Chapter 14- Shapeshifter?

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As the three were still trapped at the cage, they couldn't help but wonder if Fang, Ying and Halsey are already making a move. They really need to get out of there.

Boboiboy, who was sitting at the corner, watched the two siblings (Adu du's cousins) eat and laugh horribly. He couldn't help but asked himself on how he had  let this happen.

Yaya looked at Boboiboy worringly. She couldn't help but pity him for his excessive thinking. Actually, he had been sitting there all afternoon.

Yaya gave up on just staring at him so she sat up from her position and went to him. She sat beside him. "Hey Boboiboy. What are you thinking about?" She asked.

Boboiboy sighed and looked at Yaya. "Yaya, I'm so sorry that I had let this happen." Boboiboy said.

Yaya just smiled and hugged him. "Hush... It was not your fault. It was none of our fault. They just came here to get our powers and rule the world. Got it?" She said.

Boboiboy smiled and let go of the hug. "Thanks Yaya. You know, for being here." He said as was just staring at her.

Yaya smiled back, happy that Boboiboy said that to her. "Yeah. No problem."

As they were still looking at each other, their gazes were broken when they heard crying from the other side of their cage. Boboiboy looked at it and it was a girl. A girl trapped just like them.

He nudged at Yaya and Yaya began looking at it too. The two of them were wondering how the girl got inside the cage too without them noticing.

The three of them including Gopal, went to the girl. They wanted to know what's wrong.

"Hey there." Boboiboy greeted.

The girl stopped crying and just looked at them. She didn't greet back. But to Yaya, she thinks that the girl was shy.

"Don't worry, we don't bite. Tell me what's the problem." Yaya said and the girl smiled weakly. "I'm Yaya and this is Gopal and Boboiboy." She added.

The girl wiped her tears away and began talking. "Okay. My name is Mimi and I'm crying because they took my friend away." The poor little girl said. Actually she was younger than the three.

Yaya gestured for Boboiboy and Gopal that she can talk to the girl alone. The two immediately obeyed.

Yaya sat beside the lonely girl. "Don't worry when we get out of here, we are getting your friend back. So what does he or she look like?" Yaya asked curiously.

"Well actually my friend is not a human. He's actually a Power Sphere named absorbot. He's green and has blue eyes." Mimi said.

Yaya widened her eyes for a moment but she told herself to calm down. "What does that power sphere do?" She asked.

"Well if there's a power sphere that gives powers then this is the opposite. Absorbot can absorb and drain one's energy and power. Then the drained power will be stored in a small sphere inside him and it can be used by anyone. That's how I got my shapeshifting powers when we came against a shapeshifter. " Mimi explained. "And if it's gotten in the wrong hands, then the world could be in danger." She added.

"Mimi, I think we have to warn the others." Yaya said and looked at Boboiboy and Gopal who were at the corner playing card games.

Mimi nodded and the two of them went to Boboiboy and Gopal. They had warned them that Adu du had caught a power sphere.

Because of this, everyone became worried. Worried because of the power sphere. But then, Yaya had a great idea.

"Mimi, you said you can shape shift right? What if you use your power to get help?" She asked and the three stared at her strangely. "What I meant is she'll shape-shift into something  then get help." The others nodded in realization.  "Ohh."

Mimi nodded. "Sure. Since you guys helped me, I'll help you too. I'll shape shift into a little hamster."

Yaya grinned. "And if you see three people wearing maroon, yellow and magenta colored clothes, approach them. They are our friends."

Mimi nodded and she suddenly glowed blue. After a second or two, Mimi was gone but the hamster was there.

"I'll be going now." Mimi said in a tiny squeaky voice.

Hey guys, since school starts tomorrow, that means that I won't be updating always. But I'll try to give you an update once to thrice a week. Sound good?

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