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The Alliance scene. Read to find out if they get themselves an army or not!


"They may fight with us, but they don't fight for us."

― Christopher Paoliniate.

BREAKFAST HAD BEEN quick in the suspense of the meeting that was very near. Helene had eaten her food in silence, trying to keep her stomach from the weird feeling of excitement.

What was she truly excited about? The mortals denying help or them making a complete fool of themselves? Every time she thought about the meeting, her heart beat wildly in her chest. What were they going to say?

Helene spent the rest of the morning in the bathtub. She put on some music and gave herself a whole makeover, starting from cleaning her skin, and ending with making her hair. She heard at least ten knocks during her routine and she ignored every one of them.

There wasn't a particular reason why Helene was getting ready. Maybe it was because she wanted to show those mortals? Maybe for someone else?

She picked at her nails and frowned. Should she paint them? If so, what color? Blood red? Black?

Helene went with blood red and swiftly applied them to her nails. She was busy humming away and drying her nails when someone knocked loudly on her door and yelled, "If you don't open this door I will break it!"

Helene rolled her eyes and approached the door, opening the lock and trying not to ruin her nails at the same time. "Come in."

The door smacked open and she had to jump out of the way to avoid getting hit.

Legion was standing on the other side, looking quite pissed. "Now you open the door. What have you been doing this whole entire time we knocked?"

"Who knocked?"

"We all did!" Raylan snapped and walked into her room, his hair combed nicely and his clothes ironed.

"Why does everyone look so good?" Helene muttered.

It seemed as if everyone wanted to get ready for the meeting.

"The meeting starts in ten minutes and Brenna is going to teleport us all there. Are we all prepared for what we have to say?" Legion asked, looking a bit nervous. He had also cleaned himself up really nicely.

She realized she was staring.

Helene cleared her throat and looked at Cas. "Oh, you too? What is up with you all?"

"Is cleaning up nicely a crime?" Ella muttered, her blond hair plaited around her head. "Maybe they'll agree because we look so attractive."

Brenna snorted. "Enough chit chat. Let's go."

She grabbed Helene's hand who grabbed Legions who grabbed Raylans and on and on the chain went.

And then they were outside a brown elegant door, the words 'meeting room' was sprawled beautifully on a bronze plate which was nailed onto the door. Legion stepped forward and he pushed open the door. Being the royalty, he was respected obviously. He was the heir of Belwick and a prince.

Helene followed close after him, ignoring the stubborn look Brenna sent her. She had clearly explained the order they would enter the meeting room and who would say what, but Helene liked to watch her squirm, trying to control herself. It was quite amusing.

The Queen and King were seated before them on a long table. The Queen at one end of the table and the King on the other. Their children sat in a neat row on one side, their hands in their laps and their backs straight. Helene noticed Princess Daenerys at the very end and she caught her staring. Her lips tugged into a small smile and then she looked away.

Everyone stared at each other for a good two minutes before the Queen cleared her throat. "Please, sit down."

Everyone began to take their seats quietly, trying to seem as polite as they could. How else were they supposed to get that alliance? Being nice and acting all goody two shoes was their only ticket to winning that army they so desperately needed.

"Tell us your names." The King asked.

Maybe if you say please. Helene thought to herself.

"I am Legion Blackburn of Belwick, the heir to the throne. This is Brenna Hainez, the Captain of the Guard of SwynCrest. This is Raylan Lonsay and his younger brother Cassius Lonsay. Ella Seelie Galane and her younger sister Helene Seelie Galane. Nice to make your acquaintance Your Majesty."

"Alright, Scar Prince, you have gotten quite a team. I have heard rumors about my western neighbours, ones you may have come because of," said the King, amusement written on his cold features. "Pray tell, little prince, why have you come?"

If Legion had been hurt by the mocking tone, he did an excellent job at hiding it. His face remained calm as Helene sat fuming in her seat. How dare that no good King insult her prince like that?

Your prince? Asked an amused voice, Legion's voice.

Shut up. Helene replied in her head. The stupid King is still waiting for your reply, Scar Prince.

