Chapter 34

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We finally arrive at Lumiose City, and we meet Shauna there. "Tierno! Serena! Guys! It's so nice to see you here."

"Shauna!" Serena greets and Shauna says, "Wow, you changed your hair! Was it because of the loss?"

"Yeah, I think I want to have a change." Serena says. "So what are you doing here?"

"I was exploring the city. I ran after you like crazy when I spotted you up ahead! Know what? I heard the power's back on here in Lumiose City! Some really bad people were stealing electricity from the Kalos Power Plant... and then somebody came and stopped 'em! No one knows who, but they must be awesome! Who do you think it was?"

"Well, it must be someone who's really strong." Tierno says. "We're here because we're going to the Wallace Cup."

"You mean we get to see the Hoenn Champion Wallace here? That's awesome!" Shauna says. "And get this! They're gonna light the tower tonight! It's Lumiose City's most famous sight!"

"Wow. That's so cool." Elline says.

As we get to the Contest Hall, we also meet up with Zoey, who is also here for the Wallace Cup. She says, "And guess what, I just got a call from Dawn and she'll also be here as well."

"Really? She really doesn't like missing the Wallace Cup." I say with a smile.

"Yeah, how about we go find Wallace?" Serena asks as we all try to find him, and he's at the waterside with his Milotic. After greeting him, we also ask if Reisa will be here, but he apologizes and says that she's not attending because she's in another region with the Contests.

"I see... that's a shame." I say.

"So Ash, do you want a quick rematch?" Wallace asks, and I smile. "Of course."

The battle is Pikachu against his Milotic, and it is a tough battle, but Pikachu still wins in the end. Tierno says, "Wow... Wallace is also strong. As expected from the Champion."

Shauna says, "Yeah. That reminds me, where is Clemont and Bonnie?"

"Oh, they are at the Prism Tower." I say, "Clemont is preparing for a gym battle with me."

"Wait, Clemont's a gym leader?" Shauna gasps.

"Yeah, I was also surprised." Tierno says.

"So this is where you guys are!" We turn to find Dawn, who rushes to us with Piplup. "How are you?"

"Hey, Dawn! Nice to see you again." Zoey says.

"Yeah, what a surprise." David says.

"David and Elline, it's so great to see you two as well. I see it's your turn to travel with Ash?"

"Of course." Elline says.

"And Serena, nice haircut you have there." Dawn says.

"Thanks." Serena says. "Though it was a sad story..."

I decide to tell Dawn about what happened to Serena's first Showcase debut, and she tries to assure her since there was a time she lost two contests in a row in the first round.

Now the Contest has begun, it starts as we're in the Appeal rounds. Zoey is using Gastrodon and uses the water tornado to earn a spot. I use Clauncher and the Pulse attacks with changing colors. Dawn uses Piplup's Bubble Beam and Ice Beam to make the floating ice bubbles. Tierno uses Politoed and combines it with his dancing. All 4 of us get into the battle rounds.

In the quarter-finals, Zoey is facing Tierno. Tierno uses Raichu and Wartortle to battle, and Zoey uses Leafeon and Gallade. During the battle, Shauna says, "She is really good with those two Pokemon."

"Zoey is one of the tough Coordinators that gives me a hard time." I say. "But Tierno has his own dancing style and it is hard to see who will win and who won't."

After the five minutes are over, Zoey is the one who advances to the semi-finals. Tierno says, "Wow, you're really strong."

"Thanks, and your dance moves really shocked me a lot." Zoey replies.

In the semi-finals, I'm facing Dawn. I use Mega Audino and Florges together, creating a shiny fairy show that gives Mamoswine and Lopunny a hard time. And after the match is over, I win with 5 points higher than Dawn.

"Guess I lost this time, Ash." Dawn says.

"Don't worry. You can win next time. I know you are strong, too." I say to her and she smiles.

"Our final round will be the battle between the siblings, Ash Ketchum and Zoey!" The announcer says.

I decide to go with Pikachu and Eevee while Zoey uses Glameow and Braixen, which seems to be her new capture. Zoey has been doing a great job with her new partner, but in the end, I'm still in the lead and I won my fourth ribbon. Wallace gives me my fourth ribbon and he says, "Congratulations, Ash."
"Thanks, Wallace. Now I just need one more for the Kalos Grand Festival."

