Chapter 7

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"Now that the Lumiose City Gym is out of the question for now, what should we do now?" Serena asks.

"Of course, we should go to the Cyllage City for my next Gym badge." I say as we continue to walk. But just as they notice the lab, Serena says, "I have an idea! Since we are here in Lumiose City, why don't we go and visit Professor Sycamore?"

"That's a great idea, Serena." David says.

"Also..." She takes out a box and says, "I baked macarons last night! Let's share them with the Professor."

"Oh boy, I can hardly wait!" Bonnie cheers.

When we meet Sina and Dexio again, Dexio asks, "So, how are you and Fennekin getting along?"

Serena says, "She's doing well. Thanks for asking.

"The more you walk around with your Pokémon, the stronger your friendship will become." Dexio says.

Sina says, "You're here to visit the lab, Professor Sycamore has been waiting for your arrival."

When we enter the building, we find the Professor on the third floor. He says, "So you're all traveling together now, eh? Sounds like a great plan!"

"Thanks." We say. Serena then shows the macarons and says, "I baked delicious macarons for everyone!"

"Such a sweet treat!" Professor Sycamore says.

"How nice. I suggest we have a little tea break with those macarons." Sina says.

"I still have a little work to do, so I'll have mine a bit later." Professor Sycamore then leaves for his work.

After Sina and Dexio prepared the tea, we find that the macarons are missing. It turns out that a Chespin is devouring the macarons.

"I knew it was you, Chespin." Dexio says. "Sneaking around again?"

"A Chespin..." I say. "If you wanted macarons, you should have just said so!"

Chespin is wary about us as it tries to use its pointy spikes to hurt me, but I am not worried as Sina says, "I'm sorry. That Chespin is a bit of a prankster."

When I decide to bring the macarons to Professor Sycamore, we find a boy who is helping him out. I say, "It's Alain."

Serena is confused, "Alain?"

Alain turns to me and he flinches before saying, "It's nice to see you again, Ash."

Professor Sycamore says, "Alain has just returned to the lab to help me. You did say that you're looking for him, right?"

I say, "Yeah, Alain. How about a talk?"

Alain nods and we all head to the top floor. I say, "You see, Serena... Alain is also one of my Double Team, just like N."

"Wait, what? How?" Serena is shocked as she looks at me and Alain. Alain says, "It's a long story, the thing is... After what happened to Team Rocket and how my Mom faked her death, let's say that we split again for another purpose... I'm searching for anything about Team Flare."

"Team Flare..." Serena frowns.

I turn to Alain and say, "Since our minds are linked. Alain still hasn't met the boss of Team Flare yet...and that's why I'm going to make a decision."

I take out Charizard's Pokeball, and I say, "You're tasked to help Alain, is that okay for you?"

Charizard roars in agreement as Alain takes the Pokeball. "Thank you, I will definitely need it."

After Alain leaves, we head back to Professor Sycamore and I tell them how Alain has left for a Pokemon journey. Professor Sycamore says, "I see... That's so like Alain."

Since the macarons are already gone, we decide to lend the kitchen to make a new batch, and at the same time, we notice the Chespin is watching us. We smile as we know how this guy likes to eat macaroons. Once we're done, we decide to share some with Chespin. But when we are back, we find Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, and Calem here.

"So we finally meet." Professor Sycamore says. "Fantastic! You're here! Come this way, won't you?"

"What are you guys doing here?" Serena asks, and Calem says, "Hey, Serena. We're here because the Professor invited us, he wants to see us now that we have our Starter Pokekmon."

Professor Sycamore says, "Many thanks for coming all the way from Vaniville Town! I'm Professor Sycamore! It's a pleasure to finally meet you! How is your Pokémon journey going so far? Have you met many different Pokémon? Fantastic! Let me have a quick look at your Pokédex and see!"

Shauna and Calem show their Rotom Phone and Professor Sycamore says, "Well now, you DO have a certain je ne sais quoi! I have a good feeling about you! At first, I was thinking of choosing only one child from a town when I was deciding who to give a Pokémon to. But then I heard of a child of a Veteran Trainer I knew moving here to the Vaniville Town. Here in the Kalos region, you're far away from everything you used to know... That really hit me right here... Then it hit me-I should give you a Pokémon and have you travel around Kalos!"

Calem says, "I'm honored."

"Now let's all have a Pokemon battle!" Professor Sycamore says, "I want to see the strength of your Pokemon."

Then we decide to watch the battle with Calem and Shauna against Tierno and Trevor. After it's done, Professor Sycamore says, "I think I've about figured it out!"

"Figure what out?" Shauna asks.

"You all are interesting Pokemon Trainers indeed, it'll be fantastic if you take a Pokemon from me."

And then Professor Sycamore sends out Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. I say, "The Starter Pokemon from Kanto!"

"Yeah. Now it is nostalgic." Serena says. "But look! They each have a Mega Stone attached to it!"

"You're right." Clemont says.

"But there are 4 of us and 3 Starter Pokemon only..." Trevor says.

"It's fine, you three can take it." Calem says. "I think it will be better if you have them."

Then in the end, Shauna takes Bulbasaur, Trevor takes Charmander, and Tierno takes Squirtle. Then Professor Sycamore says, "So now that we're all here, I'd like to say a few words. Be the best Trainer you can be! At the same time, remember to have fun traveling with your Pokémon! Also, I want to ask for your help in solving the Kalos region's biggest Pokémon mystery: the secret and potential of Mega Evolution, a new kind of Evolution that occurs in battle! That's why I gave you that Mega Stone just now. It's an important clue!"

"Mega Evolution? What should we do about the Pokedex?" Trevor asks.