"What rumors, Your Majesty?" Legion asked. He made no acknowledgement of the silent conversation between him and Helene. She had to give it to him, he was a pretty damn good actor.

"Rumors, little prince, which I am asking you to confirm." The King's voice cut through. He was getting impatient.

"Right. I can safely say that you may know about how Belwick and SwynCrest were both attacked by Creatures, led by that demon Asmodeus. We are being overrun, and we need your help," explained Legion.

"Cut right to the chase, hm?" asked the King cruelly. "You have powers that us mere mortals do not, and yet, and yet here you are little scar, beggin for our help. Oh how the mighty have fallen."

"We have never meant to make you feel inferior, we-"

"Enough!" thundered the King, his eyes in razor slits now. "You-you arrogant fool. You think that we are inferior, you idiotic prince!"

"No!" Legion said desperately, his eyes darting. "That is not what I meant, Your Majesty, please-"

"Oh, but did you not?" The King's laugh was not kind. "You have fallen from your grace, Scar Prince, and now you have come to beg to those you have constantly treated like dirt, because there is no other option left. Am I not correct?"

"No, Your Majesty, we have never-" Legion began again. His face was still calm, collected look, but Helene could see his hand shaking underneath the table. Reaching out, Helene pressed her hand against his, holding on to it tightly.

"What he means is," Helene interrupted, ignoring Brenna's glare to be quiet, "is that we need your help and in exchange, you can ask for anything in return."

The King's eyes snapped towards Helene, his glare turning back to cruel amusement. "When your kingdom is being overrun by Creatures, is there much you can offer?"

Helene stood up abruptly, eyeing the King's throne, which was adorned with hundreds of unlit candles. Brenna's eyes widened in alarm as she hissed, "What the hell are you doing?" Helene ignored her, ignored Legion tugging her hand, ignored Cas as he shot her a look, ignored the King's leering gaze and the Queen's cold one, ignored everything except for herself and her fire as she let everything go to flames.

At her command, the hundreds of candles suddenly burst into flame, fire dancing on them, shadowing the throne in soft light. The King jumped back in alarm, his cool facade faltering in that moment and Helene knew she had him, knew as he stared back at her in horror. He quickly recollected himself, slipping the mask back on, but the damage was done.

He was scared.


"That," Helene said quietly. "We can offer you that."

The King looked at her with doubt on his features. "Oh? Perhaps you have forgotten what happened last time Scars offered up their powers to mortals? Perhaps the kingdoms of the Moonhunters and Lightbenders shall give you a wake up call?"

"But it worked, didn't it? Those mortals got powers and they are not quite mortal now, are they?" Helene asked with a smirk. "And anyways, that is not we are offering. We are offering our service, our magical service in exchange for your troops and technology."

"And you, little prince? You will let this little nobody run this agreement when you cannot make things happen?" asked the King, as if he was desperate to try and wrest the control back, the control Helene had successfully disturbed.

Legion let out an amused chuckle. "Oh, but Your Majesty! Perhaps this was our plan all along. She's a pretty toy to play with, no? Who would disagree with her?"

Toy? Really Legion? Helene asked in her head.

Trust me. Legion's voice whispered. He thinks you're a means to an end. He doesn't know how wrong he is.

"Perhaps. Or maybe you really are rusty on your bargaining skills," mused the King.

"Who knows," Legion shrugged nonchalantly. "Do we have a deal?"

The King gave Legion a calculated look and then began to laugh. "Yes, Scar Prince, we have a deal. We ride at dawn. Sleep well." The King got up, and ascended the stairs from his throne, followed by the Queen and his seven heirs, including Daenarys in tow. He walked down the aisle, making his way to the door, his guard entourage beside him. Pausing, he turned around.

"And Prince? Keep a leash on that fiery one. She bites." With a cool wink, the King and his family left the hall, leaving the Scars to breathe a sigh of relief. They had done it.

Or so they thought.


Dun dun duuuuuuun!!

Alright, enough of the dramatics. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!




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