After that, Tierno, Zoey, and Dawn bid us farewell because they need to train more, and Shauna decides to come with us so we can find Clemont and Bonnie.

"Clemont! Bonnie!" We greet them and we also notice that Clembot is also here. "I'm glad you guys have finally arrived."

"It's a pleasure to see everyone again." Clembot says.

"Wow, is that a robot?" Shauna asks.

"Yeah, Clemont built it." Elline says.

"So how is everything going with you guys?" Bonnie asks.

"It's great. So what do you say? You're ready to let me challenge the Lumiose City Gym?" I ask.

"Yeah, totally ready." Clemont says.

But just before we can get inside, Officer Jenny has arrived and she is here to arrest Clembot, much to our surprise. Security footage shows a robot that looks just like Clembot vandalizing several businesses around the city. That's when we meet up with Alexa again, and she decides to help us and she asks us to see if the computer in the Prism Tower has been hacked, which proves to be right.

The blueprints of Clembot have been copied, and with David's help, the two of them retrace the hackers and find that they're from Lumiose University's Robotic Department, we also find some projects with the electronics store and the Lumiose Museum, with the signature saying Belmondo.

We decide to show them to Officer Jenny, and we learn that there is a researcher at the Lumiose University called Belmondo and the electronics stores have been attacked. So the next target is the Lumiose Museum. So we all head there and make an ambush. It turns out that he is trying to frame Clembot as a criminal because he thinks that Clembot is a failed robot and he has the means to create the best robot. And then they have a battle with Clemont emerging victorious.

"From now on, I suggest you treat your robot and Pokemon with more respect." Clemont says as Officer Jenny arrests them. And that's when we head back to the Prism Tower.

Shauna says, "Good timing! We're still in time to turn on the lights!"

Bonnie says, "Aren't you done yet? Clemont?"

Clemont says, "Not quite... I just have to check on the lighting circuit here."

After checking the circuit, he smiles, "All right! Everything's ready! The future is now, thanks to science! Prism Tower lighting system... ACTIVATE!"

Then we see the whole Prism Tower lightning up, and everyone in Lumiose City is watching in awe. "I think you call this feeling being "entranced," right? Now, I have another great memory with you! "

"Excellent... My Prism Tower lighting system worked brilliantly, just like all my inventions." Clemont says.

"Really? I think it is better than your inventions because it doesn't explode." David says as Clemont winces.

"Yeah. Right, whatever..." Bonnie says.

Shauna says, "Clemont's inventions sure are amazing, right?"

"Yeah, most of the time." Elline says.

"OK! Good luck at the Gym! We'll see you later." Then we bid Shauna farewell and we decide to take a rest back at Clemont's place.

The next day, it is time for us to do the gym battle. Clemont is already on top of the gym waiting for us, and Bonnie is now with us as we enter the gym. The Gym guide says, "What's cookin', good lookin'? My future Champ, back for more! The Pokémon Gym here in Lumiose City is just full up of Electric-type Trainers! You can just feel the buzz, am I right? It's also known as a quiz Gym. You're looking a mite quizzical, friend. You want to know why it's called that? Haha! You'll find the answers inside!"

"Quiz gym again? I wonder how many quiz gyms I really need to go through..." I mutter.

"Then it should be easy for you, Ash." Bonnie says.

Serena says, "So, Ash. What are you going to do then?"

"Go to the straight answer this time." I say.

As we arrive at the second floor, Bonnie says, "Ash, go ahead and step onto that small square a few steps directly ahead of you, would you? You will have to answer my questions if you want to get any farther ahead!"

"Just great." I say as I step forward, and Bonnie says, "Quiz time!"

She gives me a silhouette, and I have to guess who's that Pokemon. The answers are Emolga, Dedenne, or Pikachu. This time I don't want to battle other trainers, so I go to the one with the Pikachu as the answer.

"Let's have a Pokemon battle before we compare answers!" The Schoolboy named Finnian says as he battles us with a Dedenne. I use Diggersby and Mud Shot to defeat it.

"You and your Pokemon have what it takes to the top!" And it seems that I'm right with my answer, and now we get to go to the third floor.

