wing hits Frogadier, instead of turning into a stone or getting killed, it turns into a shiny Pokemon..."

"And that is really strange. Do you know the reason behind this?" Serena asks.

"I know that Frogadier has an ability known as Protean, it changes Frogadier's typing before the move that it is about to use." Gina says, "But this is really a rare case. So where did you get this Frogadier in the first place?"

"We found it in Lumiose City, and according to Professor Sycamore, it used to have a lot of trainers before." David says. "I wonder if one of the trainers has done such a thing..."

"Maybe... I was also wondering if Team Flare has a hand in this as well." This causes us to tense up, and I say, "It might be possible."

Then Gina decides to continue investigating Team Flare, and before we leave, she also gives us the Mega Stone for Alakazam. "Alakazamite..."

"So what is Mega Alakazam's ability?" Bonnie asks.

"That will be Trace, it can copy the opponent's ability." Clemont says as we leave the cave.

We finally arrive at Shalour City, and after our Pokemon are fine, we decide to visit the Tower of Mastery, but we find that it is surrounded by water.

"How do we get there? I don't see any sort of bridge." Clemont says.

"What about a Pokemon that is able to use Surf?" Elline asks.

"Those who seek power, show your heart and the path shall reveal itself." Just then, we are happy to see Korrina and Lucario.

"Good to see you again, Korrina." Serena says.

"Good to see you too. Welcome to Shalour City! I figured you'd be showing up soon, so I've been waiting for you. I've been training hard since I last saw you and I've beaten every challenger." Korrina says.

"So that means you've won all your battles." Elline says.

"That's amazing. But soon, I'm going to beat you and your Mega Lucario so that I can win my third Kalos Gym Badge." I say, but what Korrina says surprises me, "Sorry, Ash. But this time Lucario wants to sit down in your gym battle with you."

"Eh? What do you mean? Why can't he battle?" Serena asks.

Korrina says, "Well, it was Grandpa's idea. I'm not fully sure about it as well." Then she decides to leave as she is going to do an errand for her grandfather.

After we train until sunset, the path finally shows itself and we are surprised about the path appearing. And just before we can go there, we find Trevor and Tierno. "Trevor! Tierno!"

"Ash! Guys!" As they rush to us, Trevor says, "Let's compare our Coastal Kalos Pokédexes and see who has seen more kinds of Pokémon! To put it another way, I'm challenging you to my own kind of Pokémon battle."

Is he serious? With the addition of Carbink, my Coastal Kalos Pokedex is already finished. Trevor says, "I lost! How frustrating! Oh! So you've seen Kangaskhan, too? Just knowing about the same Pokémon as someone else can sure make you happy!"

Tierno says, "Get this! I've found some great Pokémon dancers!"

"Oh yes, I just remembered. The professor told us to say hello to the Mega Evolution Guru when we reached Shalour City..."

"That's right! He did say that! Ummm... Who were we supposed to say hello to again?" Tierno asks.

"A person called the Mega Evolution guru." Trevor sighs.

"Oh, that's right! He did say that! Well, I guess we should look for the Mega Evolution guru, then! Where do you think he is anyway?" Tierno asks.

"I heard he's in that imposing building deep in the city - the Tower of Mastery." Trevor replies.

We all head there, and Tierno says, "Guys, check this out!"

"What? A new dance?" Elline asks. But he's showing us an Intriguing Stone.

"Isn't this stone cool? I got it from this person called the Wandering Stone Collector for showing off my dance moves! It might be a Mega Stone! Here, Serena, you can have it!"

Is he trying to hit on Serena, I can say that she's sweatdropping and says, "Are you sure about this?"

"I want you to have it, 'cause you're such a great Trainer and all... I still remember our battle on Route 5." Then Tierno looks up, "That's the Tower of Mastery? Sooo cool!"

"I have to agree with that." David says.

After entering the Tower of Mastery, we find Korrina and Gurkinn waiting for us. "How are you sir? Nice to see you again."

"I'm glad you made it." Gurkinn says as he notices Trevor and Tierno. "People call me the Mega Evolution guru!"

"Uh, my name is Tierno." "My name is Trevor."

"Pleased to meet you, Sycamore's pupils! But there are still two missing, huh?" Gurkinn asks. It is then he notices the Intriguing Stone on Serena's hand. "What's this, now? Were you the one who found that Intriguing Stone?"

"Well, I..." Serena says. Tierno says, "What?! Uh, it was you who found it, RIGHT, Serena?"

"Well, who found it doesn't really matter. What's important is that you were honest. If you tell lies, the truth is clouded and eventually lost... And while we're being honest, that Intriguing Stone is just an ordinary rock."

Just then, we hear a commotion outside, and Gurkinn asks, "Hm? Sure a lot of hubbub out there. Does that mean everyone has arrived?"

Korrina says, "Well, we should go see what's going on, too!"

