Chapter 48

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As we continue to walk on Route 19, also known as Grande Vallée Way, I was trying to train Greninja and in the end, it causes me to wake up really weak the next day. I don't know what's going on, but when I walk to Serena, I just... I just fall into her arms.

"Now's our chance. Now! Now!" I mutter.

"What's wrong?" Serena asks.

"I... I... Iron Tail, Pikachu..." And that's when I pass out again. Then they put me back on the bed until I get the medicine, and I realize that Serena is seemingly in battle against some weird guitarist with a Pikachu. Considering that we share Pokemon, I mean, Serena is doing great against that guitarist with a Pikachu. He then introduces me as Jimmy, at first he wants to battle me but with my state, Serena battles in my stead.

And then at the Pokemon Center, we continue to investigate our powers with Greninja. Clemont says, "Up until now, Greninja has shown changes three times. We also know those changes have occurred only when a battle is taking place. During those battles, Greninja's appearance seems to resemble Ash. I believe that this is most likely deeply related to a psychological element between the two of them. In other words, it's a mental change. And because they have the same responses, how they react and move starts to look alike. As for why Serena is also influenced, I believe it might be because of the similar auras."

"This is just like the thing Olympia told us, right?" Serena asks.

"That might be what Olympia's prediction was referring to!" Clemont says.

"Also, Olympia told you that Greninja was trying to earn your love." Elline says. "So maybe that's the reason for all the changes."

"Sawyer did say Pokemon and Trainers with deep bonds begin to look alike. Maybe that's what could be happening to you!"

Then David and Clemont give us Battle Pulse meters to me and Greninja each, explaining that the device will collect and display changes in brain waves, heart rate, and other data during a battle, as well as measure any changes Greninja experiences and how they are reflected in me. I seem pleased with the device and am excited to test it out in the battle with Clemont.

However, in the battle, there aren't any notable changes in Greninja. I know that considering we don't know how to activate that transformation.

"Maybe there's a piece of critical information we're overlooking." Then I notice Squishy jumping back into Bonnie's bag, and that's when we find Alain approaching us.

"Whenever we meet, you're in the middle of a battle." He says. "Interesting device you're wearing. Clemont made this?"

"Yeah. I mean, you know that we're trying to figure out what's up with Greninja's power!" I say.

"But looks like it won't happen today." Bonnie says.

"Maybe battling yourself might help, Ash?" David asks.

"Sure. I was hoping to battle Greninja again." Alain says.

Then it is time for us to battle Charizard again, Greninja uses Water Shuriken, but it is countered by Dragon Claw, damaging Greninja. Greninja uses Double Team to evade a Flamethrower and then hits Charizard with a Cut.

"Yes, it's only right to use the massive power we possess to face them in battle." Alain Mega Evolves Charizard once more and uses Thunder Punch on Greninja; the Ninja Pokémon retaliates with Aerial Ace, stopping Thunder Punch and slamming Charizard into the ground.

"I'm not seeing any changes yet." Clemont mutters.

Greninja uses Cut but it is blocked by Charizard and Greninja is hit point-blank by Flamethrower; Charizard follows up with Thunder Punch to hit Greninja, who tries to retaliate with Water Shuriken. Charizard dodges though, and lands the hit, sending Greninja to the ground.

"Greninja! You can still battle, right?" Greninja slowly stands up, and I smile, "Yeah! That's the spirit!"

It is then Clemont finds that the synchronization, and now Greninja transforms once more.

"It's started!" Serena says.

I command Greninja to use Cut but Charizard easily dodges it. Charizard uses a Flamethrower which is intercepted by another Cut; an Aerial Ace is countered by a Thunder Punch.

"Oh yes! This... this is what I've been waiting for!" I can see my other self is excited. "I can actually feel the power..."

Greninja uses Cut which is intercepted by Charizard's Dragon Claw. Charizard successfully pushes the Ninja Pokémon back, but not only Serena and I are in pain, we also notice that Alain is also in pain as well.

"Alain, too?" Elline asks.

"Considering Alain is Ash..." David says.

Greninja instantly recovers and hits Charizard with Cut. The attack flings Charizard back for huge damage, showering Alain in dust and dirt. Just then, we feel a mysterious pain, and I don't know what's happening. And that's when I passed out and fell to the ground. Alain and Serena only feel the small pain, but they rush to me and help me.

I then see how Greninja starts to walk away from me, and it is a horrible nightmare. After I wake up, everyone is worried about me. Alain says, "You should take it easy for the rest of the day."

"Sorry, I messed up our battle." I frown. "You know, I couldn't move, no matter what I did."

"Synchronizing to that degree can put a heavy load on a Trainer." Clemont says.

"That doesn't surprise me at all." Alain says. "I've never witnessed that kind of raw power before..."

Then there is a question for me, why I can't move my body? Then I have an idea. "I know, why don't you also challenge the Kalos League?"

Alain says, "I don't know about that, I mean... I'm basically you and you are already doing it."

"But it will be special... I mean if you're facing each other in the final..." Elline says.

Alain is going to consider it, and then he leaves while receiving a video from Mairin, who says that Chespie is actually feeling better.

Almost reaching Snowbelle City, we continue to train with Greninja, and that's when we're approached by my Mom and Diantha. "Mom!" The three of us gasp in surprise.

"Long time no see." Diantha says, and my Mom says, "Looks like we've caught up to you."

"Mom! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"We just heard Olympia's prediction." Diantha says. "So we dropped in to see all of you."

"You mean the two Kalos Crisis? We did stop one back in Geosenge Town when Lysandre's trying to use the Ultimate Weapon to destroy the world." Clemont says.

