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Epilogue: 14 Years Later

Seohyun tottered on the step of her small country house. She reached out and grabbed the banister to regain her balance, waiting for the world to realign itself.

Goodness gracious. I must be in a bad state if I feel like this after Disapparating.

Seohyun stretched once it no longer felt as though the world was spinning. She took a moment to admire the rolling hills that were the backdrop to her home: the open spaces, the lush green grass. In spring, wildflowers bloomed freely, a beautiful splash of colour. She'd drawn these landscapes and its flowers so many times, for the land never failed to captivate her with its beauty.

Seohyun took in the peace for several moments, mostly to steel herself for the chaos she knew was awaiting her inside. She prayed that her children were too busy packing to get in her hair that day. She was nursing a slight headache as a result from work that day.

Bracing herself, Seohyun opened the door and stepped into the quaint stone entrance hall of her home.

"I'm home!" she called.

Immediately, noise assaulted her ears.

"Mum!" Her ten-year-old daughter's raised voice was the first sound to attack her eardrums. "Scorp stole my iPod!"

She could just imagine Scorpius pouting as his sister screamed her accusations. "Sunhi stole my books first!" he protested.

Seohyun groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Not even a hello.

"Both of you, return the other's property! We're leaving for Korea tomorrow, I need you packed and organised by tonight!"

The two groaned, but Seohyun knew they would comply. She laughed to herself, fondness for her children encompassing her like warmth from the fireplace.

There had been some argument with Draco over what to name the twins before they had been born. Seohyun wanted a Korean name, while Draco wanted to continue his family tradition of naming children after stars. "Not because of my family," he'd said, "But because the stars remind me of you."

Seohyun had blushed furiously at that.

Eventually, they settled on a decision: their first child would be given a Korean name, their second one a star name. It had settled rather quickly when they realised they were having twins.

Seohyun smiled fondly as she recalled holding her children in her arms for the first time, knowing that she and Draco would raise them well, to appreciate both halves of their heritage.

And speak of the devil...

"Are you capable of maintaining order in this household, Draco?" Seohyun demanded her husband, placing both hands on her hips and mock scowling at him.

Draco chuckled lowly in his throat and took her into his arms. "You're the one they're scared of."

Seohyun chuckled – though the smile soon melted off her face when Exo's Lucky One blasted through the house.

"Sunhi!" Seohun bellowed, because only her daughter would blast kpop that loud. "Turn that down!"

"But Mum! It's my favourite song!"

"And it's only making my headache worse! Work was stressful today!"

The music turned down. Seohyn sighed. Normally, she didn't mind her daughter playing her music so loud. Living in England, her children had very limited opportunities to be connected to their Korean heritage. She'd done all she could: she'd taught them how to write and speak in their native language; she cooked Korean food every second night, she taught them Korean history and ensured they observed all of the traditional Korean holidays and followed some Korean traditions. She didn't allow shoes to be worn in the house, for example. At every possible opportunity she took her children to visit Korea for an extended period of time, the minimum being a month.

Seohyun wanted her children be proud that they were half-Korean, and to understand and love that part of their heritage.

So for her to deny Sunhi the ability to fully express part of herself was rare – and it was something that Draco instantly picked up on.

"Hey." He gently cupped her chin and raised her face to meet his eyes, soft and concerned. "Are you okay?"

Seohyun closed her eyes. "Fine. But some people in the International Relations department are stubborn Hippogriffs! They can't agree on anything!"

Draco made a sympathetic face. "Do you need some water?"

"Yes, please."

She followed Draco into the kitchen. Normally, Seohyun enjoyed her work. After the Battle of Hogwarts, she'd worked hard alongside Hermione, her friends, and the Order of the Phoenix to restore stability to England and repair the damage of the war. It had been a gruelling task that lasted several years, though Seohyun had relished in it. She'd been appointed the task of creating a new statue in the Ministry as she'd hoped, and she had designed it with care.

The statue focused on a witch and wizard, one Muggle-born, the other pure blood, standing side by side, on equal level with numerous intelligent magical creatures. She had wanted to make a statement: everyone is equal, she needed to say. They were entering a new era where they wanted to put old prejudices behind and enter a stage of equality and peace.