After we get outside, we find that Calem and Shauna are also there. After the greeting, Gurkinn says, "Hmm! Looks like everyone is finally here."

"It feels like it's been some time since our whole group has been gathered in one place." Trevor says.

"Yeah, I think it's been since we met up on Route 7. Mr. Mega Evolution Guru... I've been wondering this whole time. Who is that over there?"

"This is my granddaughter Korrina. She's Shalour City's Gym Leader. So, Sycamore's pupils. Now that you're all here... I suppose I should explain Mega Evolution to you. I assume you all know about Pokémon Evolution?"

Shauna says, "I know! I know! Um... You have your Pokémon battle a lot, and then they grow stronger and evolve! Oh, and there are Pokémon that evolve with certain items. "

"Some Pokémon evolve through friendship, and others only evolve in certain places." Calem says.

"Exactly! And it's likely that Pokémon evolve in a lot of other ways as well! But Mega Evolution is an Evolution that transcends all other Evolution!" Korrina says.

"Indeed! Mega Evolution is a transformation of Pokémon that were thought to be unable to evolve any further! It's a whole new level of power!" Gurkinn says.

"So in an Evolutionary line like Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard... Does that mean Charizard would be able to evolve even further?" Trevor asks.

"You're right! But not all Pokémon have a Mega Evolution." I say.

"There's a reason why I used the word "transformation" a moment ago. Mega Evolution differs from Evolution because it ends after a certain amount of time. In other words, it's a temporary Evolution." Gurkinn says.

"What?! It evolves, but then it goes back to what it was before?" Shauna gasps.

"Yes... Mega Evolution is a special kind of Evolution. That said, we still know very little about it. What we know now is that it requires special items. And the most important element is the trust between Pokémon and Trainer." Korrina says.

"Trust... In other words, the bond between Trainer and Pokémon!" Calem says.

"To make Mega Evolution work, you need two items: a Mega Stone for the Pokémon and the Mega Ring, which has a mysterious stone set in it, for the Trainer. Since Professor Sycamore entrusted each one of you with a Pokédex, I would like to give these items to all of you... I'd like to share them with you, but..." Gurkinn seems to be apologetic.

"But? But what? Just come out and say it already!" Shauna asks.

"Sorry, but presently, I have only one Mega Ring... It's a very precious item. That's why my research isn't getting anywhere... So, I want all of you to decide among yourselves which one of you will be the one who challenges the Mega Evolution successor."

Serena says, "Well, you can leave me and Ash alone, we already have our own Key Stones."

Elline says, "Us as well."

"I'll Pass. Pokémon battling isn't really my scene. So, Mega Evolution would be way out of my league." Tierno says.

"Me, too! It really would be a cool memory, and it does look interesting..." Shauna adds.

"I want to complete the Pokédex first. If you try to do too much at once, you won't accomplish anything." Trevor says.

"So that leaves Calem, then." Elline says.

"Trainers don't get much better than you, Calem." Tierno says.

"If you say so. Then I'll do it." Calem says.

"Mega Evolution is nothing more than just one way to make Pokémon stronger. There are many Trainers who bring out the strength of their Pokémon without Mega Evolution." Korrina says.

"Well then, Calem! The Mega Ring is yours." Then Calem takes the Mega Ring and put it on his wrist, and the others are cheering for them.

"Ash and Serena, as you know, I have made a surprise for the two of you. But first, you should challenge Korrina, the Gym Leader."

Finally, this is what we're waiting for. I say, "Of course."

"I'll be waiting for you at the Gym! Oh, the rest of your friends should come to challenge me at the Gym, too!" Then she leaves early for the gym. Serena says, "I'll bet the Professor will be happy if you master Mega Evolution. That's one way you can show mastery as a Trainer."

"Thanks, Serena." Calem says.

"Well, that's what the professor wanted us to do, after all! He said we should aim to be the best Trainers we can be and enjoy our journey!" Shauna says.

"Tierno. Shall we work to be the best Trainers we can be, too?" Trevor asks.

"All right then! Let's aim for the top! Hope to see you again soon, guys! See ya, Shaunee!" Then they leave.

"You don't really need to go to all the trouble of comparing—every living creature is unique. But still, having someone to compete against and aim for greater heights with is a very fine thing. " Gurkinn sighs.

"Ash, I think that you and Calem are going to compete against each other and get really strong! I'm so glad we're all traveling together! ♪"

"Yeah." Then we also leave so I can head to the gym for my third gym badge.

Here is a new chapter, and you can see that I cut the Summer Camp because there is nothing new for the stories and they will be meeting in Shalour City in the game so why not? I hope you like this chapter and the next one is the gym battle.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Quilladin, Braixen, Frogadier, Bunnelby, Fletchinder, Vivillon x20, Litleo, Flabebe (Rainbow), Skiddo, Pancham, Furfrou, Espurr x2, Honedge, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Inkay, Binacle, Clauncher, Helioptile, Tyrunt, Amarua, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Yveltal, Diancie

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