"And we're grateful for it. But check this out." My mom showed the footage of an island destroyed. It is happening all over the Kalos Region. "So you think this is what Team Flare is planning now..."

"Yes, and we believe that Zygarde is already on the move." Diantha says.

"The second Zygarde... we learn that one of the Zygarde cores has been taken by Team Flare. We have another one on our side." I say.

The two adults frown, and my Mom continues to ask, "That might be the reason... so is there anything happening to you guys?"

Serena says, "Ms. Ketchum. You see... about our Greninja..."

We have to explain to them what happened to Greninja, and Diantha asks, "That really happened?"

"Olympia mentioned it as well." David says.

"So do you think you can show me?" The Champion wants me to battle her, and of course, I'm not the one who will refuse a battle.

The battle starts, with Greninja trying to hit a few hits, with Gardevoir quickly dodging them. Diantha decides to go on the attack with a Shadow Ball and I tell Greninja to use Double Team to dodge the attack. Diantha responds by having Gardevoir use another Shadow Ball sequence to destroy the clones. Greninja uses a Water Shuriken sequence in return, but this is dodged by Gardevoir. Gardevoir uses Moonblast, which is dodged by Greninja who still suffers a hit from the shock wave.

As Greninja recovers, I tell Greninja to use Water Shuriken, which is dodged and creates a vapor cloud. This distracts Gardevoir and obscures its vision, allowing Greninja to finally land a hit with Cut.

"That was a good move." Diantha comments.

"Stronger and stronger!" I say as Greninja starts to transform, much to everyone's shock.

"So this is the one..." My mom says while sweating a little. "I've never seen a Greninja like this before."

Greninja uses Cut, which is blocked by Gardevoir's Shadow Ball but still manages to deal damage. Diantha tells Gardevoir to use Shadow Ball, which is blocked by Greninja's Water Shuriken. Then Greninja goes towards Gardevoir using Cut, which is almost dodged, but Gardevoir takes another hit. When I tell Greninja to use Aerial Ace on Gardevoir, with the pressure against Gardevoir piling on Diantha decides to Mega Evolve it and the attack is blocked.

"It finally Mega Evolved." I say. "This battle is just getting started!"

Then I have Greninja use Water Shuirken, the attack is blocked by Gardevoir's Shadow Ball, so Greninja uses Aerial Ace, which is blocked by Reflect. Greninja uses Double Team and later Cut. Gardevoir tries to Reflect again, but the protection is destroyed by Greninja's attacks.

"Stronger and stronger!" I yell, and the water veil around Greninja lifts and creates a giant Water Shuriken on Greninja's back. Everyone is able to see it clearly with the red and blue markings on the black Greninja. It uses its new Water Shuriken to attack Gardevoir who fires a Shadow Ball to block Greninja's attack, but this fails and Gardevoir is sent flying.

"Greninja! Stronger!" I yell, but then I feel pain and both Greninja and I fall to the floor. "Ash!" My mom and Serena are the ones who rush to me. And when I wake up again, my Mom asks, "Ash, you alright?"

"I'm fine, Mom..." I mutter. "I guess I passed out again. But I'm happy. Today's battle was the greatest ever. We were realy in sync, weren't we?"

Diantha asks, "So what's the plan, Aurora?"

My Mom says, "Clemont gave me a recording, I will take it to Adam and see if he can find out anything about it."

And that's when the helicopter arrives and Diantha has to leave. She says, "About that power of yours. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the prediction. But there's no doubt in my mind that you'll always be able to work with that power only for good. Maybe the next time I see you, it will be at the Kalos League arena."

"Awesome! Now I just need to beat Wulfric, I'll be there for sure." I say.

When we finally arrive at Snowbelle City, we find Eve and Flora at the gym, and Eve says, "I'm sorry to say this, but Dad is actually not in the gym right now."

"Yeah, he and Alice have something to do in the Pokemon Village. But I'm sure he'll be back soon." Flora says.

We nod and that's when we find Sawyer again. Sawyer reveals that he also gets 8 badges already. We decide to have a rematch, but as we continue to battle, I think it is time for me and Greninja to transform, but it doesn't seem to do it.

"It's not happening... how did we do it in the first place?" I ask while looking at my hand, and it is because of that that Greninja is defeated by Sawyer's Sceptile.

"We beat it... we beat Greninja..." Sawyer cheers. "Amazing! Sceptile! We really beat Ash!"

"I can't believe how Sawyer has beaten Ash..." Bonnie says.

I quickly bring Greninja to the Pokemon Center, and that's when Sawyer says, "I need to get my Pokemon all ready to go for the Kalos League. So Bye Ash. I'll be waiting for you."

"Yeah." After we bid farewell to Sawyer, Eve asks, "So what is this transformation all about?"

"Well... it didn't happen today..." Elline frowns.

I stare at Greninja that night and I say, "I'm sorry about today, Greninja... If I had just been stronger... I should've been able to draw out your true power."

Greninja is still facing away from me, and I decide to leave the Pokemon Center. "Ash? Where are you going?" Serena asks.

"I want to be by myself..." I say.

"Out in the cold at this time of night?" Clemont asks.

"It's okay. I'll be back soon. Sorry, guys." I mutter as I leave the Pokemon Center and head to Route 20, also known as Winding Woods.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, the group finally arrives at Snowbelle City, but things aren't going to do well for Ash. What is going to happen next? I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja (Shiny), Diggersby, Talonflame, Vivillon x20, Pyroar, Florges (Rainbow), Gogoat, Pangoro, Furfrou, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Dragalge, Clawitzer, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus (Shiny), Sylveon, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Carbink, Goodra, Klefki, Trevenant, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Noivern, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa

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