Her work had been controversial, but many others had embraced it after the long and gruelling war which had divided the people. Seohyun was soon answering to callings to create artwork for offices and corridors that promoted similar messages.

When the rebuilding had finished, Seohyun had found herself at a loss. She hadn't wanted to sit still and do nothing. She'd yearned to return to Korea, yet knew her life there would not be nearly so busy as it would be in England. Things were always calmer over there. Yet, she hadn't wanted to give up that part of her life. It was something she always yearned after - she felt somewhat incomplete without it.

It was Hermione who had the inspired idea that Seohyun join the Department of International Relations. "You can work closely with England and Korea alike," she'd said enthusiastically. "And work to strengthen ties between countries and such, to improve the lives for everyone! If other Ministers agree, you could assist to care international laws and welfare... It's perfect for you, Seohyun!"

And it had been. Seohyun had flourished, and quickly ascended the ranks to become Head of Department. When everyone in her department agreed, they had managed to pass some impressive things. Relations with many countries – including Korea – had strengthened. She'd managed to convince other wizarding leaders that they needed laws to protect those at a disadvantage, and make progress to outlawing prejudice based on blood status. She loved watching the positive impacts of her work and revelled in it.

Of course, she'd never given up her art. On occasion she painted impressive pieces and sold them to anyone interested, should they be wizard or Muggle. She was making quite a name for herself in the quiet art community.

Draco, meanwhile, had surprised everyone and became an Auror. After he'd assisted to track down elusive Death Eaters and distinguish those who had been put under the Imperius curse, he'd joined the elite forces almost as second nature. He worked closely with Harry Potter; old adversaries appeared to have been forgotten or forgiven over time, and they entered a new friendship with each other.

When both were too busy at work, Seohyun would leave her children with friends. Padma was often willing to take them, as was Luna or Terry. Sometimes, even the Weasleys or the Potters were willing to take them for a few hours. Anthony had moved to America temporarily to visit his family that lived over there, and gain some experience with a different wizarding culture.

They'd all moved on to do amazing things since the war's end. Seohyun could only hope she was constructing a better world for her children to grow up in.

She now sat down in a chair, and took a long draught of the water Draco poured for her. She liquid trickled down her parched throat, moistening it. Seohyun closed her eyes and waited for it to combat her headache.

She heard footsteps behind her, and then gentle hands were on her neck, massaging the stiff muscles there. Seohyun sighed in content and relaxed backward, enjoying the sensation.

"Better?" Draco murmured in her ear.


"Mum! Dad! We've finished packing! Can we go outside now?"

Her children raced toward them, speaking rapidly in Korean. They spoke both English and Korean in their home: Seohyun had been teaching Draco ever since the war ended.

Sunhi was slightly taller than Scorpius, and had inherited Seohyun's looks. She was quite lanky, too, with knobbly knees that were often scraped. She had an adventurous spirit and was always getting up to something, which left her with more bruises and scrapes on her skin than the average child.

Scorpius favoured his father in regards to his looks, inheriting his blonde hair and stormy grey eyes. But Seohyun could see herself in the tint of his skin, the shape of his eyes, the small bump on his nose. He was the bookworm of the twins: when they'd venture into the outdoors, he would often just sit down and read while Sunhi ran about. His skin was rather paler than his twin's, since he spent more time in the shade.

Seohyun smiled fondly. "Of course," she responded in the same language. "Be back by dinner!"

The siblings high-fived each other and sprinted into the outdoors.

"Strange to think that next year, they're off to Hogwarts," Draco mused, as they watched their kids run free in the yard.

Seohyun nodded. "They're growing up so fast... But I know they'll be okay. They can take care of each other."

"Don't we know that."

They exchanged a look and laughed.

It was moments like this that Seohyun wanted to freeze, or at least pause until she could whip out her art supplies and capture the moment forever. This was true happiness: with her family, the ones she loved above everyone.

And they'd be okay. Ever since the war ended, things had only been improving. Seohyun could foresee a long and happy future, one of peace and content.

It had been a rocky start for her, when she first arrived in England. But now she could settle down. England would never replace Korea as her home, but she was comfortable here, and content. And she saw Korea at least once every year, anyway, so she was never far from home. She'd be there tomorrow, as a matter of fact.

Yes, Seohyun thought, taking Draco's hand.

She couldn't wish for anything more.

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