"Trevor, my lad, if that's what "best Trainer" means to you, then I want you to go out there and complete that Pokédex!"

"Mega Evolution sounds really interesting!" Shauna says.

"If you're investigating Mega Evolution, why don't you check out Camphrier Town? That town has a lot of history-you might find a hint there! Now listen. If you visit many different places to complete the Pokédex, you will probably see Pokémon with many ways of living and meet people with many ways of thinking. First, accept the ways of living and thinking that sometimes conflict with your own. And think about what's really important-this will truly broaden your horizons."

Serena says, "I feel that being different from others makes us special. Mastering Mega Evolution will definitely set us apart from other trainers!"

"You're right about that." I say.

After the four trainers leave, Professor Sycamore also decide to give us three Mega Stones. "Alain found these three a few days ago. He also asks me to give them to you."

"I see... a Venusaurite, a Charizardite Y, and a Blastoinite." I guess he hasn't found the Charizardite X yet. But I'm sure that Charla can become the Mega Charizard Y.

Before we prepare to leave, we notice that the Chespin wants to come with us, Professor Sycamore says, "It's an amazing thing to watch the likes of you when you're together."

I say, "Is that okay? Would you really let me bring Chespin along with us?"

"Of course. After all, that's what Chespin wants." Professor Sycamore then gives me the Pokeball and now we return the Chespin.

Chespin: The Spiny Nut Pokemon: Grass Type. The quills on its head are usually soft. When it flexes them, the points become so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock.

After we get off the elevator to the first floor, we find Sina talking to a strange orange-haired man. "So, I will be able to meet them soon, then."

"Yes." Sina says as the two of them notice us. "There he is."

I am confused as the man says, "So you're the Chosen one who chose the Froakie. How wonderful."

"Froakie?" I ask with confusion, is he one of the trainers who decided to give up on Froakie because of how he refuses to listen? The man says, "I am Lysandre. I've tried to learn as much about Pokémon as I can to help build a brighter future. Professor Sycamore has taught me so much."

After we introduce ourselves, he says, "That Froakie is a special case. I'm glad that you have managed to bond with it." Then he gives me a Holo Caster, which is something that is popular in Kalos.

"You're giving me this?" I ask.

"Of course. Knowledge is power, after all. Put it to good use. Now listen! It is vital that this world become a better place. And the people and Pokémon chosen to make the world better must work tirelessly to achieve this goal. Well, I'll be off. Please give Professor Sycamore my best. My is for a more beautiful world!"

Then he leaves, and I can feel something serious about him. Sina says, "Still...I wonder what kind of beautiful world Lysandre desires...In this great big Kalos region, there are many different Pokémon. I hope getting a Pokédex gives you a chance to learn about them."

"Yeah... I think we'll be seeing him again very soon." Elline says.

Since it is getting late, we decide to head back to our Normal Manor, and Clemont says, "So this is one of your Manors..."

"Of course, let's go inside." But when we enter the room, we are surprised to see that my Mom and Champion Diantha are there.

"Is that Mom?" Elline asks and it causes shock to both Clemont and Bonnie.

"Wait, Diantha's your mother?" Clemont asks.

"But my question is what is Lysandre doing here?" Serena asks.

"You played a young girl so wonderfully in your debut on the silver screen. Wouldn't you rather remain young and beautiful forever and always play such roles?"

"What a strange question... Why would I want to play the same old roles forever? Youth may be beautiful, but it's not all there is to life. Everything changes. I want to live and change like that, too. So I look forward to playing different roles as I get older." Diantha says.

"You were chosen to be a movie star, correct? Isn't it your duty to be ever beautiful? Everything beautiful should stay that way forever. I would make this world unchanging and eternal so all beauty will last forever. Or I would end the world in an instant so that beauty never fades. I can't stand the thought of the world becoming uglier."

Then they notice us and my Mom says, "Oh, welcome back, Ash, and you guys as well. Lysandre is the head of Lysandre Labs, which created the Holo Caster, a video-messaging device.

"We know, we've met back in Professor Sycamore's lab." I say.

"Then I'm sure you also know Diantha, one of the most accomplished movie stars in Kalos. She moves the multitudes with her excellent acting... Which is to say, she dedicates her life to making other people happy. Oh! If only everyone were like her-what a beautiful world this would be! If you'll excuse me."

After he leaves, Diantha says, "David, Elline. I see that you two are also here."

"It is surprising to see you here, Mom. You see, we're traveling with Ash and Serena now." David says.

"That's great news. Traveling together sounds fun." Diantha smiles, then she turns to Clemont, "Clemont, it's nice to see you again. However, I have heard reports that you will shock the trainers and send them falling through the top of the tower once they lose or don't have 4 badges, care to explain?"

Clemont says, "I am sorry, I built a robot, but I programmed it wrong and it kicked me out of my gym. It was thanks to Ash and his friends that I got my gym back, and David helped me with the reprogramming so that it won't happen again."

Diantha says, "I see. Even though we prefer David to be an actor, but he found his dream with the machines. I'm glad that you're able to help him out."

"Thanks, Mom." David says.

After showing around the house, Clemont and Bonnie are stunned to see how big it is. We then head outside the garden as I greet all of the Pokemon, but the main problem is the Tauros trying to trample over me.

"Not again..." I mutter.

"You have 30 Tauros?" Clemont asks.

"It is much like a mistake made in the Safari Zone." Serena sweatdrops. Then we also meet my other Normal Type Pokemon. Diantha also reveals that she's going to stay a night here with us, much to Elline and David's happiness.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you can see that Lysandre has shown up in front of Ash and his friends. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be something fun and exciting to do.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Scatterbug, Litleo, Flabebe (Rainbow)

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