The third floor has another silhouette, and this time the choices are Fletchling, Pidgey, and Taillow. I know that it's Fletchling, so I go to the first one. "Bird Pokemon, hmm. Their silhouettes sure do come in all kinds of different shapes... But you think it's Fletchling, do you? OK, But this is still a Pokemon Gym. It wouldn't seem right if we didn't fight."

The Rising Star Estel uses a Raichu to battle, while I decide to go with Garchomp, using a Draco Meteor to finish her off. "I hope this experience will help you grow even stronger."

Since I know that the answer is right, we head to the fourth floor. This time it is getting harder, because I have to choose from one of the three Elemental Monkeys. I think this one is Panpour. The Ace Trainer blocking me is Rico. "I don't know, kid... You sure about Panpour? You're ready to take responsibility for your own choices, are you?"

Then he goes for Ampharos, so I decide to go with Tyrunt, using the Earthquake to finish the Pokemon off. "That's right! It takes a certain strength to say yes!"

And for the fifth floor, this time there are three silhouettes and Bonnie wants me to find which one is the Vivillon. I know one is Butterfree and the last one is Mothim, so I go to the second one. The final trainer is a Poke Fan Lydie. "Wow, you're seriously going to pick No. 2? Then let's see if you were right!"

She uses a Plusle, and I easily beat it with Zoroark's help. "My oh my - aren't you and your Pokemon just the best of partners?"

"So that's it." Bonnie says as we finally head to the battlefield where Clemont is. And we are surprised to find Meyer also here. "I wanted to see what kind of Gym Leader my boy is. Now Ash, I want you to give my son everything you got! Show me some honest-to-goodness fireworks out there!"

"Right, you bet I will!" I say.

"I appreciate that, Ash. Hold onto your hat, Dad." Clemont says.

"But don't forget, I'm going to win that Lumiose Gym Badge!" I say.

"Don't forget since I left, I've been training, too." Clemont adds. "This won't be a walk in the park! That's one thing you can count on. You'll never forget this battle. And you can count on that, too."

This time it is a four-on-four battle, and Clemont decides to start with Emolga, which is a surprise to me. I say, "Pikachu! I choose you!"

As the battle again, I command Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, and Emolga flies into the air and dodges the attack. "Aerial Ace!"

Emolga charges and Pikachu and does the Aerial Ace, hitting Pikachu time after time. I say, "Pikachu! Iron Tail!"

Pikachu manages to land a hit on Emolga, but Emolga shakes it off and Serena says, "Wow... that Emolga is strong."

"Quick Attack!" I try to attack Emolga with Quick Attack, but much to my surprise, Clemont says, "Use Volt Switch!"

Emolga goes for Volt Switch, hitting Pikachu and then switches into Magneton. "You switched to Magneton?" I ask.

"And here is the Electric Terrain!" The field is now powered up, and it tries to go for Thunderbolt, hitting Pikachu.

"Pikachu, don't give up and use Brick Break!" I yell. Pikachu tries to hit the Magneton with the move, but Magneton is still on with the Sturdy ability.

"Now Mirror Shot!" Clemont says, and the Steel move doesn't seem to do more and in the end, Pikachu finishes Magneton with a Dig attack.

Clemont is sending back Emolga, and I decide to change into Tyrunt, using Rock Tomb slam the attack on Emolga.

"I see you're using a Rock Type. Emolga! Quick Attack!" Emolga manages to attack as I try to have Tyrunt use Crunch. But after Emolga takes damage, I realize that Tyrunt is paralyzed.

"Oh no... it's paralyzed!" David says.

"So Emolga has Static." Elline says.

"This is getting a bit hard... Use Dragon Claw!" I yell, and Clemont says, "Aerial Ace!"

And with both attacks landing each other, the match is a draw in the end.

"Now it's two losses for Clemont and one for Ash..." Elline says.

"Though I feel bad for Emolga." Bonnie says.

"Now there's two more, and things are really gonna heat up!" I say.

"Ash looks like he's having a great time!" Serena says.

"He's been looking forward to this for a long time." David says.

"Here is Pokemon number three! Come on out!" He goes for Heliolisk, and I decide to go with Goodra.

"Aha! Goodra is next." Clemont says.

"It's gotta really strong." I say.

