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                                                            CHAPTER 14

                      "If you don't try, you forfeit the opportunity."

                                                 ― Frank Sonnenberg

"THANK YOU FOR  your examination," Cesare nodded, his head bent over the marking sheets as he furiously scratched something out with his red pen. Helene walked off the examination floor, avoiding eye contact with either Legion or Cas. They both glared burning holes onto her back as she walked to the end of the line and sat down, waiting for the others to finish their exam.

The time ticked by slowly, every second an agonizing moment. Helene fidgeted where she sat. She had done the right thing, hadn't she? She had done the right thing by shoving him out of her head, right? Shaking her head at the silly thoughts, she leaned forward, watching Cesare clearing his throat and rubbing his jaw, thinking.

"Exams are now officially over." Cesare stood up, his long cloak flowing after him. "Tonight you must prepare for the morning when you all will be leaving for your separate missions. Even though our time in SwynCrest has been cut short, I promise you that when this threat is over, we will make it up to you for your help and hard work. I want all of you to head back to your rooms right after dinner. No lurking around please. Night is for packing and a lot of good sleep."

Waving his hands, he motioned towards the door, the long sleeves of his cloak waving side to side as he did so. Everyone began to make their way out of the room and into hall B. Carry stood outside, sobbing in Mick's shirt. The poor guy looked petrified, not knowing what to do nor how to help her.

"...completely failed that stupid exam. I was supposed to be the best! They-sniff-said it was going to be-sniff-easy! How could they-sniff-lie like that? We're helping them-sniff-those ungrateful brats..." Helene ducked away, ignoring the loud sniffing from Carry and the constant grunts of sympathy from Mick.

"Helene!" a voice called. She pretended not to hear and quickly turned the corner which led to the staircase. Though there were elevators in the castle, Helene preferred the stairs. Elevators always took forever to come and of course, there was that awkward conversation you would have to be ready to have with whoever was inside. She didn't like taking any chances and so stairs it was. Dodging a table set for decoration, she grabbed hold of the door and yanked it open and began to rush up the stairs as fast as she could.

"Helene Seelie Galane. Do not make me repeat myself!" Legion's voice echoed loudly through the staircase.

She kept on climbing towards the fourth floor where her assigned room was. Legion climbed up after her, noisily putting one foot ahead after another. As soon as Helene pushed open the door for the fourth floor and stepped through it, Legion barged in after her.

"Helene, at least tell me what this is about. I was trying to help you!"

Trying to control the bubbling anger inside of her that was begging to be freed, Helene stuck the key for her room inside the lock and twisted it savagely. It opened with a loud click and she slammed it open, taking out some of her anger on to the door. It protested with a small squeaky whine.

Legion entered after her, shutting the door with a small bang. Apparently, he was angry too, by the looks of it.

"Talk," he growled, leaning against the door, acting as if she couldn't get out.

Helene laid down on her bed, stretching like a cat. "What do you want to talk about? About the fact that," she paused and suddenly straightened, sitting up, "you think you helped me cheat, then that would be proving my worth to my parents? Wouldn't that be proving the exact opposite?"

Legion closed his eyes for a brief second. "What do you mean? Who cares? You will pass the exam and make them proud!"

"Excuse me? Don't you even get it?" Helene asked furiously. She couldn't believe the absurd things that were coming out of Legion's mouth.

"Get what? That you would rather fail your exam because you don't want to take my help?" Legion fought back. He pushed himself off the door, taking a step towards her.

"You're not even trying to understand! Don't you see? You are just acting like a high and mighty prince. I'm sorry your Highness, I didn't want you to help me cheat on the exam," Helene replied. In the middle of her angry speech, she had gotten up, glaring at Legion.

"Oh, so now you're pulling the prince card on me again! Just because I am a prince doesn't make me less of a person!"

"No, that's why I am saying the opposite. Apparently being a prince makes you more of a person!"

"Wha-what?" Legion ran a hand through his hair. "What the hell does that even mean?"

"You think that I will take help from you because you are the 'prince?' New flash, I don't give a fuck about your title!" Helene regretted the words that came out of her mouth instantly as she had a flash of her rotting in jail the last time she had bad-mouthed Legion.

But Legion didn't seem to notice. "And I didn't tell you to give a fuck about my title! Why do you always drag my title into things?"

"Be-because!" Helene sputtered. "Because you don't get it, okay?
You always get whatever you want without having to work for it. Me, on the other hand, have to prove myself again and again! And you think that cheating will help me do that? No! I have to be as good as my goddamn marks!"

"So your marks will be good, just like you! Don't you see Helene? You're good, you're amazing! Getting help once in a while doesn't make you bad!"

A jolt went through Helene. Legion thought she was amazing! Helene shook the feeling off. She was mad at Legion but now was not the time to swoon. And even still, he just didn't get it

Helene shrugged. "You know what, it doesn't matter."

They stared each other down for a few moments, waiting for the other to say something. None of them moved. Finally, Helene walked towards the closet and pulled out some clothes, marching straight to the bathroom for a cold bath. Screw that hot water. At least the cold would numb her and make her forget about the whole argument.

"I'm tired and I need a shower. Show yourself out." Without waiting for a reply, she walked into the washroom and shut the door with a bang. As she was undressing, she heard Legion yell in frustration, "Okay! My bad! I'm sorry!" Then there was another loud bang from the door which Legion must have shut as hard as he could before he left.

Helene ignored the familiar pain of hurt as she finished her shower and stepped out, not bothering to dry her hair.

She slept with her cold hair clinging to her sweaty body as she dreamt.


THAT NIGHT SHE DREAMT of the stars disappearing into the dark sky and the monsters eating her raw body as she screamed in agony. She was shackled to the bloody wall, small hooks intruding within it. She screamed as a monster bit into her skin, its teeth sinking deep into her flesh. Her body shook with pain and her voice trembled with every sob that cracked out of her.

Yet, the monster never stopped.

Its slimy tentacles sucked against her skin, slurping the life out of her. Her body shuddered from the sudden cold, and another wisp of cold breeze blew into her face. Helene tried opening her mouth to tell the monsters to stop, but nothing came out. She rasped for some breath, choking on air and saliva.

Darkness threatened to take over and she invited it, hoping the pain would go away, someway or another.

Black spots danced in her vision and the world spun in fast circles. Tilting her head to the right, she threw up, again and again, and again.

And again.

Teeth tore at her skin. Her skin grew anew and the monsters tore it right off. She kicked and wailed, but they never stopped. Her body was getting used to the pain and her screams were getting quieter and quieter as her voice began to leave her. Her voice became a low rasp as she began to gasp for breath.

Was she dying?

She wanted to die.

The pain vibrated inside of her. Mixed with the anger, the pain seemed almost bearable.

Suddenly, the monsters disappeared. The pain stopped. The stars exploded above her.

And Helene woke up with a scream.





Edited. Thank you for reading!

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