"Now you're going to have to really focus, okay? Heliolisk?" Clemont asks.

Despite Goodra's powerful Dragon Pulse nearly hitting its mark, Heliolisk proves to be extremely agile and takes advantage of that.

"Heliolisk's moving differently than before!" Serena gasps.

"Goodra, I warn you, you can't possibly deal with my Heliolisk's incredible speed!" Clemont says.

Goodra is helpless against Heliolisk's barrage of attacks, culminating in its paralysis with Thunder Wave.

"Goodra! Return!" I decide to return and I think, "To beat Heliolisk, I've got to match speed with speed. Lucario! I choose you!"

I decide to go with my Lucario, Clemont says, "Clever. Now it's a speed battle!"

"And here it goes! Mega Evolve!" I evolve my Lucario, and I have it use Bone Rush, Heliolisk isn't able to use Thunder Wave in time as the attack hits him.

Although Heliolisk begins to overpower Lucario as well with its combinations of Flash and Parabolic Charge, I notice a way to defeat Heliolisk.

"Lucario! I think I found an opening!" I say. "Lure it in!"

When Lucario lures Heliolisk in, I have it use Power-Up Punch when it tries to open its frills, and that causes Heliolisk to be out of battle.

"Hawlucha's strong." I say as the Electric Terrain also ends.

"Now one left and the Electric Terrain is gone..." I say.

"You surprised me. I really thought I had you both on the ropes." Clemont says. "As a gym leader, I thank you. That's a very good thing to remember. Alright, then, Ash! My fourth and last Pokemon is Luxray!

He's having Luxray for last, and I have it use Aura Sphere, but Luxray shakes off the attack and goes for Electric Terrain, which is not good for Lucario. And then it goes for Wild Charge, hitting Lucario and even knocking it out while returning it back to its normal self.

"No way..." I gasp as Clemont just beat a Mega-Evolved Pokemon like that.

I go with Pikachu again, since both Electric types are able to have some advantages on Electric Terrain, and much to my surprise, Luxray has no problem defeating Pikachu as well using Wild Charge after blocking the Swift with Iron Tail.

"Great... now Goodra is my last Pokemon..." I mutter.

"Even Pikachu couldn't win on this electric battlefield. Goodra must still feel that paralysis. We'll just see what happens." Clemont says.

Then I remember Goodra's ability and his movements, and I say, "If that's the case, we'll make the battlefield work for us! Rain Dance!"

The Rain Dance both wipes out the Electric Terrain and, due to Goodra having the Ability Hydration, cures its paralysis. Clemont says, "I'm going to play it by ear!"

Then he has Luxray use Swift, while I use its tail to knock it back. And then I decide to go with Bide, taking more hits from Luxray until the Bide finally finishes it off.

Serena says, "Ash really won the match!"

Bonnie says, "Clemont and his Pokemon battled hard. He's an amazing big brother."

I say, "Clemont, thanks a lot. You made it lots of fun. What a great battle."

Meyer then hugs Clemont and says, "Clemont, that was a terrific battle. I'm so happy to see what a fine young man you've become."

Clemont says, "Well, Ash, we did what we said we'd do. Now, to the victor go the spoils! This Voltage Badge belongs to you!"

I get the Voltage Badge, and he says, "If you have a Voltage Badge, you will be seen as a friend and equal by any Pokémon up to Lv. 70."

Elline says, "Now there are only three more badges left so you can enter the Kalos League."

Meyer says, "So where are you going for your sixth badge?"

When I think about it, I gasp, "Alice's parents and Olympia are the only ones left... If I have to choose one of them..."

Serena says, "How about we go to Laverre City to battle Valerie? I'm sure that Alice will be happy to see you there as well."

Then Clemont and Bonnie are rejoining our team, and we're delighted. But before we head there, we want to explore Lumiose City first.

Here is a new chapter, and starting from this gym, every gym battle will be four-on-four and I will be adding one more Pokemon for each gym. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Eevee, Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Quilladin, Braixen, Frogadier, Diggersby, Fletchinder, Vivillon x20, Litleo, Florges (Rainbow), Skiddo, Pancham, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Honedge, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Inkay, Binacle, Skrelp, Clauncher, Heliolisk, Tyrunt, Amarua (Shiny), Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Yveltal, Diancie

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